We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

#0370* - UKIP Independent MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE Features in Spain

#0370* - UKIP Independent MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE Features in Spain
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP Independent MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE Features in Spain with a detailed article exposing EU corruption in a Leading Publication!!

so UKIP Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire has been hitting the media across The EU again - exposing the corruption of Tyhe EU and gaining supporters for Britain leaving The EU.

18 al
24 de marzo de

J. M. Ballester Esquivias ría creer que esta vez las revelaciones servirán para termi- NIKKI SINCLAIRE,

nar de una vez por todas con los abusos. Pero insiste en


G G RACIAS a su tesón y a la que la UE no aprende de sus errores. inestimable ayuda del ta-LOS DERROCHES DE SUS COMPAÑEROS Para apoyar este último argumento, recuerda que apebloide News of the World,la ló -por medio de una declaración escrita-al Tribunal de europarlamentaria británi-Cuentas de la UE para que dictaminase si el polémico sis-


ca -y acérrima euroescépti-tema se ajustaba a la legalidad europea. Pero el gabinete ca-Nikki Sinclaire ha de-de Jerzy Buzek, presidente de la Eurocámara, rechazó de mostrado cómo seis eurodi-plano su solicitud. De haberse admitido a trámite, se haputados de varios países -y bría pedido a todos y cada uno de los
736 europarlamende procedencia ideológica tarios si la firmaban o no.

muy diversa-suelen madrugar los viernes en Bruselas, -¿Cómo han reaccionado sus colegas a las revela


acudir a la sede de la Eurocámara para fichar y así co-ciones? brar los
304 euros de dieta diaria para alojamiento y co--Ni me han criticado ni me han felicitado, pero están midas e, inmediatamente después, ir al aeropuerto pa-Con sus revelaciones sobre el abuso de dietas mucho menos comunicativos que antes. ra coger el primer avión y largarse. por parte de varios de sus colegas, Nikki Sinclaire Entre los colegas cogidos con las manos en la masa es-

Las revelaciones han dado la vuelta al Viejo Conti-ha puesto en evidencia el funcionamiento taba la socialista española Eider Gardiazábal. Esta euronente y han servido para poner de manifiesto la facili-de la Eurocámara. Según ella, todo esto no ha hecho parlamentaria, que -como Nikki-efectúa su primera ledad con la que los europarlamentarios pueden abusar más que empezar: la amplia repercusión gislatura en la Eurocámara, es nieta del histórico Ramón del generoso régimen económico y administrativo del de sus denuncias la anima a seguir investigando. Rubial, que a lo largo de su carrera política hizo gala de un que son beneficiarios. Sin embargo, no se limita a criticar y formula comportamiento irreprochable desde un punto de vista

A Sinclaire le llena de indignación que unos políti-propuestas para mejorar el funcionamiento ético. De momento, a Sinclaire no le consta que haya más cos que ganan
1.850 euros por semana a costa del con-de una asamblea a la que aborrece. españoles entre los europarlamentarios que han abusado tribuyente no tengan escrúpulos para renunciar a una del sistema. dieta por un trabajo inexistente en una Unión Europea que soy euroescéptica y fui elegida para otorgar relevan-Dicho todo esto, Sinclaire reconoce que también se
(UE) en la que la media salarial es de
368 euros semana-cia a este tipo de asuntos. Pienso que la UE, sus funciona-benefició de un sistema -que no tiene nada de ilegalles. Y además en medio de un fuerte aumento del nú-rios y muchos europarlamentarios son arrogantes e in-mientras investigaba el caso, pero solo para costear el mero de desempleados y de duros recortes presupues-sensibles hacia la gente a la que pretenden representar. tiempo de trabajo extra suyo y de uno de sus asistentes. tarios en los servicios públicos. Tiene que cambiar la forma de hacer política. “Trabajé un total de veinte horas a lo largo de tres viernes

Sinclaire fue elegida europarlamentaria en
2009 en y di la cantidad sobrante a una organización caritativa delas listas del Partido para la Independencia del Reino Al volante de una camioneta. Los reproches al dicada a los niños que tiene su sede en el territorio de Unido
(UKIP), cuya principal razón de ser es sacar a su régimen retributivo de los europarlamentarios no son mi circunscripción electoral de las West Midlands”, punpaís de la UE. una novedad: más bien una constante. Todos los intentos tualiza.

