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We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.
All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.
UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!
What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?
After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.
UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!
The EU an Evil Union
These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! .
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! .
Lesbian former Ukip MEP wins sex bias case
Nikki Sinclaire had the whip removed after she refused to sit with members of a far-right Italian party
Press Association
A former UK Independence party MEP has won her claim that the party discriminated against her because she was a lesbian.
Nikki Sinclaire had the whip removed by Ukip's leader, Nigel Farage, in January after she refused to sit with members of the far-right Italian party Lega Nord, claiming that some of its members were homophobic.
Ukip made no defence when she lodged a discrimination suit against it at an employment tribunal in Exeter and a default judgment was made in her favour. The party said today it had failed to lodge a response to the suit because of an administrative error and that an application for the judgment to be set aside had been filed.
The judgment, in which Farage and Godfrey Bloom MEP were both listed as respondents, found: "The claim of sexual orientation discrimination is well founded."
Sinclaire, who now sits as an independent MEP for West Midlands, said: "I'm very saddened by how this has all turned out. I have been trying to work for an out-of-court settlement but at no point did Ukip come to me and say: 'Right, shall we talk about this?'
"I feel betrayed by the party. When I joined Ukip in 1994 it certainly wasn't a career move. I did my bit in building
Ukip up to second in a national election and they have repaid me with discrimination."
Sinclaire says Bloom, an MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, called her "a queer" as she passed him in the hallway of the European parliament in Strasbourg. Bloom denies the allegation, which is being investigated.
A hearing to decide whether to award compensation will take place on 29 December.
The following article and comments provide more factual details and background.
To check out anyone named you will probably find the A-Z of links in the Right SideBar of help.
CLEARLY I will stand my every word which I publish on my blogs and where possible provide the links and cross reference in support of the facts which I provide.
CLEARLY I may make an error as I am working from clandestine sources of whistle blowers where I make every effort to ensure I am not being set up with false information.
Fortunately I have NEVER been shown to lie, deliberately mislead or provide a single solitary fact of consequence that misleads.
I appreciate the desperation of UKIP's corrupt leadership to try to silence the truth and the lies of their parasites like Skeptyk, Denny, Croucher, Stuart Parr, Mike McGough and the like seeking to curry favour or protect their income stream with their dishonesty.
To date they have only been able to indulge in attempts at character assasination as I do try to be accurate on all points and cross reference them. Who the messenger is is not very relevant it is that they have proved totally incapable of showing ANY of the messages to be other than true!
West Midland MEP Nikki Sinclaire
wins discrimination claim against UKIP
A former UK Independence Party MEP, who represents West Midlands in the European Parliament, haswon her claim that the party discriminated against her because she was a lesbian.
Nikki Sinclaire MEP had the whip removed by Ukip leader Nigel Farage in January after she refused to sit with members of the far-right Italian party Lega Nord, claiming that some of its members were homophobic.
The Eurosceptic party made no defence when she lodged a discrimination suit against it at Exeter Employment Tribunal and a default judgment was made in her favour.
But Ukip said it had failed to lodge a response to the suit due to an administrative error and that an application for the judgment to be set aside had been filed.
The judgment, on which Mr Farage and Godfrey Bloom MEP were both listed as respondents, found that: "The claim of sexual orientation discrimination is well founded".
Ms Sinclaire, who now sits as an independent, said: "I'm very saddened by how this has all turned out. I have been trying to work for an out of court settlement but at no point did Ukip come to me and say: 'Right, shall we talk about this?'
"I feel betrayed by the party. When I joined Ukip in 1994 it certainly wasn't a career move. I did my bit in building Ukip up to second in a national election and they have repaid me with discrimination."
Ms Sinclaire claims that Mr Bloom, MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, called her "a queer" as she passed him in the hallway of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
She said she had made an official complaint and the alleged incident was being investigated by Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament.
Mr Bloom denied making the comment and said he was unaware of any investigation. The European Parliament
could not confirm whether an investigation was under way.
Mr Bloom said: "I've received absolutely nothing from the European Union, the President, the Parliament or anybody else about this. The first I heard of it was when she filed [the discrimination suit] so I really can't add anything."
He said he was normally made aware of complaints within 24 hours. In November he was ejected from the Parliamentary chamber after making a Nazi jibe while a German MEP was speaking.
Ms Sinclaire said it was "ridiculous" she had been asked to join the Europe of Freedom and Democracy bloc, which includes Lega Nord.
She said: "You would not expect a black MEP to sit next to a Ku Klux Klan member so why would you expect me to sit next to someone who wanted me dead?"
In their statement Ukip said: "Because of a simple administrative error, the date for filing a response to Ms Sinclaire's action was regrettably missed.
