We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Non-attached Members
United Kingdom
United Kingdom Independence Party
Born on 27 August 1941, St. Breward

Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection [See]

Curriculum vitae
Grammar school education. Police officer (1962-1995). Script adviser to television series (1994-1999).

Parliamentary activities
Questions [See]
Speeches in plenary [See] 

To view Trevor Colman MEP's site as a member of the Non Iscrit or Non Attached MEPs CLICK HERE

These are the MEPs in the EU mock Parliament who act as Independents and not as sheep with a whip to control them.

The largest grouping amongst this grouping is now the Independent UKIP MEPs and as the rest of them with integrity join the NI the authority of the group will increase.

These MEPs now have full control of their budgets, including the 4000 budget which was £76,000 and the 6000 international travel budget - We understand that this money was paid to The Group leader and controlled by him with some of the £76K per MEP under his control funding the staff he chose and since UKIP has agreed not to be involved in travel beyond The EU the 6000 budget seems to have been traded to keep the loyalty of other EFD members!!!

The NI members receive about £40K paid directly to each MEP and control of their own 6000 travel budget. They also have access/service of a number of experienced 'Pool' staff employed by The EU Parliament and certain 'Pool' staff specific to them.

NI MEPs also control their own d'Hondt points for the allocation of committees and speaking time and are able to act independently in 'Catch The Eye' soundbite speech opportunities that risibly pass as debate in The EU's mock Parliament.

Those who have read Vernon Coleman's 'Bloodless Revolution' and Stuart Wheeler's book' A Crisis of Trust' will have a greater understanding of the value of Independent political representation. For more ideas and information CLICK HERE

Finally a personal congratulations to Trevor Colman for finally disassociating himself from the racism, xenophobia, violence, anti homosexuality and criminality that he has supported as a member of The EFD group for almost 2 years - I must admit I did not think he was either honourable enough or man enough to have the integrity to stand on his own feet free of such extremist pond life.

I am pleased to say: I stand corrected and he has belatedly proved me wrong!

This will of course liberate Trevor Colman to act in the interest of UKIP members rather than the self interest of its leadership if he so wishes.

Many will remember that Trevor Colman put forward the debate issue at the UKIP annual conference that UKIP should NOT support and assist The EU in creating Pan EU Political Parties as it undermined the National interest - Nigel Farage sspoke to the motion that UKIP should support The EU and help form Pan EU Parties! Presumably for personal gain as when he resoundingly lost with very little support he stated to Trevor Colman overheard by witnesses that 'You just cost ME A Million a year'!

I guess £A Million a year is a strong reason to hand out largess to promote the concept of supporting The EU's aims on UKIP platforms, in UKIP funded videos and with extensive coverage in UKIP's in house publications - it might even classify as legitimate use of EU funding as it is promoting the control The EU has over the vassal regions!

Now that Trevor Colman is free of the whip (round for Farage) he may choose to promote Britain versus membership of The EU and joining to help The EU form Pan EU Political Parties - I do appreciate it will be an up hill struggle as The EU will be using a huge amount of tax payers money in bribes and propaganda to make this latest centralisation of control in Brussels happen.

I do hope that once the local elections are over many who are hanging on in UKIP to use their funding will have the integrity and fundamental ethics to step forward and support Trevor Colman in defending these United Kingdoms rather than selfishly promoting the EU for UKIP leadership to trouser more money!

Good luck to Trevor Colman if he decides to take this very important crusade fighting against EU control under his wing for these United Kingdoms.

Of the 29 members of The NI there are 6 British of note:
Nikki Sinclaire CLICK HERE
Mike Nattrass CLICK HERE
Trevor Colman CLICK HERE
Diana Dodds CLICK HERE .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

#0388* - UKIP WALES TEAM! Could Barely Crew A Coracle!

#0388* - UKIP WALES TEAM! Could Barely Crew A Coracle!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP WALES TEAM! Could Barely Crew A Coracle!

There are so many holes in this particular lifeboat!!

an interesting photograph released to give a vision for UKIP Wales' efforts to support Racism, Xenophobia, anti Judaism, anti Homosexuality, violence and corruption in The EU by giving support to Farage's self enrichment scam The EFD & Pan EU Political Group payments to the leader!

