We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Just To Let YOU Know! ;-) 31-May-2011

Just To Let YOU Know!  ;-) 31-May-2011

At 14:30hrs. Today 31-May-2011

Miss Lee Rowland 
daughter of Keith & Jean Rowland
of #9, Ployville, Transvaal, South Africa (both sadly deceased)
Greg Lance-Watkins
son of Desmond J. Watkins DFC, CdeG avec palme
Winifred B. Watkins UK (both sadly deceased)

Were married in the presence of a few family members and a number of close friends of many years standing, after almost 26 years together.
 Miss Lee Rowland arrived
Lee makes an entry with Carol
Signing The Registry!

Signed & Sealed!
Doesn't Lee Look Great?
& I still have SOME hair!
A Quiet Moment
Friends & Family
Under New Management!
The Reception
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

#0525* - Letter To The Press re: The Petition for A Referendum

#0525* - Letter To The Press re: The Petition for A Referendum
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Letter To The Press re: The Petition for A Referendum!
YOU could copy the letter for YOUR local Paper!

have YOU written to the press - your MP & your various MEPs?
Put pressure on for EU vote
Many people might not be aware that a cross-party group of MPs and MEPs is organising a campaign urging the Prime Minister to hold a referendum on our membership of the European Union.

The petition is sponsored by Nikki Sinclair MEP.

You might be a strong supporter of the EU or you might feel it should be reformed in some way. You might even feel that Britain should leave altogether.

Any interested person is urged to contact Ms Sinclair via the internet on or by telephoning 0800 157 7916.

This is a matter which is vital to the future of our country. 

Mrs Jordan, 
To view the original letter CLICK HERE
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Monday, 30 May 2011

#0524* - UKIP's puppet Chairman's unprofessional rebuttal

#0524* - UKIP's puppet Chairman's unprofessional rebuttal
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP's puppet Chairman's unprofessional rebuttal!

This is not so much a slow train wreck unfolding but seemingly the deliberate destruction of the entire rail network!

Originally Posted by Steve Crowther
Dear Everyone

It has come to my attention that the Democracy Forum carries a rumour, attributed to a p**ssed MEP, via a furtive but well-informed Brussels employee, that I am a life-long Labour supporter and former card-carrying CND member, who only recently converted to the UKIP cause, and who is currently keeping the party afloat with 'virtual brown envelopes' of money from nefarious sources, probably connected with the Left.

This is not true in any respect. Apart from a brief interlude in John Major's day when I was a paper candidate for the Lib-Dems, my sympathies have always been Conservative. I became a Eurosceptic in 1978 when some bright spark suggested that Greece should join the EU, and it occurred to me that we should all end up as poor as the Greeks.

I do think it will be Labour that will be the first of the three 'main' parties to turn against the EU, but that's just my own pet bit of futurism.

Oh, and I'm not a graduate of Common Purpose, either. That Steve Crowther works in local government in the North. Or may be my twin brother. With the same name. Or is that just what I want you to think? Look out, they're all around you!

Happy days.
Sadly UKIP leadership and its parasites and sycophants are so dishonest, corrupt and untrustworthy as they sqabble like ferrets in a sack and seek self enrichment in blatant disregard of the membership, their supporters and the British peoples that I regret I am unprepared to endorse this statement by Steve Crowther - though as an act of good faith I do pass it on for you to make of it what you will.

I regret that there is one fact of which I am completely certain as displayed by his actions and those of the party of which he is chairman - there is every reason to consider him crass, incompetent and unprofessional.

I do not believe there is a single solitary individual left in UKIP amongts its leadership and the parasites who could reasonably be trusted to tell the time honestly and if there is why have they continued their association with the scum and low lifes who are more readily identifiable.

Frankly just as I published the article to which Steve Crowther alludes with a huge caveat I do the same with Steve Crowther's unprofessional rebuttal - frankly neither side comes out other than befouled with well earned ordure!
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

#0523* - UKIP Squabbles But Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Just Delivers!

#0523* - UKIP Squabbles But Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Just Delivers!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
An Honest Man Would Have 'A Crisis of Confidence' as UKIP Leadership & its parasites Squabble like ferrets in a sack!

