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To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Alan Hardy's comments serve him ill but he is merely a member!
It does seem when Steve Crowther, Steve Allison or any of the other buffoons speaks out they damage the party credibility!!
Alan Hardy's comments serve him ill but he is merely a member!
It does seem when Steve Crowther, Steve Allison or any of the other buffoons speaks out they damage the party credibility!!
one has to wonder whose 'e'Mails are the more damaging to the cause they 'claim' to espouse.
I would submit that Steve Allisons are the more consequential as they are so clearly anti UKIP's best interests.
So let us see what they have to say for themselves:
Firstly I would contend that Alan Hardy's comments were far from wise when he stated:
Perhaps Farage would have served the party better had he read the original judgement which I have posted in full - see The Right Sidebar & click on Alan Hardy etc.
You will note the judgement draws attention to the fact that The BNP issue was clearly no more than a fig leaf etc.
To seek to uphold the fundamentals of basic law is now branded by some of UKIP's enemies as being 'anti UKIP'.
Surely no one would deny UKIP the right to enact into their Constitution, Rules or Manifesto the resolution to prevent past members of The BNP from joining UKIP, on some grounds or other but clearly not on the grounds of Racism, anti Judaism, anti homosexuality or opposition to immigrants as UKIP's parners in The EU The EFD are not only pro EU membership but have advocated killing Immigrants from North Africa, are avowedly Racist espousing segregation on public transport etc., anti Homosexual advocating dressing them as rabbits and shooting them and include Holocaust Deniers.
That UKIP welcomes membership of such a group yet seeks to ban ex members of The BNP from joining makes their claimed ruling look a little foolish and more a petty rivalry than a point of principle sadly.
That UKIP has a track record of involvement with The BNP members and before them The National Front is indisputable. It is also worth reminding people of UKIP's own extremist past with the vetting of members by the criminal Gerry Gable via the equally dishonest Mark Croucher and false accusations of membership and association with The BNP.
That Alan Hardy sent his 'e'Mail makes it look as if he is fronting efforts at bringing in BNP members which I doubt he would be so foolish as to espouse but we may well find his 'e'Mail is little more than a venting of his anger at the dishonesty of UKIP as he has, I am given to understand, written confirmation from Nigel Farage that he had informed UKIP of his past membership of The BNP and Farage accepted him as a UKIP member specifically.
I still contend Alan Hardy's 'e'Mail was unwise whether he wishes to drift out of UKIP seeing them as a spent force or continue his active membership. He has also undermined his own credibility should he be serious in his bluster about further legal action.
I would contend Alan Hardy has harmed his own position but done little harm to UKIP save in costs, which are a mere bagatelle relative to the £Millions Farage has personally made from his position in UKIP.
Let us see if you think Steve Allison's comments are any more professional or are they effectively anti UKIP in the manner that they damage the party and its credibility since he speaks as an executive of the party, unlike Alan Hardy who is merely an ex member of The BNP who is in dispute with UKIP over his membership status!
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011
From: steve.allison107@btinternet.com
To: steve.allison107@btinternet.com
Clearly no one is likely to take UKIP seriously as a part of the law making process when it is so clearly in abuse of the law itself and something of a vexatious litigant!
Those who actively seek to support UKIP seek to clean-up the party not provide costly cover for its dishonest executive!
Thereby no precedent will be set and the Trojan Horse can stand at the side of the road to the castle until it is shown to be of no use in smuggling the troops of the claimed enemy into the camp.
Were it I seeking to serve UKIP I would not be wasting members' money nor undermining UKIP's credibility but as a long term supporter I would be considering the long term and to that end I would call an immediate NEC meeting. I would enact a rule empowering a sub committee of people seen as honest and of probity from within UKIP which would by deffinition preclude members of The NEC and leadership claque and I would empower them to review every member, starting from the top and reserve the right to refund the membership of any member who fulfilled certaimn criteria in terms of past memberships and Criminal Records.
One would have to take care as to how this was worded as it could well preclude individuals like Derek clark, Nigel Farage, Jeffrey Titford, Graham Booth and the like from membership as they have all fallen foul of the law I understand and have had to repay monies they fraudulently obtained or dishonestly used. I understand we are yet to hear the outcome of the case against Stuart Agnew and that against David Bannerman though I gather Mike Nattrass has withdrawn his claim against The Sunday Times and they are to publish an update that subsequent to their earlier article OLAF have decided to take no further action against Mike Nattrass.
In the matter of cleaning up UKIP the party would be well served were it to put before the committee as constituted such individuals as Annabelle Fuller, Mick McGough, Douglas Denny, Andrew Smith, Hugh Williams and others who through their fantasies and dishonesty have corrupted UKIP and demeaned its reputation as a credible political force.
I wonder what the anti UKIP bloggers that Steve Allison seems to follow will make of dealing with the truth and on what leg they would seek to stand if UKIP were cleaned-up and presented a credible professional stance with vision, strategy, tactics a plan - training and a structure that would make them presentable to the informed electorate and encourage activists to rejoin with probity and transparency.
