We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Monday, 27 February 2012

#0759* - UKIP MEP Gerard Batten's Offensive Vagina Musings!

#0759* - UKIP MEP Gerard Batten's Offensive Vagina Musings!
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP MEP Gerard Batten's Offensive Vagina Musings bring UKIP into disrepute in America too!!!

I note Gerard Button even comes undone in The Wall Street Journal - making a fool of himself and dragging UKIP into the gutters of inconsequentiality and dishonesty he so clearly inhabits.

One has to wonder what the odious Gerard Batten's vagina musings contribute to UKIP members aim to Leave-The-EU - but it would be perfectly reasonable to speculate as to what anything Gerard Batten does might aid Leave-The-EU cause when he spends so much time seeking desperately to gain re-election and promoting his bigoted anti Islamic hate incitement based on his personal choice of superstitions!

MEPs, Monologues and a Limerick

Only in the European Parliament could something as uncontroversial as not hitting women become a source of drama. As part of V-Day, a global campaign to end violence against women and girls, a group of MEPs have invited playwright Eve Ensler to their performance of her celebrated play ‘The Vagina Monologues’ on March 6.
“It’s a fantastic play, it’s very inspiring and we wanted to bring that energy into the parliament,” Franziska Brantner of the German Green party, one of nine female MEPs from across the political spectrum who will star in the play, told Real Time Brussels. “Women shouldn’t be ashamed of talking about their sexuality, either in terms of pleasure, or in terms of being a victim.”
The series of monologues, first performed in New York in 1996, is based on a series of interviews with women about the most intimate part of their body. Now the MEPs, including France’s Mariel Gallo, Belgium’s Isabelle Durant and Portugal’s Ana Gomes will follow in the footsteps of Kate Winslet, Whoopi Goldberg and Jerry Hall in performing the play on stage.
However, not all of their colleagues are happy about the situation. “This sort of thing does not belong in the European Parliament… The ladies should move their performance to a theater,” MEP Werner Langen, from Angela Merkel’s CDU party, told German tabloid Bild-Zeitung (presumably he also objects to the topless photos the newspaper carries on its front page every day). “I call on Parliament President Martin Schulz to withdraw his approval for this event.”
In any case, the performance is due to take place in the Parliament’s Espace Yehudi Menuhin, which hosts events as diverse as Holocaust Remembrance Day, talks on oil and gas exploration in the Arctic, and performances of early music and dance ensembles. It’s hard to see how performing an award-winning play, albeit an attention-grabbing one, is at odds with the diverse other uses for the room. If the idea of a theatre inside a parliament is confusing, just let it go — the European Parliament also boastsseveral bars, a gym, a hairdresser and a meditation room.
In a further twist, Swedish MEP Cecilia Wikström, another performer, won the respect ofBrussels gossip website Berlaymonster by employing that stealth feminist weapon, the limerick poem, to put UKIP MEP Gerard Batten back in his place.
It’s a challenge when those with vaginas,
No longer put up with – in silence,
This kind of old tripe,
From him and his type, 
But speak up loud and clear against violence
The MEPs have devoted the event not just to V-Day, but also have a set of political demands including ensuring EU funding continues for programs to end violence against women, and ensuring the pan-European ‘victims package’  contains specific measures for victims of domestic violence. 
All tickets for the event have been reserved and Ms. Ensler is scheduled to give closing remarks; now all the performers have to do is get ready to deliver lines such as “What would your vagina wear, if it got dressed?” instead of their usual “Voting begins now on the amendments.”
“We’ve been rehearsing, everyone got to read the part they wanted,” Ms. Brantner, speaking from Berlin, says of the project. “We’re not professional actors, but we are all used to being on stage, none of us is afraid of speaking in public."
To view the original article CLICK HERE
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Saturday, 25 February 2012

#0758* - More Lies From UKIP NEC Member McGough!

More Lies From UKIP NEC Member McGough!

SEE ALSO - The Mick McGough blog:
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
More Lies From UKIP NEC Member Mick McGough!

It seems UKIP Leadership are so ashamed of their behaviour they do nothing to control the iresponsible lies of their NEC and other key personel in their efforts to dishonestly extend their corruption to defaming critics!

One must asume that with their criminal behaviour such as 20,000 offensive spam messages sent to my spam filter they hope to intimidate critics and those who support them but seek ethical politics!