"The Respondents have now filed an application to set aside the judgment. The Respondents have always intended to defend this case vigorously and the application is accompanied by a robust response challenging almost every aspect of her case, including the Tribunal's jurisdiction."
A remedy hearing, where compensation may be awarded, will take place on December 29.
You will find Ms. Sinclaire's press release regarding this matter at CLICK HERE
This source document may also aid understanding:
Interestingly it now transpires: as predicted UKIP, who so frequently show utter contempt for the British Justice system now belatedly leap forward making allegations of not what is going on around them - One might well say this with much veracity but not in this instance when one considers some of the communications that have passed this way including discussion of the case on Twitter by those no seeking to wriggle out of their proven guilt.
One need only read the record to understand the contempt in which UKIP hold British Courts and even the direct flouting of law in both legal and moral terms has been a patern in UKIP.
Consider the irrefutable fact that UKIP colluded in the posting of a video of John West on YouTube in proven breech of trust and thus Data Protection law - yet UKIP, Nigel Farage particularly, made energetic defence of both UKIP & Annabelle Fuller that can only be described as of moral turpitude if not outright dishonesty.
The contempt for the British Courts was clear in UKIP's dealings with John West and even the Judge chastised UKIP's legal representatives little Jonathan Arnott and the serial liar and bully Peter Reeve. Further the Judge displayed his contempt for Michael Zuckerman, UKIP's Party Secretary's legal and procedural knowledge.
Farage openly declared his contempt for British law deliberately and publicly insulting the authorities and forcing them to Court where UKIP was found guilty of accepting unlawfull donations from Alan Bowne.
A UKIP team comprising the Chairman Paul Nuttall, Press Officer Clive Page supported Mark Croucher in a malicious case against myself which they lost thus having a moral responsibility to pay my costs of £12,500 and compensate me for their dishonesty and the judge found Mark Croucher personally responsible for £8,500 - to date UKIP has lacked the integrity or basic morality to hounour their debt in complete contempt of the British Courts.
UKIP not only has a letigious reputation but a clear track record of utter contempt for British Courts. These are NOT isolated cases!
UKIP did not even assist OLAF, the Police or Courts when Tom Wise UKIP MEP was shown to have been fraudulently stealing money from the tax payers for his personal gain - UKIP even went so far as to hold a totally corrupt inquiry using Trevor Coleman and the NEC to orchestrate a cover-up. Nigel Farage even outright lied regarding the matter for his personal gain.
That Nigel Farage has no leadership skills, is without dignity or integrity and is happy to act dishonourably and outright lie is irrefutable and well documented - as of course is Farage's contempt for the truth or justice he is so bereft of Officer Qualities.
Having deliberately treated this tribunal court with contempt as a further insult to Nikki Sinclaire and British Justice UKIP now adds insult to injury claiming they were so indifferent they did not pay attention to the case, which we KNOW is a lie, such that the new PROFESSIONALISED UKIP orchestrated a deliberate contempt and now pretend to an administartive error.
Nigel Farage had PROMISED to professionalise the Party in 2005 when he sought election as leader but fell back on the lies and corruption of Douglas Denny, Mark Croucher, Annabelle Fuller, David Lott, John Moran, Gawain Towler, Jim Carver and others willing to prostitute their integrity to lie and cheat so that Farage could seize control of the party.
Indeed Farage professionalised UKIP, if one is to use as one's role model The Mafia.
Nigel Farage had promised professionalising then and having been the leader ever since, though for a short while through the duplicitous Lord Pearson as a puppet, yet even now we can expect UKIP to claim they are an amateur body made up of amateurs - well hardly, their standards of dishonesty are clearly far too consistent to be considered amateur.
One only needs to note the racism and anti Jewish behaviour of UKIP's group in the EU which Mark Croucher fronted as PR & Media representative whilst Farage chaired the odious EFD.
Too many people knew of this Case and the FACT that even I living in Chepstow featured it on this blog, as did the Junius team from their knowledge and work in the EU. Further for Godfrey Bloom to claim he knew nothing of the complaint made to Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament can not be true as it was widely publicised, though I believe the witnesses have not been publicly published.
UKIP is a busted flush - a dishonourable claque of self serving individuals having seized control of UKIP from the party members for their own gain.
There is only ONE possibility and that is to Clean-Up UKIP rid it of serial liars and cheats like Skeptyk, Mark Croucher, Mike McGough, Douglas Denny and the rest of the leadership team who have provably colluded in corruption and dishonesty publicly sheltered by the endless ad hominem lies of these sordid scum - who have so betrayed Britain, UKIP members and the body politic of our Country.
