#0586* - Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty
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~Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty!
Clearly a man with huge self interest and no moral compass!
Stuart AGNEW NFU MEP Tries To Justify His Dishonesty
it really is astonishing, well I guess not in that Stuart Agnew NFU MEP has been shown and proven to have been involved in breech of electoral law, money laundering in cahoots with the ridiculously incompetent and duplicitous fool Malcolm Lord Pearson and also embroiled in conspiring to involve an innocent party in a criminal act by deception and then also involved, together with David Bannerman the liar and fraud MEP who has now betrayed both UKIP & The Tories, they were shown to be involved together defrauding the tax payers a case which I believe is still under investigation by OLAF and which will eventually be passed on to The British Police to prosecute.
The sums involved would seem to be about the same as those obtained by Tom Wise which you may recall he obtained as a result of signature by Lindsay Jenkins and from which Nigel Farage derived direct benefit in paying a personal bill of around £5,000.
You may recall Tom Wise went to prison for much the same crime and much the same amount!
Astonishingly the odious and clearly dishonest Stuart Agnew having obviously little understanding of ethics or morality would seem to have almost no understanding of democracy or decency either!
This particularly concerned one member of UKIP who took the trouble to clarify the details of Stuart Agnew's that he would betray the principles of democracy and ignore the democratic will of the party.
Just who does this arrogant fool think he is? Little wonder it is he and Mick McGough who are so clearly lieing through their teath to try to dupe UKIP's more gullible members into assisting The EU by supporting PEPP membership to 'give a clearer EUropean identity to Political Parties'.
I include Stuart Agnews quite astonishing response - even showing that although the selection of UKIP MEP candidates in his EU region was undeniably and utterly corrupt with liars like Mick McGough, David Bannerman and their ilk corrupting the process as shown CLICK HERE it was clearly with the collusion of low lifes like Stuart Agnew, Andrew Smith, Stuart Gulleford, Peter Reeve, Paul Nuttall, George Curtis etc.
Mr Agnew has stated on video that he would join a PEPP irrespective of the outcome of the ballot.
As this statement directly refutes the result of the democratic ballot to be held on the subject if that ballot decides NO, I wrote to Mr Agnew asking for clarification of his position .His reply does indicate that he will abide by the democratic result and hence I withdraw my criticisms and apologise for possibly misleading members with statements that are not true. I will delete any such referencesBelow is the reply Mr Agnew addressed to me:
Thank you for your email dated 9th July 2011.
At the beginning of the campaign we were informed that the result would not be binding. I was therefore free, at that stage, to do what I felt would have been in the best interests of the Party, in my own opinion.
This might even have meant defying the wishes of my own Regional Committee, and really going it alone. In such a circumstance, I would have to be very confident that I could deliver a result. The result would need to be a significant proportion of the 36,000 euros (net) per year that I would have access to being applied to the tangible benefit of the Eastern Counties.
Had I failed to achieve this, I could have rightfully expected de-selection by the Party as an MEP candidate next time around. Had I succeeded, I would still have needed to justify my conduct to the Eastern members and they would have had to make the decision of acknowledging that I had proved my point and re-instating me. Or insisting that my conduct was reprehensible, irrespective of any achievement, and punishing me accordingly.
My motivation for sticking my head on the block in this way is that in the last two European Parliament elections I have been the largest single financial donor to the Eastern Counties election funds. I will be expected to put in another big effort next time and I would quite naturally want to use all tools at my disposal. In my view turning £10 into £100 is a good move.
However, all of this is now theoretical as the NEC have ruled that the result will be binding.
I would like you to know that I respect and adhere to NEC decisions, even if I do not necessarily agree with them.
You should also know that in 2008, all MEP candidates signed up to a list of principles/commitments/codes of conduct.
Of the 13 MEPs elected, I think that there are now only three of us who are adhering to all of these points, and their subsequent redefinitions, to the letter. I will not name names of course, but those who chose to lecture me about principles have not observed the principles they themselves signed up to.
I do hope that this makes my position clearer. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Agnew MEP
UK Independence Party
145 New London Road
Tel: 01245 266466
Fax: 01245 252071
Email: eastern@ukip.org
. .
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. Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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