We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

#0598* - ex UKIP MEP Transparent & Active for Constituents!

#0598* - ex UKIP MEP Transparent & Active for Constituents!

 Please Be Sure To
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~ex UKIP MEP Transparent & Active for Constituents!

Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP ex UKIP has yet again set the standard for UKIP to follow!!

Not only was I quite impressed with the fact that Nikki Sinclaire MEP is not only working hard for her constituents in The EU to extricate Britain from that failed experiment but also on local and national issues

On Friday she was driving this van around central Birmingham after a busy week in Brussels as the charade was closing for its long summer holidays with its failures piling high and the hope they will be self liquidating as clearly The EU has made a complete hash of almost everything it touches.

It is hard to identify a single project The EU could claim was a success that justified its costs, damage and downside risks - Not One!

I gather having bought the van last week she has been the only person insured to drive it as yet but that has not dettered her from investing a further +-£200 a side having her ads printed and driving several 100 miles including in and around Birmingham.

This is a great way to publicise her efforts and local issues:
I gather it will be re-badged shortly to promote The National Campaign Petition for a Referendum, which I gather from The BBC will easily top its initial target of 100,000 signatures - particularly in view of the fact that one generous donor funded adverts in The Telegraph and donations from other supporters have also helped.

I'm sure anyone wishing to sponsor the change of advert on either side of the van or both would be most welcome so do contact her office - Just follow the web site advertised on the van to contact her.

Nikki Sinclaire is possibly the only UKIP MEP to have realised that it doesn't matter one wit howmany leaflets you put out or speeches you make or appearances in the media - the interested activists who will support you in the long run turn to Google and your web site to check you out and here Nikki Sinclaire has the edge with a clear and uptodate web presence with clear transparency of her accounting:

Nikki Sinclaire MEP Office/Working Account
General Expenditure from 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011
As specified in Article 28 of the EU regulations
• Office management and running costs, in particular rent and related charges (heating, lighting, insurance and cleaning) £11364.50
• The cost of purchasing or renting office equipment £600.64
• Telephone, including mobile telephone, and postal charges £4574.27
• The cost of purchasing office supplies and stationery £2123.13
• The cost of purchasing books, periodicals and newspapers £163.29
• The cost of using public data consultation networks £35.00
• The expenses involved in equipping Members with communications equipment and maintaining that equipment, for example the purchase or rental of a telephone, a fax machine, a computer, a modem or communications card, a printer, other IT equipment, computer peripherals and software packages £3144.42
• The cost of a subscription to the Internet and to databases £359.19
• Representation activities £13944.97
• Hotel bills and other related expenses incurred in travelling in a Member’s Member State of election £2317.66
Total General Expenditure from 1 January to 30 June 2011: £38,627.07
These figures are subject to checks by the auditors

Funds received into Office/Working Account
Received from the EU for General Expenditure (Art 28) £22,486.38
Transferred to UK office account from NS Brussels Account 10,500 euros

Other Funds received and costs

EP Attendence Allowance 304 euros per day
48days in Brussels, 24days in Strasbourg
Brussels Apartment Rent 6,600 euros
Strasbourg Hotels 3,096 euros

2010 Nikki Sinclaire MEP Office/Working Account

Funds received
Received from the EU for General Expenditure (Art 28) £43,543
Received from MEP Account (NS Brussels) £13,665.24
Received from Nikki Sinclaire (personel account) £54,214.32
Petty Cash received from NS £3300

Funds spent
In accordance of Art 28 EU (click here to see accountants report) £70,055
Other £23,269.45
Personel to NS expenditure £2,976.90
Campaign costs £17,627.14
Petty cash is included where relevant in the above amounts

Staffing allowance

I am allowed approximately £205,000 a year (on the current exchange rate with the Euro) to be spent assisting me in my duties.

This allowance will be paid directly to chartered accountants in Birmingham who will pay my staff directly, deducting all relevant tax and National Insurance payments. At no time will I have access to a penny of this money.

Current appointments
Office Manager and Graphic Designer.
Regional Manager representing my interests in the West Midlands.
2 Political Assistants.

Personal Assistant and Data Manager.
Office Assistant.

