We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

#0642* - Positive DISCRIMINATION - Deliberately Creates Victims

#0642* - Positive DISCRIMINATION - Deliberately Creates Victims

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Positive DISCRIMINATION - Deliberately Creates Victims claims Nikki SINCLAIRE!
Do NOT create victims, rather solve the problems!

another sound offering well backed up with detailed figures and an independent third party Poll by You Gov commissioned by Nikki Sinclaire in representation of the wishes of the British electorate and her constituents.

The speech is clearly impromtue though scheduled - sadly in all the years of UKIP there has never been a competent training programme so the public speaking ability is confined to those with a natural ability.

One has to ask if this was deliberate, on the part of Nigel Farage, to ensure that despite his embarrassing lack of OQ and total lack of leadership skills he dared not train good people in the organisation with the aim to make them excellent as they might seem a challenge.

Thus Nigel Farage outshone those around him.

Did he ensure mediocrity and incompetence, corruption and dishonesty, amongst his leadership team?

The corruption and dishonesty of the likes of Stuart Agnew, Tom Wise, Gerard Batten, Mick McGough, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Douglas Denny, David Lott, Jim Carver, Andrew Smith, Clive Page, Mark Croucher, Peter Reeve, Gawain Towler, George Curtis and the like, together with their naked ambition, being the hold he had over them and thereby the control.

In dishonestly being forced out of UKIP by Nigel Farage and his muppets it does seem that Nikki Sinclaire has very clearly benefitted as have her constituents and in the light of the professionalism and hard work she clearly brings to her work she has indeed made UKIP look embarrassingly lack luster as they endlessly navel gaze and squabble for lack of professionalism and sound leadership.

Let us not forget the huge achievement of Nikki Sinclaire in achieving 100,000 signatures despite the efforts of UKIP to undermine and challenge her Petition for a Referendum - the best UKIP ever achieved was around 14,000 signatures in a tax payer funded scam run on a half baked and incompetent campaign where over £1/4Million of public money was seemingly stolen, as David Lott, Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher who were running the scam were unable to account for either the money or the signatures!

Whether coincidence or not we may never know but subsequently Nigel Farage banked around £200,000+ in an off shore bank account styled 'Farage Educational Trust' or some such, David Lott purchased a substantial property on Romsey Marshes on route to France I gather and Mark Croucher having endlessly pleaded poverty purchased the rights of two public houses which he subsequently bankrupted or went bust on presumable due to either due to his proven natural dishonesty or his inate incompetence.

 Com. Res. poll Data:.
Click to views statistics enlarged

ComRes interviewed 2011 GB adults online between 24th and 25th August 2011.   Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults.  ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.  Full data tables available at

To quote Nikki Sinclaire who commissioned and paid for the poll:
I commissioned the poll to understand public opinion towards positive discrimination.  It is my opinion that positive discrimination creates victims and that it is essential for society to avoid all types of discrimination as it is morally wrong.   

The European Union is seeking to adopt measures including quotas to provide specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex.

86% said that it was unacceptable for a person to receive preferential treatment in order to get a job based on gender with women (89%) more likely to say it is unacceptable than men (84%)

These results are not a surprise to me and show once again that the European Union is out of step with the wishes of the ordinary person in the street. – I and, seemingly many women, find positive discrimination patronising

I believe passionately in equality of treatment and opportunity for all but true equality will come when people are promoted because of ability and commitment not because of EU led social engineering.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

#0641* - Roger HELMER's Blog & Nikki SINCLARE's Poll.

#0641* - Roger HELMER's Blog & Nikki SINCLARE's Poll.

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Roger HELMER's Blog & Nikki SINCLARE's Poll.!

Perhaps you would care to write to YOUR MP & MEPs!


here is an interesting message regarding the You Gov Poll commissioned by The Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire whilst the rest of the MEPs were on holiday and as she presented her Petition for an In/Out EU Referendum having obtained over 100,000 signatures.

