We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Saturday, 31 December 2011

#0721* Telegraph Shows The Utter Irrelevance of The Farage Party!

#0721* Telegraph Shows The Utter Irrelevance of The Farage Party!
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Mark D'Arcy in The Telegraph Shows The Utter Irrelevance of The Farage Party!

Clearly results prove the point!!

I note that Mark D'Arcy, The Telegraph political correspondent, in his predictions for the year ahead makes no mention of any relevance of UKIP but does allude in some detail to the debate obtained in The House of Commons by Nikki Sinclaire!

The implication seerms to be that Sinclaire has more relevance than all of UKIP, though I do feel that is something of an exageration, though based on actual achievement it does have some credibility as UKIP's only publicity seems to be the antics of Nigel Farage, which does little but damage in terms of gravitas and his deeply destructive association with xenophobes, racists, anti Jewish, anti homosexual advocates of political violence in his pro EU membership EFD Group does the grass roots members no good!

Little wonder he cares not a jot about the many lost Court cases, the divisve behaviour of his claque and the obvious low rent irrelevance of his NEC whom he ignores as shown by the idiocy of Duffy, McGough and the other nebishes of no consequence.

To quote Mark D'Arcy for January & February:

Meanwhile, in the Commons, the whips will be endeavouring to ensure that the devil does not find work for MPs' idle hands.
There's some suggestion of a crunch euro-vote in the Commons at some point in February on moves to increase the UK's subscription to the IMF - the international emergency finance facility which bails out countries in financial trouble.
European test I'm not clear this will actually happen - but if it does, it could provide a difficult test for the government with Labour opposing any extra contribution that could then be used to bail out eurozone economies.
Were Labour and most of the 81 Conservative euro-rebels to join forces, the government would lose.
I've been pointing out for a while that the government can't rely on its majority on issues like this, so the smart thing to do would be not to have the fight, if at all possible.
But secondly, it is a mistake to think of the 81 - the MPs who rebelled in the backbench debate calling for a referendum earlier this year - as a cohesive group, or a party within a party.
In Euroscepticism there are many mansions, and some of the 81 would be very reluctant to cast a vote that might bring down the coalition government or otherwise cause chaos.
Others wouldn't blink before doing so. What I don't doubt is that the core sceptic (and I really must find a better word) strategists will want to keep up pressure on ministers they continue to regard as a bit suspect on the European Union.
However what Mark D'Arcy fails to point out is that MPs NEVER vote honestly if it means they might lose their job - Just look at how corrupt was the final Maastricht vote where all those smug and voluble EUroSceptics who to this day claim they voted AGAINST Maastricht voted the bill through to save their own jobs!

I note UKIP is still talking of a surge in the Poles - The only surge in the Poles UKIP has EVER experienced was as a result of Roger Knapman's family's people traffiking business which clearly led to a surge in the number of Poles in his attic at the expense of British skilled artisans and labourers!

Here are UKIP's results in a few recent actual poles (as opposed to theoretical results!):
Westbourne, Brighton and Hove
Lib Dem45
Trade Unionists &
Socialists Against Cuts
European Citizens Party13

Worlingham, Suffolk



Feltham & Heston (Parliamentary by-election)

  • Seema Malhotra, Labour - 12,639
  • Mark Bowen, Conservative - 6,436
  • Roger Crouch, Liberal Democrats - 1,364
  • Andrew Charalambous, UKIP - 1,276
  • David Furness, BNP - 540
  • Daniel Goldsmith, Green - 426
  • Roger Cooper, English Democrats - 322
  • George Hallam, London People Before Profit - 128
  • David Bishop, Bus-Pass Elvis Party - 93
It is near impossible to describe these results with any honesty or integrity as anything other than catastrophic and consider the fact that to get a mere 10% of the vote needed to win and considerably less % of the overall vote in Feltham UKIP prostituted almost all its policies, slinging them out of the window without a moment of democratic credibility to attract a wealthy clown as candidate!

