We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Friday, 29 July 2011

#0609* - UKIP & Nigel Farage May Run But They Can't Hide from THE FACTS

#0609* - UKIP & Nigel Farage May Run But They Can't Hide from THE FACTS

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~UKIP & Nigel Farage May Run to catch up, But They Can't Hide from THE FACTS & The Media!

This Blog & others have consistently exposed the corruption in UKIP & its association with The EFD Group!

Finally but very belatedly Farage & UKIP have acted due to the media world wide showing them this blog and others were 100% Right! 

as a result of consistent, reliable and accurate information supplied by this blog and also Junius and others also in the light of the many pages of facts at CLICK HERE on behalf of UKIP Nigel Farage's Press Office wrote a statement for him and the Lega Nord have taken some belated action as a result of the continuous bad publicity UKIP has attracted.

Here is UKIP's spin to try to pretend they acted with integrity - Clearly bunckum as had they ethics and had they acted morally they would have denounced The Lega Nord and others in The Pan EU Political Party EFD Group long ago and even now they are still prepared to befoul UKIP's name for their personal gain by association with The EFD Group.

Here is UKIP's second announcement almost 2 years too late, when the damage that this blog, Junius team and others warned of has occurred, and UKIP is associated with these vile people racists, anti homosexual, pro EU Membership, anti Jewish, Holocaust Deniers, with criminal records for their violence and their race hatred.

Farage made the mistake of 'press ganging' UKIP into The EFD against all advice and failed to act decisively or competently as a leader - surrounding himself with paid lakeys to sing his praises at the expense of the party funded by prostituting UKIP members to this vile Pan EU Political Group The EFD.

Only when the inevitable, as predicted, happened and UKIP's associates were exposed for just how vile they are in the world media did UKIP take any action, too late and still too little - Rather than act honourably and decisively apologising for having failed to listed to reason out of greed and resign from The EFD the Farage Fan Club is still trying to save face and enrich themselves here is their statement:

MEP suspended from Italian party

Friday, 29th July 2011

Following prompt action from Nigel Farage, UKIP and others, the Northern League, UKIP's colleagues in the European Parliament, have suspended Mario Borghezio from, "all party posts and functions, including the Presidency of his local party".

Borghezio had made comments on Italian radio that suggested he supported the ideology of Anders Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer.

A UKIP spokesman said, "We are satisfied that the Lega Nord leaderships actions today to suspend Mr Borghezio from all aspects of his membership of the party will send a clear message that they, and we will not have any truck with such disgraceful sentiments now or in the future."

Francesco Speroni, the Lega Nord leader in the European Parliament said in a letter to Mr Farage last night, "I condemn the massacre and the extreme fundamentalism in question."

Mr Farage is convening the governing Bureau of the EFD Group in the European Parliament next week in order to suspend Mr Borghezio from his membership of the group.
Mario Borghezio is just one of several of the members of The EFD Group that no one of any ethical or moral standing would wish to be associated with.

Only yesterday Farage in belated panic having been exposed in the media was desperately trying to distance himself from Borghezio and Speroni (who was supporting Borghezio and trying to justify the vile creep). Let us not forget that despite his criminal behaviour Nigel Farage never removed Tom Wise from the PEP Group he led at the time nor withdrew his membership of UKIP and in utterly corrupt and dishonest fashion Douglas Denny blocked a disciplinary hearing.

UKIP NEC, with numerous liars and cheats and UKIP leadership are unarguably corrupt and not fit for purpose.

This belated example of gesture politics shows UKIP in their true light, sadly.
This blog and others have stated from about this date in 2009 when it was first wispered in shame that UKIP might form this EFD Group that to become associated with such vile people would damage UKIP even if it enriched certain members and gave jobs to others who clearly believed they were near unemployable (Rightly so!).

Membership has been as a result of clearly inept and incompetent leadership as with the £1,000s being spent on the divisive and catastrophic attempts of those without morality to prostitute principles for cash in forming future Pan EU Political Groups like The EFD - where UKIP is expected to support the intollerable for money!

It may well be late in the day but having had one of the great downsides of Political Grouping with others with different values writ large by the odious behaviour - YET AGAIN - of a member of The vile EFD Group being thrust upon UKIP in the world media. However even now decisive leadership could have been made and an immediate end brought to both membership of The EFD Group or any self serving efforts of any member of UKIP that could place UKIP in such a debased position again.

