We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

#0777* - UKIP: Nigel Farage addresses anti-semitic, fascist party meeting re Greece

#0777* - UKIP: Nigel Farage addresses anti-semitic, fascist party meeting re Greece
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP: Nigel Farage addresses anti-semitic, fascist party meeting re Greece in th EU!

The MANY Examples of apparent Extremism, Racism, Anti Judaism, Anti Homosexual, Advocacy of Violence, Cyber Bullying and the like amongst UKIP Leadership & its associates should make people consider whether they are fit to represent ANYONE!

Let us not forget the apparent incitement to racial hatred based upon religious superstitions presented by officials of UKIP!

UKIP: Nigel Farage addresses anti-semitic, fascist party meeting re Greece

LAOS is a Greek political party widely vilified for its extreme anti-semitic and homophobic views.

In 2004, when the party joined UKIP's Independence & Democracy group, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre began expressing an interest. This was renewed in 2009, when the renowned Nazi-hunters asked for information on UKIP's current political vehicle, the EFD group. LAOS fascists also sit in this group.

The following is an extract from a paper presented to the Wiesenthal Centre in 2010.

Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS)

Controversial Greek politician and leader of LAOS, Georgios Karatzaferis, was a member and vice-president of the Ind Dem group, forerunner of the EFD, in the European Parliament (2004-2007). He appears to retain not only party, but also personal links to his former colleagues. In May 2010, a delegation of EFD members and staff visited Athens, where they met with Karatzaferis and others. (24)

In 2000, Karatzaferis claimed that the Protocols of Zion were being put into effect and that:

"the Pope and the Jews are conspiring against Greece". (25)

Also in 2000, "The New World Order means that we are a puppet at the hands of the Jews... The Global government has taken place in Europe. The common currency too! They are dancing it to their tune. Do you know what kind of money the Jews are profiteering with these ups and downs? We are being led to the fulfillment of targets set 200 years ago." (ibid)

In 2001, the rhetoric became more menacing:

"The Jews have no right to provoke, because they have filled the world with crimes". "The Jews have no legitimacy to speak in Greece and provoke the political world. Their impudence is crass". He also challenged the Israeli ambassador to come and debate "the Holocaust, the Auschwitz and Dachau myth". Karatzaferis finished by asking "Mister Jew ambassador" to "be a bit careful" and warning "the Jews" that if Greek Jews continue their "insolent behaviour" (as in their response to Karatzaferis's earlier claims that "the Jews" were responsible for 9/11) they were "not going to have a pleasant time." (26) The US State Department, in its Annual Report on Religious Freedoms in 2005, singled out LAOS, and its leader (and then MEP) Giorgos Karatzaferis, for promoting “radical nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia”.

LAOS has two representatives in the EFD group, Niki Tzaveli (vice-chair of the group), and Nikolaos Salavrakos, a former legal adviser to LAOS. In fact, for the purposes of representation in the European Parliament, the party is styled Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos - G. Karatzaferis.

Adonis Georgiadis, a LAOS Member of the Greek Parliament, has attracted criticism for his literary activities. A writer and publisher, he has been accused of promoting a book, Jews: the whole truth, by Konstantinos Plevris, himself a former LAOS member, which describes Jews as "subhuman" (p.582). Plevris is critical of the Nazi regime for "not ridding Europe of Jewish Zionism", and states that Jews should be "rounded-up and executed within 24 hours" (p.742). Plevris, who describes himself in his book as a "Nazi" (p.600) also claims that former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is a "descendant of cannibals".



As if it were not disgusting enough that UKIP sits in a political group with this filth, just a few weeks ago we had the spectacle of Nigel Farage addressing young members of this fascist party in Greece. Farage is clearly seen in front of the fascist logo of LAOS. This is absolute proof of Farage's realignment of UKIP in Europe as an extreme-right party.