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Feb 2006


Quote Originally Posted by Geoffrey Collier View Post
mick mcgough: In the coffee houses of England it is being claimed that there is to be a 'clean sweep' of political parties irregular financial activities. Your friend Mr Smith, if I remember correctly, was an advisor to UKIP on the means by which the statutory authorities can be deceived; he must be very clever. Perhaps he can tell the investigators of the means by which the Ashford Call Centre and Ashord Employment Ltd, operated a carousel movenment of donation-contributions and staff payments. Do you get payments for your erudite contributions, or do you live entirely, 'on your parish relief'?
Geoffrey,Unlike your chum GLW I am unpaid.As before you are lying re Mr Smith but you know that and I can see no useful point in engaging with you as you are pro EU and anti UKIP
 Let us consider the lies of Mick McGough in this posting on a UKIP controlled public forum:
mick mcgough: In the coffee houses of England it is being claimed that there is to be a 'clean sweep' of political parties irregular financial activities.
I understand there are efforts to clean up politics which must give UKIP great concern with the long list of proven frauds, lies, nepotism, convictions and Party failures in The Courts and those like Mick McGough who have been proven criminal tendencies in political terms yet still hold positions in UKIP.

We understand that there are a number of outstanding OLAF, Police and or Electoral Commission Inquiries still underway regarding UKIP staff & elected members.
Your friend Mr Smith, if I remember correctly, was an advisor to UKIP on the means by which the statutory authorities can be deceived;
At least one eMail circulated to UKIP Leadership was widely publicised, in which Andrew Smith the failed Treasurer explained how UKIP should outwit The Electoral Commission and deceive them.
he must be very clever.
Not so clever since he quit as Treasurer in much opprobrium having failed to keep good and proper accounts leaving some 28 specific questions unanswered and the books in disaray - his behaviour was utterly unprofessional as were his claims of his status as an accountant such that he was unable to attend many UKIP meetings as his employers were unwilling to release him rather than he being of the senior position he tried to lead people to believe.
Perhaps he can tell the investigators of the means by which the Ashford Call Centre and Ashord Employment Ltd, operated a carousel movenment of donation-contributions and staff payments.
A sytematic apparent theft of supporters donations in any moral or ethical terms as confirmed by the then Chairman who admitted that less than 15% of the cash income ever reached the party the donations were made to!

A situation openly colluded with by UKIP's corrupt and incompetent leadership!
Do you get payments for your erudite contributions, or do you live entirely, 'on your parish relief'?
It is understood that expenses are paid and no doubt in line with EU policy so enthusiastically supported by UKIP leadership they are no doubt paid at a grossly inflated rate. As to what direct payments for work done, chauffeuring, visits to continental UKIP offices no doubt including the high life led by UKIP leadership as with bordellos, hostelries and other self indulgence it is unlikely the public will ever hear the truth when one considers the £Millions of UKIP potential income that has been spirited away.

ANY promise or statement from UKIP or its leadership is all but invalid when one considers the lies of its leadership as with the lies that Tom Wise had been dismissed, no family members would be employed etc. etc.

The level of fraud in UKIP leadership is unarguable, proven and by any normal standards widespread!
Geoffrey,Unlike your chum GLW I am unpaid.
Two small points here that show Mick McGough for the liar he is -
Firstly: I have NEVER met Geoffrey Collier to my knowledge we have never even been in the same County at the same time! Hardly chums. -
Secondly:  I have never received one penny piece for political activities save fees for media appearances to cover direct expenses and a replacement computer donated some 12 years ago by a EUroSceptic and ONE cheque for £100 from a EUroSceptic towards the costs of organising a EUroSceptic weekend meeting.
As before you are lying re Mr Smith
Geoffrey Collier is NOT lying but Mick McGough clearly is in this instance and is proven beyond any doubt to do so habitually.
but you know that
A particularly dishonest turn of phrase by Mick McGough to try desperately to defame - no doubt to try to detract from the truth and facts presented by Geoffrey Collier regarding the corruption in UKIP leadership.
and I can see no useful point in engaging with you as you are pro EU and anti UKIP
Further clear dishonesty from Mick McGough regarding Geoffrey Collier in the many 100s of postings made in public and in private correspondence I have had sight of I have NEVER ONCE seen a pro EU or anti UKIP utterance by Geoffrey Collier unlike Mick McGough whose postings and comments, general dishonesty and self serving corruption bring UKIP and the EUroSceptic cause into disrepute on a regular basis.