It will be noted the calliber of scum supporting PEPP membership and the fact that it has lost UKIP 3 MEPs already in any meaningful terms and that with the now largely independent liar and fraud Marta Andreasen distanced from the party and David Bannerman having acted as this blog warned 7 years ago and after befouling UKIP with his lies, fraud, cheating and dishonesty he has returned to his natural home betraying The Tories.

So effectively Farage has fallen out with 5 of his MEPs, 3 due to his determination to gain from membership of the vilest group in The EU - Advocates of murder who have drawn absolutely no public censure from UKIP or its members.

Speaking with the residual MEPs as our associates and informants do on a regular basis we know Stuart Agnew is batting for himself and The NFU, whilst under investigation by OLAF.

That Gerard Batten would not understand morality if it bit him on the bumb and if he had any backbone it would equate to a personality inplant, but he will go along with anything that might get him re-elected.

Paul Nuttall has largely kept a low profile as even he must be aware of just how out of his depth he is, so he mimics Farage to try to hang on, bewilderingly we even hear he has pretentions of leading UKIP one day (Is UKIP never to have anyone of ability, gravitas and probity as a leader?).

John Bufton would clearly lick any boots that would further his career - one need only note his sell out of Wales when without consultation Farage invented a new policy which we know Bufton did not agree with yet he failed to speak out in defence of his committee, staff and supporters - a gutless twerp seeking a second term he has failed to show one wit of morality and has supported the vile EFD throughout.

All one could possibly praise Bufton for was recycling an old political joke explaining why The EU will never succeed:
A cruise ship full of English, French, Germans and Italians, started sinking in the middle of the Med. 

The captain radioed for help, but the ship was sinking fast meaning passengers would have to jump into the sea and wait to be picked up. 

As he grappled with the impending disaster, he sent his Second in Command to give the passengers the instructions. 

Five minutes later he came back looking anxious. "What's wrong?" the Captain asked. 

"They all refused to listen" replied the Second. 

So the Captain went off to do it himself. 

He came back five minutes later. “OK, done!” he stated. 

"How did you do that?" exclaimed the bewildered Second. 

"Well..." stated the Captain "...I told the British it was traditional, I told the French it was fashionable, I told the Germans it was an order and I told the Italians it was forbidden!"
I guess one of the great disadvantages of a weak and venal leader is that they attract those who are weaker and yet more dishonest as they dare not empower anyone who might challenge them.

Farage's total lack of Officer Qualities has constantly landed UKIP in the gutter whether by the employment of sordid garbage like Mark Croucher who repeatedly befouled UKIP, gutter trash like the corrupt and dishonest Annabelle Fuller, the venal and self serving, liars and cheats like Mick McGough Douglas Denny and many more.

What hope has UKIP of ever being taken seriously in the light of their own inability to act with any modicum of decency - They do not, even now, realise they are befouling the reputation of UKIP in their corrupt association with The EFD and their divisive ambitions to form PEPPs to aid The EU in undermining National Politics in return for outright bribes carried out with money duplicitously extorted from the tax payers oif the vassal regions of this odious supra national empirate.

It is also worthy of note that by firing Borghezio The EFD is perilously close to being shut down by The EU as having insufficient members as it is now clear that The Dutch whom they had hoped for will have nothing to do with them! Similarly The Austrian extremists are by no means a certainty to join as was hoped.

. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

As MEP for The West Midlands EU Region she shows up Walsall Council Tory Leader as a 'Right Little Hitler' to quote one member of the public on The BBC!

It is good to see an MEP standing their ground against a Tory Council and showing up their complete ineptitude as here in discussion with Mike Bird the leader of Walsall Council.

Furthermore it is good to see an MEP actually doing what they were elected to do rather than merely riding the gravy train with their snout buried in the EU's troughs!