You will note they have made a similar spectacle of themselves in Wales CLICK HERE is it any wonder they consistently bomb in the reality stakes whatever the surge in the Poles as they may dishonestly claim to be reality!
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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Thursday, 29 December 2011

#0720* - As UKIP Looses Relevance

#0720* - As UKIP Looses Relevance
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
As UKIP Looses Relevance!
Demeaned by liars fools and fantasists like Mick McGough!
Lack of training & structure!
Unprofessional antics & behaviour!
Racism & anti homosexuality!
Consistent abject failure in domestic elections!
Continuous back biting and internal squabbling!
No visible solid achievement in 20 years!
Largely low grade & inept staff including criminals!
Not a single notable individual of political talent, probity and integrity in its entire leadership team! 

possibly the most damning thing about UKIP at the moment is the serial dishonesty and openly held self interest & fantasies of Mick McGough on public forums - where as a member of the UKIP clique seeking agrandisement and enrichment he makes a fool of himself with his unsustainable dishonesty, personalised attacks and inability to convince anyone but himself.

Mick McGough endlessly postures and pretends to know who the members of The Junius team are and it is clear he hasn't a clue!

Mick McGough makes a spectacular fool of himself having spam mailed me with some 17,000 offensive, puerile and childish eMails, which my anti virus & spam screen have detected and dumped unread - this sort of behaviour from a member of UKIP's claque and inner team on the NEC so demeans the Party!

Then we have this proven liar making accusations of dishonesty against me and substantiating his claim by proving my comment! He states that I lied when I made the comment he works for Gerard Batten and then in the same paragraph he admits to working for UKIP London which is effectively Gerard Batten - the poor man is an idiot!

We then see him trying to show how clever he is by pointing out that he doesn't work for Gerard Batten and that the authorisation of an order for printing (as I recall) which I published showing that Gerard Batten's brother was working for Gerard Batten was in some way misleading which I admit was beyond me to understand!

Defending the indefensible seems a habit in UKIP management!

Many will remember that Nigel Farage gave solemn undertakings on TV that no one in UKIP would employ relatives and when it became clear he was employing his own wife aty £30K and published in The Sunday Times it then started to be clear others were doing likewise!

Godfrey Bloom was employing family members; Graham Booth was trying to kline up family members with cushy jobs on the EU gravy train, seemingly mistresses were on the payroll,; Gerard Batten was employing his brother; Stuart Gulleford had employ7ed his Mother on Jeffrey Titford's behalf, now I note he has found his son a job working for Stuart Agnew; Lisa Duffy whilst an employee and NEC member lacked the professionalism to prorogue herself when votes were taken that effected her live in boyfriend - Need I go on?

Whilst the self serving shower of unprofessional fools in UKIP carry on their largely irrelevant self destruction the real world goes on!


There seems no sign that UKIP has noticed this EU wide event that hands ultimate control and dictatorial powers to the unelected bureaucrats of the EU central committee!


Having made much of his pretence that he has the vaguest clue that he knows who is on The Junius team would Mick McGough be so good as to justify what I believe to be a lie or apol;ogise and withdraw his defamatory and insulting claims.

Likewise I call on Mick McGough to publish a public apology for his lies and offensive behaviour in his official capacity where he is known by all to be a member of the UKIP NEC & leadership team and his behaviour and dishonesty demeans the party and undermines the honest members.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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Monday, 26 December 2011

#0719* - UKIP A PARTY at WAR WITHIN - The Squabbling Continues!

#0719* - UKIP A PARTY at WAR WITHIN - The Squabbling Continues!
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP A PARTY at WAR WITHIN - The Squabbling Continues!