I once again challenge Mick McGough to establish a single fact to support his consistent lies.

The odious little man is beneath contempt in his behaviour and his dishonesty and his self serving self seeking damage done to the EUroSceptic movement in general and UKIP in particular which so greatly damages my Country and aids the EU.

I call on Mick McGough to apologise publicly to those he has so dishonestly and gratuitously defamed and withdraw his sordid presence from UKIP and other EUroSceptic organisations he befouls and damages with his proven lies and dishonest abuse aand attempted cuber bullying that besmirch the reputation of ANY ethical organisation.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Friday, 24 February 2012

#0757* - The Idiotic allegations of John ISON in Perspective!

#0757* - The Idiotic allegations of John ISON in Perspective!
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
The Idiotic allegations of John ISON in Perspective!

They are no more credible with the encouragement of UKIP's corrupt Leadership & clearly self seekingly malicious!

See also The John Ison blog CLICK HERE!

its interesting to note that in keeping with the serial dishonesty and indubitable corruption in UKIP where we note Nigel Farage was ordered by OLAF to repay a substantial amount of money to the public purse, so also did Jeffrey Titford - just as Derek Clark was ordered to repay somewhere between £30,000 & £100,000 he had fraudulently obtained and spent.

Despite PROMISING the electorate that NO UKIP ELECTED OFFICER would employ members of their family - We then see that not only was Farage clearly fiddling his expenses but openly admitted he had made a couple of £Millions over his actual expenses - yet there is no record declared of him EVER making a substantial donation to The UKIP cause - it seems that it is just a self enrichment scam for him used to fund his extravagant drinking and sex life!

The media also brought it to the attention that he was paying his wife for her personal services £30,000 a year.

Then of course there is Marta Andreasen who lied about her CV, lied about being a whistle blower and was in breech of UKIP electoral rules when she conned her way onto the UKIP list as a result of playing to Nigel Farage's ego!

Then of course there were the lies of Mick McGough to dupe his fellow UKIP members to fraudulently obtain a place on their MEP hopefuls and the NEC.

Of course there was the admission of fraud by Stuart Agnew on his and David Bannerman's behalf and the open efforts to defraud the electorate by fraudulent breaking electoral law and with Lord Pearson laundering money in donations.

This is just the tip of the corruption in UKIP - little wonder that they have achieved so very little towards the aim to Leave-The-EU and are seen increasingly as a joke in the EU parliament. They are clearly unfit for purpose even amongst the corrupt MEPs and unelected beauraucrats of the EU.

There are many other instances running to £Millions - the well publicised fiddles surrounding the Ashford scams or the £1/4M that was spiritted out of Farage's office account as other expenses, or the various off shore bank accounts etc. etc.

Now we have the scum of UKIP crowing with glee that they have villified Nikki Sinclaire as a result of the CLAIMS of her ex employee who she once permitted to remain on staff after he had directly stolen money and when he saw a way to harm his benefactor and employer would seem to have fraudullently purchased travel tickets to negate her legitimate travel claims - it was of course from a position of trust that he reported the purchase of travel for a relatively small amount of money.

Let us not forget it was part of John Ison's job to manage Sinclaire's travel claims and buy such tickets as were required I gather!

This looks to be a classic and very distastefull pack of lies by a failed employee who saw an opportunity to cash in and seek preferrment in UKIP by toadying with lies.

Clearly this is my opinion based upon such facts as I do have and the boasts of John Ison which can be proved and his thefts from Sinclaire's offices.

This seems more premeditated than the thefts by Annabelle Fuller when she stole an MP's Blackberry and House of Commons pass and when caufght seemingly invented a claim of inappropriate sexual advances by the MP - any who have read her sordid blog with its sexual comment and outpourings of promiscuity, drunken reverrie and foul language - her claims were clearly implausible as were his lies to The Independent & The Daily Mail when she duped Farage into endorsing her foolish comments.

The alegations made against Nikki Sinclaire are clearly a fabrication - when one realises they amount to so little relative to the 10s of £1,000s that her auditted accounts show she donated from her own money to the Leave-The-EU cause.

In fact the claimed allegations are only a fraction of the donations she has given to UKIP!