Here is UKIP's own publicity photo:
A strange grouping which speaks volumes or nothing atall - you must decide!

This is put forward as Team Wales but its absences speak far louder than the insignificant inclusions - none of which stand a prayer of being elected other than on the crazy top up electoral scam.

No constituency in Britain has EVER come anywhere near voting that they wish to be represented by a UKIP candidate - Sadly knowing this bunch and their reputation in Wales the cause is unlikely to be served!

One wonders why the Founder of UKIP Wales and co founder of UKIP Hugh Moelwyn Hughes does not endorse the launch by featuring in the photo?
pst. I know it is his waist coat
which he had BEFORE Gerard bought THAT suit
I've seen him in it long before ;-)

Then there is the notable absence of John Bufton MEP
Is it that Doctors' Orders forbid him such excitement in view of his recent stroke that has kept him off work for several months, or is it that he may well have developed the integrity and ethics to distance himself from the racism, anti Judaism, anti homosexuality and violent xenophobia that is UKIP stock in trade in The EU with its support of The EFD?

Might it be that he was not trusted sufficiently to be allowed to attend the launch?

It was amusing to note that after many moribund months UKIP Wales suddenly snapped into action and scurried around to be noticed when it was made clear that their web site was months out of date - they had made absolutely no visible comment on The Welsh Referendum and had failed to noticably comment or campaign. This blog also pointed out that UKIP Wales hadn't even had the common courtesy to advide its supporters that John Bufton had had a serious stroke and furthermore despite the some £200,000 a year in staffing allowances with the cat away the mice did NOTHING it seems - so much for buying loyalty.

The ONLY visible activity from UKIP Wales for months were the vituperative and unpleasant comments attacking and insulting UKIP supporters and members on public Forums by the odious little squit Kevin Mahoney:
- seemingly employed to bring UKIP Wales into disrepute - not disimilar to their earlier Regional Organiser Jim Carver who was beyond doubt conning UKIP, dishonest and untrustworthy.

It is hardly surprising that the honourable and well known man of stature John Pratt resigned as Chairman of UKIP Wales for the sake of his reputation.

John Pratt a farmer in Wales, President of The Welsh Black Cattle Society and world authority on cattle, acts as a judge and consultant internationally at cattle shows & fairs.

He was elected chairman of United Kingdom Independence Party in Wales in October 2006, but resigned from the chairmanship in 2008 and from the party in March 2009, citing in his resignation letter "his desire to protect his reputation by distancing himself from the party".

Even the angry and inadequate web master, who had so little integrity or control of his prejudices Roger Thomas seems to have moved on:
& Both Marcus Stead of The Welsh Council for UKIP
& Richard Suchorzewski made their reasons for leaving UKIP very clear
Then again I note the current UKIP Wales party chairman:
Warwick Nicholson also seems not to feature as part of the team!

Clearly someone has finally got their act together and updated UKIP Wales' web site since this blog and Junius highlighted the embarrassing incompetence and inactivity of UKIP Wales - I presume it will lapse back to inactivity after the election until next time someone sees a route to the gravy train!

It is the abject failure of UKIP to act professionally or identify good leadership let alone have competent and reputable PR or even the vaguest signs of professional or even competent training - then there are those who desperately bleat when people like Junius and I put in the effort as supporters of UKIP to try to clean up and professionalise the party as our lifeboat where currently it is clearly sinking under the ordure and detritus that freeload and exploit that lifeboat!
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Derek Clark, MEPImage via WikipediaUKIP MEP Derek CLARK CALLED ON TO RESIGN AS A LIAR!

Having like Skeptyk, Mark Croucher, Mick McGough, Independent UKIP, Douglas Denny and others seen fit to lie, and being like them too dishonourable to admit their dishonesty and apologise; as liars Derek Clark, as an MEP living off the public purse, must surely be expected to act honourably and resign - setting an example amongst his vile colleagues!

can we have a firm date for the resignation of the liar, cheat, fraud and low life Derek Clark MEP who has clearly brought UKIP into disrepute with his dishonesty and corruption - his betrayal of the principles of the membership leading to the smashing of the party in The East Midlands which has under his leadership collapsed from nearly 6,000 members to a little over 400 at last count.