  • 28 Jul 2011: Hugh Muir:
  • • Bad blood in the Midlands where the scary 6ft4in tall independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire is going to war with Walsall borough council. The Tory-led authority has refused to let the former Ukipian park her mobile surgery/referendum campaign battlebus in the town square. It says she does not qualify for a licence because her activities don't reach the standard of a public service. An affront against democracy, says combative Nikki. You are hindering me from being able to meet with my constituents. "I travel all over the constituency, which is one of the biggest, and Walsall is the only council to refuse me permission. I think the people are with me on this. I appeared on the radio with the leader of the council, Mike Bird, and one caller called him a little Hitler." This will be a dirty fight, it seems.
To view the original article CLICK HERE

I must admit neither do I, nor have I ever found Nikki Sinclaire MEP scary whatever her height but I do find a black man who writes for The Guardian on matters such as racism, prejudice, equality and the like scary when they make it quite so clear that they have absoluterly no understanding of the subject they write about and use pejorative and prejudicial language in their reports.

Is this a case of because he is black he can be pejorative and get away with it? I do feel that he would be the first one screaming for blood if someone pejoratively called him a nigger yet he seems to find it acceptable to call someone 'scary' BECAUSE as a woman they are considerably taller than him.

I have never in my life called someone a 'nigger', but then again I have never called a woman over 6 foot scary - I clearly am not as prejudiced or mean spirited as The Guardian or its staff seeking out cheap shots they can get away with and trying to pass them off as Journalism!

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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Thursday, 28 July 2011

#0607* - Seems FARAGE & UKIP Have Been Shamed Into Faux Morality!

#0607* - Seems FARAGE & UKIP Have Been Shamed Into Faux Morality!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!    
~Seems FARAGE & UKIP Have Been Shamed Into Faux Morality!

Sadly it seems all too clear that this blog, Junius and others have been right all along!

Morality would seem, amongst UKIP's leadership and its vile parasites to be based on economic expediency and being 'found out'!

earlier today, as a result of publicity on this blog and others making efforts to clean-up UKIP & due to the eventual intervention of the media world wide - to try to make UKIP electable by people of integrity rather than driven by a claque of self serving self enriching jack asses reliant on an ill informed membership and public Morality was forced upon Nigel Farage the absolute leader of UKIP to make a very belated statement:

UKIP DAMAGE LIMITATION statement on Northern League

Thursday, 28th July 2011

Nigel Farage, Leader of UKIP, today contacted Francesco Speroni, co-president of The Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD), a group in the European Parliament, to demand an immediate retraction and apology following his remarks and those of his fellow Northern League MEP Mario Borghezio.
The comments, both made in recent radio interviews, were in response to the tragedy in Norway where seventy-six people were killed by Anders Behring Breivik. If no retraction is forthcoming then UKIP will suspend its membership of the EFD group in which it sits alongside the Italian political party.

Borghezio, described the ideas of Breivik as "good" and "excellent". Speroni has now said he believed Borghezio's comments to be "in support of Western civilisation". UKIP totally disassociates itself from the remarks of Borghezio and Speroni. The Northern League is due to meet tomorrow (Friday) to discuss the issue. In the meantime Northern League minister, Roberto Calderoli has condemned Borghezio's remarks.

Nigel Farage said: "I find Breivik's actions and idealogy of hatred totally repugnant. Anybody who would praise the political ideology of this mass murderer is morally and politically misguided. Consequently I have written to the leadership of the Northern League party to demand an immediate full retraction and apology. If my request is not met, then we will suspend our membership of the EFD group."
Belated Original CLICK HERE

Astonishingly even now UKIP leadership & its parasites JUST DON'T GET IT!

Read their statement which for all its belated bluster merely threatens to 'SUSPEND' its membership of the vile EFD Group which particularly My blogs and Junius have highlighted ever since before membership of the pro EU membership, anti Jewish, racist, xenophobic, anti homosexual group was first mooted have denounced as utterly untenable as partners for a British Patriotic Organisation of any description even if it did personally enrich some of its leadership and their sordid parasites.

We note that UKIP have not demanded the removal of the vile creatures who offered ANY kind of support to Anders Breivik - that his intellectual premises were far from original and some may have made sense is absolutely no grounds for UKIP leadership to remain in association with these vile creatures whilst hypocritically denouncing The BNP odious as they are and UKFirstParty for having rightly challenged UKIP's corruption! However much UKIP leadership may have profited from membership of the EFD or any other PEPP.

