We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

#0702* - Mike NATTRASS & The Sunday Times + PEARSON'S HoL BILL

#0702* - Mike NATTRASS & The Sunday Times + PEARSON'S HoL BILL
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Mike NATTRASS & The Sunday Times + PEARSON'S HoL BILL!

Mike Nattrass gets his clarification 2 years late!
Malcolm Lord Pearson obtains his 2nd. Reading of his
'EU Membership (Economic Implications) Bill'

Only 9 more steps to go CLICK HERE!

November two years ago was a buy time on my UKIP blog with 49 entries which are still available on the archive at CLICK HERE

It is astonishing just how little UKIP has changed - still squabbling and back stabbing - still with its army of cowardly sock puppets sneering and smearing in cowardly anonymity and still going out of their way to antagonise the media!

It was November 2009 that Tom Wise let Nigel Farage and Lindsay Jenkins off the hook legally as you may remember Lindsay Jenkins was a co defendant in a fraud and embezellment case before the courts with Tom Wise and Nigel Farage was likely to become more than just a simple witness in the case having serially lied about his relationship with Wise but Tom Wise finally developing some back bone when he realised the game was up and his posturing and denials were on the verge of being blown wide open changed his plea to Guilty and was sentenced to 2 years in prison and the repayment of the money he had stolen.

In that same month after being insulted and lied about by UKIP members Daniel Foggo wrote another factual article about UKIP as many will remember and the actual blog I wrote on the matter was on November 15 at CLICK HERE

Some will remeber the precursor I wrote:

Sunday, 8 November 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


The list is quite interesting but currently sub judice - suffice to say ex chairman, 6 interviewed in London, ex MEPs, ex leader, 5 MEPs I noted, numerous ex staff, numerous others with case numbers etc.

UKIP MEPs’ expenses probed
EU anti-fraud investigators are conducting an inquiry into the United Kingdom Independence party over its MEPs’ use of expense allowances. Olaf, the body that polices MEPs, has sent officers to the UK, who were last week interviewing potential witnesses.

The development comes in the same week that Tom Wise, a former UKIP MEP, was convicted of embezzling taxpayers’ money intended as his assistant’s salary while he was working for the party.

Original Article CLICK HERE

It took 4 Years to bring Tom Wise to book!


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.

NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:

I subsequenrt to the article in The Sunday Times wrote further on:

Sunday, 22 November 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!



NATTRASS SEEKS A FACE SAVER for his risible result in the leadership election and beig publiclly humiliated as an uncredible leader! Years liking Farage's boots and doing what he was told like a sad puppet only to be treated like that on National TV true as it was it was clearly unkind of Farage, in his fear that Sinclaire might actually beat his chosen puppet Pearson.

You may well have read the article here CLICK which covered/contained The Sunday Times announcement that Mike Nattrass was, along with various others, under investigation on various counts by OLAF and of course Daniel Foggo published the story and subsequent facts pertaining to Tom Wise which eventually saw Wise in Prison and showed beyond doubt that Nigel Farage was a liar when he claimed he had removed/fired whatever Wise as soon as they knew - It was Foggo who made it clear that EUkip had colluded in numerous attempts to cover-up the crimes.

The story was not in-accurate - it is conveniently forgotten by the pond life of EUkip that Daniel Foggo is a leading award winning investigative Journalist who has broken some huge stories around the world whilst they merely feed from the public purse in a sordid self enrichment programme. Daniel having exposed the hypocracy of Knapman and then Farage who despite promises to the contarary employed his wife.

Unfortunately part of his next story was sourced elsewhere and although it led to a letter of apology from Farage's solicitors to The Times the Sunday Times opted to make a payment not on the principle of hypocracy being wrong, but that the new informant had supplied incomplete information and checks with the authorities were then equally as erroneous.

In this instance Michael Nattrass EUkip MEP is being investigated by OLAF.

Amusingly an 'e'Mailer of long standing with BNP leanings circulated the story:

Andrew Edwards circulated the Sunday Times article with the comment:

Subject: UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry:

Looks like Daniel Foggo has uncovered another one of UKIP's 'innocent men'!!!  As Foggo implies, this investigation is part of a wider one, so who will be next.  There will be some other very nervous UKIP MEP's this morning!