Meanwhile Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Just Ploughs On Relentlessly  Delivering what the electorate voted for HER to do!!

whilst UKIP leadership and its parasites squabble like ferrets in a sack in their own very public gutter as they jockey for positions with their snouts nearest to the troughs on the gravy train and Marta Andreasen MEP seeks a way our, it seems, I feel her negotiations have stumbled with The EPP as they have been reading this blog and the links in the >Right SideBar< to the FACTS about Andreasen and have realised the woman is a duplicitous fraud - that is not to gainsay her comments about the odious claque of nere do wells who currently control UKIP.

I gather The EPP and The Spanish center right political parties are having 'A Crisis of Confidence'

Meanwhile Nikki Sinclaire MEP is staying well clear and silent about UKIP's private grief and steady collapse into farce and just getting on with the job she is paid to do and was elected to do as a UKIP MEP - little wonder UKIP's current corrupt and unprofessional leadership and its paid praise singers have wriggled and squirmed, lied and defamed to try to remove this hard working MEP - who actually shows UKIP for the self serving fools they have become.

Taking the Campaign to The House of Commons.

With Austin Mitchell MP
I have always emphasised the cross-party nature of my Campaign for a Referendum on our continued membership of the EU. 
And so I was delighted recently to have the opportunity to meet two of the most respected eurosceptics in the House of Commons, Kate Hoey and Austin Mitchell, both Labour MPs. 
After a nice lunch with Kate, I joined Austin for tea, and we had a very productive talk. 
I look forward to working with both of them in the near future. 
I was also pleased to be introduced by Kate to Phillip Hollobone, Conservative MP for Kettering. He is a supporter of the Better Off Out Campaign, and I was very pleased when he added his name to the list of signatories on my own petition for a referendum.
With Kate Hoey MP

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

#0522* - UKIP Amateur Hour! Watchers Laugh as Genuine Supporters Weep

#0522* - UKIP Amateur Hour! Watchers Laugh as Genuine Supporters Weep
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Amateur Hour Rolls On - Roll Up For The MUD WRESTLING!

Watchers Laugh as Genuine Supporters Weep at the comic tragedy of UKIP's utterly unprofessional and incompetent behaviour!

As the so called leadership and hirelings squabble like ferrets in a sack egged on by their claque of fools and parasites jockeying for position!

You will note that when I published UKIP's amateur hour publication of Nigel Farage's half baked letter of response that I said at the time that UKIP were being not just incompetent but crassly amateur.

Steve Crowther is clearly completely out of his depth and we note, as was shown at the time, that Nigel Farage didn't even bother sending his hireling a copy until after the event - having had one of his other hirelings mail the letter to Marta Andreasen.

Astonishingly as soon as the idiot Steve Crowther received a copy, making up for lost time and no doubt jockeying for position, he couldn't wait and ask someone with some common sense what to do - he published the letter on an open forum.

Yes an open forum! It is clearly open as since it has been active I, and no doubt others, have been forwarded copies of anything seemingly relevant.

Surely, unprofessional and incompetent as UKIP clearly is, they can not imagine that there are not members of their rival parties and members of the media who have not become fully paid up members of UKIP to ensure they get the odd titbit to use as stories in the media - though you will note that UKIP has become so very insignificant nowadays about the only publicity has been taking the mick with crass stories of whose riding the Mare of Ramsey next and even self serving nutters exploiting UKIP's own fruitcake: CLICK HERE

Surely UKIP's crassly amateur and clearly duplicitous leadership and its parasites do not believe that there are no members on the inside track who are not interested in UKIP being cleaned-up and made fit for purpose once again.

Then of course in the corrupt clamour of the claque and even amongst the leadership there are those jockeying for positions with their snouts in the troughs on the gravy train who are all too willing to leak information to better their position. Ask yourself if this might not be the case with Steve Crowther undermining his sponsors position for his own gain with his all to Nooo Labour wrigglings and betrayals.