It is noted that this faux morality was not only belated and completely inadequate but clearly self serving - perhaps UKIP would care to explain their ethical motivation which caused Farage to denounce the outrageous comments of Mario Borghezio and his allies pertinent to Anders Breivik whilst choosing to ignore the statement from the same source that North African Immigrants should be shot - Is this UKIP's inate racism such that it is OK to shoot blackmen but not Norwegians or is it just yet another example of UKIP's self serving corruption?

It may well be expedient for UKIP to note some of the very sound points made on this issue on their own in house forum where Rob McWhirter is not alone in praise of Nikki Sinclaire's Press Comments long before Farage realised this was one offense too many and he had no choice but to mumble a somewhat mealie mouthed denunciation even though it will further damage his inciome and control through the 400 Account (formerly 4000 Account) and the EU budget for group international travel scams.
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#0606* - Is UKIP TERMINALLY TAINTED by EFD Associates & PEPPs OR .......

#0606* - Is UKIP TERMINALLY TAINTED by EFD Associates & PEPPs OR .......

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Is UKIP TERMINALLY TAINTED by EFD Associates & PEPPs OR can it be Cleaned-Up?

Cleaned-Up sufficiently to be taken seriously as a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem by the Ethical Majority in Britain!
To Check Details use Links in text & ALSO The >Right Sidebar< in the >UKIP Its ASSOCIATES & DETAILS<


in considering UKIP, The EFD and Pan EU Political Parties one would do well to consider the quote of a dedicated long term member of UKIP in discussion of UKIP's partner on The EFD's comments Mario Borghezio's comments when he said of the violent Norwegian Christian nutter & spree killer Anders Breivik:
“One hundred per cent of Breivik’s ideas are good, in some cases extremely good. The positions of Breivik reflect the views of those movements across Europe which are winning elections.”

It is a disgrace that UKIP are associated with such people.

He is quite right and this highlights one of the potential catastrophic outcomes of UKIP, or any genuinely patriotic party, following the money and being lumped in with the comments of vile Nationalists be they British, as with The BNP, EDL, Zionism (under a guise of Friends of Israel) or the like.

Yet more astonishing is that a party can stand for votes and clamour and expound on being patriotic and not at all like these Parties mentioned, yet join with even more odious foreign partners for self enrichment!

Interestingly UKIP loudly (currently) bans ex members of The BNP & UKFirst Party, due to their racism, and in UKFP's 9about whom UKIP knew astonishiongly little as proven by their idiotic belief that I would have been a member or associated with Peter Cole or its other founders for whom I had utter contempt, particularly in the light of their association with Tom Wise - (an association which was clandestine and unknown by Robin Page, Petrina Holdsworth & John West I believe! Also probably others involved such as Trevor Coleman) - UKIP's case seemingly being for daring to stand in British elections to oppose the racism and association of UKIP with such groups as The EFD to clean-up the party and make it electable yet are banned from joining UKIP!

It is notable UKIP leadership claque wave these rules arbitrarily when it suits them, as with John Petley of UKFP who was reintroduced as an employee of Prof. Tim Congdon and conveniently UKIP overlook the fact that an ex UKIP elected NEC member is the registered owner of The UKFirst Party (by the way he is African by ethnic origin!), having driven him out of UKIP - is this clandestine racism on UKIP's part?

So it would seem UKIP is happy to support vile racist, anti Jewish, anti homosexual advocates of murder when it suits them, especially when it pays its own corrupted leadership and its parasites!

Is UKIP now a spent force that has betrayed its electorate, its Country, its values for a grubby claque of charlatans who are enriching themselves as they feed at the EU Troughs and would seem to be a part of the problem with no serious role in the solution?

This may not be a popular question for UKIP, but clearly it is they who have provided the need for it to be very clearly answered, and that they have so desperately undermined their own credibility, not just by association with the scum of EU Politics in The EFD Group but by whom they have employed and empowered - so many low lifes like Mark Croucher, Mick McGough, Hugh Williams, Annabelle Fuller, Marta Andreasen, Malcolm Pearson, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, David Bannerman, Derek Clark and the like all proven liars and cheats they clearly command nor deserve respect in any field, least of all political.

. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

#0605* - THE PEOPLES PETITION MAGAZINE Issue 02 - 27-Jul-2011

#0605* - THE PEOPLES PETITION MAGAZINE Issue 02 - 27-Jul-2011

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Another Undeniable Achievement by ex-UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE!

Meanwhile UKIP Bicker and squabble and lose more Court Cases based on Failure to Obey THEIR OWN RULES - as they clearly did when they chose to lie about and abuse Nikki Sinclaire MEP!

UKIP achieves very little of note whilst Sinclaire, Nattrass, Coleman and Andreasen just plough on with their efforts!

NOTE The Cross Party Support & Respect The Petition has gained! 


well done to Nikki Sinclaire's team who have clearly been working hard to reach the target of 100,000 signatures and I gather they are now within striking distance as they launch their new magazine.

Any help you can give will help as not only does it keep the issue of The EU in the forefront of public minds but also it ensures we can move closer to a Referendum on In/Out of the EU.

Obtaining 100,000 signatures is no guarantee of a referendum but it will clearly ascertain if the co-alition government is honourable or deceitful as it was they who stated that 100,000 signatures would ensure a full debate in Parliament and it shows what the people of Britain want.

Will the Politicians act in what the people of Britain consider their own best interests and their fundamental human right of Self Determination or will our Politicians continue to betray us and our Country for their personal gain!
To view this 12 page magazine, which will be available in hard copy in a week or two you can read it on line if you just CLICK the PICTURE

Especially see Page 02 and the participation of Richard Shepherd MP
You will note the following item on The Parliament Site:

20 July 2011 : Column 11P


Wednesday 20 July 2011

Presented Petitions

Petition presented to the House but not read on the Floor

EU Referendum

The Humble Petition of residents of Wolverhampton and others,


that the Petitioners believe that the Government should allow the British people a referendum on the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the European Union.

Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House urges the Government to bring forward legislative proposals to allow the British people a referendum on the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the European Union.

And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, etc.—[Presented by Mr Richard Shepherd .]
. .
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#0604* - Vile EFD Associate of UKIP Praises 'Christian Terrorist' Breivik

#0604* - Vile EFD Associate of UKIP Praises 'Christian Terrorist' Breivik

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
~ Vile EFD Associate of UKIP Mario BORGHEZIO Agrees with  'The Norwegian Christian Terrorist' Anders Breivik!

No sign of UKIP denouncing his comments even when challenged by The BBC UKIP merely said their partner did not represent their views!

Mario BORGHEZIO an MEP working with UKIP has made many obscene comments as shown below - yet UKIP have NEVER renounced him and continues to work with him!

UKIP's position can only be seen as extreme racist, anti Homosexual and violent as they not only tolerate but make excuses for their colleague!! 

Vile Lega Nord MEP and UKIP colleague Borghezio agrees with Norwegian monsters manifesto

How on earth can UKIP continue to sit in the same group as this man?

Press Statement by Nikki Sinclaire MEP
On the atrocities in Norway, and the response of the Lega Nord MEP Mario Borghezio
My heart goes out to the victims of the atrocities that took place in Norway last week, and to their families. There can be no excuses, no justifications, this was nothing but an act of pure and unmitigated evil.
In protest against violent right-wing extremism, I resigned from UKIP's political group in the European Parliament, the Europe of Freedom & Democracy (EFD). I particularly cited the racism and homophobia prevelant in the Italian Lega Nord. As a result of my stand, I had the UKIP party whip withdrawn by the party leadership.
In the wake of this vile mass murder, one of those Lega Nord MEPs I particularly objected to, Mario Borghezio, a man with at least two convictions for racially motivated violence, including an assualt on a child, has gone on record as supporting the murderer Breivik. He stated that  “One hundred per cent of Breivik’s ideas are good, in some cases extremely good. The positions of Breivik reflect the views of those movements across Europe which are winning elections.”
I now call upon UKIP MEPs to distance themselves from this objectionable political group, of which Lega Nord is not the only party to contain members with racial convictions. As 76 families mourn their loved ones, now is the moment for UKIP MEPs to take stock, and act on their conscience, rather than remain in a political group with such extremists, purely on the grounds that they can earn more money by doing so.
For further information contact Nikki Sinclaire MEP on 07941 461255
Notes to Editors: Nikki Sinclaire was elected as a UKIP MEP in June 2009. She sits on the parliament's Human Rights Committee.
In January 2010 she resigned from the EFD group after her protests about far-right extremist elements were ignored by the party leadership.
Subsequently, Mike Nattrass, a UKIP MEP in his second term resigned from the EFD group for the same reasons as Miss Sinclaire.
More recently, Trevor Colman, also a UKIP MEP serving his second term resigned from the EFD group.