The link to The Sunday Times is: CLICK HERE
 & reads:

UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry

(Paul Vicente)
MEP Mike Nattrass

An MEP for the United Kingdom Independence party is being investigated by the European Union’s anti-fraud watchdog over his use of expenses.

Michael Nattrass, who has represented the West Midlands in the European parliament since 2004, is the subject of an inquiry into whether Denis Brookes, one of his former aides, was paid through public funds while he was working as a regional organiser for UKIP. The EU does not allow taxpayers’ money to be used to pay party officials.

The inquiry into Nattrass, which is part of a wider investigation into UKIP’s finances, comes as one of its former MEPs, Tom Wise, was jailed last week for two years for embezzling funds out of his assistant’s allowance.

Separately, it has also emerged that Nattrass was using a business of which he was an equity partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.
Between 2004 and summer this year, all of his assistants’ allowances were channelled through the business account of Nattrass Giles, a chartered surveyors in Birmingham which he founded nearly 30 years ago.
Nattrass was a signatory to the bank account, although he insisted last night that the administration was handled by another partner in the firm who has since died.

MEPs must not act as their own paying agents. The role can only be performed by “third parties”.
New rules brought in since July this year have further tightened the controls and MEPs can now only use accredited people or companies as paying agents.

Nattrass said he had been told by EU officials that he could use his Birmingham company.
He also insisted that Brookes had worked for him in his capacity as an MEP until his employment as an aide came to an end three years ago.

The facts behind this are at CLICK HERE

Quite the idiot Nattrass had someone write a letter for him (it is in intelligible English!) as:
Dear All.

I am pleased to say there is no truth in the Foggo article.
Foggo knows this because we spoke prior to him going to press... but it made no difference.... so much for the facts.

There is no enquiry into paying agents. So there is no "Fraud Enquiry" However>

Nattrass Giles were not Limited. Foggo knows this and the shares stuff is a made up Foggo mythe. He even confirmed he knew it was not limited when I spoke to him!

NG were suggested as paying agent by the EU officials when I filled in the forms in 2004. I declared my connection with NG and it complied with the rules. NG paid very few employees as paying agents and the payroll was overseen by Chartered Accountants. It more than complied with the EU rules, because at that time the Chartered Accountants were not essential

They are asking whether Brookes worked for me or for the Party as RO. This is Brookes again complaining and I have beaten him off many times in court on this already. He worked for me and the fact is obvious as this was my very high profile argument with him when he failed to attend meetings.

Anyway it appears the Times want to stop me in the leadership race.

I like a challenge like this. But it may be time to go for damages against the Sunday Times and Edwards and the inflamed way Edwards reports these things will not impress the court. 

So lets look at this in some detail:
I am pleased to say there is no truth in the Foggo article. 
 Having read Foggo's article and having checked the details what wasn't true - I can see no errors in it so why are you making a fool of yourself Nattrass?
Foggo knows this because we spoke prior to him going to press... but it made no difference.... so much for the facts.
Well having spoken to him you will probably have told him that when you got back from swanning around in the Philippines on a family holiday having had all summer off it seems! As a doughty MEP for EUkip you had received the information that Derek Bennett the fireplace chap and part time Regional Organiser had been questioned by OLAF and I presume that they had tried to clarify Lynn Ashraff's position too and others. No doubt Nattrass also told Foggo that he had received some of the details  from OLAF regarding the fraud enquiry.