Alleging deliberate fraud does rather make the accuser look rather stupid when the paltry sum claimed is a fraction of that which Sinclaire has donated - What fraudster acting with ANY criminal intent donates more than they are alleged to have used!

Compare the allegations maliciously made against Nikki Sinclaire with the institutionalised abuse of tax payers' money by The EU with which MEPs and unelected EU bureaucrats willingly collude as they stuff their pockets:

1) ACP-EU joint parliamentary assembly in Kinshasa, Congo, Nov 2010: £853,360, 50 MEPs for eight days, £17,067 per head

2) ACP-EU joint parliamentary assembly in Tenerife, Spain Jan 2010: £588,404, 64 MEPs for seven days, £9,193 per head.

3) Eurolat parliamentary meeting in Cuenca, Ecuador, Nov 2010: £385,441, 39 MEPs for four days, £9,883 per head.

4) Eurolat, Seville, Spain, May 2010: £201,880, 51 MEPs for three days, £3,958 per head.

5) EU-US transatlantic meeting, Washington, Dec 2010: £170,334, 28 MEPs for three days, £6,083 per head.

6) Inter-parliamentary delegation to Shanghai, China, May 2010: £147,280, 11 MEPs for eight days, £13,388 per head.

7) EU-Chile joint parliamentary committee, Valparaiso, Chile, May 2010: £125,347, nine MEPs for six days, £13,927 per head.

8) Enlarged bureau visit to Shanghai, China, May 2010: £120,292, seven MEPs for eight days, £17,184 per head.

9) EU-Mexico joint parliamentary committee, Mexico, Nov 2010: £107,954, 11 MEPs for six days, £9,814 per head.

10) TAR delegation to Ottawa, Nov 2010: £97,883, nine MEPs for nine days, £10,875 per head.
Obscene isn't it?

A part of the reason these United Kingdoms should Leave-The-EU at the earliest possible opportunity.

. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Thursday, 23 February 2012

#0756* - More Unsourced Unsustainable Total LIES from Mick McGough UKIP NEC!!

More Unsourced Unsustainable Total LIES from Mick McGough UKIP NEC!!

More Unsourced Unsustainable Total LIES from Mick McGough UKIP NEC!!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
The Mick McGough blog:
More Unsourced, Unsubstantiated, Unsustainable Total LIES from Mick McGough UKIP NEC!

It is this sort of utterly dishonest attempt at CYBER BULLYING by the utterly self serving and corrupt UKIP Leadership that has proved so spectacularly damaging for UKIP!

For an executive of the Party to lie and attempt to defame on a public, UKIP controlled Forum is beneath contempt!

Mick McGough's allegations are without exception lies save that over 30 years ago an American girlfriend of mine accidentally imported a firearm with her household effects packed by packers shipped from Africa - A technical offence no longer considered and against the law to quote as it was both minor and long spent!

Unlike Mick McGough I check my FACTS and there is absolutely no doubt that Mick McGough is a liar, a fraud and a cheat. 

more later on Mick McGough's pathetic lies and dishonesty - you will remember his crininal cyber stalking and attempt at bullying with some 20,000 distateful and offensive spam messages sent to my spam filter!

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"As I've said, repeatedly, GL-W seems to take great care over his blog; if it was as false and scurrilous as the lackeys on this forum suggest, why hasn't he been sued? He attacks people who are well capable to set legal attack dogs on him. Why haven't they?" Steve Morson

Because he hasn't got a pot to hiss in.Ok, he is obviously paid by someone but he's a failed grubby bookseller with an admitted criminal record and a man of straw.He regulary dissembles and worse feeding misinformation to the gullible and those he's groomed.The deluded man even added an affectation to his name in a feeble attempt to add grandeur and gravitas to himself.

"The only traits GL-W and I share are a hatred of, and determination to leave the EU, and an absence of faith that UKIP (despite many wonderful people at it's grass roots- some are friends of mine to this day) can do a single thing about it. It is not a political party, it is a gravy train club." Steve Morson "

I don't believe that is true.You hate and wish to leave the EU but GLW is just doing a job for the dirty tricks department of some other party or body

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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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#0755* - ex UKIP MEP + 3 Staff Arrested & Released

#0755* - ex UKIP MEP + 3 Staff Arrested & Released
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
ex UKIP MEP + 3 Staff Arrested 22-Feb-2012 & Released early hours 23-Feb-2012!!

this is merely a holding post at this stage.