Derek Clark as a liar, a bully and having betrayed these United Kingdoms who is still under investigation for fraudulent misuse of funds from the public purse by OLAF and possibly by now Nothants Police as well has no place representing anyone who pretends to the values of these United Kingdoms.

When will Derek Clark act honourably and resign?

When will Derek Clarke act honourably and apologise to me for his public abuse of his public office when at a public meeting he abused his position as entrusted to him and lied and defamed me dishonestly and without justification?

#0347* - UKIP MEP now with the Racist, anti Jewish EFD EXPECTS RESPECT!!! 




 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

#0386* - UKIP Slowly Rots Away By Association in Squalor

#0386* - UKIP Slowly Rots Away By Association in Squalor
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Slowly Rots Away By Association in Squalor!
Befouled by association with the likes of Skeptyk, Andreasen, Bannerman, Towler, Fuller, Croucher, Kelly, The EFD, Racism, Tom Wise, extemism, incompetence, ant Judaism, anti homosexuality, bullying, smears and lies!

it does rather look as if UKIP's PR which costs around £1/4 Million a year is doing a great job making friends with media to ensure they get good publicity.

Wouldn't it have been nice to see good publicity of gravitas that may have helped Britain leave the EU rather than endless revelations of sleaze, scandal and poor associations largely due to the utter incompetence of UKIP's defacto and actual leader for the last 15 years or so.

It is hard to find ANY press publicity that does not treat UKIP under such leadership as much more than a figure of fun even, without checking facts publishing outright lies and sordid spin from Annabelle Fuller, Mark Croucher or the sordid sex life of Gawain Towler - the lies of Farage or the criminality of Tom Wise, Adrian Lithgow, Clive Page and others.

Here is the latest damaging association sadly!


Business Diary: 

Lloyds group bags former UKIP man

Lloyds Action Now, the pressure group that wants compensation for shareholders who have lost out due to the bank's takeover of HBOS, got a few headlines yesterday with its announcement of test cases against the Bank of England and the Treasury. But the Diary thought Adrian Lithgow, the group's spokesman, looked familiar. We were right: he is the same Adrian Lithgow who was forced to resign as head of communications for the UK Independence Party four years ago after pleading guilty to racially aggravated harassment and threatening behaviour. Lithgow got into a row with railway staff at Victoria Station in London, with a Yugoslavian member of staff suffering some particularly unpleasant abuse.
To view the original article CLICK HERE

When you think - as UKIP leadership sheds support with its third MEP having now openly disassociated themselves from the incompetence, the racism, the xenophobia, the anti homosexuality, the violence and anti Judaism of Nigel Farage's associates in his extremist Pan EU Political EFD Group and his utter incompetence, largely due to his personal inadequacies and under confidence, to judge men and those worthy of credence and those who are merely sychophants seeking gain - just look at the parasites that praise him as he struts upon the dung heap he has created.

With 3 MEPs down and John Bufton probably only hanging on so that UKIP central will sponsor his Welsh election ambitions before leaving and Marta Andreasen and Bannerman making overtures in efforts to get deals elsewhere that leaves only Batten who is now little more than Second Lieutenant Batten of The Faragistas.

This greatly alters the dynamic of the sordid EFD Group as Farage now only contributes a minority membership whilst the extremist pro EU Lega Nord becomes the dominant group and will be readily tempted to get numbers back up by approaching other extremist parties like The Austrian Freedom Party, Vlams Belang and similar moving the group as progressively more sordid and extreme though I doubt Second Lieutenant Batten would be bright enough to make a move yet as even his best friend (I think he has one) would hardly present him as other than way out of his depth and with little understanding of what is going on around him as the attempts to smear him recently proved!

The Faragistas as a compensation for their ineptitude as leaders have always relied on smears and defaming those who might rival them - as when it seems the information was supplied to Despatches to control a weak and useless MEP. Weaknesses are exploited rather than strengths built on as is always the modus opperandi of the inadequate as we can now expect efforts to smear Trevor Colman, which will not prove hard and as with information they will seek to supply to The Sunday Times on Mike Nattrass by way of revenge for his having acted ethically and disassociated himself from the corruption that surrounds Farage's leadership.