Which fact was it Nattrass didn't understand exactly?
There is no enquiry into paying agents. So there is no "Fraud Enquiry" However>
I wonder if that was what Nattrass was told or what he would like to portray or even believe.
Nattrass Giles were not Limited. Foggo knows this and the shares stuff is a made up Foggo mythe. 
 Even in the original article there was no mention of Limited!
It has also emerged that Nattrass was using a company of which he was a shareholding partner as the “paying agent” for all his assistants’ salaries provided by the EU.
You will note since it is a standard paper rather than a financial journal it called Nattrass a 'shareholding partner' had it been a financial journal it would no doubt have said he had 'a share in the equity having been a founding partner'.
He even confirmed he knew it was not limited when I spoke to him!
So Foggo was right - glad Nattrass confirmed that!
NG were suggested as paying agent by the EU officials when I filled in the forms in 2004. 
I do doubt that they understood because this clearly is not compliant with the intent of 'paying agents'. 
I declared my connection with NG and it complied with the rules.
This is just not very plausible - what would be the point of paying agents? The aim is to remove the MEP from control of the money not just to put it into an account with a different name that the MEP controls!
NG paid very few employees as paying agents and the payroll was overseen by Chartered Accountants. It more than complied with the EU rules, because at that time the Chartered Accountants were not essential
 No but the purpose was that Nattrass did NOT have control of his own expenses.
They are asking whether Brookes worked for me or for the Party as RO.
Then why is Nattrass dennying he is being investigated when he is?
This is Brookes again complaining and I have beaten him off many times in court on this already.
Oh so there is an on going investigation!
He worked for me and the fact is obvious as this was my very high profile argument with him when he failed to attend meetings.
In normal parlance this is called a defence!
Anyway it appears the Times want to stop me in the leadership race.
This is delusional - The Sunday Times could care less who wins and clearly Nattrass is nowhere near a runner - he even Miked off on holiday during the campaign. Farage was spot on when he said of Nattrass & Batten they were 'uncrdible candidates for the leadership!
I like a challenge like this. But it may be time to go for damages against the Sunday Times and Edwards and the inflamed way Edwards reports these things will not impress the court.
If Nattrass is serious he is an even greater idiot than many of us thought him to be!

Before emulating Farage and making an utter pratt of himself in the Courts and risking the same type of debts Farage has incurred I suggest poor old Mike tries to explain what his case against The Sunday Times is as to more than shout rude words and sabre rattle could well do Nattrass a huge financial damage.

Interestingly, much as EUkip might like to control Freedom of Speech just what crime does Nattrass believe Edwards has committed? That would look good as Nattrass would surely loose!
Now - 2 years later in response to the large investment in legal fees Mike Nattrass has made - the story has been confirmed as 100% accurate by the Sunday Times this weekend.

Mike Nattrass MEP

The Sunday Times Published: 27 November 2011

An article (print headline: “MEP in fraud inquiry”; online headline: “UKIP MEP Michael Nattrass in expenses fraud inquiry”, November 15 2009) reported an investigation by a European Union watchdog into whether Mike Nattrass MEP had used public funds intended for the payment of parliamentary aides to pay a UK Independence party regional organiser. That investigation has been completed with no action taken against Mr Nattrass. The article also stated that payments were channelled through the firm Nattrass Giles Limited. We were not suggesting the company was part of, or merited, any investigation and are happy to clarify the position.
To view the original of this confirmation that the original article was true CLICK HERE

It is easy for the cowardly UKIP sneerers as they shelter in shame behind their false identities to check that I consistently stated that it was unwise for Mike Nattrass to waste time and money on lawyers as no apology would be published since the first article was correct.

In fact one could speculate that a polite letter asking that a clarification of the original statement of facts and the subsequent outcome could well have been obtained at no cost many months ago!

What was surprising was that in clarifying the fact that OLAF were not taking further action against Nattrass in this issue that they did take action against Graham Booth ordering him to repay money - Just as with nigel Farage, Tom Wise, Jeffrey Titford, Derek Clark and no doubt others in the past - and the inquiries by OLAF would seem still to be being taken agaimnst Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman - a list to which OLAF # OF/2011/10/17 into Gerard Batten would seem to have been recently added.

It was during that time that Nigel Farage was off show boating and had endeqavoured the coronation of his puppet leader Malcolm Lord Pearson - who to be fair had played a passable hand as a EUroSceptic in The House of Lords but was to prove to be a catastrophic, incompetent, weak and dishonest leader of UKIP.

To be fair he eventually admitted he was hopeless at politics and had been a disaster as a leader of UKIP - If only Nigel Farage had learned from him and also admitted he has been a catastrophic leader of UKIP like Pearson bringing UKIP into disrepute though to be fair Pearson's behaviour was not as squalid and amoral as that of Farage.