Signatures obtained despite the fact of the many Judas Goats urinating on the bushes to try to mark out a territory and save themselves the embarrassment of being shown for indolent self serving, smug, arrogant parasites gorging themselves at the expense of their country with their paid newspaper columns, funded lecture tours and other scams for self enrichment.

I gather the You Gov Poll has been sent to every single Tory MEP who are quite clearly self serving arrogant fools.

NOT ONE was democratically elected they were merely the only choice offered in a corrupt list system.

The message I gave to all Tory MEPs
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:40:41 +0200

Dear Colleagues,

I trust you had a good summer break.

You may have missed a YouGov poll that I commissioned a few weeks ago that showed for the first time a clear majority of the UK population (52%) wish to leave the EU with only 30% who would vote to stay in.

The question was independently set by YouGov. Please find attached the YouGov report.

As you embark on your parliamentary work you might wish to consider:
The breakdown from Conservative voters.
74% want a referendum
66% would vote to leave the EU

Nikki Sinclaire MEP
I trust this is of help to readers in the couse of identifying The Judas Goats that betray us in The Tory Party - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN.

We still await the exact details of achievement towards LEAVING The EU that Roger Helmer claims for all his huff and puff and arrogant, smug self satisfaction.

EXACTLY what has YOUR Total failure cost the tax payers in bribes/salary and expenses for we seem no closer to the exit than when you first opened your EUI accounts and having failed to deliver honestly or competently started to stuff your accounts obtained under false pretences just like your chums elected to Leave-The-EU and minded 66% of ALL Tory voters wish to Leave-The-EU.

It does seem Helmer that you are just another oleaginous and duplicitous Judas Goat.

Indeed as YOU stated:
>>"Seems I just can’t win — except in elections."<<
May I remind you Helmer YOU did not win an election - Your Party did, you are just a cypher.

Do also be minded that 66% of those votes wish to Leave-The-EU in what way would you claim your party/vehicle has acquitted its duty to the electorate?

Is it any wonder that the society has little but contempt for those looters like yourself and other parasitic fat cats drawing down huge amounts of money in return for their abject failure and thus betrayal.


IF YOU wish to support the concept of Leave-The-EU
Why not post your views on Roger Helmer's blog:

Perhaps you would care to mail your contempt for the betrayal of these United Kingdoms and their electorate to the listed MEPs' addresses above.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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#0640* - It Seems Another Branch Is Trashed by UKIP Stupidity!

#0640* - It Seems Another Branch Is Trashed by UKIP Stupidity!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
It Seems Another Branch Is Trashed by UKIP Stupidity!

A mere 186,000 people ignored!

All because UKIP lost ANOTHER Court Case it seems!

earlier today I heard word that UKIP Stockton-on-Tees Branch was shut down!

Perhaps this flurry of inactivity was the reason that it seems no one from UKIP was in The EU Parliament today - no doubt they were permitting vile extremists like The Lega Nord and their other extremist partners in The EFD represent the UKIP electorate!

I am forced to assume after making complete fools of themselves and prosecuting a case in defence of their idiotic behaviour rather than acting honourably and intelligently with regard to Alan Hardy, as reported on this blog previously (See the Right Sidebar for LINKS) - they then went on and incurred expenses of around £30K to loose the apeal as was predicted on sound legal grounds by this blog and others!

In what seems to be a childish fit of pique it seems they have shut down The Stockton-on-Tees branch of which Alan Hardy was a member!

So it seems they have squandered over £30,000, have accrued two more Guilty verdicts, had to pay compensation to Alan Hardy and reinstate him.

Even now in what seems a childish fit of tantrum they have shut Stockton-on-Tees branch in a city with a population of around 186,000 - I guess UKIP can afford to ignore that many voters - Just as they did when Nigel Farage ignored the NEC, Policy and the voters of Wales with his divisive invention of a new policy of his own thus trashing any vague hope UKIP had of increased representation in Wales!