Yet again UKIP Leadership make so called policy on the hoof with NO political sense & much greed!!

a cleart symptom of the irrelevance of UKIP in its present form is that its current leader has fallen out with at least 1/3rd. of his so called team and good performer he may be on some issues but leader he clearly isn't - just see the policy mayhem in the public domain - the string of OLAF inquiries ito the thefts and scams of UKIP MEPs - consider the clear lack of democracy within the party - WOULD YOU want UKIP in ANY serious position of Governance.

Clearly UKIP leadership are a joke!

Endless childish stunts - criminal drunks as staff - No one of honour or integrity openly supports UKIP with its clowns like Mick McGough even the idiotic Douglas Denny has gone to ground and the list of people who have left them when they have a clear knowledge of the inside workings is quite scarey see CLICK HERE

Having lived firstly in The Aman Valley in 1981 and a subsequent 30 years based in Monmouthshire, on the edge of Wales I have taken a particular interest in the region - particularly as my Father was born in Llewynypia in 1921 - I have always taken an interest in Wales & Welsh political antics!

As a result of my interest and home I was, with Carys Pugh & Betty Bowen a founder of The NO Campaign for the destruction of Wales which I saw to be the outcome of Devolution - as it has proved to be for Wales, Scotland and these United Kingdoms - just to please The EU and aid it in the destruction of The UK.

To raise the profile we launched the slogan 'JUST SAY NO' and had a huge amount of merchandise and giveaways with the slogan all funded by private donation whilst the YES campaign was hugely funded by The Labour Party & Unions!

I also registered 'The Welsh Assembly' as a private Limited Company see CLICK HERE this led to it being an element of farce and the Government was forced to change the name to 'The National Assembly for Wales'!

A measure of UKIP's understanding of Welsh politics and Wales is they seem to understand so little they do not even know the construction or name of The Assembly nor point out it is an anti UK measure to aid The EU - they fail to even address Articles 263, 264 & 265 which are ALL that is pertinent in reality See CLICK HERE
United We Stand...
The United Kingdom. 
The United Kingdom Independence Party. 
It’s all in the name. However, we sometimes have to ask
“Which part of United Kingdom do you not understand?”
Deputy Party Leader Paul Nuttall’s policy proposal
“A Union for the Future” is a case in point...

The Devolution Settlement is a stupid mess.
On that we can agree with Mr. Nuttall.
As for the rest of his proposal, we profoundly disagree
both in sentiment and logic.
UKIP Wales has worked for 10 years on its policy to Abolish the Welsh Assembly and use Welsh Westminster MP’s to sort out Welsh issues One week a month would be set aside for this. 
English MP’s would have English days for English issues.
The Welsh Assembly has 10 years of nonsense, waste and policy failure to its credit and is in trouble.

We are living in exciting times. Brussels and the Euro are about to self-destruct and the Devolved Assemblies are losing credibility fast. 
It seems our Noble Cause is about to be won.
Mr. Nuttall says that Scottish, Welsh and Irish devolution has weakened the Union. 
Yet he says that English devolution will strengthen it. Far from strengthening it, we believe that an English Assembly would cause our Union to shatter. He has proposed a policy document from hell. We have been anticipating this kind of proposal for several years but
expected it to come from Brussels or the Welsh or Scottish separatists.
For it to come from UKIP Central is a deeply disillusioning experience.

Even those who like Mr. Nuttall’s proposal must admit that it will frighten and upset a lot of people. Why do this? UKIP occupies the perfect position right now! You can’t improve on perfect, you can only go backwards. 
So what is the point of “A Union for the Future”?

The English have, for many centuries, been very grown-up and patient on this subject. 
They have put up with, we admit it, the slightly tiresome antics of the Celtic Fringe because it was worth it in the interest of the higher cause of UNITY. We believe the great majority of the English still feel this way passionately.

UKIP and the United Kingdom can, in effect, sit quietly and allow Victory to fall into our laps. We have won the arguments. Our enemies are in disarray. We see it in the newspapers and on the television every day.

There is just one danger left. “Ourselves.” It is still possible to snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory. How ? By developing and promoting new, wildly radical plans to tear up the British Constitution.