Both Pearson & Farage have great skills in their own areas but as leaders they are an embarrassment.

Fasrage has proved a quick tongue and lively speaker able to perform slickly and competently in a manner that impresses many but like Pearson is no leader!

Pearson on the other hand has turned in consistent sterling work in The House of Lords as shown by the recent second reading of his excellent:

European Union Membership (Economic Implications) Bill [HL]

Second Reading

10.10 am
Moved By Lord Pearson of Rannoch
    That the Bill be read a second time.
Lord Pearson of Rannoch: My Lords, I am truly grateful to all noble Lords who are to speak today. This is not the first time that your Lordships have debated this or a similar Bill at Second Reading. We did so last some four and a half years ago, on 8 June 2007, and we had similar debates on 11 February 2004, 27 June 2003 and 17 March 2000. The series would not be complete without mentioning 31 January 1997, when your Lordships' House voted at Second Reading for a Bill that would have taken us out of the European Union altogether.

etc. ...................
To read the balance of this second reading CLICK HERE at the end of column 1214 of 25-Nov-2011and you will note if you read on to the end the Second Reading was passed!

Hopeless, dishonest, corrupt and incompetent as a political leader as Pearson may be he is to be congratulated for his work on this Bill and its outcome so far.

Would that Farage would learn from his example and stand aside to do what he can do well rather than endlessly damage and divide UKIP by pretence to leadership skills he has shown he not only lacks but has no understanding of - staying in place only by shinning like a nickel in a dung heap having gathered around him low lifes and nere-do-wells on the make and the take, purely to outshine their shoddy behaviour.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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Saturday, 26 November 2011

#0701* - OF/2011/10/17 OLAF Investigation is interesting for UKIP!

#0701* - OF/2011/10/17 OLAF Investigation is interesting for UKIP!
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
OF/2011/10/17 OLAF Investigation 
is interesting for UKIP!

Just one of the many UKIP has seen its leadership embroilled in demeaning the party with their antics, corruption and dishonesty!

They wonder why they have so very few elected offices and so very little respect from the electorate!

I gather this investigation involves false accounting, fraud, racism, nepotism & abuse!

I gather this OLAF investigation #OF/2011/10/17 will prove of considerable interest to UKIP, OLAF are reticent regarding details but it adds to the investigations by OLAF that have led to guilty verdicts repayments, police investigations, courts and even prison for abuse of the public purse.

The abject failure of leadership of any recognised caliber in UKIP is apparent in their consistent and abysmal failure to get elected or anywhere near in domestic elections or be taken seriously as representatives of the people.

The escalating levels of hysterical abuse of any critic by members of their leadership & parasites orchestrated in seried ranks of cowards and bullies displaying how UKIP may fantasise as to how to behave whilst frequently too ashamed to even put their names and identities to their cowardly behaviour and I even noted the obsession of one NEC member when clearing my automated spam filter, where Mick McGough had in his unprofessional and demeaning admission of failure and shame sent me well over 1,000 spammed messages - no doubt in some sick sad sexual masochism  - in the realisation they would never be read! Or perhaps to impress his paymasters!
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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Thursday, 24 November 2011

#0700* - A Measure of UKIP UKIP London's Lack of Ethics it seems!

#0700* - A Measure of UKIP UKIP London's Lack of Ethics it seems!
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
A Measure of UKIP UKIP London's Lack of Ethics it seems!

The extreme racist/religionist obsessions of Gerard Batten do NOT represent these United Kingdoms - merely those of the gutter like himself!

Now it seems he enriches his family at our expense whilst consorting with extremists, the violent and supporters of Anders Beivik of The EFD!

although this is not easy to read this invoice from Harold Batten for work commissioned by Lawrence Webb as London Regional Organiser for UKIP paid we understand by The EU as a member of UKIP staff working for Gerard Batten - Printing seemingly denied in that I gather Gerard Batten seeks to lead people to believe that nepotism is NOT a feature of his position feeding from the troughs on the gravy train.