Parliamentary Advisor.
Public Relations Advisor.
Communications Advisor.
Paying Agents and Chartered Accountants.
General Expenditure from 1 January to 31 December 2010
As specified in Article 28 of the EU regulations
• Office management and running costs, in particular rent and related charges (heating, lighting, insurance and cleaning) £19,540.49
• The cost of purchasing or renting office equipment £4,808.33
• Telephone, including mobile telephone, and postal charges £8,511.00
• The cost of purchasing office supplies and stationery £4,105.79
• The cost of purchasing books, periodicals and newspapers £339.84
• The cost of using public data consultation networks £45.00
• The expenses involved in equipping Members with communications equipment and maintaining that equipment, for example the purchase or rental of a telephone, a fax machine, a computer, a modem or communications card, a printer, other IT equipment, computer peripherals and software packages £1,962.92.
• The cost of a subscription to the Internet and to databases £630.17
• Representation activities £33,865.29
• Hotel bills and other related expenses incurred in travelling in a Member’s Member State of election £2,321.51
Total General Expenditure from 1 January to 31 December 2010: £76,130.34
These figures are subject to checks by the auditors.
MEPs data survey: Amount received and donated to Birmingham Childrens Hospital £86.93
General Expenditure Allowance up to 31 December 2009
As specified in Article 28 of the EU regulations
• Office management and running costs, in particular rent and related charges (heating, lighting, insurance and cleaning): £5,555
• The cost of purchasing or renting office equipment: £4,111
• Telephone, including mobile telephone, and postal charges: £4,666
• The cost of purchasing office supplies and stationery: £130
• The cost of purchasing books, periodicals and newspapers: £270
• The cost of using public data consultation networks: £147
• The expenses involved in equipping Members with communications equipment and maintaining that equipment, for example the purchase or rental of a telephone, a fax machine, a computer, a modem or communications card, a printer, other IT equipment, computer peripherals and software packages £3,848
• The cost of a subscription to the Internet and to databases: £136
• Representation activities: £10,814
• Hotel bills and other related expenses incurred in travelling in a Member’s Member State of election: £2,815
Total General Expenditure: £32,492
Total General Expenditure Allowance received from the EU: £22,039
This payment is received by every UK MEP from the EU regardless of their expenditure for this period.

Travel to and from the European Parliament
14 Journeys to Brussels.

5 Journeys to Strasbourg.

Daily Subsistence Allowance
A fixed allowance of €298 is paid for every day attended at the European Parliament to all MEP's.
Number of days attended in the European Parliament 47.
Days Working in the UK - West Midlands Region 73.
By the way the EU accounts haven't been passed by the auditors for 16 years.
I do admit I found parts of it difficult to follow but I freely admit I am no bean counter and have always hired them to be bored as I tend to take my shoes and socks off for numbers over 10!

An FS friend of mine had a look through them for me and said they were quite impressive but I still think an idiots guide would help ;-) - well it would help arithmetic idiots like me who see bean counting as history for nerds! - If you need a monkey hire one it sure beats the tedium of cracking peanuts!

I note Birmingham City Council, annoyed with Nikki Sinclaire's opposition to their pet scam and efforts at empire building would seem to have decided to use a helicopter gun ship platform hidden in a Chinook to gun down Squadron Leader Nikki Sinclaire MEP & her HS2 ad van whilst it was outside their offices!

I must say I always believed that Ashley Mote's purchase of a Dennis single decker Bus was a great move as both an advertisement for the Leave-The-EU cause and as a constituency office - Nikki, if she can get enough help is heading to a small fleet of advertising vehicles to promote the Petition and other campaigns to Get Britain Back as a free democratic Nation with Justice, Border controls and self determination.

The more people who help and support her whether with time or cash I am sure it will pay off for us all - look what she has achieved so far since she was liberated from the constraints of a PEPP and the corrupt racist and anti Jewish EFD Farage befouled UKIP with for his personal gain it would seem!

Consider for a moment the record of donations and expenditure for UKIP as declared by Nigel Farage and then look at Nikki Sinclaire's outgoings as declare in public and you can only be impressed as it does look as if Sinclaire has donated more to the cause since she was elected as an MEP than he has donated in all of the time Farage has been in UKIP!
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
of: DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< Also:
Details & Links: General Stuff: Health Blog.: TWITTER: Greg_LW

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