Whatever you strive for in life, you must always be very clear about
“..The Aim..”
and don’t allow yourself to be distracted from it.
We put it to you that UKIP’s aim is, and always has been:-..
“To preserve the United Kingdom INTACT !”

That, of course, means we must get out of the European Union. It also means that we must resist the Balkanisation of Britain.

We urge you to reject Mr. Nuttall’s policy proposal and support our efforts in Wales to remain a very close partner in the most successful Union the world has ever known

The following pages explain UKIP’s long standing policy on devolution.
Long Live The United Kingdom !

UKIP Wales There are two Principles, which underlie everything that UKIP stands for... 
One is the integrity of the UK, and the other is independence from the EU.

All policies must be judged in accordance with these principles.

The EU has long known that divide and conquer is the only way to create its Superstate. Under the EU’s stated plans, Britain is destined to be turned into 12 regions. After Labour came to power in 1997, the first of these devolved regional assemblies were created in Scotland, Wales, London and Northern Ireland.

UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall proposes that by breaking the UK into 5 Regions (London, England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) and creating an English devolved Parliament, this will be a victory for UKIP, which will thwart the EU’s ambitions.
This is not the case.

It would, in fact, complete the next phase of Brussels’ plan to break up the UK.

Brussels always works on the ratchet principle. The next move by the EU would be to foment dissatisfaction in the North of England using present financial difficulties and to promote a split between North and South. Following that they would revive the ‘Regions of England proposal’ which failed last time. Then they would exploit any problems by installing unelected puppet regimes as they have just done in Greece and Italy.

The separatists in Wales also work on the same ratchet principle. Having just achieved more power in a biased referendum they are already asking for further powers. The lesson of history is that appeasement never works; it just leads to more demands.

Up until March of 2011, UKIP was the only mainstream political party that opposed the EU’s Regionalisation Plan for the UK.
The Party is now asking the membership if this should still be the case or if we should accept and push for separate devolved governments in the UK.

As a party, we are made up of people from all of the United Kingdom coming from many political backgrounds.
To adopt a policy that will be divisive, at the exact moment when we must be unified is folly. The EU is teetering on the brink, and diverting our efforts from our ultimate aim is madness. Britain leaving the EU is our aim, and dabbling in policies that will polarise the membership is an error of judgment.

Unless you live under one of the devolved
governments, you probably are not aware of the existing UKIP policy to address devolution.

The question we are asking, is:
“What was wrong with the existing policy?”
This is set out on the following page.

It does not pander to any other pressure groups. Paul Nuttall’s proposal was co-written by Eddie Bone and Scilla Cullen who are members of the Campaign for an English Parliament.

The existing policy is simple. It will not cost any more money but will save money - less politicians to pay. The civil service is already in place, and the MPs are already elected and paid to do their jobs.

It does not tamper with a formula that has worked for hundreds of years, and it addresses the injustices that some in England feel with the current state of affairs.

How it would work MPs are elected by first past the post in the same way and from constituencies that currently exist.

For three weeks each month MPs would meet in Westminster, as at present, to debate and vote on British matters (non devolved).

On the fourth week, the English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs would meet in their home capital cities to deal with devolved matters.

There would be no further devolution of powers.

We would however lose the additional layer of politicians as the MPs would now do the job of MSPs, AMs and MLAs.

Purely English matters would be dealt with in England solely by English MPs.