Notably this order is authorised by the duplicitous and dishonest Mick McGough.

It is sad that the members of UKIP grass roots and the electorate are seemingly so consistently befouled by these low lifes enriching themselves at our expense!

I was interested to note thaty when asked to sign the petition for a referendum assembled by Nikki Sinclaire, which obtained a debate in The House of Commons which so spectacularly advanced the Leave-The-EU cause Gerard Batten declined in the most disparaging terms - probably because it was not extreme enough, racist enough or anti Islamic enough for his self serving choice!

I note even Nigel Farage signed the petition AFTER THE EVENT! Whilst trying to gain some reflected glory in a campaign he actively tried to sabotage!

. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide of OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN & To Leave-The-EU  
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#0699* - To Update My Understandings of Gerard Batten with background!

To Update My Understandings of Gerard Batten with background!
In Researching relative to UKIP do not overlook either the SEARCH box at the head of the Right Sidebar and the other LINKS provided in The Right Sidebar!

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
To Update My Understandings of Gerard Batten with background!

I am unaware of a single honourable action for his electorate of Gerard Batten in persuit of his own direct ambitions!

This is the odious fellow who seemingly supported Tom Wise's criminality and sought to prevent Peter Baker a defence when he was dishonestly persecuted by Derek Clark MEP aided by the corrupt fantasist Douglas Denny!

you will be pleased to note that I have4 now developed the page of links, as shown at the head of this blog.

These links can be circulated to others with the address:

You will note that I have also included the links of 'JUNIUS' as I have found them to be accurate and bearing well informed comment over a prolonged period.

As ever I stand by the many and varied comments and facts I have provided over the years and to date not a single posting I have made has EVER been shown to be consequentially inaccurate on any material way - should ANYONE find I have made an inadvertant error they are requested to contact me as soon as possible so that I can make any minor correction which is felt is needed.

You will note my entry of

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

#0048* - UKIP's Gerard BATTEN IN A CAT FIGHT - No Surprise There Then!

#0048* - UKIP's Gerard BATTEN IN A CAT FIGHT - No Surprise There Then!
Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
- No Surprise There Then!!
I may well think that Gerard Batten UKIP MEP is little better than an excrecence with no manners, no charisma, little personality, no understanding of Justice and far better suited to running a telephone shop for BT than acting to represent ANYONE.
Gerard Batten is unreliable, untrustworthy and clearly dishonest.
Gerard Batten is a self serving creep without loyalty, integrity or morality - a Racist, anti Jewish, anti Muslim, anti Homosexual, pro EU membership supporter of UKIP's membership of the Pan EU Political Party EFD group.
Gerard Batten is a contemptible little man who has done next best to nothing to move Britain one iota closer to leaving the EU.
You will note Gerard Batten openly colluded in the utterly corrupt selection process of UKIP leadership, of which he is a part, relative to the dishonest and corrupt selection of UKIP potential MEP candidates - he even employed the liar Michael McGough to promote the corruption.
Batten's only independent claim is that he had a member of his staff do a re-write of the Government Pink Book on expenditure ie the cost to Britain of EU membership - The fiirst one he had produced was in 2006 and he has publish an update annually - here is the latest one as advertised on his web site CLICK HERE So I guess his staff have managed to produce two!
That slime like Batten disgust me and represent nothing that I value about these United Kingdoms may possibly have dawned on you, but he does deserve the right to defend himself against a very personalised attack by a fellow MEP.
Nothing like a good cat fight and who better to be involved than Gerard Batten and Mary Honeyball of Labour they are a fairly well matched pair with so much in common!
Mary Honeyball Labour MEP 
– Tells lies about Gerard Batten MEP
Mary Honeyball Labour MEP for London for reason known only to her has chosen to tell lies about me on her website the misnamed, ‘The Honeyball Buzz’ (who exactly is she trying to kid?).
I am flattered that she sees UKIP as such a threat (as she should) and that she needs to attack me, but telling lies about me personally is not the way to do it. I have asked her nicely to take down the lies and write a retraction. She has ignored my request.

I am advised that what she says is libelous and actionable but that the only people who make money out of libel actions are libel lawyers. Therefore I will counter to her lies with the truth, and respond by telling some truths about her.