How long will, what was once our only lifeboat, limp along holed below the water line before receiving the coupe de grace that can make way for a sounder, more ethical patriotic vessel not weighed down by the liars, cheats, nere do wells that have destroyed UKIP in their efforts at self agrandisement and self enrichment filth and liars like Independent UKIP, Mark Croucher, Annabelle Fuller, Mick McGough, Baron von Thick as a Brick, Stuart Agnew, Malcolm Pearson, Douglas Denny, Skeptyk, Derek Clark, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman and so many other engorged fat ticks sucking on our nations blood under false and dishonest, dishonourable pretences.

One wonders how long before the elderly and peculiarly gullible Stuart Wheeler will have the inevitable 'Crisis of Trust' with Farage leaving him high  and dry as he did in the run up to the last election when he withdrew his support and started his own party to stand against UKIP.

May I commend to you reading Stuart Wheeler's book 'A Crisis of Trust' - one wonders if it was ghost written as he was without a doubt much sharper then than he is now!

When you have read that you may wish to obtain and read a copy of Vernon Coleman's book 'Bloodless Revolution' and you will start to understand the need for Independent Leave-The EU Alliance as UKIP has so clearly failed us.

Interestingly Niall, knowing that I have somewhat pressing medical challenges (see: he offered to shut down IL-T-EUA but for the moment I was unwilling to confront my own potentially imminent mortality so just as The Alliance (Party) continues to be registered with The Electoral Commission its web site will remain as a source of archive material relative to The EU and a way forward - Exactly as planned to act as a way forward when UKIP inevitably fails as it has so clearly has achieved so very little for Britain as a small claque so very greedily fed at the troughs on the Gravy Train at the expense of their Country and the electorate.

IL-T-EUA can sit, somewhat mothballed until the right spirit of patriotism arrives to pick up the batton and drive it forward for the gain of these United Kingdoms and our peoples - IF I am fortunate I may be lucky enough to see that, but it will at least be pleasant if the cancer wins to KNOW that we left in place a mechanism to liberate our Country from The EU and reinstate its democracy on a stronger footing than before.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
The likes of Mick McGOUGH, Skeptyk, Independent UKIP and such scum in UKIP's septic tank!

having been out almost all day I had a quick look at Junius and as a result on the squalid little Forum Anthony Butcher runs which is controlled by UKIP and hosts many of their lies and liars.

I heard last week from contacts in The EU, that another member was leaving the sordid racist and anti Jewish Pan EU Political EFD Group this I published on a clearly speculatory basis on this blog as any resignation would need to be registerd this week to ensure their position was clear and they gained control of their 4000 budget, their 6000 budget and they were allocated a new seat in the parliament - the next date this will be possible from memory would be July!

These matters have to be tied in to a pleniary session.

As noted the identity was no certainty but once Mick McGough confirmed the rumours to seemingly try to smear Nikki Sinclaire it started to become more clear!

Junius then posted information  and Skeptyk, unable to miss an opportunity to reveal their personality and be unpleasant then claimed that at least one person leaving was, they believed, Trevor Colman who was one of those I speculated may leave. It seems that on the strength of the leaks Junius has gone firm on Trevor Colman at long last acting ethically.

Unless further information comes to hand it does seem that Skeptyk's information may well be correct as it does confirm what I heard from The EU last week. I presume his letter will have been presented at the parliament earlier today and there may yet be one or more further individuals who have decided to act ethically but to be honest I doubt it as I do not think Andreasen has managed to get the deal she wants yet and neither Bufton nor Batten have as yet shown any kind of ability to stand on their own feet AS YET.

Skeptyk also made a fool of themselves with another comment:
Having said that, I haven't had Trevor's resignation confirmed yet. If it's true, can we expect apologies from Junius and GLW for their allegations that TC was a bent copper and that he took a bung to stay in the EFD

Also given Mike Nattrass' total exoneration from OLAF, can we also expect apologies from Junius and GLW for alleging impropriety on Nattrass' part?

I doubt it but we live in hope...

Idiot that Skeptyk is clearly I can not speak for Junius but I understand that Junius has never claimed that Trevor Colman is a Bent Copper and if you check I believe it was I who branded him just another bent ex copper - by which of course I am perfectly prepared to stand based on the factual evidence provided at the time.

