We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

#0216* - UKIP, The Vile, The Venal, The Racists & The EFD Trash + Michal Kaminski!!

#0216* - UKIP, The Vile, The Venal, The Racists & The EFD Trash + Michal Kaminski!!!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP, The Vile, The Venal, The Racists & The EFD Trash + Michal Kaminski!!
A TALE of TWO PARTIES UKIP or its Leadership Ner Do Wells & Dross!!


Based upon Junius' usual track record of accuracy and at very worst efforts to ensure they tell the truth, as does this blog - as has been made very clear recently with my corrections of the comments of the venal and vile liar Mick McTrough of UKIP's NEC CLICK HERE & the posting of a very minor correction, in the form of additional information at the prompting of the cowardly comments of the ever flatulent Independent UKIP  on Butcher's squalid Forum, as ever acting as a platform for liars and anti UKIPpers like Douglas Denny, Mark Croucher, Annabell Fuller, Mike McTrough, Baron von Idiot, Independent UKIP and their ilk endlessly dragging UKIP into their gutter with its leader, leadership and parasites who clearly feel comfortable with their snouts in the trough.

It was the very fact that Junius team are all too readily willing to correct an error and their posting regarding Michal Kaminski carefully says little that I set out to check.

Here are Junius' thoughts on the subject, presumably based upon what they have heard within The EU's corridors of shame or at the very least the back passages of the pleasure dome! From whence comes the stories of UKIP MEPs tripping home at 3am with their black male pickups, their assaults on women, their urinating in hotel corridors and their total political irrelevance.

Monday, 13 December 2010

UKIP: More Fascists to join the EFD

Michael Kaminski is the controversial Polish MEP who has torn apart the ECR group - to which the British Conservatives belong - in the European Parliament. It would appear that as a result of this, 11 members of the far-right Polish Law & Justice Party are now set to join UKIP's EFD group.

Farage will, of course, see this as extra money coming in. UKIP members, however, may ask what this means for our party.

What next, Nigel, the BNP?

Interested and having heard that Michal Kaminski had distanced himself from his party - the extremist, anti Jewish, sexually intollerant Polish Law & Justice Party and having followed Edward McMillan-Scott's wanderings in the EU playpen I had opted to await developements!

Junius has rather upped the ante by leaking information to UKIP members that should surely have been given to them by the leadership, even if only to have a pretence of professionalism for as we all know those rosy promises from Farage went down the toilet as fast as the last time he made them.

It seems Farage puts as much value on his political promises as he does on his marriage vows! Then again at £30K Kirsten no doubt treats him as her trough with the distain he treats UKIP members both turning a blind eye to integrity and promises in return for money.

I read an interesting summary of UKIP and why they have not nor are ever likely to go anywhere in terms of liberating these United Kingdoms - although there is much merit in the document which pulls together many of the loose 'tales' of UKIP I find fault with its anti Jewish content which I consider to be not only wrong but tasteless and unfair on Judaism though that could merely be a result of the Zionist propaganda machine's determination to con people into the belief that Zionism is in some way Jewish!

I will try to ascertain the veracity of the document and clarify the distortions which I believe are nothing more than cupidity to the propaganda! Next we will have some bufoon trying to convince us all that the background to UKIP is foretold in 'The Prophecies of The Elders of Zion' assured that there will be enough fools in UKIP to fall for that unpleasant piece of Russian propaganda (sadly there probably are!) it does sadly fit, as a party, most naturally with the vile, the sweepings and the gutter trash of politics one need only look at its leadership and parasites and note their partners in the Pan EU Political Party EFD Grouping and note the efforts to start the new Pan EU Alliance which many of The EFD have joined, as has Godfrey Bloom.

Be minded it is the filth that is The EFD that Mark Croucher acted as media spokesman and PR for with their anti Jewish, Holocaust denying faction and violent racist xenophobia, matched by the violence of their sexual intollerance - all certain bed fellows of UKIP and it would seem The Polish Law & Justice Party - where in fact this leaves Michal Kaminski I shall leave you to ponder until I have additional information and better leaks than Mossad & The American Government might have offered Julian Assange!

