We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

#0773* - #G0650* - Big Brother & Corruption of Freedom

#0773* - #G0650* - Big Brother & Corruption of Freedom
 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide



. Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
#0773* - #G0650* - Big Brother & Corruption of Freedom!!
written for:
#G0650* - Big Brother & Corruption of Freedom

From: Greg Lance-Watkins
eMail: Greg_L-W (
Tel:      UK: 01594 – 5-2-83:37


You may find this site gives cause for concern – Internet Police who seem to draw up their own rules and have access to overide the internet internationally!

They merely arbitrarily remove material leaving the following message, it seems:

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Post Unavailable

In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed this post. If you wish, you can read more about the request at


Is this an increasing sign of the control of the freedom of speech and a form of corrupt ‘Big Brother’ bullying?

I believe this was the post in question which would seem to be nothing more than factual and legitimate comment:

Post a Comment On: Junius on UKIP

"Greg Lance-Watkins on Gerard Batten and Lauder-Frost"

No comments yet. - Hide Original Post

[Image] Hi,

it seems strange that the suppression of this posting has been made as the text seemed to be nothing more than a series of statements of fact - surely it can not even in the burgeoning police state, that seems to be the way forward of The EU, that it can already be legitimate to suppress facts and the truth!

I would contend that all that Junius would seem to have done was show the close linkage of Gerard Batten with criminals and extremists like
Gregory Lauder-Frost and variouys extreme right wing groups.

Can it be that MEPs can now abuse their positions as elected representatives to hide fact6s about themselves.


It is hardly a secret that Gerard Batten has some particularly odious views based on what would seem to be verging on incitement to hatred towards followers of Islam - presumably based on his own religious supertitions and as his wife is/was Philipino may it be that he is representing an extreme Catholic viewpoint ratjher than the genuine interests of his electorate at large in The UK.

That Gerard Batten has been a guest speaker at some organisations which I and others may consider extremist and has published racist positions regarding creed is surely a legitimate issue for discussion when related to an elec ted individual feeding from the public purse.

I have a copy of the text removed FROM Junius and can see no slander, insult, libel or the like in that text - It would seem to be a statement of facts each seemingly easily verified.

IF Gerard Batten believes that Junius has posted incorrect FACTS then surely his first course of action ethically is to contact Junius and ask for the removal quoting his grounds NOT to use his elected position to promote what many would see as his deeply offensive and seemingly extreme right wing views and association with criminals and extremists.


For more on Batten, the far right and Lauder-Frost see the Gerard Batten blog: LINK

All rather concerning as it would seem individuals can now control the publication of FACTS and other people’s legitimate opinions!

Police State?

This does rather smack of harassment, intimidation, corruption of freedom of speech and cyber bullying - just as with the recent self serving attempts of Gerard Batten the EFD & UKIP MEP who tried to fabricate complaints to suppress the publication of facts and comment about him - fortunately it would seem that after he had wasted a great deal of police time and that of others the CPS rejected his attempt to keep information and legitimate discussion and opinion from his electorate, which he presumably considered embarrassing.

The interventions on Junius' blog may well be someone doing likewise as with the various organisations many may consider distastefull and extreme with which Gerard Batten associated and his contacts with convicted criminal fraudsters Gregory Lauder-Frost, whose 2 year prison sentence can be readily verified on the internet.

I note also that Google’s ‘Blogspot’ facility has arbitrarily changed its provision from being .com with US hosting to being could this be compliance so that The EU Police State with its clear lack of democracy can control comment and exposure of its corruption, undemocratic nature and abject failure in any intellectual, democratic or ethical sense!


"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945
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tel: 01594 - 528 337
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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To Spread The Facts World Wide of OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN & To Leave-The-EU  

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