#0611* - To ALL Genuinely Campaigning For A Referendum
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To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
. The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
~To ALL Genuinely Campaigning For A Referendum!
It is a shame that there are very clear Judas Goats seeking to attack genuine effort on behalf of the Tory Party and in support of The EU - it will surprise few this seems to be the very same people bought and paid for by The EU as they campaign for membership of PEPPs and the destruction of National Political Parties!
May I take this opportunity of thanking you for your continued support of the campaign for a referendum on our membership of the European Union. We must remember that our unrelenting membership of the EU is now costing us £48million everyday and with our own Government cutting budgets in almost all areas our sustained membership is unacceptable.
The Campaign for referendum has over the last ten months been received extremely well in all areas of the political spectrum. I am happy to announce that the campaign has almost reached its target.
We are still out every week with our campaign vehicle, engaging and educating the public. This week we’ll be in the Market Place of Stafford ( West Midlands). Also this week we are stepping up the campaign with our Target 5,000 push where we want to add an extra 5,000 names is just ONE week so we can really send the political elite in Westminster a clear message of just how many of you want a say on our relationship with the EU. To help reach our target PLEASE respond to this email for more petition forms or alternately you can download some here http://www.haveyoursay.eu/pdfs/petition-form.pdf if you are able to get more of your friends and family to sign up to our campaign. If everyone would be able to find just a few new referendum supporters, our numbers will quickly multiply. Please forward this email onto your all your email contacts and ask them to sign the petition now at:
Kind Regards,
Nikki Sinclaire MEP
Campaign for an EU Referendum
Interestingly having put a large amount of her own money into the campaign we notice that Nikki Sinclaire has around 85,000 signatures and some of these have already been delivered under Parliamentary rules as the firts part of the petition to The Speaker's Chair.
Others have copied her and even copied the name to try to gain cudos from her achievements and they have been made whilst under almost constant attack from The EU in the form of their agents in EUkip - who have defamed her, lied about her and eventually after being subject to a Guilty verdict in The Courts were forced to publicly apologise to stave off costly High Court Action for the time being - even then these supporters of the Gravy Train and their own snouts in the trough lack the ethics or the morality not to continue their childish antics.
May I congratulate Mike Nattrass, trevor Colman, Kate Hoey, Austin Mitchell, Richard Sheppard, Phillip Hollobone, David Bannerman and many other cross party members for their efforts and support of this campaign for a referendum which belatedly Dan Hannan and other friends of the EU such as Bob crow and his ilk plus many feeding at the troughs have decided to copy to try to help the EU and their income stream by trying to sabotage the campaign just as they tried with The Peoples' Pledge.
Farcical wasn't it to watch a gaggle of useless politicians so upset that they were not trusted to run The Peoples' Pledge that they went off in a huff to try to help the EU by copying it.
The Judas Goat is a long established subterfuge!
To understand the long established concept of The Judas Goat just visit
The Midnight Group and enter Judas Goat in the >SEARCH BOX< in the >RIGHT SIDEBAR<
. .
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Please Be Sure To
Re-TWEET my Twitterings
To Spread The Facts World Wide
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