-¿Hubiera hecho lo mismo de haber sido parlamen-anteriores para moralizar el sistema o han caído en saco En principio se supone que el destino de las dietas es taria en Londres? roto o se han quedado en vagas promesas por parte de la cubrir los gastos de alojamiento y de comidas en Bruselas -También lo hubiera hecho. Sin embargo, es verdad poderosa burocracia europea. Sinclaire lo sabe y le gusta-y en Estrasburgo. Sin embargo, los europarlamentarios

Sinclaire ya denunció en su día que la norma amparabaaaquellos miembros del Parlamento Europeo que cargaban alos presupuestos su consumo de Viagra


Por discrepancias internas, Nikki Sinclaire fue expulsada del UKIP hace unos meses. Pero la convergencia de ideas con sus antiguos compañeros de filas sigue siendo la misma. Consiste en denunciar hasta la extenuación los defectos de la UE. Y si hay que organizar un escándalo en plena sesión, pues adelante. Michael Farage, uno de los jefes del UKIP, no dudó en decir a Herman van Rompuy, presidente del Consejo Europeo, que tenía el carisma de un trapo húmedo. Su colega Godfrey Blum atacó al portavoz socialista Martin Schulz con un sonoro “Un pueblo, un imperio, un guía”, o sea, el famoso eslogan hitleriano.

también tienen que ejercer su actividad fuera de las sedes oficiales; entre otras cosas para explicar su labor a sus votantes y así acercar la institución a los ciudadanos de a pie.

Nikki, por ejemplo, cada vez que vuelve al Reino Unido, recorre su circunscripción -situada en plena Inglaterra, aunque no muy lejos del País de Gales-de cabo a rabo al volante de una camioneta pintada con los colores de la bandera británica para recabar firmas con el objetivo de celebrar un referéndum sobre la pertenencia de Gran Bretaña a la UE y también para atender las preguntas que le formula la gente. Ahora bien, precisa que para cubrir los gastos generados por la actividad local cada europarlamentario recibe una partida anual de
50.000 euros.

Asimismo, Sinclaire ha demostrado cómo, dentro de la más absoluta legalidad, los europarlamentarios y sus familiares pueden cargar sus gastos de Viagra y de productos cosméticos a la Eurocámara, es decir, al contribuyente.

Por eso seguirá investigando, aunque todavía no desvela nada.

-¿No se siente aislada en la Eurocámara?

-No. Me encanta ser independiente, nadie me dice lo que tengo que hacer y solo respondo ante mis jefes.

-¿Quiénes son?

Otra de sus campañas es recabar firmas para organizar un referéndum que saque a Gran Bretaña de la UE. -Los que me han votado.
I do hope this translation is of help - shakey as it is, it gives some guide to the text even if the punctuation is even worse than my own normally is! If SOMEONE paid me I might find the time and enthusiasm to ensure the spelling and grammar were right in my blogs - sufficient that EVERY SINGLE FACT of consequence in all the 1,000s of postings I have made have proved accurate - despite the slime in UKIP leadership and the lies of their parasites!

Of 18 to 24 of March of 2011 
J.M. Ballester Esquivias laughs to think that this time the revelations will be used for termi- NIKKI SINCLAIRE, to nar once and for all with the abuses. 

But it insists on THE EURO-MP THAT REVEALED G G RACIAS to its tenacity and to which the EU does not learn of its errors. inestimable aid of ta-LOS WASTES OF ITS COMPANIONS to support this last argument, remembers that apebloide News of the World, - by means of a written-al declaration the Court of británi-Count euro-mp of the EU so that it considered if controversial sis- Corporativismo ca - and staunch euroescépti-subject adjusted to the European legality. 

But the cabinet ca-Nikki Sinclaire has of-of Jerzy Buzek, president of the Eurocámara, rejected of shown how to six eurodi-plane its request. 

Of to have admitted to proceeding, haputados of several countries - and bría asked to each and every one of the 736 europarlamende ideological origin tarios they signed if it or no. very diverse-they are accustomed to rise early Fridays in Brussels, -How they have reacted their colleagues reveal to them zero to go to soothes of the Eurocámara to file and thus firings? to brar 304 Euros of daily diet for lodging and Co--

To neither they have criticized me nor they have congratulated to me, but they are plant lice and, immediately later, to go to the airport pa-With his revelations on the abuse of much less communicative diets that before. ra to take the first airplane and to leave. on the part of several of its colleagues, Nikki Sinclaire Between the colleagues taken with the hands in the mass is The revelations have given the return to the Old man Conti-has put in evidence the operation taba the Spanish Socialist Eider Gardiazábal. 