I won’t waste any time responding to her political criticisms since they are the product of her politically correct, one dimensional and simplistic perspective and not worth the trouble. But I will deal with some of the specific lies she tells about me.
The lies.
She says about me, ‘he… does not pay his taxes’. This is a lie. I have been paying taxes on PAYE since 1972 solely in the UK. I have always paid every penny in tax that that I was ever liable for.
She says about me that she exposed that ‘I was covering up my financial records’. This is a lie. I have carefully complied with all the rules, regulations and requirements of the European Parliament in full and on time.
If Mary is referring to my signed and blank Financial Declaration published on the European Parliament website, it is blank because I don’t have any financial interests to declare. Unlike her I don’t have to declare the use of a free tram pass in Strasbourg, free rail travel in Belgium, and free parking in City Airport – because I don’t use them. However as she is obviously taking advantage of whatever is going free I expect she assumes everyone else is doing the same.
She says that I am ‘not keen on people of different races mixing’. This is a lie. It is based on her deliberate misrepresentation of serious articles I have written on the doctrine of political multiculturalism (which I don’t believe in). I have many constituents, acquaintances, friends and family of different races who can demonstrate her lie is just a pathetic attempt to smear me.
She says it is a ‘UKIP proposal to cut back public spending by killing prisoners’. Another lie. Again based on a deliberate misrepresentation of a speech I made on the death penalty in South Korea. I do believe in the return of the death penalty in the UK for some crimes, but it is personal view not UKIP policy. I can make a serious case explaining why I am in favour of it - could Mary make a serious case to the parents of the victims of paedophile murderers why she is not? I doubt it.
Mary is “absolutely useless” says colleague.
Mary Honeyball holds her seat only because of positive discrimination. In 2008 the Labour Party’s selection rules said that if the first candidate on the list was a man the number two had to be a woman. That is why a hard working and conscientious sitting Labour MEP (Robert Evans) was passed over so that Mary Honeyball was elevated to number two. She doesn’t hold her seat because she was the best candidate but because she is a woman. She gives positive discrimination a bad name and that is an insult to all men and women who expect to succeed on merit.
No wonder that one of her Labour MEP colleagues confided to me in desperation over a coffee that she is “absolutely useless”, and that she only achieved her position second place on Labour’s London list “because she is a woman”.
Mary Honeyball’s record compared to Gerard Batten’s and her own Labour colleagues.
In her first five year term (1999-2004) Mary only managed to speak in the Parliament a total of 12 times.
In my first term (2004-2209) I managed to speak a total of 184 times. During that period Mary managed only to speak only 17 times. What exactly was she doing during the monthly Strasbourg sessions for five years? Going on tram rides using her free pass perhaps? Composing lies for her website? Who knows?
Since we were both re-elected in June 2009 I have spoken 30 times but Mary has only managed to speak once, and on a subjected related to Italy. She is the worse performing Labour MEP in the Parliament. At the time of writing (1st April 2010) her Labour colleagues have spoken an average of 12 times each to her once. And I have spoken more times than any one of them.
Prior to the European elections in June 2009 the Open Europe think-tank rated all sitting UK MEPs on their record for openness and transparency. Gerard Batten was rated 9th out of 78, Mary Honeyball only managed 35th place.
Labour has the nerve to criticise UKIP?
There is a lot more I could say but just to finish off, it is a bit rich for a representative of the rotten to the core Labour Party to criticise me and UKIP.
The criminal incompetence of Gordon Brown has brought Britain to the edge of bankruptcy after thirteen years of criminal mismanagement of the economy.
Labour took us in a war in Iraq on the basis of lies. Meanwhile Tony Blair, the man who told those lies is now lining his pockets with millions of dollars made as a result of the connections he made while in Downing St; all this while some of our bravest young service men and women are returning home dead and maimed. But if you speak out be careful, under Labour’s terrorist legislation they have criminalised a young woman just for reading out the names of the war dead at the Cenotaph.
Labour has deliberately given us unlimited and uncontrolled immigration in order to create a problem that is not meant to have a solution in the name of ‘diversity and multiculturalism’. They have damaged the education system to such an extent that hundreds of thousands of children now leave school unable to read, write or count properly. Crime is now out of control in many parts of Britain.
Soon to be out of work ex-Labour MPs and cabinet ministers ply their dubious services like “cabs for hire” prepared to sell whatever knowledge or influence they think they have to the highest bidder.
Worse than that many prominent Labour MPs including some Cabinet Ministers and Gordon Brown were first installed in safe seats in the 1970s and 1980s by Labour Party organisers now known to have been working for the KGB. This is a matter of historical record and a book on the subject by Russian political historian Pavel Stroilov will be published shortly. Some of Mr Stroilov’s work in this vein has already published in the Spectator magazine and he recently revealed the communist agenda of the Unite Trade Union in its bankrolling of the Labour Party (Daily Mail 24th March 2010).
It should not therefore be surprising that the Labour Party and Government no longer able to serve the Soviet Union are now dedicated to betraying Britain to the European Union. In the most cynical political move ever they reneged on their 2005 election manifesto pledge to hold a referendum on the European Constitution/Lisbon Treaty.
So while I try to remain on polite and friendly terms with my political opponents in the European Parliament my readers might understand why I don’t take kindly to being personally attacked with lies by a lazy, nonentity of a political place-woman representing an incompetent, corrupt and traitorous political party.
To view The Original Article CLICK HERE
Mary's HONEYBALL BUZZ can be seen if you CLICK HERE

