Well NO But Bad Enough!
Here she asks The £12Million Question!
Sadly she lacks any credibility as her record shows CLICK HERE!
The issue at stake is a complex one. As The Parliament reports, the European Commission breached the copyright of machine translation software made by Systran SA, and was – rightly – sued for copyright breaches. Budgets Committee of the EP has just voted to approve the €12 million damages payment, with only one MEP – Andreasen – voting against paying the damages.
If the ball were in the other court – that Andreasen were an accountant for Systran, or the firm were based in the south east of the UK rather than France – you would bet she would be kicking up all kinds of fuss about this, demanding the EU treats companies fairly.
The issue is of course an enormous cock up, and embarrassing to the Commission. But to get to the bottom of where the problem really lies would require time and effort, and cooperation with Commission staff. And we know where that ended up last time she tried.
So well done Marta. Make a populist and impractical statement, poisonous in nature. Suppose it was inevitable, you’re a UKIP MEP after all.
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I wonder how long it would take The French Company 'SYSTRAN' to earn a profit of £12,000,000 and how The EU Courts can have arrived at this figure!
Since in brief it would seem that the Capital Stock value of the Company is claimed to be €13M and the share value thereof is quoted at €11M - or so it would seem from
- Reference document 2009(PDF - 1.11 Mb) July 20, 2010
This would tend to indicate to me a profligate and irresponsible concern for my money on a par with the bribes offered for enlargement of The EU or the supply of Viagra for enlargement!
€12M compensation seems generous relative to the value of the organisation and what was their net profit and at £59 a box they would need to supply rather more than seems likely to make a €12M profit by legitimate trade!
Might it not be a good investment of my money to buy the company - grant the relevant licenses and then on sell it with a caveat of commitment to honour the new licenses granted!!