Naturally Steve Crowther's publishing of Nigel Farage's crassly incompetent letter has led to the inevitable public response:

May 29, 2011 7:35 pm - Posted by Marta in Uncategorized

Dear Nigel,

During the Politics Show last Sunday you stated that I had “not even been to the UK for several months”. You have failed to retract this untrue statement and instead raised further unfounded accusations.

The fact is that I have been and “been seen”- there is public record- in the UK regularly, raising UKIP´s credibility at important events as the voice of opposition.

A search on the Electoral Commission website returns only one donation made by you to the party in the last 10 years. The donation of 1,100 pounds sterling to the South East region was made in March 2009, that is before the last European election.

The code of conduct demanded that MEPs “set up an office in their region, funded from their Parliamentary general allowances”.  However your declaration of financial interests as it appears in the European Parliament website under your name , shows that in fact your office in the South East region is given to you free of rent by a member of the party. Now one wonders where and how you are actually using such allowance.

Contrary to what you state I corrected bookie Mr. Alan Bown about my having an office in Woking when he surprised me back in January in the presence of Mr. Stuart Wheeler with the accusation -which I now realize must have originated from you- that I did not have an office. The fact is that I fund my office – located in an office building in Woking – out of my parliamentary general expense allowance, the address having been registered with the Council, communicated to Head Office and it also appears in my newsletter.

From the above it is clear that it is you and not me the one who has failed to honor the famous code of conduct that we were asked to sign when we stood as candidates for election in 2009. Do you by any chance believe it does not apply to you?

Unfortunately you have decided to put this on the public domain even before I had the chance to read it, so this is going on my website.

Voters look for credibility which is what, in my view, your actions are not a representation of.

Marta Andreasen MEP
Rue Wiertz, 60
ASP 4F154
B-1047 Brussels
Tel: 0032 22845726

Subject: Letter
Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 22:18:59
Dear Marta,
I have been asked to forward to you a letter from Nigel in the terms which you will see below my signature.
Yours sincerely,
As from:
Wiertzstraat 60
Tel  (0032/0) 228 47855
Fax (0032/0) 228 49855

Miss M. Andreasen
ASP 4F 154
Wiertzstraat 60
Verenigde Konikrijk                                                      28.05.11
Dear Marta
Thank you for your letter of 23rd inst., in which, however, I quite fail to see how my saying, of you, “she hasn’t been seen in the UK for several months”, qualifies as “personal invective”, let alone slander!
This statement of mine was made in connection with your activities in the UK, as a UKIP-representative of the EU’s “South-East-of-England-Region”, in two areas, as follows.
1.  In relation to the recent, local and regional elections, in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:  in my view, your involvement in campaigning for the Party, over the last few months, has been scant – not to say non-existent.  Were you, for example, in Oldham, Barnsley or Leicester, for the vital by-elections in those constituencies?
If you have been holding public meetings or branch/constituency events in the “South-East”, of course, then I may be overstating my case.  Kindly let me know if you have.
2.  In relation to promissory commitments made by you to UKIP, in the event of election to the EU’s “parliament”:  along with all of UKIP’s elected members, you signed a declaration consisting of a number of undertakings concerning the role of a UKIP-”MEP”.
One of these undertakings was to make legally acceptable donations, to UKIP, as a registered voter in the UK, which you have now wilfully ceased to be.
Another was to maintain an office in the constituency; and yet, when Mr Alan Bown enquired after the address of your South-East Constituency-Office, you were unable to provide him with one.
Overall, I feel that my comment, to the effect that you are not engaged with UKIP in the UK, is a fair one.  On the specific point of your political activity, in the UK, over the last few months, I would be happy to stand corrected and will happily say so.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Farage

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

#0521* - The Cancer That Is UKIP WILL BE its nemisis unless radical action is taken

#0521* - The Cancer That Is UKIP WILL BE its nemisis unless radical action is taken
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
The Cancer That Is UKIP Leadership Claque WILL BE its nemisis unless radical action is taken to incise and cut it out!
The subsequent treatment may even then prove fatal but without the radical treatment and risk taking UKIP WILL DIE!

