#0572* - Noted That Lies of Mick McGough are Officially Edited
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~Noted That Lies of Mick McGough are Officially Edited!!
I note the lies and distortions presented so
dishonestly by The Essex Oik and habitual liar Mick McGough have had to be edited out of the dishonest pro PEPP video seeking to con UKIP members into supporting his lies.
Nothing new there then!
Interestingly the PEPP presentation debate in
Birmingham on Monday night led to a very clear rejection of Mick McGough's
sales patter but it was almost amusing for the audience of around 60 to have the smug, arrogant and oleagenous Michael Greaves there trying and in his obvious incompetence almost succeeding to make even Mick McGough seem intelligent!
As Mick McGough has been proven to be a liar, a low life and completely untrustworthy in that not content with his childish attempts at bullying he has even leaked UKIP confidential material to try to seem important.
The extent of his sycophancy is understandable as his insecurity would lead him to cross the country for the opening of an envelope if he thought he would have an opportunmity to bore people with his mumbled and self congratulatory behaviour.
What astonishes me is that otherwise well meaning if somewhat meaningless organisations like The CIB are prepared to be associated with this egregious piece of filth.
Yet more astonishing is that
The Freedom Association, debased as it is since the death of
Norris McWhirter its founder, has felt it apposite to surrender its accounts to a treasurer with a track record of dishonesty, corruption and lies.
It is however good to see that Steve Allison did manage to force the pro PEPP group of scoundrels to remove the lies and distortions by Mick McGough from their video presentation.
It was interesting to note having blown any chance of being taken seriously ever again little John Ison sat furtively considering whose boots to lick next but with no opinion of his own - perhaps the police have finally got around to feeling his collar over the thefts from Nikki Sinclaire and the false accusations he made based it seems on 'ajustments' he deliberately made to the record and material he boasted of having stolen - No wonder little Guy Basnett would not publish his fantasies and the Times used allegedly more than any other word portraying Ison as untrustworthy - how right they were!
It is a tragedy that after 18 years in the political field that UKIP are unable to field anyone of probity and charisma to sell its views even internally manfully as Mike Smith tried, particularly in defence of the drab and tedious Trevor Colman - however much Mick Nattrass yodelled his support from the back ;-)
I think it is fair to say that UKIP would, without the efforts of Mike Nattrass' firplace chappy Derek Bennett, have probably not managed to raise an audience of more than a dozen or two but Derek's efforts did up the crowd somewhat.
Interestingly in direct opposition to Stuart Agnew who has openly stated he will consider joining a PEPP for his direct gain (no doubt under instruction from his masters The NFU) he has stated regardless of the vote he will join a PEPP (See Tavistock meeting video on
Under direct questioning when asked if the vote had any meaning and was it binding on the MEPs/Party as a closing question many will remember Steve Crowthers reply in which he gave assurances that it would be binding.
This may well prove to be Steve Crowther's swan song having laid his neck on the block and the details which came to me this afternoon are now published at
Should anyone wish to read the rules for PEPPs they can be found at
For Details of Pan EU Political Parties in The EU
& for aggregation of articles & comments on PEPPs
For details of One of The PEPPs Godfrey Bloom has joined
For details of the vile extremist & racist Group Farage & UKIP are in
. .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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