As was mentioned in a previous post - our grandfathers fought a war against fascist scum like them - and Farage would appear to now be one of "them". Here is the evidence:

THIS POST HAS BEEN UPDATED based on additional information:
It seems that the meeting as filmed was in fact presented in The EU Parliament, or so I am informed by a member of UKIP! Who supplies me with information out of revulsion or despair at the overt racism of some in UKIP and its associates, particularly based on their anti Islamic stance.
The meeting seems NOT to have been a speci9fic LAOS meeting but in view of the extremism of the panel the preponderance of attendees were Greek LAOS extremist supporters, as others did not wish to be associated with the extremist stance of the panel.
My thanks to my informat who has tried to ensure the continued accuracy of this blog - even on such small details!
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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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#0776* - UKIP: The hypocrisy of Gerard Batten MEP

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. Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


I noted the following post on Junius earlier and have obtained permission to reproduce it in full as I believe it is an important comment that should be publicly aired:

UKIP: The hypocrisy of Gerard Batten MEP

Gerard Batten and Nigel Farage: Two disgusting hypocrites who have done rather well since joining the EU Gravy Train. Batten claims to hate Nigel for his hypocrisy but is he any different?

A number of folk have commented on the fact that an article linking Gerard Batten to the convicted fraudster and right-wing extremist Gregory Lauder-Frost has been removed from this blog. We can explain....

Batten is subject to certain legal proceedings, with decision expected any day now. It is rumoured that he has had an injunction put in place to prevent discussion about the case in the British press. As such Google appears to have intervened and removed the post from British viewers. The article remains in place for people accessing this blog from outside the UK.

This is ironic, as Batten is a defender of Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder who is facing extradition to the USA. Apparently transparency and public access to information are things to be defended - unless that information concerns Batten!

If details of the allegations against him were to appear on Wikileaks, would Batten be so happy to defend Assange?

We are happy to report that the CPS has rejected several complaints made by Batten against Greg Lance-Watkins. These complaints were originally made to the police in a desperate attempt to silence GLW and his blog. Yet another example of Batten's disgusting hypocrisy. And since was telling the truth a crime, Mr Batten? And why have you never contacted GLW to complain about ANY of his posts if they are untrue?

I gather there was an injunction of some sort placed upon the information IN The Court relative to the allegations of racism etc. made against Gerard Batten - which clearly no one who was not actually in the Court would have known about.

The Court itself willingly provided certain details when phoned by members of the public which can be shown.

With regard to information published by Junius and myself regarding Gerard Batten's behaviour firstly there was no reason to believe that any kind of injunction was being used to suppress the facts as shown by the fact that the industrial/employment tribunals when John Whittacker was found guilty and also when the verdict of guilty handed down against UKIP, Nigel Farage and Godfrey Bloom took place - no such suppression of the truth was imposed.

Similarly when Lisa Duffy lied to the Court for UKIP as when Paul Nuttall lied on Anthony Butcher's UKIP controlled blog and also when he was officially censured by The Data Protection Commissioner.

There were also no restrictions on reporting when UKIP effectively lost their case against me when Mark Croucher acted against me when in UKIP employ supported by Paul Nuttall and Clive Page in Court who all three held positions working for UKIP leadership.

You will also note that although The Court issued an order for payment in my favour neither UKIP nor Mark Croucher had the integrity to honour the Courts and owe me a considerable sum of money morally running to over £12,500 which they have to date defaulted on.

With regard to whether the complaint that led to the strange removal of the facts from Junius was made by Gerard Batten or Gregory Lauder-Frost or someone acting on their behalf seems immaterial as clearly both parties have endeavoured to suppress the truth about them and reasonable comment in the past and have a track record of what many consider to be extremism and I believe can easily be seen as incitement to racial hatred be that based on ethnicity or superstition.

Fortunately it will be noted that neither Junius nor I were aware of any suppression of the truth to protect Gerard Batten and neither of us acted willfully against a Court diktat as neither of us reported on the supposedly confidential facts put forward in the Court but merely reported the facts in the public domain.

Interestingly you will note that if you read Junius' blog elsewhere in The EU it is clearly visible uncensored!

Obviously had Gerard Batten had any complaint legitimate or perceived he has had every opportunity to make contact with me for either a right of reply on my blog or if he could show that one word of what I published was false he could reasonably have asked for it to be corrected.

