it was interesting to note whilst watching The EU Parl Employment Committee that Nikki Sinclaire has not only been appointed as a full committee member as an Independent British MEP but has made her mark with a sound speech in debate whilst the racist anti Jewish pro EU membership
EFD delegate, the
UKIP MEP Derek Clark sat in lumpen silence looking as if he hadn't a clue what was going on - neither making a speech nor any effort at intervention.
As a
dishonest and corrupt liar Derek Clark is of course wrong footed by his lies about his fraud and attacks on individuals to cover up his incompetence and his criminal use of public money that recently led to him being ordered to repay a substantial amount of money, which he had purloined!
The EFD made no intervention speaks volumes of their utter irrelevance as today shrinkage of The British economy was announced and builders in Wales werre warned to expect a further 4%^ shrinkage at least with no chance of any upturn before 2013 (there was no reason given for ANY upturn as banks continue to fail to lend money for house purchases in the expectation that property prices will continue to fall with the related collapse in employment).
Well done Nikki Sinclaire for actually making a speech to highlight the issues.
I note that in a long piece in The
Western Morning News CLICK HERE The EFD MEP UKIP's John Bufton was very briefly quoted relative to aid for Cornwall - The article which extensively quoted The Tory
EUroSceptic George EUstace MP.
Considering just how corrupt
MEPs are I note there is still no effort being made by the undeniably corrupt EU who are covering up the criminality of MEPs by refusing to publish The Galvin Report naming those whose criminality led to them being forced to repay money they had stolen. We hear this includes amongst others Nigel Farage but as ever he refuses to confirm or deny the widespread rumour - just as he failed to confirm that he had broken his promises to UKIP members and the electorate at large by paying his wife £30K a year in a dishonest act of self enrichment thought to be in compensation for his 'errant' behaviour!
This letter from the outgoing Tory MEP was interesting:
Thank you for your email. Please accept my apologies for the delay in my response to you. I have been liaising with my colleagues in the European Parliament regarding your concerns.
The Galvin report was published in full in the European Parliament’s register for documents. As far as I am aware the names of the MEPs concerned were never actually in the report. It was an internal audit. For your information, any requests for documents to the Parliament’s register can be made via their online form:
I understand that Marjory Van Den Broeke, Head of Press at the European Parliament, is the person who has been dealing with requests for these names as Parliament spokesperson. You may wish to contact Marjory Van Den Broeke.
Thank you again for your correspondence.
As you may be aware I will be standing down as MEP for the West Midlands on 4th February 2012. In the case that your correspondence is still outstanding, written permission is required from you for the matter and your details to be passed on to my successor.
Yours sincerely,
Liz Lynne MEP
This would be far more impressive had her resignation as an MEP been on ethical grounds rather than as it seems to provide for 'Buggins' Turn' particularly when the Buggins in question is the next on the Tory list.
Not quite as corrupt as LibDim. MEP Diane Wallis where the particular Buggins she stands aside for is the next on the list - Her husband!
An interesting thread has materialised on The UKIP controlled and utterly dishonest Anthony Butcher's blog with the dishonest and cowardly UKIP claque trying to defend The EFD position over Gibraltar when we understand Nigel Farage is still far from welcome in Gibraltar after some deal involving an alleged £800,000 of timber!!!
I note one of The EFD supporters a low life too ashamed to use his name has deliberately misquoted Niall Warry to try to distort the facts to present his/UKIP's dishonest spin. Again and again the cowards in UKIP like Independent UKIP, Gothmog, Skeptyk, SDP and the like hide their lies behind anonymity having never ONCE identified a single solitary consequential inaccuracy or effort to mislead in any of my postings - but we all know bullies and liars are usually cowards.
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