Indeed it was brought to the attention of the police at the time but as they said 'as far as we are concerned he is just an ex copper and of no relevance' - that his behaviour has been corrupt is clearly undeniable based on the evidence and facts.

No Skeptyk, unlike you as a man of honour not only do I make a habit of telling the truth but I check my facts and will stand by my comments - dishonesty, corruption, smears and pure unsubstantiable lies and bile are your metiere. In all your years of making a complete fool of yourself making false allegations and seeking to defame based on misrepresentation - to date you have faile miserably to establish a single solitary untruth that I have EVER published to mislead people not a single lie that I have told yet time and again you seek to defame based on YOUR lies and misrepresentation and your sordid blogs, which I am told are childish and obsessive (I do not read the drivel and rarely read your lies and half truths on Butcher's squalid UKIP Forum as your opinion is so clearly of nil value and rarely accurate).

To the matter of Mike Nattrass - again I can not speak for Junius but obviously as I checked my facts as presented I have not a word to apologise for regarding Mike Nattrass.

When I made the statement that Mike Nattrass was under investigation clearly and accurately I provided the facts available and stated the truth.

Currently I hear that Mike Nattrass has, subsequent to the quotes of fact I made, claimed he was NOT under investigation by OLAF. On checking I found that to be an untruth.

I understand laterly he has claimed that he has a letter from OLAF stating they are taking no further action against him - I 'presume' this is akin to a Scottish not proven verdict. I have no reason to believe that OLAF has issued a letter that has exhonourated and absolved him from the irrefutable fact that he was, when I wrote of the matter, under investigation by OLAF.


I neither make, nor should I, an appology for having stated the truth and IF Mike Nattrass has been absolved of any wrong doing and he wishes to supply a copy of the letter from OLAF stating he was wrongly investigated then I will most happily publish said letter to bring the matter up to date.

I fear it does rather LOOK as if the matter has been dropped for lack of evidence and without written clarification there is every reason to believe that is the case.

We note that prior to Skeptyk's assinine comments Junius had published their belief that the OLAF inquiry of Mike Nattrass had been dropped.

It is little wonder that The Sunday Times stood by their report and published, as accurate at the time and also that Skeptyk is too ashamed of their behaviour to put their names to the garbage they publish.

Skeptyk, having published so many beligerent dishonesties any ethical Forum would have placed their name in the public domain and barred them from posting.

Whilst on the matter of cowardice and outright dishonesty perhaps Bob Feel Martinis might care to consider his habitual stupidity where his latest ill informed maunderings were:
Oh dear nothing changes here. Posts without substance designed to create another spat. It seems I haven't missed much.
He does so consistently make a fool of himself, he so consistently misses almost everythin due it seems to innate stupidity and his lies are legion. The idiotic Blob posted his inane comment long after Mick McGough's apparent attempt to smear Nikki Sinclaire at 21:15hrs the previous day and well over an hour after Skeptyk had at 16:58hrs. provided the identity of the individual leaving The EFD and in fact after Junius had given further details at 17:09hrs.

Then we have the unpleasant little coward Independent UKIP who also is too ashamed to put their name to their vile AND consistently false efforts to defame and denigrate me - as with:
Should be interesting to see which CIB members stand up in solidarity with filth merchant Greg Lance-Watkins. They will certainly shame CIB if they do so. Will Junius be naming them? Perhaps I should pop along.
Perhaps from his repertoire we might find this egregious piece of human excrement prepared to put his name to his dishonesties.

To date, as a coward with some 4,000 postings, he has spectacularly failed to give an example to back his dishonesties about me, vituperative little inadequate that he is.

It is astonishing that every so often some fool asks why I never joined UKIP - Surely just one look at the odious people who as parasites feed on its corpse, it would be all too obvious. I do not, nor have I ever associated with such dishonourable filth by design or desire and I am all too aware one is judged by the company on keeps - why would anyone wish to be associated with such dishonourable and dishonest people?
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Monday, 28 March 2011

#0384* - UKIP May Value The Liar Mick McGOUGH But They Are Alone!