Until that time UKIP defames itself daily on its own controlled blogs such that one wonders what an anti UKIP blog would find to write about - though Steve Alison has made a pretty fair fist of showing us by example.
As a supporter I am all too well aware that unless UKIP makes these moves towards professionalising they are increasingly a part of the problem when it comes to leaving The EU and have no place in the solution.
For more details regarding this particular case do CLICK HERE
. .
one has to wonder whose 'e'Mails are the more damaging to the cause they 'claim' to espouse.
I would submit that Steve Allisons are the more consequential as they are so clearly anti UKIP's best interests.
So let us see what they have to say for themselves:
Firstly I would contend that Alan Hardy's comments were far from wise when he stated:
Subject: | UKIP'S APPEAL |
Date: | Fri, 22 Jul 2011 14:23:22 +0100 |
From: | alan hardy |
To: | Gordon Parkin |
Clearly one can empathise with Alan Hardy and just as Nigel Farage must have realised he had exposed UKIP to a hiding for nothing and a bill in the region of £30-50K. That Farage left hurriedly from The Appeal Courts in The Strand it ill becomes Alan Hardy to crow over so obvious a victory.Dear Sirs,
Courtesy of the Court of Appeal: those within UKIP who feel so inclined CANNOT do as they please, they are bound by the law as are the rest of society. And I may add that UKIP faces further legal action unless the decision not to allow former members of the BNP to stand as candidates for the party, as well as for internal posts, is reversed. Indeed I would like to see written evidence that it even exists.
Take note all of you, especially Mr. Farage.
successful litigant.
Perhaps Farage would have served the party better had he read the original judgement which I have posted in full - see The Right Sidebar & click on Alan Hardy etc.
You will note the judgement draws attention to the fact that The BNP issue was clearly no more than a fig leaf etc.
To seek to uphold the fundamentals of basic law is now branded by some of UKIP's enemies as being 'anti UKIP'.
Surely no one would deny UKIP the right to enact into their Constitution, Rules or Manifesto the resolution to prevent past members of The BNP from joining UKIP, on some grounds or other but clearly not on the grounds of Racism, anti Judaism, anti homosexuality or opposition to immigrants as UKIP's parners in The EU The EFD are not only pro EU membership but have advocated killing Immigrants from North Africa, are avowedly Racist espousing segregation on public transport etc., anti Homosexual advocating dressing them as rabbits and shooting them and include Holocaust Deniers.
That UKIP welcomes membership of such a group yet seeks to ban ex members of The BNP from joining makes their claimed ruling look a little foolish and more a petty rivalry than a point of principle sadly.
That UKIP has a track record of involvement with The BNP members and before them The National Front is indisputable. It is also worth reminding people of UKIP's own extremist past with the vetting of members by the criminal Gerry Gable via the equally dishonest Mark Croucher and false accusations of membership and association with The BNP.
That Alan Hardy sent his 'e'Mail makes it look as if he is fronting efforts at bringing in BNP members which I doubt he would be so foolish as to espouse but we may well find his 'e'Mail is little more than a venting of his anger at the dishonesty of UKIP as he has, I am given to understand, written confirmation from Nigel Farage that he had informed UKIP of his past membership of The BNP and Farage accepted him as a UKIP member specifically.
I still contend Alan Hardy's 'e'Mail was unwise whether he wishes to drift out of UKIP seeing them as a spent force or continue his active membership. He has also undermined his own credibility should he be serious in his bluster about further legal action.
I would contend Alan Hardy has harmed his own position but done little harm to UKIP save in costs, which are a mere bagatelle relative to the £Millions Farage has personally made from his position in UKIP.
Let us see if you think Steve Allison's comments are any more professional or are they effectively anti UKIP in the manner that they damage the party and its credibility since he speaks as an executive of the party, unlike Alan Hardy who is merely an ex member of The BNP who is in dispute with UKIP over his membership status!
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011
From: steve.allison107@btinternet.com
To: steve.allison107@btinternet.com
Let us consider this in some detail:You may have heard that UKIP lost its appeal in court today against the re-admittance to membership of a Mr.Alan Hardy. This is being spun by certain anti-UKIP Blogs and Websites as a defeat for UKIP and touted an example of how Nigel has been wasting UKIP's money on personal legal vendettas.
I do not think anyone who knows me would accuse me of being a Nigel Sycophant or someone who believes Nigel can do no wrong, However, in this case I am definitely 100% behind Nigel. Alan Hardy is a former member of the BNP and his case is AT THE MOMENT limited to him. However, I believe that he is being used as a Trojan Horse to force UKIP to accept BNP Members into out ranks and worse. I copy below an e-mail that Hardy sent after the Appeal Court Ruling.
UKIP has to fight this man to the bitter end! We have all worked too hard to destroy the myth that UKIP and the BNP are in any way alike, we must keep out the BNP, this is a fight we cannot afford to lose.