CLICK HERE & HERE for cross referenced sourced factual suggestions.
Minded of the huige amount of proof backing Nikki Sinclaire's claim much of which is documented in context and in a clear verifiable date manner or the comments of such as the bullying and dishonesty that can be found on Anthony Butcher's sordid UKIP Forum - or the postings of such as Jonathan Isaby on the official UKIP Forum as an ajunct to the mischief making and lies told to The Sunday Times and the noted rewards Isaby received from Nigel Farage, who all know controls the employment within his Party even his puppet Chairman has to seek Farage's permission to employ staff which has been shown on The Junius blog and can be attested to in any Court.
So it is clear that UKIP is sexually intollerant as shown by the Court Judgement and the simple fact that UKIP has deliberately sought out partners who openly advocate the hunting and killing of homosexuals - perhaps the endless jibes and tasteless comments on Butcher's Forum by such as Baron and MANY others clearly show UKIP to be outspokenly opposed to the totally legal perversion of homosexuals, be they male or female.
The attacks on Sinclaire by UKIP have shown they have no desire to act with integrity and that they lied in order to remove her as Westminster PPC and have debarred her and prevented Party support for any future UKIP candidacy is irrefutable - that Christopher Gill issued instruction to mount a robbery at her office which was carried out, that Lord Pearson whilst masquerading as leader not only lied to Nikki Sinclaire and issued a public letter that was a pack of lies regarding her proves she could not expect ANY co-operation from UKIP.
Any order that UKIP must reinstate her would be pointless as UKIP has shown it has nothing but contempt for the law and does not carry out the orders of the Courts and dishonorably defaults on its duties in respect of Court decisions.
It will be noted that recently UKIP was ordered to reinstate a member by The Courts and compensate the individual as at earlier this week when I checked UKIP had made absolutely no effort to honour the judgement of the Court!
In terms of consideration of Nikki Sinclaire's personal losses it is reasonable to assume that as UKIP's lead candidate on the West Midlands list, as the current '01 is Mike Nattrass who intends to retire at the next election I understand. To date no major British party and in respect of EU elections be minded UKIP came 2nd. untrusted as they may be by the electorate within Britain - NOT A SINGLE British sitting MEP who stood for re-election has EVER failed to be elected and Sinclaire had the added benefit of being the top of the list.
Thus clearly, minded that Sinclaire is young she could be reasonably certain of being re elected to a further 3 terms at least, a totally reasonable assumption which ensures a VERY generous pension and probable senior office within Britain and commensurate Directorships - Here is ajudging compensation it is clear that the Judge must be minded when considering the damages which run well into 7 figures the Judge should clearly suggest his opinion as to when The EU can be expected to fail and collapse - clearly that was the purpose for which Nikki Sinclaire was elected by the British peoples.
Minded that Farage has clearly stated that in his first two terms as an MEP he has personally made over £2Million over and above his salary and is known to have banked £1/4Million in just one cheque to his Isle of Man off shore account as Farage Educational Trust, Farage has also paid his wife £30K a year from the public purse for what his own constituency office is for services unknown to them!
This clearly should be considered in terms of the compensation due to Sinclaire and possibly the source to fund it!
I do commend a study of the corruption, lies and bullying of UKIP leadership and their parasites like Denny, Croucher, Stuart Parr, Skeptyk, McTrough and others and the lies and corruption shown by UKIP's own returning officer in an official internal report CLICK HERE
The unequivocal Judgement against Farage's promised professionalism as his Party yet again shows just how unfit for public office of any description these racist, anti Jewish, sexually intolerant, odious liars are people are.
I do suggest a detailed study of some of the FACTS so CLICK HERE
UKIP has no future and rightly so, for as long as its leadership are so corrupt and dishonest and its spokesmen so clearly liars like Skeptyk, Croucher and their vile chums.
Due to Spam & the offensive comments of many seeking to support UKIP corruption in a cloak of anonymity full moderation applies. This blog is designed to bring to light the actions of UKIP's leadership and their claque and show they are unfit for purpose on almost every discernible count. The blog is based on supported facts, accurate quotes, substantiated details and as shon my opinion and that of others quoted! By all means comment in your own name it will probably be published if you avoid foul and abusive language!
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Due to Spam & the offensive comments of many seeking to support UKIP corruption in a cloak of anonymity full moderation applies. This blog is designed to bring to light the actions of UKIP's leadership and their claque and show they are unfit for purpose on almost every discernible count.
The blog is based on supported facts, accurate quotes, substantiated details and as shon my opinion and that of others quoted!
By all means comment in your own name it will probably be published if you avoid foul and abusive language!