I have Twittered a little while ago:

Nikki Sinclaire & 3 staff arrested and released re: allegations of fraud made by John Ison? and UKIP? I understand. I BELIEVE unsustainable! 
I will provide more RELIABLE FACTS when I have time.

I BELIEVE that the West Midlands Fiscal Crime Unit has been lied to and conned by the self serving low lifes in UKIP Leadership and aspirant sycophants, no doubt egged on by UKIP Leadership with promises and bribes.

Many will remember the lies of Mark Croucher and Annabelle Fuller on behalf of UKIP Leadership, which when investigated were proven to be utter bunkum as was their contemptible disregard for the law, ethics and the truth as with Mick McGough and others.

I do however FIRMLY GO ON RECORD stating that I believe that this underhand and apparently corrupt and vindictive behaviour of UKIP will in the long run prove to be one of THE most damaging and costly actions they have in dishonesty and self serving behaviour committed.

I believe the lies of Mick McGough about me published on the UKIP controlled Forum and the rapid support he received by one of UKIP's other corrupt puppets was no coincidence as they KNEW I could be relied upon to publish what I believed on this issue in a quest for the truth.

I KNOW UKIP is willing to lie both to the Courts and in The media and I believe these allegations to be founded on more lies from UKIP.

It is a very strange 'fraudster' who proves beyond doubt to have paid from their own pocket and recorded in signed off accounts certificated by an accountant more of their own money by 10s of £1,000s than the piffling allegations made on UKIP's behest and by John Ison based on accounts HE MANAGED and documentation HE STOLE for his own personal gain, it would seem!


Statement from Nikki Sinclaire MEP

Nikki Sinclaire attended the police station voluntarily yesterday and has co-operated with the police. 

Nikki Sinclaire MEP disputes all allegations put towards her or her staff. Nikki Sinclaire MEP and her office will continue to fully co-operate with the police on this matter.

The allegations at hand are old allegations from a disgruntled ex-employee who himself is under investigation and whose motives are entirely political to pursue his advancement in  UKIP.

Due to the on-going police investigation it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time. This is particularly frustrating to Ms Sinclaire who is eager to clear her name and has nothing to hide.


I repeat that as when this story was first published - I did NOT believe it to be sustainable but I do expect it will be used by UKIP Leadership to further try to sabotage Nikki Sinclaire yet when it was absolutely clear that Tom Wise had been involved in fraud with the aid of signatures by Lindsay Jenkins - it was so clear that the media had published details having interviewed various involved individuals and Tom Wise was eventually found guilty and sent to prison for 2 years.

Derek Clark UKIP MEP, Stuart Agnew UKIP MEP, David Bannerman UKIP MEP, Jeffrey Titford UKIP MEP, Nigel Farage UKIP MEP, Graham Booth UKIP MEP, Lord Pearson sometime UKIP puppet Leader, Mick McGough UKIP NEC, Marta Andreasen UKIP's Spanish MEP and others have ALL been involved in fraud or had to repay money to the public purse used unlawfully yet no action has ever been taken against them by UKIP so it will be interesting to watch and measure the ethics and morality of UKIP leadership in how they handle this issue!

I am aware that Sinclaire has published her accounts in greater detail than any UKIP MEP and has had them signed off bny an accountant - I am also aware that she has spent a considerable amount of her own money in promotion of the Leave-The-EU cause and thus I BELIEVE there to be absolutely no grounds to the allegations - but I will be the first to correct ANY falser information I may be supplied with and will make VERY clear the difference between fact and opinion on this issue.

I have no reason to believe Nikki Sinclaire MEP or any member of her  present staff has been involved in ANY fraudulent activity.

I will provide further details when they are available and I have time.

