#0690B* - An Update of Facts & Opinions re.: UKIP Leadership
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
. The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
An Update of Facts & Opinions re.: UKIP Leadership!
there being additions to the posting:
So that you do not miss the facts added here is a repeat of the latest addition of verifiable facts:
We note the parasites of UKIP:
Those who bring UKIP and its leadership into such disrepute both in their own name and sheltering their cowardice behind fake identities such as Mick McGough, Independent UKIP, Skeptic, Arthur Fonzanellie, Annabelle Fuller, Mark Croucher, Douglas Denny and their sordid ilk with their lies, distortions, fantasies and personnas screeching like the witches of bedlam at the incredible deliberate lies in other areas or reporting are conspicuous by their cowardly absence as with:
With the sort of behaviour of its vile parasites and its extremist associates it is little wonder they fare so very badly in domestic politics where the domestic electorate may vote foolishly at times but rarely support those of the gutter and outright cowards as shown by the irrefutable fact that UKIP has consistently failed in domestic elections on a truelly spectacular basis over 20 years.
Considering the fact that UKIP lays claim to some of the most popular causes of the peoples of these United Kingdoms such as:
Repatriate our democracy
Reinstate our borders
Restrict immigration
Restore our Sovereignty
Replace the political aspects of The EU
Reintroduce our legal system & its values
Remove the EUropean Human Rights Act
Renegotiate our trade position with the global market place
Re-evaluate the relationship between the various regions of the UK to Westminster
Yet despite this UKIP has only ever achieved less than 30 elected seats out of the 19,500 available in Governance of these United Kingdoms.
It would seem that the people have seen through the charade of UKIP and its self serving self enriching and squabbling leadership claque!
as for self determination - UKIP have failed after 20 years of expenditure and much carousing and gutter politics to either convince the electorate of their good intentions or to provide any kind of exit and survival strategy, vision or plan let alone strategy, organisational structure, professionalism or any kind of tactics - The electorate have noticed and in domestic politics have clearly ignored them as about as relevant as The BNP, The Greens or The BFP.
At a time when the creepy Lib.Dims. are seemingly at an all time low UKIP has failed to come even close to ousting them in any single domestic seat at election whether general or by election.
The failure would seem to be largely due to total lack of OQ amongst its leadership in fact no Officer class whatever and populist as they may strive to be the public seek leadership from those they can respect - a quality astonishingly absent amongst the leadership of UKIP and its vile parasites mostly on the make and the take and willing to demean themselves in any manner just to achieve their personal ambitions and gratification.
It is sad that when we so clearly need a political party or group of some ethical caliber to put the case for leavng The EU that and ensure a safe move back to independence and saving at a bare minimum £48 Million a day that can be invested in The UK rather than wasted on politicians and their idiotic ambitions through membership of the malign and very damaging EU.
It is sad that UKIP clearly lack the leadership or abilities needed at what can only be desc ribed as a very fragile time with The EUro in desperate problems, Italy & Greece having
Gauleiters appointed to suit the central authorities of The corrupt EU in total denial of any basic democratic princuiples - at such a time UKIP can field little more than a self serving claque of low lifes and fools!
. .
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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The blog is based on supported facts, accurate quotes, substantiated details and as shon my opinion and that of others quoted!
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