It does rather look as if Gerard Batten or his associates are seemingly trumping up issues in a desperate attempt to suppress the truth and maliciously and vindictively suppress reasonable reportage of their odious activity.

Police State that we seem increasingly to be governed by presumably it is still acceptable under free speech to tell the truth and to state and discuss opinions!

Gerard Batten has loudly proclaimed his support for the right of free speech of Julian Assange of Wikileaks - just as associates of his have been willing to give support to Anders Brevik and apart from mere words' of no consequence or value no one in UKIP leadership took action against those supporting Anders Brevik - a sad reflection UKIP, Gerard Batten and their racist, anti homosexual, Holocaust denying, anti Jewish associates.

Many will remember the vile tract published by Anthony Bennett of UKIP whilst working for Jeffrey Titford (leader of UKIP), the vile attack on Muslims of the award winning Zionist Malcolm Pearson (leader of UKIP), The exploitation and people trafficking of Poles by Roger Knapman & family (leader of UKIP) and of course the odious tract put in the public domain by Gerard Batten regarding his antipathy to Islam believed to be influenced by his personal superstitions and maybe also the fact that his Filipino wife is most probably a Catholic - it will be known by the informed that there is great animus between the Catholics and The Muslims in the Philippines!

Presumably the verdict of the Court on Gerard Batten's alleged racism etc. will be made known shortly, just as were the details that the case was taking place which were readily available direct from the Court by phone!

If Gerard Batten actually believes in what many see as his extremist behaviour and associates and his apparently overt willingness to seemingly spread racial hatred based upon his choice of superstitions and beliefs one wonders why he wishes to suppress the discussion of his views!

To avoid ANY misunderstandings - I was not only unaware but clearly there was no reason to be aware that Gerard Batten had or had sought any type of suppression order to suppress reporting of the facts.

Further please note I did NOT report any comments or facts that I had any reason to believe were not in the public domain.

It is also my opinion that this entire issue is a trumpped up and thus dishonest situation as Gerard Batten took absolutely no steps to contact me or to contact Junius through me to seek correction or inform us he had some sort of suppression order to prevent reporting of the facts.

May I remind readers that Gerard Batten is a public servant and it would seem he is acting in abuse of his position in seemingly inciting racial hatred based u8pon his chosen superstitions.

The day that it is unlawfull to discuss the actual behaviour of public servants will be a sad day for these United Kingdoms and to  note YET AGAIN UKIP seeking to suppress the truth and act against freedom of speech upholding EU diktats and Political Correctness is possibly the ultimate hypocracy.

With regard to the idiotic comments of UKIP supporters repeatedly claiming that I am mad and that no one reads Junius' or my blog and that the facts we present are untrue - how come they spend so much time reading our blogs and attacking us?

The number of readers is to me utterly irrelevant, on my blogs - I post them as an archive record of facts and my opinions on those facts.

It is the caliber of the readers which is of consequence!


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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

#0775B* - A Continuation On UKIP Corruption

#0775B* - A Continuation On UKIP Corruption
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

to continue from the previous posting (CLICK HERE) you will note the cowardly poster on the UKIP controlled Forum of Anthony Butcher's passes themselves off yet again as Arthur Fonzarelli to wildly speculate, misrepresent, and seek to defame.

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Quote Originally Posted by Steve Morson View Post
Well, if anyone does take Junius to court for libel, they'll need about £80 - 100,000 for a straightforward case.