Upper Chamber..
Every legislative body needs scrutiny otherwise poorly drafted and bad laws will result.
The House of Lords needs reform, not abolition.
English MPs.. Scottish MPs.. Welsh MPs.. Northern Ireland MPs.
British Parliament.
MPs elected from all of the UK Constituencies meet for 3 weeks of the month in Westminster.
United We Stand.
United We Stand.
Union for the Future.
Opposes the EUs Regionalisation Policy.
Will not distract us from getting out of the EU.
Answers the West Lothian Question without.
breaking up the UK.
No extra politicians/buildings/bureaucrats.
Maintains historic role of Parliament & MPs.
How Do They Compare?
We believe passionately in the Union of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This Union has brought enormous benefits to us and to the wider world.
Our proposal is not regionalisation. It does not create new bodies or pander to separatist nationalists.
This is our answer to the West Lothian question, and the only way to preserve the Union.
We believe the membership of UKIP need to discuss this crucial policy at a “Constitutional Conference”, where the true feeling of the membership can be expressed.
“A Union for the Future” has the possibility of being very divisive for..
the Party.
After reading this counter proposal, we would be grateful if you could..
let us know what you think
We will collate the responses and use them to ensure that we do not adopt the “Union for the Future” without having had a fair chance to put an alternative to the Party.
You can either write to us, or email:
UKIP Wales,
29 Ponc Y Fron,
LL77 7NY

The more feedback we get, the greater our chance of changing a..
disastrous policy.
Thank you
To view the original .pdf CLICK HERE
 This is the version UKIP are seeking to impose which seems bereft of any political sense or thought: CLICK HERE
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
of: DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< Also:
Details & Links: General Stuff: Health Blog.: TWITTER: Greg_LW

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Sunday, 25 December 2011

#0718* - BEST WISHES to the unpaid who work to Leave-The-EU

#0718* - BEST WISHES to the unpaid who work to Leave-The-EU
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
BEST WISHES for The Season to the unpaid who work to Leave-The-EU!

Our Thanks to the few honest folk salaried to work towards these United Kingdoms Leaving-The-EU - Particularly The Independent MEP & UKIP member Nikki Sinclaire who has invested so much of her salary & expenses in her principled stand, despite the sabotage efforts of UKIP Leadership!

as UKIP moves forward after a rather embarr assing year with not a positive achievement to their name one wonders when a political party of group will materialise that is fit for purpose to represent the aspirations of the majority who wish to Leave-The-EU.

The year started out embarrassingly with a guilty verdict against UKIP and its leadership Nigel Farage & his oppo Godfrey Bloom.

The OLAF enquiry into Fraud by Mick Nattrass & Graham Booth did not order Mike Nattrass to repay money but even the redacted FoI report showed his position was more akin to the Scottish position of 'Not Proven' whilst Graham Booth faced a guilty verdict and was ordered to repay a substantial sum.

Derek Clarke was also found guilty of fraud and ordered to repay a considerable amount - whilst Stuart Agnew & David Bannerman were still under investigation for fraudulent use of public money.

The year continued with not a single notable achievement by UKIP but at least with an apology published for Farage & UKIP's abuse of Nikki Sinclaire in an effort to circumvent a near certain defeat and VERY costly damages in The High Courts.

Alan Hardy followed the example of others and won his case against UKIP costing UKIP some £30K for their appeal alone!

UKIP have as yet failed to act honourably and pay me the money ordered by the courts for the case Mark Croucher lost on their behalf despite the support of the clearly corrupt Paul Nuttall and the benefits fraudster and UKIP Press Officer Clive Page - UKIP lacks the integrity and morality to honour its debts - clearly UKIP does NOT represent British values as it hides behind the skirts of The EU succkling on tax payers money dishonourably extorted.

We then note that UKIP tried their best to talk down and distract from the efforts to obtain 100,000 signatures to obtain a Parliamentary debate on a Referendum based on In/Out of The EU.

UKIP leadership have prostituted UKIP to their income by association with The EFD Group a pro EU Membership reform group who have supported praise of Anders Breivik the mass murderer and extremist nutter of Norway.