The cry within UKIP would seem to be what if Nigel Farage leaves or for that matter what if Nigel Farage doesn't leave - Not an unreasonable question just at the moment as Nigel Farage has made himself indispensible so as to hold the party to ransom - who can blame him in view of the weak kneed stupidity of so many in UKIP.
True there is no visible leader but one thing has been proven, exactly as I predicted it many years ago - Nigel Farage was and could still have been a good defacto leader but ONLY if he had the firm hand of someone of probity with leadership skills firmly keeping their hand on his shoulder and explaining ethics, morality and Officer Qualities to him.

As I predicted: Nigel Farage as UKIP's greatest asset was also weak and insecure and thus UKIP's greatest liability - a competent speaker and he had his 4 or so speeches fine tuned and interchangeable if they were not meeting with the right results - a personable chappie and largely clubable in the left wing meilleur of such as The BBC willing to cross continents at other peoples expense for the opening of an envelope or the opportunity to campaign - the number of tangental launches he has cooked up it seems ANY cause will do as long as he can feed off the 'Lime Light'.

For all Nigel Farage's claims of City experience it would seem that he did not learn the fundamental of The M&A business that is the core of the City he remained on the periphery gambling as a barrow boy with other people's money!

A serious stint in M&A would have taught him the first thing to do in any M or A is to seek out the indispensible man and remove him with his claque (cohort) as they will foment problems for the new board!

So what about UKIP I hear so many people saying - we note that there is no talent in UKIP to commence serious discusion as the claque has grown and permeated the upper echelons of the party like the very worst of cancers - That without radical treatment UKIP is finished there would seem to be little doubt but even with radical treatment, as with any cancer, the treatment may kill the patient before it kills the cancer.

That is Life's Roller Coaster - The razor Blade of life we all slide down!

So what MAY be the answer?

I mailed out the core of this several days ago:


Medicine and/or treatment is rarely pleasant for all and rarely comes without differing opinions but SOMEONE has to make the first move and be prepared to be shown to be wrong!
EVERY SINGLE 'e'Mail I receive to this attempt to save UKIP and make it fit for purpose will be published on this blog WITHOUT attribution if you clearly state your name and contact details including land line. I will NOT consider publishing any which contain foul language, abuse or that do NOT provide identity and details.

I WILL publish the identity of anyone who abuses these simple rules of manners if I choose to!

Draw up a list of individuals and clearly state that unless UKIP places an interim leader from outside of the corrupt parasites and Nigel Farage agrees to disassociate himself from ALL leadership manipulations and fire ALL personal hirings and REMAIN as a spokesman clearly answerable to the new leader THEN they will withdraw any and all support for the present corrupt regime and actively and publicly campaign for removal of UKIP leadership – The NEC and all the parasites and paid praise singers, and IMMEDIATE withdrawal from EFD & ANY PEPP.

for implementation 7 days from presentation of signatures – 

after 7 days publish the ultimatum 
with a 7 Days warning of implementation – 

That gives 7 days to get wording and signatures (start over the Bankholiday), 
7 days whilst it is lodged with each MEP & NEC member,
then go public and implement after 21 days total!

I Suggest considering an interim joint leadership committee (in no particular order):
Dr. David Abbott,
Dr. Eric Edmond,
Nikki Sinclaire MEP
Prof. Tim Congdon
Trevor Colman MEP
Niall Warry
Roger Knapman MEP
Mike Nattrass

EACH member to select an alternative + one named confidential advisor.

ALL decisions to bear ALL signatures based upon 5 votes or more (clear majority decisions).

You need only open several of the Tags and links at the top of this blog and the links in The >Right SideBar< to realise that more thought has gone ito the solutions than ever went into the exposure of corruption in UKIP - follow the many links and TRY to think with a 'Blue Sky' open mind.
Study the suggestions that are presented at Independent Leave-The-EU Alliance 

Then consider the details of 'Referism' and start to come up with your own solutions

- by all means squabble over who I have suggested as the interim committee but at least YOU know these people can be trusted not to be the puppets of the old failed claque of corrupt leadership and its parasites that have - as I predicted all those years ago when I told Nigel directly that IF he ever took the leadership it would probably lead to divisive destruction of the party and his own destruction - It would be hard to claim I have not been proven right by both time and facts.