As for "....UKIP would be able to cite many examples of Junius untruths...", any idea why they haven't done that already? Just curious.
I've no idea why they haven't been sued Mr Morson,
This disingenuous specimen is all too happy to misrepresent the posts of both Junius and I and claim they contain untruths deliberate lies and libel yet in the blog I wrote CLICK HERE 
to make the reason abundantly clear so claimed anonymity is OBVIOUSLY not a factor it is the FACT that UKIP's cowardly posters have totally failed to show a single example of dishonesty, libel or lie that is on either my blogs or on those of Junius - yet UKIP supporters continue to befoul the reputation of UKIP with their cyber bullying, cowardice and lies.
I am speculating the anonymity of the website could be a factor.
In the light of the irrefutable FACT that the likely reason was that 'veritas' shows there is NO LIBEL in any posting of mine or Junius which UKIP or its sordid supporters can or have ever shown. To TRY to misrepresent this with 'speculation' in this instance is all too typical of the dishonesty of a certain group of UKIP supporters.
I wonder if your hostility to anonymous posters extends to the Junius owner(s)?
Yet again it seems the person passing themselves off with a false identity refuses to differentiate between their own lies, cyber stalking, dishonesty and false accusations which they post sheltering as cowards behind anonymity. Refusing to acknowledge that the Junius blog is reporting backed by fact and has never been shown to be dishonest, consequentially inaccurate, libellous or corrupt.

It is not the factor of anonymity which is beneath contempt it is the cowardly and dishonest use of it made by the likes of Arthur Fonzarelli, Independent UKIP, Skeptyk, Gothmog, Stathan and their ilk to lie, cheat, defame and abuse the fundamental tennets of free speech for which some of our ancestors and even people  today have laid down their lives.
However something Mr Lance-Watkins has highlighted may explain why action can now be taken.
Yet again a dishonest misrepresentation of the FACTS which I posted and the conc lusions which I presented.
Again, I'm speculating but Mr Lance-Watkins has pointed out that all of his blogs have had their URLs changed from a .com to a address. The same applies to the Junius one too.
In fact - this is yet another dishonest misrepresentation as I made it abundantly clear that Google's Blogger system on has ALL been switched to national hosting as with .co.UK including such respected blogs as that of Dr. Richard North see CLICK HERE

Indeed, Mr Lance-Watkins seems to lament the change from being 'US hosted', presumably so he could hide behind their laws.
Could the anonymised poster be such a fool as to believe this is what I said or claimed - I think not! I believe that the poster is yet again presenting a dishonest self serving misrepresentation.
Maybe now that UK blogs are now UK based, it may be somewhat easier to address possible libels as previously I would imagine that those who may have been libelled may have had to go through US courts to remove blogposts but now that those blogs are UK hosted, they could actually be under UK laws which I think could change things.
UK based postings are subject to the corrupt and undemocratic control of  EU diktat and the new standards of Politically Correct and arbitrary denial of free speech even when true and accurate - abuse made under EU diktat without explanation or justification - we note this in the case of the arbitrary removal of factual postings on The Junius blog, seemingly on the whim of an individual to suppress facts and freedom of speech in an obscene and dishonest manner.

I nor any reasonable person would have absolutely no objection to the lies, defamation, dishonest smears and libels of the likes of Arthur Fonzarelli, Skeptyk, Mick McGough, Skeptyk, Douglas Denny, Annabelle Fuller and many other members of the self serving and corrupt claque currently supporting UKIP's inept and unprofessional leadership clique being removed as clearly they libel, dishonestly and maliciously defame and constantly harrass those seeking to publish the facts and legitimate ethical opinion regarding UKIP.

per exempio: one only need read the postings of the odious Kevin Mahoney who seemingly passes himself off as Stathan where almost all of his postings are a malicious series of attacks founded on the most febrile of evidence yet made in sordid and dishonest harrassment of Niall Warry - yet as his Forum is clearly controlled by UKIP Anthony Butcher still hosts this odious level of abuse and cyber stalking for UKIP.

As of course is the case with Mick McGough of UKIP's NEC who has been proven and shown to be a liar and a cheat and has criminally abused the internet to send some 20,000 offensive eMails to my spam filter systems - Yet Anthony Butcher still hosts his malicious postings, lies and defamatory harrassment and he provides a platform for them.

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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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#0775* - Anthony Butcher's Forum Still Hosting Libel?

#0775* - Anthony Butcher's Forum Still Hosting Libel?
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Anthony Butcher's UKIP Controlled Forum Still Seemingly Hosting Libel!

A collection of dishonest low lifes acting for UKIP too ashamed of their own behaviour to put their names to their libelous claims and cowardly cyber abuse on behalf of UKIP!