We note that the ex leader of UKIP placed as a puppet to suit Nigel Farage's personal ambitions has returned to opposing The EU in The House of Lords - Despites his dishonesty and despicable behaviour whilst UKIP leader Malcolm Lord Pearson has shepperded through The HoL his new Bill fopr a cost benefit analysis of membership of The EU - so far he has achieved the first faltering steps that include Reading 1 & 2 + the committee stage in The House of Lords and now this week he has managed to steer the Bill to its first stages in The House of Commons so we can expect Farage to climb on the band wagon and try to show this was a UKIP achievement just as he dishonestly did on the day of the House of Commons debate obtained by Nikki Sinclaire - UKIP and its vile band orf self serving sock puppets still try to talk down the achievement!

All who are remotely politically aware realise a Referendum is unlikely and even dangerous as we can count on our Civil Servants and Politicians cheating just as they did to dupe these United Kingdoms into membership of the EU in the first place.

None are as clearly aware of the dangers than Nikki Sinclaire hersel;f and hence her new campaign which will become more noticed in the spring.

The risks are great but not as great as complacency or working with our enemies or even with the scum of EU politics in the form of The EFD!

The year ends for UKIP with nothing of note achieved by the leadership in fact one member of their leadership has betrayed the Party as this blog warned some 7 years ago! David Bannerman has defected to The Tories in the false misapprehension that they trusted him yet his continued employment of Peter Reeve a UKIP staffer has done little to convince - He believed he would find himself a leading Tory candidate but it seems clear he has far too many enemies in the Tories and is rightly not trusted - a position not helped by David Bannerman's serial lies about his ancestry.

All rather embarrassing for UKIP!

Now I note that nepotism is not confined to The Farage family though I doubt Stuart Gulleford's son is earning the £30K a year paid to Kirsten Farage from UKIP funds. Though as shown by his confession to The Sunday Times Stuart Agnew is only too happy to fiddle the public purse!

A measure of UKIP leadership's morality is well presented by the odious liar, cheat and low life Mick McGough - just imagine a party that finds someone so discredited, dishonest and obsessive is acceptable on its NEC this bufoon bases his comments on guesses and inaccuracy, vitriol and the assumption that others are so bereft of integrity they might sink to his levels and values!

My spam system has filtered out about 17,000 offensive, childish and unread spam eMails
consider Mick McGough is a UKIP NEC member and candidate for UKIP participation in the EU London assembly - also a prospective candidate for MEP and advocate of helping the EU structure in return for money as a leading spokesman for EU Party Membership!

Astonishingly Mick McGough is so convinced that others are as corrupt as he and would not act with integrity and publish the facts and the truth unless it was for money. The foolish old man tries desperately to defame me and my blog and that of Junius team - Mick McGough is a proven liar and cheat yet compounds that with his fantasies about Junius and myself.

Firstly unlike him I have NEVER received a single cent of EU money or any payment for my patriotic efforts and time spent seeking to Leave-The-EU.

Secondly I have NEVER lied or misled anyone on my blogs and he and the other liars working for UKIP have utterly failed to show a single solitary fact of the remotest consequence on my blog that could be defined as 'untrue' or 'misleading' - I have strenuously made efforts to ensure the material on my blogs is substantially correct and true and have assured all that ANY correction of note will be made if the correction exists and can be substantiated - Unlike Mick McGough I seek to tell the truth and work to Leave-The-EU.

Finally in further embarrassing conditions Gerard Batten finds himself on the stand in The Courts on allegations of racism, prejudice and incitement to racial and religious hatred, charges all who know him are likely to be aware of as likely!

It rather looks as if 2012 could lead to several of UKIP leadership being found guilty in the courts and maybe the realisation that UKIP are unfit for purpose in its present form!

My thoughts at this time of year are with those who lost a partner or child duruing the year and face the holiday period without them - particularly those whose loss has been due to cancer - also my thoughts are with those who know that their cancer will prevent them ever repeating this time of holiday next year.

I am minded that I faced just such a death sentence last year and give thanks to all who have helped and supported Lee and I during the year.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
of: DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< Also:
Details & Links: General Stuff: Health Blog.: TWITTER: Greg_LW

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