This euronente and has served to show facili-of the Eurocámara. According to her, all this has not made parliamentary, that - as ledad Nikki-carries out his first with which the euro-mps can abuse more than to begin: the ample repercussion gislatura in the Eurocámara, is granddaughter of the historical Ramon of the generous economic regime and administrative of the one of to his it animates it denunciations to continue investigating. 

Rubial, that throughout its political race displayed which they are beneficiary. Nevertheless, it is not limited to criticize and it formulates irreproachable behavior from a point of view To Sinclaire full him of indignation that políti-propose ones to improve the ethical operation. 

At the moment, to Sinclaire it does not consist to him that there are more cos than they win 1,850 Euros per week at the cost of the count an assembly to which detests. 

Spaniards between the euro-mps that have abused tribuyente do not have scruples to resign to one of the system. diet by a nonexistent work in a European Union that I am euroskeptic and I was chosen to grant release-This all this, Sinclaire recognizes that also (the EU) in that the wage average is of 368 Euros week-company to this type of subjects. Fodder that the EU, his work-benefitted from a system - that does not have anything of ilegalles.

And in addition in the middle of a fort increase of the nú-rivers and many euro-mps they are arrogant and in-while it investigated the case, but to only pay for the mere one of unemployed and hard presupues-sensible cuts towards the people whom they try to represent. extra one and working time his of its assistants. tarios in the services public. 

It must change the form to make policy. “I worked a total of twenty hours throughout three Fridays Sinclaire was chosen euro-mp in 2009 in and I gave to the leftover amount to ready a charitable organization delas of the Party for the Independence of the Kingdom To the steering wheel of a light truck. 

The reproaches to dicada to the children whom it has his soothe in the territory of United (UKIP), whose main reason of being is to remove to its repaying regime from the euro-mps are not my electoral circumscription of the West Midlands”, punpaís of the EU. a newness: rather a constant. All the attempts tualiza. -It would have made the same have been parlamen-previous to moralizar the system or have fallen in coat In principle assumes that the destiny of the diets is taria in London? broken or they have remained in vague promises on the part of covering the expenses of lodging and meals in Brussels - it would have done Also it. Nevertheless, European bureaucracy is powerful truth. 

It knows it to Sinclaire and it likes-and to him in Strasbourg. Nevertheless, the euro-mps Sinclaire already denounced at the time that the norm amparabaaaquellos member of the European Parliament that loaded estimated alos their consumption of Viagra POPULISTS By internal discrepancies, Nikki Sinclaire was expelled from the UKIP a few months ago. But the convergence of ideas with its old companions of rows continues being the same. 

It consists of denouncing until the debilitation the defects of the EU. And if is to organize a scandal in the heat of session, because ahead. Michael Farage, one of the heads of the UKIP, did not doubt in saying to Herman van Rompuy, president of the European Council, who had the charisma of a humid rag. 

His colleague Godfrey Blum attacked the socialist spokesman Martin Schulz with sonorous “Ein Reich, Ein Volk Ein Fuhrer”, that is to say, the famous Hitler catchphrase. also they must carry out its activity outside you soothe official; among others things to explain its work to its voters and thus to approach the institution the citizens of on foot. 

Nikki, for example, whenever it returns to the United Kingdom, crosses its circumscription - located England in the heat of, although not very far from the Country of Wales-of end to tail to the steering wheel of a light truck guinea fowl with the colors of the British flag to successfully obtain companies with the aim of celebrating a referendum on the property from Great Britain to the EU and also to take care of the questions that to him people formulate. 

However, it needs that to cover the expenses generated by the local activity each euro-mp receives an annual game of 50,000 Euros. Also, Sinclaire has demonstrated how, within the absolute legality, the euro-mps and their relatives can load their expenses of Viagra and cosmetic products to the Eurocámara, that is to say, the contributor. 

For that reason it will continue investigating, although still it does not keep awake anything. -One does not feel isolated in the Eurocámara? - No. enchants to Me to be independent, nobody says to me what I must do and I only respond before my heads. -Who are? 

Another one of its campaigns is to successfully obtain companies to organize a referendum that removes to Great Britain from the EU. - Those that have voted to me.

no wonder the Spanish look so confused so much of the time and 40% of their under 25 year olds are unemployed - they can't understand each other ;-)

Sorry it isn't a very good translation but I'm sure that someone in The EU on the gravy train can have it perfectly translated by one of the 100s of translators costing us €Billions a year.

I see now that The EU are on the verge of insisting that if there is a Roma child in a school in Britain the tax payer must pay for that child to be taught in their own language!!!
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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