No doubt Gordon Parkin will be pleased with this childish action in his fiefdom as Regional Organiser! One wonders who will be pleased with the branch funds of members contributions of £1,000 or so!
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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#0639* - JUNIUS Quotes Item #1 of Derek HUNNIKIN's Dossier.

#0639* - JUNIUS Quotes Item #1 of Derek HUNNIKIN's Dossier.

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
JUNIUS Quotes Item #1 of Derek HUNNIKIN's Dossier.!

There is no doubt Derek Hunninin's various informers are right on most that they have provided but there are some glaring errors, worth noting!

I do not for a moment claim or imply that either Junius or Derek Hunnikin or even their correspondents and informers have deliberately lied or set out to mislead but the truth IS important. 

you may be interested by the posting selected by Junius from the compilation by Derek Hunnikin and some facts related to it which are posted on The Junius blog as a comment.


The first leader of UKIP, when it was founded towards the end of 1993, was Dr. Alan Sked who was, and still is (as far as I know), a senior lecturer at the London School of Economics. In 1994 Farage proposed that the party endeavour to campaign for UKIP to have MEP representation in the European Parliament. Dr. Sked was adamantly opposed to this proposal, as he thought it would indicate that the United Kingdom had agreed to be subservient to the European Union. Farage’s argument was that UKIP MEPs would generate income for the party and doors, which would otherwise remain closed to our party, would be opened. Farage won the day and Dr. Sked, together with several others, including Colin Bullen (who went on to be a leading light in The Campaign for an Independent Britain), resigned from UKIP.

So, right from the start, Farage has been hugely influential in the policies adopted by UKIP. Indeed, he has been either leader or de facto leader of the party ever since.

All political movements need a figurehead and Farage fulfils that role for UKIP. His energy and passion attract many, particularly the young, and his utilisation of the power of on-line social networking, and especially the online video sharing programme, YouTube, which show his passionate exchanges in the European Parliament to the generally younger viewers.

Without doubt, the fortunes of UKIP are closely linked with the style of leadership and management abilities of Farage, so let us have a look at the history of the party’s ups and downs over the past 17 years.

Dr. Alan Sked resigned as leader of the party in July 1997 and named the then Party Chairman and Treasurer, Craig Mackinlay, as leader. Mackinlay decided that the only way to keep the party going was to rework its constitution and hold a leadership election. Mackinlay, Gerald Roberts, and Michael Holmes stood, with the backing of Farage. Michael Holmes easily won and appointed Mackinlay as his deputy.

Craig Mackinlay resigned from UKIP in 2005 and joined the Conservative Party. I do not have any information on his reasons for leaving UKIP.

Michael Holmes, having won the leadership election in 1997 was, in the same year, elected as an MEP representing the South West. In the same election Farage was elected as an MEP in the South East. As a result of a power struggle, precipitated by an unfortunate remark by Michael Holmes in the European Parliament, and his dismissal of Craig Mackinlay and Tony Scholefield from the NEC, which generated a vote of no confidence in Holmes, he stepped down as leader in 2000.

However, it should be noted that, under Michael Holmes leadership, the membership of UKIP doubled.

Jeffrey Titford was elected as the new leader of UKIP, beating Rodney Atkinson (brother of the comedian Rowan Atkinson) by 15 votes and, again, Farage had backed the winner.

Many believed that Titford should have appointed Rodney Atkinson as deputy leader or, at least, to a position of responsibility within the party. However, because Rodney Atkinson had exposed Conrad Black (who at that time owned the Telegraph group of newspapers) as a member of the Bilderberg Group, Conrad Black put UKIP under pressure not to appoint Rodney Atkinson to a position of authority within UKIP.


Greg_L-W. said...

largely Derek Hunnikin's compilation of documents presents facts - there are however areas that are both fancifull and misleading.

It will be noted that I have posted the entire sequence with links to it from the sidebar of:
so that it can be easily retrieved in future for those seeking source documents.