#0384* - UKIP May Value The Liar Mick McGOUGH But They Are Alone!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP May Value The Liar Mick McGOUGH But They Are Alone it seems in requiring his vile support!

What a sad reflection on UKIP that they harbour such excrement stacked alongside the rest in their odious claque!!


I was interested to note that Mick McGough - never renowned for his intelligence, has leaked some information he has. Hardly surprising.

Richard Allen is a moderator on Butcher's sordid UKIP controlled Forum and a Branch Chairman. He clarified a posting made by Tim originally.

I note Mick McGough has been, as ever, making something of a fool of himself trying to establish identities!

He seems to think that a group of UKIP MEPs are about to show some integrity and disassociate themselves from The EFD - This would NOT be a surprise as there is much disgust at the vile nature of The EFD - however Mick McGough seems to confirm this as a member of the NEC and then rather foolishly and transparently try to smear Nikki Sinclaire with having leaked the information.

THIS LEADS ME TO BELIEVE: That like the Gerard Batten smears attempted recently, this could be a part of what seems to be Nigel Farage's PR campaign that costs, it seems, around £1/4 Million a year to operate such smear campaigns - you will remember the ones orchestrated by Annabelle Fuller and Mark Croucher in the past that so clearly brought UKIP and Nigel Farage in particular into disrepute!

Everyone is aware that to try to build bridges and help UKIP Nikki Sinclaire has set aside the verdict of Guilty against Nigel Farage, Godfrey Bloom and UKIP recently obtained, and by doing so is saving UKIP many £1,000s in costs plus the probability of a massive damages claim against them.

Steve Crowther having failed to get Mike Nattrass to renege on his own integrity and rejoin The EFD now has to find some kind of compromise acceptable to Sinclaire - That Farage won't sabotage. He has until 11-Apr-2011 when Mike Nattrass has been summonsed to appear before the Court of Clowns (UKIP NEC!)

Might Mick McGough's leak be designed to smear Sinclaire?
A smear to give Farage a way to sabotage any agreement Crowther may reach, as clearly Farage & McGough have much in common both as drinking budies and a lack of Officer Qualities needed for leadership - McGough has a track record as a liar willing to cheat his colleagues CLICK HERE & HERE

For the record: besides the castigation by Jim Franklin of UKIP due to Mick McGough I gather that members have left The CIB due to its association with this vile little man. He is, much to the shame of The Freedom Association their representative on The CIB having failed some time ago to get a place of his own!

Quote Originally Posted by Richard Allen View Post
He didn't say it would be bad for UKIP.  

Mick McGOUGH said:
He said it would be bad for Nigel and the EFD.
I GET THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS ABOUT RICHARD,pray tell us.I infer that some party or MEPs are about to leave the EFD and that you know this by being close tp Nikki etc.

come on make Timmy's/JKohnboy's day !
Who Timmy or JKohnboy are I haven't a clue but it seems so sadly important to this inadequate little creep McGough!

Oh by the way for information - being aware of exactly who owns and who has influence in The Express and their family relationship with a UKIP member I can make a pretty good guess at the foundations of the present blog afair with Flynn - there is no doubt Farage is an excellent performing monkey and a beguilling personality well able to dupe a jopurnalist - it is his judgement, self serving nature and lack of leadership ability that cause such problems.

Imagine using someone as thick and dishonest as McGough to try to orchestrate a smear campaign!  It will be interesting to see if The EFD does start losing members over the next few days - it is likely as I understand there is only a certain window in which resignations can be placed on Jezyk Buzek's desk relative to a pleniary The Brussels Plenary ended last week and as I recal there is a week's grace - hence my earlier speculations that Junius and then Tim picked up on it seems!

I can't see why Sinclaire would know about this, other than via a deliberate attempt to smear her name, as it would be a matter for those leaving and Buzek, and of course Farage, as it is his personal income and control that will be effected.

Since Sinclaire didn't stay on to sign in on Friday she probably wouldn't know anyway as Mike Nattrass was not in The Parliament last week and Siclaire refuses to associate with The EFD trash. My contact did not see her on Friday and I gather she had thje weekend off apart from a scheduled TV interview earlier today, which i presume went ahead but am unlikely to find out about until Tuesday.

