Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
My thanks to those who brought this exposure of the nasty little chap to my attention!
Stuart Par has a consistent track record of dishonesty and corruption and brings only shame to the body politic!
May 2010: This site replaced http://CaterpillarsAndButterflies.blogspot.com now an Archive! As is this site NEW MATERIAL: http://UKIP-vs-EUkip.com To view other details, contacts, caveats and more see: http://GregLanceWatkins.blogspot.com
To view the original of this posting CLICK HEREUKIP Councillor Stuart Parr Said “It has been brought to my attention that the English Democrats are fielding Garry Bushell in the delayed elections in South Staffs.
My contact forwarded me a copy of the election leaflets from each party that’s standing. Conservatives … dull. Labour … dull, lies and false promises (what else would you expect from a party headed up by Traitor Blair?). Lib Dems … dull and 4 pages! UKIP … the usual inconsistent xenophobic crap. English Democrats … excellent!
The EDP leaflet was a single page, bright and clear. It is in red and white (of course) and clearly sets out what they are standing for in a few paragraphs and bullet points. It looks completely different from the standard dullness of the main three parties and the garish purple and yellow of the UKIP.
While I’m on the subject of the UKIP leaflet, there were some inconsistencies. Their first bullet point said that they would withdraw the UK from the EU and save £39m a day. Then the third bullet point says that with the £30m a day saved from leaving the EU they would cut council tax. So which is it? £39m or £30m a day? Also, is that £39m (or £30m) a day net of the lost trade, subsidies, grants and preferrential trade agreements that we get from the EU? Apart from the inconsistencies such as the money side of things, the deliberate missing out of important information and deliberate misleading stops me from taking UKIP seriously at all.
South Staffs is a fairly rural constituency and I think it would benefit from the time and attention that the English Democrats could give it.
I also think it would benefit from the increased profile having a minor celebrity and journalist as it’s elected representitive. Finally, as an English constituency and one that would be swallowed up by a meaningless region that it has no links to, I think voting for a non-regional, pro-English party would be in its best interests.
I normally vote Lib Dems myself but if I was in South Staffs, I would certainly take this opportunity to vote for Garry Bushell.”
Stuart Parr (parish councillor, former Lib Dem supporter and twat) is perhaps best known for telling lies about Nikki Sinclaire and kissing Nigel's backside at every opportunity via his 'Farage Sycophants (bloggers) 4 UKIP' blog. LINK
However, his 'love affair' with Nigel may soon come to an end after certain comments recently came back to haunt him!
Eyebrows have been raised in UKIPPER circles after it emerged that Parr once described UKIP literature on his blog as"the usual inconsistent xenophobic crap …...... stops me from taking UKIP seriously at all”.It moves, it talks, it walks but the lights went out years ago
And how apt that Mr Parr titled his blog 'The Insane Ramblings of Wonko the Sane'!
So why is Parr now quite happy to promote a party and a leader that happily sits with fascists and racists in the EFD group in the EU parliament? LINK . So much for his concerns about xenophobia! The man is a hypocrite!
I also think it would benefit from the increased profile having a minor celebrity and journalist as it’s elected representitive. Finally, as an English constituency and one that would be swallowed up by a meaningless region that it has no links to, I think voting for a non-regional, pro-English party would be in its best interests.
I normally vote Lib Dems myself but if I was in South Staffs, I would certainly take this opportunity to vote for Garry Bushell.”
Due to Spam & the offensive comments of many seeking to support UKIP corruption in a cloak of anonymity full moderation applies. This blog is designed to bring to light the actions of UKIP's leadership and their claque and show they are unfit for purpose on almost every discernible count.
The blog is based on supported facts, accurate quotes, substantiated details and as shon my opinion and that of others quoted!
By all means comment in your own name it will probably be published if you avoid foul and abusive language!
Please back up your claim that I am dishonest and corrupt. Please include verifiable facts.
ReplyDeleteleft UKIP months ago after a crashing disappointment... discovering YI has been infiltrated by ghastly little UAF morons; Stuart Parr is a vicious vindictive misogynist who gets off on attacking UKIP members, particularly females, he has never met before and calling them names on public pages. Thoroughly obnoxious creature who regularly spouts bile against other members on the UKIP forum which is positively snided with lefties. The big joke is the idiot lefties of the BBC and other media are still referring to UKIP as "far right" when it is swinging sharply to the left. Olly Neville, a nasty little pinko Marxist of the YI has set up a pro Palestine UKIP group ratified by the NEC and supported by Parr. Crowther is an ineffectual nobody who does NOT do what it says on the tin when it comes to sorting out internal problems and public character assassinations by members on other members. Then you have the hideous David Platt and Paul Perrin and an assortment of other nutjobs. James Howson of the YI is definitely leaning towards UAF as himself and other YI members consistently used UAF material online to discredit me personally. Howson and others made disgusting remarks about my personal experience. And another little YI piece of garbage, Leon Georgiou had his bottom very firmly smacked so I am led to believe, by the NEC, for posting disgusting anti Semitic jokes online. Then there are the contingent of UKIP that hang around the self styled nutjob Claire Khaw...yep... some very nasty dubious little connections going on there. Party needs cleaning up and it's about time the Mayor of Dungy on the Wold had her wings clipped as well.