However a Caveat is provided in the posting by Junius - I quote:
However, because Rodney Atkinson had exposed Conrad Black (who at that time owned the Telegraph group of newspapers) as a member of the Bilderberg Group, Conrad Black put UKIP under pressure not to appoint Rodney Atkinson to a position of authority within UKIP.

Whoever wrote this it is clearly bunkum.
May I commend as one source Robert Gaylon Ross Sr. in his excellent publication of 1994 updated in 1995
Who's Who of the Elite'
ISBN 0-9649888-0-1

Conrad Black is clearly listed from his first visit to a Bilderberg Meeting as a member and also as a member of The trilateral Commission.

Rodney Atkinson can nopt lay claim to exposing this as it was a well documented and well known fact.

That Bill Jamieson & Christopher Booker as well respected journalists who had ardently supported both the EUroSceptic cause and UKIP Both unequivocally announced they would be unable to support UKIP if Atkinson became leader is clear - it is both fancifull and dishonest to imply this statement was made on the instruction of Black!

As I said I have published the DH compilation though there are some glaring errors - I have done so in good faith as a record of perceived facts as they are quoted.

I endorse the main thrust but clearly it carries errors.

30 August 2011 01:39

To view the full collection of Derek Hunnikin's compilation of documents as published in a single thread CLICK HERE 


Do Circulate:
Derek HUNNIKIN - Resignation Letter & Call for Farage to Resign

Do See Also:

Also See:

Derek HUNNEKIN can always be found as the link in The Right Sidebar in future should you wish to check up on source material. 

. .

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Saturday, 27 August 2011

#0638* - Dr. Eric EDMOND'S Take on Derek HUNNIKIN'S Papers.

#0638* - Dr. Eric EDMOND'S Take on Derek HUNNIKIN'S Papers.

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Dr. Eric EDMOND, ex NEC member, comments on Derek HUNNIKIN'S Papers on UKIP corruption  from his perspective, as published so far!!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Derek Hunnikin's UKIP papers

Derek Hunnikin joined UKIP in 1995 twelve years before I did. He sent me a series of documents detailing the unsavoury history of UKIP's hierarchy from 1995 to date. His email address is

I urge all interested in UKIP's fate to email Derek requesting a copy of his dossier.

I have never met Mike Nattrass and I know nothing of his views. I think UKIP's best hope lies with Nikki Sinclaire, whom I have met, and  who has been very active with her referendum campaign. I know  some of her other political views do not play well with some of UKIP's core support but I urge them to concentrate on the big issue of leaving the EU and not be beguiled by a sterile left wing right wing argument. One of the most effective and articulate opponents of the EU in the UK is Bob Crow, the far left, rail worker's leader!

One of the most telling comments in the dossier came from Robin Page who makes the point he was voted onto the governing body of the National Trust against the wishes of the NT establishment only after the NT stared using the Electoral Reform Society to conduct is ballots. On the NEC I fought for UKIP to use the ERS for all UKIP elections.I  was bad mouthed by Farage, Whittaker, Derek Clarke, Denny etc  who clearly had their own agenda in these matters and deliberately mis-represented the service the ERS offered at a very competitive price..

I publish below the reply I have sent to Derek based on my own experience.

Dear Derek,

Thank you very much for sending me copies of the above. It must have taken a great deal of time and effort on your part to do this and I wholeheartedly thank you for this. I read all your documents and learned a great deal from them as I only joined UKIP in 2007!

I had worked for the UK government in the period 71/73 when Heath pushed through the Common Market Accession Act with a succession of dirty tricks. I thought then when I resigned from the Civil Service I had seen it all, that was until I met Nigel Farage!

Looking at the latest list of those standing for the NEC my heart sinks. Farage supporters and wannabe MEPs predominate.