In 1993, Mario Borghezio was ordered to pay a fine of 750,000 lire following a violent assault on a Moroccan child in 1991. He appeared to justify this by alleging that the child was an illegal immigrant.
In July 2005, Mario Borghezio was found guilty of arson, having set fire to the belongings of some immigrants while they were sleeping under a bridge in Turin during a vigilante raid. For this he was sentenced to two months and twenty days imprisonment, which he avoided by paying a fine.
In September 2007, Mario Borghezio was arrested by Belgian police during an unauthorised anti-Islamic demonstration in Brussels.

Italy MEP backs ideas of Norway killer Breivik

Northern League party supporters at a party rally at Pontida in Italy, on 19 June The Northern League is a key partner in the governing coalition and is strongly anti-immigration
An Italian MEP has described the ideas of Norway's self-confessed mass killer, Anders Behring Breivik, as "good" and in some cases "excellent".
Mario Borghezio, who belongs to the Northern League party, condemned Mr Breivik's violence, but backed his stance against Islam.
The Northern League is a partner in PM Silvio Berlusconi's government.
Mr Borghezio's comments in a radio interview sparked outrage, with opposition calls for the MEP to resign.
Mr Breivik's justification for killing 76 people was that he wanted to inflict maximum damage on Norway's governing Labour Party because of its failure to clamp down on immigration.
"Some of the ideas he expressed are good, barring the violence. Some of them are great," Mario Borghezio told Il Sole-24 Ore radio station.
He agreed with Mr Breivik's "opposition to Islam and his explicit accusation that Europe has surrendered before putting up a fight against its Islamicisation".
Stephen Lennon, leader of the English Defence League
"What happened in Oslo shows how desperate some people are becoming in Europe”
Stephen Lennon English Defence League 
'No excuses, no justifications'
The Northern League is an avowedly anti-immigration, regionalist Italian political party, key to the governing coalition, and known for its anti-Islamic rhetoric.
The controversy sparked swift reaction from fellow MEPs.

"My heart goes out to the victims of the atrocities that took place in Norway last week, and to their families. There can be no excuses, no justifications. This was nothing but an act of pure and unmitigated evil," said Nikki Sinclaire.
Ms Sinclaire resigned last year from the European Parliament umbrella group, Europe of Freedom & Democracy (EFD), which included her UK Independence Party, as well as Italy's Northern League. She cited the racism of Northern League members in making her decision.

"Mr Borghezio's reported comments are shocking and, if accurately reported, reprehensible. They are in no way reflective of UKIP's position or that of the EFD Group," said a UKIP spokesman.
'Create monsters'
But Mr Borghezio is not the only right-wing politician to express sympathy with the actions of Anders Behring Breivik.
A member of France's far-right National Front party has been suspended after writing a defence of the Norwegian attacker on his blog.
Jacques Coutela described Mr Breivik as "the main defender of the West", comparing him to Charles Martel, a seventh century leader who halted Islamic expansion in western Europe.
"The reason for the Norway terror attacks: fighting the Muslim invasion, that's what people don't want you to know", read the post.
Mr Coutela stood as a National Front candidate in local elections in March.
"He was suspended today pending a party disciplinary committee," said Steeve Briois, the Front's general secretary.
Meanwhile, the leader of the English Defence League (EDL), Stephen Lennon, said the mass killing in Norway was a wake-up call.
"What happened in Oslo shows how desperate some people are becoming in Europe," said Mr Lennon, who was convicted earlier this week of leading a brawl involving 100 football fans.
"It's a ticking time bomb. If they don't give that frustration and anger a platform as such and a voice - and a way of getting emotion out in a democratic way - it will create monsters like this lunatic."
The EDL is also known for its strong stance against immigration.
Mr Breivik has posted admiring comments online about the EDL.
The League leadership is checking his claims to have contacts among its members.

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