Would anyone of any ethical values want UKIP near ANY lever of power in the light of the dishonesty, corruption and self serving behaviour of the liars, cheats and low lifes they are associated with even NEC members like the sordid Mick McGough and his criminal behaviour and lies and he is far from alone - consider Gerard Batten, Derek Clark, Peter Reeve, Paul Nuttal and other liars and racists and the sick little claque of anonymous cowards and perverts!

  1. #5
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    Funnily, the Junius link to you refer to has been removed by Google under legal advice
    CORRECTION the post has been dishonestly removed to comply with EU internet rules seemingly designed to suppress the truth and it would seem based upon a complaint based not on law but on abuse.

    No error or libel has been identified in EITHER of the postings arbitrarily removed and every statement in the postings is verifiable as FACT.
    . Is it possible that Mr Batten has made Google aware of libels in that post?
    If this is the case as this odious UKIP stooge seems to think it is clearly an abuse of his elected office - just as his recent abuse of his position to waste Police time to seemingly try to suppress facts and the truth about his apparent incitement to racial hatred based upon his personal superstitions and beliefs acting in his own interests counter the superstitions of his own constituents facts he does not wish to be brought to the attention of his electorate.

    However5 just as the fanciful and childish script of the low grade soap opera Fonzie bases his identity on I believe this may well be no more than fiction!

    There is at least a possibility that the unpleasant criminal extremist Gregory Lauder-Frost has misrepresented the clearly verifiable truth in the postings to suppress comment about his odious extremism and criminal record which includes a prison sentence for fraud running to six figures for monies stolen from his employers.

    I believe Mr Lance-Watkins has cut and pasted the offending post on his site
    Since I wrote one of the posts removed perhaps this idiot Fonzie would care to show where the statements of verifiable fact in any way offended.
    - as it's also run by Google, one might think that will be removed soon.
    Unlikely as it contains no libel but let us face it with the exposure of Google's blogspot to being .co.UK subject to the corrupt rules of The EU any suppression of truth is likely!
    And not before time too, these people should not be allowed to publish libels freely
    Perhaps having made this libelous accusation the dishonest coward Arthur Fonzerelli might have the integrity to act ethically and put his or her actual identity to their libel as they have failed with absolute 100% track record of failure to EVER identify any libel EVER published by me and presumably they can not identify a libel by Junius or they would have published the details and asked Junius for its correction and apology!

  2. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Fonzarelli View Post
    Funnily, the Junius link to you refer to has been removed by Google under legal advice. Is it possible that Mr Batten has made Google aware of libels in that post?
    The link is still live, what are you talking about?

    Which libels do you refer to? The truth is no libel.
    Mjolnir is correct that it is impossible to libel by telling the truth.

  3. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolnir View Post
    The link is still live, what are you talking about?

    Which libels do you refer to? The truth is no libel.
    If you visit th article you linked to, you will see that the offending text has been removed and replaced by...

    In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed this post. If you wish, you can read more about the request at
    Why do think that has happened Mjolnir?
    As I have shown above the posting was accurate, honest and verifiable on the internet and in public record and has seemingly been unreasonably removed most likely on a dishonest complaint to suppress facts and the truth and opinion that racism and extremism on the part of those written about should be kept from the public! Supported it seems by anonymous low lifes from UKIP!

  4. #8
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    GLW likes to imply the removal was the responsibility of Batten
    I appreciate ethics and honesty are rarely in the lexicon of this anonymous coward thus presumably too ashamed to put their name to their dishonesty - as ever - Oh so very UKIP!
    . GLW, a man pretending to deal with facts, hasn't so far offered any facts in support of that
    Read my posts on this issue and you will readily establish this to be a dishonest misrepresentation of my comments and the facts led - perhaps the idiotic 'Independent UKIP' has overlooked in his rush to defame that it was in fact his co creep Arthur Fonzerrelli who stated the likelihood of the complainant being Gerard Batten, in this thread!
    . The fact that GLF has emailed GLW about responsibility for the Junius blog might lead some to think responsibility lay elsewhere.
    As I pointed out on my blog!