Good Luck - for you sure will need it as erradicating a cancer is a dangerous game ;-)
Greg L-W.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Sunday, 29 May 2011

#0520* - UPDATE re: UKIP & COUNCILLORS etc.

#0520* - UPDATE re: UKIP & COUNCILLORS etc.
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
& a few tips on how to make the most of the facts on this blog!

I have added some update info. re. UKIP and Councillors and elected offices which you can locate by using:
under the title >UKIP Its ASSOCIATES & DETAILS<

The >RIGHT SIDEBAR< can be used to source a huge amount of factual data regarding UKIP and those associated with UKIP alternatively use The >SEARCH< facility at the top of the >RIGHT SIDEBAR<

Also in the >RIGHT SIDEBAR< you will find links to a large number of relevant Treaties, Documents and Articles that may well prove of use to you if you are serious about Politics and the well being of these United Kingdoms and our planet - just scroll down to:

I hope this helps you to keep up to date with the facts, together with the newly added TWITTER facility which I am using to inform people across a number of my blogs of a number of snippets of news - world wide, Political and personal.

I apologise for not being as prompt as I would wish on some items nor covering some items I should on other blogs but I regret that at the moment chemotherapy is rather zapping my energy levels and sleep paterns - I am TRYING to keep my medical blog updated as it is being used by many as an information source and a source of encouragement as I continue to confront the challenges of cancer after 13 years - IF you or a friend are confronted with a cancer diagnosis you are welcome to call and have a chat but never think of it as a death threat, I know that you can stay alive and YOU have my 13 years to beat at very least.

My sleep paterns are very irregular so do call me day or night - I can NOT hear it from the bedroom so do leave a land line number and I will call you back sometime soon - NOT before 10:00hrs. or after 21:30hrs. unless you ask to be called outside of those times.

If you wish to pass on facts or just have a chat please call and I will help in any way I can.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Saturday, 28 May 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
One would have thought they had made sufficient fools of themselves with their local election failure and the Mare of Ramsay catastrophy not to want their Chairman encouraging the belittling of their beleaguered leader - or does he want the job?

clearly Nigel Farage is doing almost as much to sabotage his protege as he did to assist in the dishonest placement of her and corrupt creqation of her position as an MEP.

Based largely on lies and dishonesty constructed to suit Nigel Farage who seemingly had fallen for the faux persona, title, CV and profile she had invented for herself.

The train wreck crashes on with now Steve Crowther in a display of utter incompetence publishing the letter on a public forum!

Much has been made of the aim to professionalise UKIP which forces one to then ask why they are behaving like small children and hurling insults at eachother, whilst sequentially taking it in turns to act like idiots!

Surely it ill becomes a so called leader earning £Millions even of a failed party to not use a lawyer and discretion - even a competent PA Secretary could at least have vetted this ill educated foolishness and WHY would Steve Crowther publicly seek to expose his leader to ridicule for such a poor letter?

Is EVERYONE in UKIP jokeying for position at the troughs on the gravy train?

When last did UKIP leadership put as much effort into a policy to Leave-The-EU as they do into working out ways to defame and belittle those whose views differ amongst UKIP supporters - be that Nikki Sinclaire MEP, Junius, myself, Mike Nattrass MEP, Trevor Colman MEP and the many others - to which we can now add Marta Andreasen MEP & David Bannerman MEP!

Amateur as UKIP may be or at very least utterly unprofessional why oh why would these unprofessional idiots move their tedious spat into the public domain?