Comments which I obviously stand by.

Or my comment on the 'JUNIUS' blog of

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

UKIP leadership election: Gerard Batten

So why has Gerard Batten decided to run for the leadership?

In the past he has described the position as “a poisoned chalice” and has repeatedly resisted calls for him to stand.

He is clearly not that interested in the job as his website makes absolutely no mention of his leadership bid. Indeed, the latest news entry refers to the Irish getting ready to vote on Lisbon! See:LINK

He is also yet to publish his election statement and where is his presence on the UKIP members forum?

The only site we can find devoted to his campaign is a blog entitled ‘Vote Gerard Batten’. The sub-heading reads ‘Leading the campaign to make Gerard our leader. Forget the rest and vote for the best’.

To view it click here: LINK

The site has to be seen to be believed. One entry invites you to make a Gerard Batten badge while another complains that the other candidates will steal Batten’s ideas if he publishes them! Yeah, right!

But perhaps we are being rather harsh. Clearly 'Tim' is doing his best to salvage a lost cause.

So what is Batten really up to?

Gerard has been critical of Farage for a long time. He rightly regards Farage as a liability and has often said that UKIP would be better off without him. There is certainly no love lost between the two with Farage usually describing Batten as “that f***ing BT salesman”. Indeed, he hates Gerard almost as much as he hates Nikki Sinclaire!

Farage wants Lord Pearson to succeed him as leader. He wanted a coronation. The last thing he wanted was an election!

It has to be said that Alan Wood, Gerard Batten, Mike Nattrass and Nikki Sinclaire are currently not names to mention in front of our beloved Nigel!

I am sorry to let the cat out of the bag but Gerard is not really serious about leading UKIP.

His decision to stand was largely motivated by a desire to p*ss off Farage and his favoured successor.


Greg L-W. said...
Hi, Do not forget Gerard Batten colluded in the orchestrated cover-up of Tom Wise's criminality. Do not forget that Gerard Batten never missed an opportunity to lie about me due to his embarrassment in being shown to be without morality with regard to Tom Wise. Do not forget that Gerard Batten colluded with Derek Clark MEP & the corrupt Douglas Denny to pillory and orchestrate a Kangarroo Court ensuring Peter Baker was denied a fair hearing by blocking the ONLY valid witness. Do remember that Gerard Batten is associated with Mike McGough who is a proven liar and cheat. Do remember Gerard Batten permitted the publication of a private letter from John Wise permitting the bullying and lies of the vile Mike McGough on the internet. Do remember that Gerard Batten failed to do ANYTHING to address the corruption of the MEP selection process and the returning officer's report. Do remember Gerard Batten did absolutely nothing publicly to support his staff member Lynda Robson in her Official Complaint as per Returning Officer's exposure of corruption and dishonesty. Gerard Batten has not so much as murmered to block association with racists, xenophobes, anti Jewish, pro violence, sexually intolerant colleagues in the Farage Pan EU Political Party/group. This man is indisputably unfit for leadership or as an MEP. Regards, Greg L-W.
& clearly I stand by my comments on the 'JUNIUS' blog of:

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

UKIP leadership election: Gerard Batten

So why has Gerard Batten decided to run for the leadership?