    Arthur appears to be incorrect on one point. The cut and paste by GLW is not from Junius but from the words written in this thread by Mjolnir. So if anyone other than Junius might be in some legal trouble (as opposed to Google trouble) it would be Mjolnir and Anthony Butcher ahead of GLW.
    Last edited by Independent UKIP; 06-04-2012 at 11:23 PM.
  5. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent UKIP View Post
    GLW likes to imply the removal was the responsibility of Batten. GLW, a man pretending to deal with facts, hasn't so far offered any facts in support of that. The fact that GLF has emailed GLW about responsibility for the Junius blog might lead some to think responsibility lay elsewhere.

    Arthur appears to be incorrect on one point. The cut and paste by GLW is not from Junius but from the words written in this thread by Mjolnir. So if anyone other than Junius might be in some legal trouble (as opposed to Google trouble) it would be Mjolnir and Anthony Butcher ahead of GLW.
    Following on from this, Google have removed another post from the Junius site - it appeared to have been uploaded on Thursday - again, the same text appears to explain the articles removal. I believe it was regarding Mr Batten again.

    I think that whoever it is threatening legal advice obviously feels to have a sound case. And should this libel case ever get to court, I am sure that UKIP would be able to cite many examples of Junius untruths to back up libel claims against the author(s) of that blog. About time too
    We note this odious coward is all too redy to make dishonest claims he is unable to substantiate - Perhaps the odious cowardly creep would care to have the ethics to identify a single solitary libel in ANY of my blogs as he has made the dishonest comment and likewise relative to Junius - However as I and presumably Junius have not sunk to the levels of dishonesty and libel of this UKIP supporter no example or apology will ever be presented.

  6. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolnir View Post
    Which libels do you refer to? The truth is no libel.
    Perhaps Batten wants the truth hidden as the panel delberates on the allegations made against him?

    Are you capable of using Google, Fonzie?
    Clearly not with any integrity or honesty hence the liars Fonzie, Independent UKIP and others use anonymity to lie and defame actions which I note neither Mjolnir nor Junius have ever sunk to to my knowledge!
Senior Member Steve Morson's Avatar
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Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Fonzarelli View Post
I think that whoever it is threatening legal advice obviously feels to have a sound case. And should this libel case ever get to court, I am sure that UKIP would be able to cite many examples of Junius untruths to back up libel claims against the author(s) of that blog. About time too
Well, if anyone does take Junius to court for libel, they'll need about £80 - 100,000 for a straightforward case.
Rather a lot of money when one considers NEVER has a libel been identified on Junius' blog and none has occurred on my blog.

As for "....UKIP would be able to cite many examples of Junius untruths...", any idea why they haven't done that already? Just curious.
Clearly because they have been unable to identify a libel or dishonesty and my blog CLEARLY STATES that I will make ANY material correction of fact brought to my attention and I also offer right of reply to those I publish about.

I note Anthony Butcher is as ever hosting libel and defamatory comments and lies about me on his UKIP controlled blog - from which I was banned, based upon the lies of UKIP and the lies of Paul Nuttall on behalf of Nigel Farage & David Bannerman particularly who wished to suppress facts about them being discussed publicly - just as did Tom Wise as defended by the liar and fantasist douglas Denny, Bob Feel Martinis and other self serving low lifes seeking preferment and status in UKIP.

It will be remembered that Tom Wise was guilty of the criminal behaviour I identified and pursued and served 2 years in prison - strangely Derek Clark who was also ordered to pay back money he had fraudulently obtained (A larger sum than Tom Wise had stolen we understand) has not YET been charged under British law and faced the Courts - possibly in view of his apparent senility!

I note that despite his personal notable political ambitions Anthony Butcher has risen to his metier in the status of utter irrelevance held by a Parish Councillor discussing Dog poo as he does on his parish blog - matters of significance clearly being beyond his authority and his odious self serving dishonesty and obsequious oleaginous comments on the Forum he runs under the control of UKIP, hosting serial attacks and dishonest defamation on behalf of UKIP's cowardly claque, may in part explain this.
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