What is professional or even competent in squabbling like ferrets in a sack in public and all about MONEY - and deliberately spilling the fight into the gutter on a public Forum as Steve Crowther did - perhaps the first consideration is when will UKIP fire its utterly incompetent and unprofessional staff and start acting like grown ups?
Offline Offline

Position in UKIP: Executive Chairman
Full Name: Stephen James Crowther
Posts: 19

View Profile Personal Message (Offline)
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2011, 10:03:00 PM » Reply with quote

As promised:

Dear Marta
Thank you for your letter of 23rd inst, in which, however, I quite fail to see how my saying of you, "she hasn't been seen in the UK for several months", qualifies as "personal invective", let alone slander!
This statement of mine was made in connection with your activities in the UK, as a UKIP representative of the EU's South East of England Region, in two areas, as follows.
1.  In relation to the recent, local and regional elections, in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:  in my view, your involvement in campaigning for the Party, over the last few months, has been scant - not to say non-existent.  Were you, for example, in Oldham, Barnsley or Leicester, for the vital by-elections in those constituencies?
If you have been holding public meetings or branch/constituency events in the South East, of course, then I may be overstating my case.  Kindly let me know if you have.
2.  In relation to promissory commitments made by you to UKIP, in the event of election to the EU's Parliament:  along with all of UKIP's elected members, you signed a declaration consisting of a number of undertakings concerning the role of a UKIP MEP.
One of these undertakings was to make legally acceptable donations to UKIP, as a registered voter in the UK, which you have now wilfully ceased to be.
Another was to maintain an office in the constituency; and yet, when Mr Alan Bown enquired after the address of your South East Constituency Office, you were unable to provide him with one.
Overall, I feel that my comment to the effect that you are not engaged with UKIP in the UK is a fair one.  On the specific point of your political activity in the UK over the last few months, I would be happy to stand corrected and will happily say so.
Yours sincerely, Nigel

One point - when someone is a known liar and you have aided them and colluded with them in corruption and dishonesty what on earth would make you think you could then expect them to act honourably let alone honour any kind of undertaking when they know YOU to be corrupt?.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

#0518* - Crowther and Labour & Nigel's "plan" - A THEORY or FACT?

#0518* -  Crowther and Labour & Nigel's "plan" - A THEORY or FACT?
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Crowther and Labour & Nigel's "plan" - A THEORY or FACT?


BUT this does tie in with many FACTS known to me and also rumour I have heard over some time!

this is an interesting hypothesis which is being put about by a UKIP member and I am unsurprised that much of it ties in with details I have published on my blogs. also much of the balance ties in with information that has come to hand but which I have NOT published it as I could not confirm it from a second separate proven source.

It is all too easy as a blogger determined to publish the facts to be set up by those trying to hide the truth or dishonestly seeking to legally entrap you.

My blogs are based upon verrifiable and proven facts and I have NEVER wittingly misled anyone and NEVER published anything consequential which I have EVER had to retract or correct.

This article below is a third party comment passed on with good intent to TRY to Clean-Up UKIP to make it at least in some measure fit for purpose - which, whatever percentage of the information published below is true, it clearly is not!

 Crowther and Labour & Nigel's "plan"

    This nugget fell into my lap and I just can't resist the need to share it even though it's probably all going to be dismissed as twaddle and paranoia.

    I've only been a member of UKIP since 2009, but a friend I was at University with has been for ages, and s/he works for the party on the European level in a role I'm not going to say any more about.

    Having not seen them up here for over a year we agreed to have a beer, during which time I tried my darndest to find out what on earth was going on with the party because to me it appears to be all an utter shambles at the moment.

    Looking to their left and right to check we were not being overheard (seriously), my friend leaned in to tell me some things that still has my ears ringging. An MEP, probably of only two MEPs who are actually "in the know" got p*ssed some days ago and let slip what's actually going on apparently.
    Andreasen is spot on. The party is in essence bankrupt. But it can dismiss her allegations as phoney, and it continues to function through regular injections of cash. Virtually brown envelopes full are handed over. But the source pumping this money in, or rather receiving it, is actually Stephen Crowther the Chief Exec.

    The origin of the funds is most probably the Labour Party, or rather monied Union types. Crowther was a Labour man most of his life (a card-carrying member of CND no less) and only recently had a "miraculous conversion" to the UKIP cause.