THE BBC POSTED at 09:16hrs.:

MEP Nikki Sinclaire held in European Parliament fraud probe

Nikki Sinclaire - archive image Ms Sinclaire was arrested at a police station in Birmingham
A West Midlands MEP has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.
The arrest of Nikki Sinclaire and three other people were part of an inquiry following an allegation made in 2010 into allowances and expenses.
Ms Sinclaire, 43, was arrested at a police station in Birmingham.
Two women, aged 55 and 39, and a man aged 19 were arrested at addresses in Solihull, Worcester and Birmingham. All four have been released on police bail.
They were all arrested on Wednesday.
Officers have been carrying out searches at the addresses involved.
To view the article on the BBC web site CLICK HERE


West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclaire arrested over alleged expenses fraud

POLICE have arrested a West Midlands MEP over an alleged expenses fraud, the Birmingham Mail can reveal.
Nikki Sinclaire, 43, was being quizzed along with three other people on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.
All four remained in custody last night.
Miss Sinclaire, from Meriden, was arrested at a Birmingham police station yesterday evening by detectives from West Midlands Police’s Economic Crime Unit.
Three others, two women and a 19-year-old youth, were also arrested at addresses in Solihull, Worcester and Birmingham.
A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said last night: ‘‘West Midlands Police Economic Crime Unit have today arrested four people on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.
‘‘Two women, aged 55 and 39, and a man aged 19 were arrested at addresses in Solihull, Worcester and Birmingham this morning, while a 43 year-old woman was later arrested at a police station in Birmingham. All four remain in custody this evening.
‘‘The arrests are part of an ongoing investigation which followed an allegation made in 2010 into allowances and expenses.’’
Miss Sinclaire was elected to the European Parliament as a UKIP MEP for the West Midlands in June 2009, but was later expelled from the party over policy rows.
British MEPs earn around £80,000 in wages from the European Parliament each year, depending on the euro exchange rate. They can also claim up to £205,000 annually in staffing allowance.
In 2010, London-born Miss Sinclaire said she would welcome an official inquiry into her own expenses after denying reports she had claimed money she was not entitled to.
It followed accusations by a whistleblower that she had claimed nearly £840 for driving the 1,200 miles from her Birmingham home to the parliament in Strasbourg, when she had allegedly travelled by plane, which can cost as little as £260.
An investigation by the European Parliament’s anti-fraud office was the only way she could clear her name, Miss Sinclaire said at the time.
“I have never intentionally claimed anything I wasn’t entitled to,’’ she said. “And none of this money went into my personal bank account.”
Far from making a profit from expenses, she actually subsidised her work as an MEP with £10,000 a year from her own salary, she said.
Miss Sinclaire stood in the 2010 General Election in Meriden, but won just 1.3 per cent of the vote, against 2.6 per cent for the UKIP candidate.

To view rhe original article CLICK HERE


MEP Nikki Sinclaire arrested in expenses probe

West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclaire has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.

Nikki Sinclaire MEP
Nikki Sinclaire MEP 
The MEP was arrested and bailed with three other people yesterday as part of a probe into expenses by West Midlands Police.
Properties have been searched by officers investigating an allegation made in 2010 over the use of allowances and expenses.
Ms Sinclaire, 43, was elected as a UKIP MEP in June 2009 and came third in the contest to succeed Nigel Farage as party leader later that year.
But she had the whip withdrawn in 2010 for refusing to sit with the party's Italian allies Liga Nord in the European Parliament. Ms Sinclaire, a lesbian, said the party were homophobic.
She won a claim for sex discrimation against her former colleagues at an employment tribunal and now sits as an independent.
A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "Officers from West Midlands Police Economic Crime Unit arrested four people yesterday on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.
"Two women aged 55 and 39 and a man aged 19 were arrested at addresses in Solihull, Worcester and Birmingham and were taken to a police station for questioning. A 43-year-old woman was later arrested at a police station in Birmingham.
"All four have since been released on police bail.
"Searches have been carried out at the addresses involved by officers conducting an investigation into an allegation made in 2010 regarding allowances and expenses."
On her Twitter page today, a spokesman for Miss Sinclaire said the MEP attended the police station in Birmingham voluntarily yesterday and co-operated fully with the police.
"This is particularly frustrating to Ms Sinclaire who is eager to clear her name and has nothing to hide," tweets on the MEP's page said.
The MEP "disputes all allegations put towards her or her staff", which were "old allegations made by a disgruntled ex-employee who himself is under investigation and whose motives are entirely political to pursue his advancement in Ukip", they continued.
Due to the police investigation, it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time, it added.
It said Miss Sinclaire and her office would continue to "fully co-operate with the police on this matter".
In a short statement, Ukip said Ms Sinclaire ceased to be an MEP for the party in 2010.
"It would be inappropriate for the party to make any comment during the process of an ongoing police inquiry," the statement said.
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