Tim Congdon is a good man and excellent academic economist but lacks the ability to talk to ordinary people. Gerard Batten turns to jelly when opposed by Farage. John Bufton is ill and I doubt Trevor Colman wants to stand again given the villification he has had from SW committee members. William Legge, the belted Earl, is another Bannerman. He simply wants a political career after the Tories had multiply rejected him. Worse, his paid 'minder' is Malcolm Wood  a long term associate of Farage who shares many of Farage's characteristics.

I am sorry I have not been more help to you but my energies have been diverted to helping my wife and her French property these last six months. I agree with most of your sentiments and views on UKIP.
UKIP is the only political party I have ever been a member of and through it I met many fine people whom I still count as my friends. It is sad, but not surprising, to realise from your dossier that my UKIP experience merely repeated the experiences of those who had gone before and that if by chance in future any non - Farage supporter is elected onto the NEC list or MEP list I fear they will suffer the same fate!

I was elected both to the NEC and MEP SW slate on the democratic vote of UKIP members. UKIP is not a democratic party but a Farage cult and hence can never have any impact on UK politics


Eric Edmond

Farage's chosen  prosecutor for my fictitious damaging  of UKIP was Bannerman. I am still a paid up member and supporter of UKIP. We all know where Bannerman now sits in adoration of his new found political hero and hoped for political patron David Cameron.  So tell me Mr  Farage who was the traitor in UKIP and who the unjustly prosecuted honest supporter wrongly removed from the NEC and MEP slate at your instigation? .


Greg_L-W. said...
Hi, for the record and to maintain the continuum of fact as supplied upon my various blogs - where it will be noted there has in 1,000s of entries NEVER been a factual statement made by me on UKIP or any individual connected with UKIP that can be shown to have been materially wrong, misleading or in any way dishonest. I have to ensure complete inclusion of the record posted Derek HUNNIKIN's documentation as per the numbered order in which they were supplied at: For all to read - There is no need of anyone pestering Derek H. for the many 'e'Mails and the multiple attachments as it is now readily available at the address above. It can be downloaded, printed, copied and used in any way individuals may wish to try, even at this late stage, to clean-up UKIP and make it electable by ethical individuals based upon knowledge and facts. Anyone who has difficulty using the URL as supplied or forgets the whereabouts can go to my main UKIP-vs-EUkip blog and in the Right Side Bar look up Derek HUNNIKIN's entry and click on it - the whole story will lie before you to read and the URL is easy to remember and can be passed on with ease. I trust this helps provide yet more information with which to clean-up UKIP and make it a part of the solution rather than EUkip's Farage Fan Club and a part of the problem! Let us hope this moves OUR Country steadily towards the exit to Leave-The-EU Regards, Greg_L-W.
Blogger Eric Edmond said...
Thx Greg for putting Derek's dossier up on your blog. Its a valuable resource for any who want to find out the extent of the damage to UKIP done by Farage and his Cabal over many years. As you say it will save Derek answering many emails. I trust you are recovering your health.
28 August 2011 01:17
Blogger Greg_L-W. said...
Hi, thanks for the well wishes. Despite 3 months of chemo and 20 doses of Radio Therapy it would seem they have failed to make me one fraction as ill as they had expected nor even lose my hair!! I do not advocate the energy levels such treatment leaves in its wake but without the treatment I would have lost my 13 year battle with cancer in about June or July! The one lesson to learn for others is that life is much too short for cheap wine and there is no doubt laughter is the best medicine, particularly when self deprecating!! As to The Hunnikin documents - as you will appreciate many of them can be found as individual documents on the Right SideBar of: Derek Hunnikin's compilation is in full also - via his name in The Right Side Bar. As at now I would contend that UKIP is so corrupt and corrupted as to be unfit for purpose and a part of the problem with no part in its solution. WITHOUT radical change I am of the opinion that a vote or any support for UKIP is an act of treachery in betrayal of these United Kingdoms and its values and liberty. Regards, Greg_L-W.
28 August 2011 07:37 . .
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