Conservatives' EU alliance in turmoil as Michał Kamiński leaves 'far right' party

Polish leader of European Conservatives and Reformists quits his party, saying it is becoming too extreme, in embarrassment for Tories
  • Michal Kaminski 
    Photograph: Martin Argles
    Michał Kamiński: 
    'I cannot accept that my party is being taken over by the far right.'
    David Cameron's alliance in the European parliament is falling apart after the group's Polish leader left his own party because it was too rightwing and then faced calls from fellow members to step down.
    Michał Kaminski, the Polish leader of the European Conservative and Reformists group, announced that he had left Poland's Law and Justice party, Cameron's main ally in Europe, because it had been taken over by extremists.
    Fellow MEPs in the alliance have told the Guardian that Kaminski should step down as leader of the ECR because he no longer has a mandate to lead. The developments are a major embarrassment for the prime minister and William Hague, the foreign secretary. They took the party into an alliance with the Law and Justice party in July 2009. Kaminski told the Sunday Telegraph :"I cannot accept that my party is being taken over by the far right, and being dominated by the far right. I don't like the direction Law and Justice is going so I'm going my own way now." Two other MEPs have also indicated they will leave Law and Justice. Others are expected to follow in the wake of local elections in Poland in which Law and Justice came second with 27% of the vote, against 34% for Civic Platform, the governing party. Kaminski wishes to maintain his role as head of the ECR, but two MEPs from Law and Justice told the Guardian that he ought to leave the post. Jacek Kurski, a one-time ally of Kaminski's, said he would support a move to ask Kaminski to step aside. "I expect that it will be pointed out to the alliance of parties that something must change following these [Kaminski's] comments." There must be a change to consolidate our group. It is not my responsibility to do that. But I would welcome it," he said. Kurski also accused Kamiński of "rebranding" himself for European politics. "If there's anybody who is extreme, it is Michał Kamiński. He is doing his best to realign himself but he is the one who made homophobic comments and was once closely connected to the far right in Poland," he said. Another Polish MEP told the Guardian: "Kamiński will have to go. Otherwise, the alliance will have to be redrawn. He is the worst type of politician because he changes with the wind," he said. Dr Rafal Pankowski, author of The Populist Radical Right in Poland and an expert in extremist activity, said that the Conservatives could well find that the remaining Law and Justice Party now turned further to the right. "I agree with Kamiński's description of Law and Justice as going in a far-right direction. Law and Justice had been a very controversial party even before, but now it seems to be moving decidedly to the radical right. It was illustrated on 11 November this year when some of its MPs supported a radical nationalist skinhead march in Warsaw," he said. The split has provoked fierce infighting within the ECR because Kamiński remains the group's leader, a source of resentment to his former colleagues in Law and Justice, known as PIS in Poland. Kaminski wishes to keep his role as leader of the ECR group. Senior British Conservatives fear that the turmoil could tear the ECR apart if Kamiński tries to retain control of the ECR and as some Tories take sides in the row between the Polish factions. The issue is expected to dominate elections for a new Conservative leader in the European parliament next Tuesday. Martin Callanan, one of the MEPs standing for the leadership of the Conservative MEPs, said: "I have not had a chance to speak to Michał about this. I don't want to say anything. I don't know what's happening." The prime minister's decision last year to leave the mainstream European People's party to align with Law and Justice provoked controversy and led to the expulsion of a senior Tory MEP who accused the Polish party of harbouring racists and antisemites. The row is deeply embarrassing to Cameron because if Law and Justice were to leave the Conservative grouping it would fall apart – but keeping the link with the Polish party is now even more sensitive now that Kamiński has described it as "far right". Edward McMillan-Scott, who is now a Liberal Democrat MEP after being kicked out of the Conservatives for his opposition to the alliance with Law and Justice, said: "I think the whole thing is unravelling. It again highlights Cameron's massive strategic error in abandoning the mainstream for a fragile alliance with extremists." Kamiński, along with other former Law and Justice MEPs, has now aligned himself with a new political group in Poland comprised of party rebels. The party was formed last week following growing dissatisfaction within the ranks of Law and Justice ranks over the direction and leadership of Jarosław Kaczyński, the former prime minister and twin brother of President Lech Kaczyński, who was killed in an air crash in Russia in April. James Holtum, the spokesman for European Conservatives, said: "Law and Justice is still led by Jaroslaw Kaczyński, who was the leader when we joined the group, and it is still a mainstream party in Poland. "The divisions in Law and Justice are an internal matter, and we don't comment on such things." At present, the ECR has 54 MEPs. If the number drops below 50 MEPs because of the Law and Justice split, it would severely threaten the group's chances of securing parliamentary committee chairs. The shadow Europe minister, Wayne David, said: "The Conservatives are in complete disarray in the European Parliament. "It was inevitable this grouping would begin to fall apart, so it is a very worrying sign of the prime minister's poor judgement that he has failed to act and take the Tories back into the EPP before this point. "Instead they remain in an isolated group, sitting with in Nick Clegg's words, a 'bunch of nutters [and] homophobes'. Rather than occupying a position of influence, the Conservatives are isolated and irrelevant," he said.
To view the original article CLICK HERE
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