In the past he has described the position as “a poisoned chalice” and has repeatedly resisted calls for him to stand.

He is clearly not that interested in the job as his website makes absolutely no mention of his leadership bid. Indeed, the latest news entry refers to the Irish getting ready to vote on Lisbon! See:LINK

He is also yet to publish his election statement and where is his presence on the UKIP members forum?

The only site we can find devoted to his campaign is a blog entitled ‘Vote Gerard Batten’. The sub-heading reads ‘Leading the campaign to make Gerard our leader. Forget the rest and vote for the best’.

To view it click here: LINK

The site has to be seen to be believed. One entry invites you to make a Gerard Batten badge while another complains that the other candidates will steal Batten’s ideas if he publishes them! Yeah, right!

But perhaps we are being rather harsh. Clearly 'Tim' is doing his best to salvage a lost cause.

So what is Batten really up to?

Gerard has been critical of Farage for a long time. He rightly regards Farage as a liability and has often said that UKIP would be better off without him. There is certainly no love lost between the two with Farage usually describing Batten as “that f***ing BT salesman”. Indeed, he hates Gerard almost as much as he hates Nikki Sinclaire!

Farage wants Lord Pearson to succeed him as leader. He wanted a coronation. The last thing he wanted was an election!

It has to be said that Alan Wood, Gerard Batten, Mike Nattrass and Nikki Sinclaire are currently not names to mention in front of our beloved Nigel!

I am sorry to let the cat out of the bag but Gerard is not really serious about leading UKIP.

His decision to stand was largely motivated by a desire to p*ss off Farage and his favoured successor.


Greg L-W. said...
Hi, Do not forget Gerard Batten colluded in the orchestrated cover-up of Tom Wise's criminality. Do not forget that Gerard Batten never missed an opportunity to lie about me due to his embarrassment in being shown to be without morality with regard to Tom Wise. Do not forget that Gerard Batten colluded with Derek Clark MEP & the corrupt Douglas Denny to pillory and orchestrate a Kangarroo Court ensuring Peter Baker was denied a fair hearing by blocking the ONLY valid witness. Do remember that Gerard Batten is associated with Mike McGough who is a proven liar and cheat. Do remember Gerard Batten permitted the publication of a private letter from John Wise permitting the bullying and lies of the vile Mike McGough on the internet. Do remember that Gerard Batten failed to do ANYTHING to address the corruption of the MEP selection process and the returning officer's report. Do remember Gerard Batten did absolutely nothing publicly to support his staff member Lynda Robson in her Official Complaint as per Returning Officer's exposure of corruption and dishonesty. Gerard Batten has not so much as murmered to block association with racists, xenophobes, anti Jewish, pro violence, sexually intolerant colleagues in the Farage Pan EU Political Party/group. This man is indisputably unfit for leadership or as an MEP. Regards, Greg L-W.
Let us hope this makes my consistent contempt for the odious little self serving fellow over many years abundantly clear and it would seem to be mirrored by many others - one need only note how few votes this vile little man received when he put himself forward as a candidate for Mayor of London or even more embarrassing was his achievement in the UKIP leadership election when he put himself forward.

It seems he is now finding himself in competition from his own UKIP Party political Organiser for London who I gather is funded by The EU as Batten's staff member yet he manoveurs to oust Batten, it seems, in his own quest to ride high on the hog on the EU Gravy Train with snout in trough - a cause Batten has dedicated his actions to for many years, would that he had made some consequential efforts for the electorate towards the Leave-the-EU cause without his own self interest seeming all pervading.
. .
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