Unless of course there is some announcement on the members' Forum that isn't removed quickly enough to suit the censors!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Sunday, 27 March 2011

#0383* - Farage Does Well in Interview But IF ONLY UKIP HAD A LEADER!

#0383* - Farage Does Well in Interview But IF ONLY UKIP HAD A LEADER!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Nigel Farage Does Well in Interview But IF ONLY UKIP HAD A LEADER of competence and gravitas to manage him!!

yet another good video from Farage - what a pity he is so discreditted by his association with his vile Pan EU Political EFD Group - Racism, anti Judaism, Xenophobia and anti homosexuality displaying such venal personal interests at the cost of credibility.

That Nigel Farage as an MEP and as a spokesman for UKIP and many of Britain's values serves us well has never been in doubt, the matter in doubt is his total lack of leadership skills and his personal insecurity - as a result that has given rise to the rise of outright scum around him.

The lack of Officer Qualities is clear and his inabilities have been catastrophically divisive as have been his personal appetites and loyalties, as with many weak self centered individuals.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP's Marta ANDREASEN MEP & David BANNERMAN MEP Are Exposed By A Few FACTS Regarding Their PERSONAL Ambitions!!

I gather from Geoffrey van Orden that David Bannerman is still trying to jump ship to The Tories but initially demanded a clear run as an MEP at the next election - The reply was NO.

Then DB offered to join them if he was given a safe MP seat - Still NO.

Get the message David they were glad to see you leave the first time - there is NO Job for someone who has even pretended to be anti EU to get a job in Cameron's pro EU Party.

Politicians have a strong sense of self preservation and no one trusts this liar - it became clear he was dishonest with his lies about his relationship to a desk!

Then he lied to support a corrupt selection process. 

Then the Sunday Times exposed him with Stuart Agnew fiddling their expenses.
This issue is being investigated in detail by OLAF:

Case No. OF/2010/0282

Officer Mr. Martin Wasmeier & Mr. Empl
Complaint raised with Metropolitan Police also & Forwarded to OLAF

The see the full story and the video where Stuart Agnew MEP for The NFU, The EFD & UKIP admits to breaking EU rules on expenses and allowances with David Bannerman MEP and laundering money with Malcolm Lord Pearson, to mislead (Fraudulently?) British electoral authorities see:

We are informed that David Bannerman offered enough info. to destroy UKIP & Farage to be selected by The Tories. This did nothing to help his ambitions it seems, it just showed him for a liar and untrustworthy.

The answer is still NO.

So I am reliably informed.

Marta Andreasen MEP seems to be having much the same problems but at least, from Cameron's point of view she has not campaigned to leave The EU but merely to change The EU, which is more acceptable to The Tories.

Marta Andreasen however has the same problem with trust and reliability which will in fact preclude The Tories from taking her in as it is well known that she is a liar, a fraud and untrustworthy as shown by her employment record and also The Courts!
You may recall how Tim Sebastian rather surprised Marta Andreasen with his research and his challenge of how she had been suspended from her job at The OECD and lost her case against them proved just how Hard 'Hard Talk' could be!

This led to the allegations involving racism and also that she had obtained her job with The EU working for Neil Kinnock fraudulently (just as she became an MEP fraudulently by telling lies!).

For more details on Marta Andreasen MEP CLICK HERE

It is VERY unlikely that The Tories will change their minds having rejected her advances in the past - In real terms lets face it UKIP MEPs have absolutely nothing in terms of credibility, ability or reputation that any Party would welcome; except perhaps The BNP to swell their ranks and of course the faintly idiotic English Dummycrats to TRY to raise their profile.

One wonders with these machinations for how long Jerzy Buzek, as President of The EU mock Parliament, will permit this farce to continue with numbers falling in the vile and extremist Pan EU Political EFD Group with its racist and xenophobic behaviour and anti Jewish and anti homosexual antics - the numbers are laid out and The EFD is falling in size despite its very clearly stated pro EU agenda - surely Buzek must call the failing group to account as letters of resignation or at least very clearly documented material crosses his desk as with the resignation of Nikki Sinclaire MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP & Anna Rosbach MEP.

There are at least 4 others teatering on the brink of acting with integrity and disassociating themselves which would lead to the collapse of this vile pro EU group, one would hope.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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