#0355* - Nikki SINCLAIRE Increasingly Under Attack by UKIP MORE PRESS!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Nikki SINCLAIRE Increasingly Under Attack by UKIP MORE PRESS!
In about 1998 UKIP Leadership attacked Nikki SINCLAIRE But She Won, with UKIP having to sue for peace and pay both compensation and expenses!
Her belief in The Cause is unimpeachable & so she returned putting UKIP Leadership to shame AGAIN!
In about 1998 UKIP Leadership attacked Nikki SINCLAIRE But She Won, with UKIP having to sue for peace and pay both compensation and expenses!
Her belief in The Cause is unimpeachable & so she returned putting UKIP Leadership to shame AGAIN!
yet more exposure of the corruption of MEPs and the EU by Nikki Sinclaire - this time with Spanish MEPs squirming to justify their dishonesty!
Every little helps to build the EUroSceptic case for Britain leaving The EU and to date the only foreign trip has been as part of a peace keeping mission to Tunisia - it is because of being free of the vile EFD that Sinclaire is being taken seriously as she is no longer involved in The EFD corruption, self enrichment, anti Judaism and violent anti homosexuality and racism!
I'm losing track of the number of articles in the British press, helped by Professional PR and a sound political insight - a huge amount of hard work! All this foreign media 'pick up' is a huge help as British journalists do check out the foreign press.
euroeséptica Nikki Sinclaire, "whose sole purpose is to devalue the prestige of European policy in general and the European Parliament in particular."Good to see The EU are getting the message that UKIP MEPs were elected to publicise even if UKIP threw Nikki out because she refused to collude in supporting racism and anti Judaism in The EFD!
Every little helps to build the EUroSceptic case for Britain leaving The EU and to date the only foreign trip has been as part of a peace keeping mission to Tunisia - it is because of being free of the vile EFD that Sinclaire is being taken seriously as she is no longer involved in The EFD corruption, self enrichment, anti Judaism and violent anti homosexuality and racism!
I'm losing track of the number of articles in the British press, helped by Professional PR and a sound political insight - a huge amount of hard work! All this foreign media 'pick up' is a huge help as British journalists do check out the foreign press.
European Parliament
Gardiazabal niega que las dietas de la Eurocámara sean ´un robo´ Gardiazabal denies that the diets of the EP are 'a steal'
El diario británico 'News of the World' le acusaba de cobrar las asignaciones sin asistir al parlamento The British newspaper News of the World 'was accused of collecting the assignments without attending parliament
To view the original article CLICK HEREEFE / STRASBOURG (FRANCE) Eider Gardiazabal Socialist MEP has defended Wednesday the allegations in the newspaper 'News of the World', according to which he claimed the EP diets inappropriately and explained to Efe that no is "robbery", but something completely "legal."
El diario sensacionalista y euroescéptico británico ha acusado a Gardiazabal y otros eurodiputados de cobrar las dietas correspondientes a la jornada del viernes, cuando en realidad ese día no trabajan. The British eurosceptic tabloid and has accused other MEPs Gardiazabal and accept payment for the day Friday, when that day actually working.
El medio recoge fotografías de los eurodiputados fichando en la sede del Parlamento y desplazándose al aeropuerto oa la estación de tren, poco después. The medium includes photographs of clocking MEPs in the Parliament building and moving to the airport or train station shortly after.
Según Gardiazabal, la mañana en la que la fotografiaron tenía una reunión en Bilbao, por lo que se marchó temprano para llegar a tiempo. According Gardiazabal the morning when the photograph was a meeting in Bilbao, so he left early to arrive on time.
La eurodiputada ha explicado a Efe que el reglamento de los eurodiputados permite cobrar las dietas del viernes si el trabajo de la jornada del jueves (cuando termina la semana en Bruselas) se prolonga hasta tarde. The MEP has told Efe that the regulation of MEPs can accept payment on Friday if the work of the day on Thursday (when you finish the week in Brussels) continues until late.
"Es algo totalmente generalizado", ha afirmado la eurodiputada, quien ha señalado que numerosos eurodiputados de todo el espectro político le han hecho llegar su solidaridad por la noticia. "This is completely general," said the MEP, who pointed out that many MEPs from across the political spectrum have extended its solidarity with the news.
"Es muy fácil difamar y luego cuesta mucho restablecer la verdad", ha destacado Gardiazabal, que se ha quejado de los correos electrónicos insultantes que ha recibido, después de que el diario El Mundo se hiciera eco de la noticia publicada el 13 de febrero por 'News of the World'. "It's very easy to slander and then very difficult to establish the truth," he stressed Gardiazabal, who has complained of abusive emails he has received, after the newspaper El Mundo echoed the news published on February 13 by News of the World '.
Gardiazabal ha destacado que el "topo" de la noticia es la eurodiputada conservadora británica y euroeséptica Nikki Sinclaire, "cuyo único objetivo es devaluar el prestigio de la política europea en general y de la Eurocámara en particular". Gardiazabal stressed that the "mole" of the news is the British Conservative MEP and euroeséptica Nikki Sinclaire, "whose sole purpose is to devalue the prestige of European policy in general and the European Parliament in particular."
"Quiero dejar claro que ni yo ni nadie ha robado", ha afirmado la eurodiputada, quien asegura que esta información sólo sirve para "engordar el mensaje que los políticos no hacen nada y se enriquecen a costa de los ciudadanos", cuando "la realidad es que nuestras jornadas en el Parlamento empiezan a las ocho de la mañana y terminan a las nueve de la noche habitualmente". "I want to make clear that neither I nor anyone else has won," said the MEP, who says that this information only serves to "fatten the message that politicians do nothing and get rich at the expense of citizens" when "reality is that our days in Parliament begins at eight o'clock and finish at nine p.m. usually. "
"En el PE estamos muy controlados, justificamos cada reunión a la que hemos asistido y cada billete de avión", ha añadido. "In PE we are controlled, justify every meeting I have attended and each ticket," he added.
Gardiazabal (Bilbao, 1975) participa en las comisiones parlamentarias de presupuestos, perspectivas financieras y medio ambiente. Gardiazabal (Bilbao, 1975) participates in the parliamentary committees of budgets, financial and environmental perspectives.
Sorry it is a rubbish translation but if you go to the original it is a bit easier to follow!
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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