Steve Allison
You may have heard that UKIP lost its appeal in court today against the re-admittance to membership of a Mr.Alan Hardy.The Court's ruled that Alan Hardy could not be barred from the party on the grounds given in the light of the facts - may I suggest that those who have UKIP's long term wellbeing at heart and genuinely support UKIP take the trouble to read the judgement and it becomes clear why The Courts not only found in favour of Alan Hardy but that the original judgement was upheld by The Appeal Courts in The Strand.
This is being spun by certain anti-UKIP Blogs and Websites as a defeat for UKIP and touted an example of how Nigel has been wasting UKIP's money on personal legal vendettas.How else could any honest individual see this? I can not speak for anti UKIP blogs as i rarely read them and then only by accident - sadly the blogs UKIP controls do more than enough damage to UKIP!
Clearly no one is likely to take UKIP seriously as a part of the law making process when it is so clearly in abuse of the law itself and something of a vexatious litigant!
Those who actively seek to support UKIP seek to clean-up the party not provide costly cover for its dishonest executive!
Perhaps you could show where Steve Allison has intentionally spoken out to clean-up UKIP and make it electable other than in his personal interest!
I do not think anyone who knows me would accuse me of being a Nigel Sycophant or someone who believes Nigel can do no wrong,
However, in this case I am definitely 100% behind Nigel.Steve Allison pretends to balance yet promptly defends Nigel Farage's ineptitude thereby showing a clear lack of judgement on his own part.
Alan Hardy is a former member of the BNP and his case is AT THE MOMENT limited to him.Indeed it is and also to the irrefutable fact that UKIP leadership was aware of his past BNP affiliations and actively promoted or at least condoned his membership granting him not only membership of UKIP but as I recall a branch membership status!
However, I believe that he is being used as a Trojan Horse to force UKIP to accept BNP Members into out ranks and worse.Were that the case do not forget it was Nigel Farage who threw open the gates of Troy and on precedent alone made the entry of The Trojan Horse possible to mix our poets it may be apposite to some to see the engineer hoist on his own petard but I as a supporter of UKIP over many years would like Laocoön caution as so aptly did Virgil with his notable line "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes"
I copy below an e-mail that Hardy sent after the Appeal Court Ruling.As per the mailing I received previously and have posted above.
A wise General selects his ground and also his time for battle where an inept fool charges in and looses as have UKIP - Indeed the end will be bitter. You may yet find that in making much of this issue UKIP may yet throw open the gates and stand bereft of clothing for a battle - however aware of the ineptitude of Alan Hardy's message were it I seeking the well being of UKIP I would act with good grace and grant his membership as the Courts have legally shown in HIS CASE there were no legal grounds used in his removal.
UKIP has to fight this man to the bitter end!
Thereby no precedent will be set and the Trojan Horse can stand at the side of the road to the castle until it is shown to be of no use in smuggling the troops of the claimed enemy into the camp.
We have all worked too hard to destroy the myth that UKIP and the BNP are in any way alike, we must keep out the BNP, this is a fight we cannot afford to lose.This of course is no more than self serving spin and clearly twaddle when you consider UKIP's fellowship with ex NF members and the use it has made of ex BNP members - that it is clearly twaddle is shown by UKIP's associates in The EU - merely BNP with funny accents!!
Steve Allison
One would have to take care as to how this was worded as it could well preclude individuals like Derek clark, Nigel Farage, Jeffrey Titford, Graham Booth and the like from membership as they have all fallen foul of the law I understand and have had to repay monies they fraudulently obtained or dishonestly used. I understand we are yet to hear the outcome of the case against Stuart Agnew and that against David Bannerman though I gather Mike Nattrass has withdrawn his claim against The Sunday Times and they are to publish an update that subsequent to their earlier article OLAF have decided to take no further action against Mike Nattrass.
In the matter of cleaning up UKIP the party would be well served were it to put before the committee as constituted such individuals as Annabelle Fuller, Mick McGough, Douglas Denny, Andrew Smith, Hugh Williams and others who through their fantasies and dishonesty have corrupted UKIP and demeaned its reputation as a credible political force.
I wonder what the anti UKIP bloggers that Steve Allison seems to follow will make of dealing with the truth and on what leg they would seek to stand if UKIP were cleaned-up and presented a credible professional stance with vision, strategy, tactics a plan - training and a structure that would make them presentable to the informed electorate and encourage activists to rejoin with probity and transparency.
Until that time UKIP defames itself daily on its own controlled blogs such that one wonders what an anti UKIP blog would find to write about - though Steve Alison has made a pretty fair fist of showing us by example.
As a supporter I am all too well aware that unless UKIP makes these moves towards professionalising they are increasingly a part of the problem when it comes to leaving The EU and have no place in the solution.
For more details regarding this particular case do CLICK HERE
. .
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Details & Links: http://GregLanceWatkins.Blogspot.com
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General Stuff: http://gl-w.blogspot.com
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& Publicise My Blogs
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