    It's Labour money that is in essence keeping UKIP on life support while Farage and Co. try desperately and hoplessly to pry dosh out of Wheeler and the City. Quite ironic really.
    The bitterness was palpable. It's felt it seems that a UKIP without Farage is a terminally hollowed out entity destined for complete collapse. Nigel has centralised so much that his removal as leader would spell the end for the party. An enormous boost to the Conservatives, which have already suceeded in neutralising their Eurosceptic element.

    The faithful would then they believe return to the flock, with only a few left over, to join the remnant nutcases of the also bankrupt BNP, in the English Democrats. And that is a scenario that Miliband's lot can't allow to happen because as the economic numbers improve, splitting the Tory vote is one of the few ways they have of preventing a majority at the next election.

    Needless to say as someone who travelled to London to be on the Rally Against Debt this talk of union cash horrified me, though I don't know whether this remark was in earshot or is third or fourth hand, but the reasons to be miserable didn't stop there:

    Actually in all of this Farage is largely indifferent. He doesn't care either way. If you want to know what the top of UKIP looks like it's mostely Crowther running about keeping the thing afloat.

    Only a tiny handful of people really know what's going on or have any say. The membership are viewed with contempt and are largely resented by the leadership. The reason is because the party has basically become about keeping the MEP seats alive as potential cash cows, and people can only be expected to keep voting for UKIP and keeping those MEP seats if UKIP can actually demonstrate some marginal growth. The leadership actually blames the membership for the party's bad performance at the locals because of what it means for the future.

    Nobody though is seriously interested in really growing the party. Let alone making it successful. It's just about maintenance. They all just want to keep their jobs and use the membership to make that happen. Farage though couldn't care less because of Wheeler. Wheeler has been burned so is only handing over money very slowly. But he's said in so many words that without Farage making his speeches in the parliament, which is the only thing UKIP is good for, there is no point in him sticking around. No Farage means no Wheeler. Which is why Nigel is largely very relaxed. He also has his own exit strategy. 
    At this point I was completely silent with my face deep in my pint (think you can guess what I drink) not wanting to say or do anything that would make my friend stop talking. It was like being in a car crash where everything slows down.

    Obviously this is only all the things I can remeber about a chat that lasted about half an hour, but it seemed like hours. The mood became blacker and blacker as the evening wore on and I ended up feeling like a lame horse, with my pal as a vet just looking at me with pity, wondering about the best way to put me out of my misery. 

    Nigel has a simple plan, and that is that he is already warming up his replacement just in case his position becomes completely untenable. Nuttal. So over the coming months Farage will concentrate on seriously weaking any and all serious potential opponents to his prefered succesor, just in case. And of course he knows that the membership are just fool enough to vote for whoever he actually nominates.

    Paul isn't exactly the smartest MEP, in a cotterie of not particulalry gifted MEPs Nigel has been careful to surround himself with. So nobody is under any illusions that even under his preferred new leader, Nuttal, Nigel would continue to pull the strings. That's the Plan B that will keep Nigel in charge, and in Strasbourg, no matter what happens.  
    I don't think I have to say that by this stage this all started to sound like Junius-type conspiracy theorising so I put it down to too much booze, and the influence of our favourite UKIP attack blogger. And I said as much. But s/he was insistent: 

    (a) Junius is totally full of sh*te. All this b*llocks about Farage and Fuller is fantasy. The only person Nigel is ever likely to remain loyal to is Kirsten. It is true though that Fuller is madly in love with him, which is probably why she's such a tart to try and get his attention. But he's not in the least bit interested and never has been.

    And (b) If you doubt any of what I've said just keep your eyes peeled. And see what happens.  
I think what's going to happen is me not renewing my membership.
As I have said all along - UKIP is no longer fit for purpose and the leadership and parasites MUST be a part of the Clean-Up if it is ever to be of any use as our lifeboat ever again.

Sadly I believe it is unlikely that UKIP will survive in any form other than that which it has been used and abused to date - A Milch Cow for the enrichment of a corrupt few at the expense of the gullible and very genuine members, supporters and voters who have voted for UKIP to Leave-The-EU - Only the utterly dellusional and politically idiotic have ever thought of UKIP as any kind of Political Party - Heaven only knows even UKIP claims to want less politicians NOT MORE PARASITES!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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