We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Friday, 30 September 2011

#0666* - Farage & UKIP Play The Fiddle Well whilst GREECE DEFAULTS!

#0666* - Farage & UKIP Play The Fiddle Well whilst GREECE DEFAULTS!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Farage & UKIP Play The Fiddle Well, whilst GREECE DEFAULTS!

Meanwhile the Judas Goats and EUroPlastics like Dan Hannan, Roger Helmer, George EUstace and the like posture and clamour to order for the Tory Whips in a pretence of a Referendum!

Someone tell them whilst they postured and congratulated themselves on their fundamental inconsequence The Express obtained 300,000 supporters and Nikki Sinclaire obtained and delivered for Parliament 100,000 fully verified signatures!

Interestingly UKIP has NEVER achieved anything by way of petition or leadership - just the self enrichment of a small clique egged on by their ever hopefull claque who seek reward and denigrate all who may criticise their route to the troughs!

just think where UKIP would be now if only it had at some time had a competent, honourable, trustworthy leadership and prominent policies of gravitas led by someone of stature.

Just imagine after 20 years UKIP has only obtained less than 30 elected seats out of the 19,500 available in British governance, UKIP has never offered or INSISTED on training for its personnel or staff, branch chairmen and the like.

Incredibly UKIP has never produced any kind of training/management manual and has never had a clear organisational structure and has since day one NEVER had a web site commensurate with the image they seek to portray.

Astonishingly in 20 years UKIP has utterly failed to devise and present a coherent Exit and Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms to Leave-the-EU in good order, clear of the benefits of self governance, self determination and sovereign independence to in liberty and dignity present its goods, needs, values and justice on the world stage.

We are all well aware and sick of hearing how bad membership of The EU is but we have failed to reassure the British peoples of how on these United Islands we have presented the team that has led the world in ethics, morality trade and justice.

We permit the scum of politics to seek, for their own personal gain, people like Tony Blair, Alec Salmond, Neil Kinnock, Roy Jenkins, John Major, Shirley Williams, Jack Dromey, David Owen, Michael Hesseltine, Jerry Adams,  Ken Clark, Pieter Haine, Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown, Hazel Bleares, Harriet Harmon, David Bonkit, David Cameron and the like to talk down our abilities, denigrate our achievements and prostitute our future and all for their sordid personal ambitions and unpleasant gain.

Not an individual of stature amongst them! Self serving self promoting self important nobodies!

Had UKIP had sound leadership, vision, strategies, tactics and values as would be provided by a leader of stature UKIP could have capitalised on its greatest asset Nigel Farage - a good performer who could have trained an army of spokesment to spread the word to the world as we repatriated our democracy, restored our sovereinty, resconfirmed our justice, reinstated our borders and moved forward into the future as a proud and free United Kingdoms where the likes of the risible little squirt Alex Salmon, Pieter Haine and the like would have been shuned by a people of stature and dignity, shunned for the odious little men they are.

Sadly for lack of leadership UKIP has achieved the sum total of nothing as one performing cockrel strutting on top of a dung heap of the weak and venal he has been allowed to gather around him do not a party of significance make.

There is no doubt, insecure and amoral as he is Farage sets a tone it is hard to follow. - Nigel Farage Lambasts Europhile UK Mps Who Led Us Video

Just think what UKIP might have achieved with sound leadership capitalising on Farage's ability as a performer. All the time wasted on navel gazing, petty infighting, corruption, dishonesty and weak and self serving little creeps many hidden behind false identities all of whom have so clearly destroyed UKIP as they jockeyed for position and lied and cheated to try to get closer to getting their snouts in the troughs on the gravy train for enrichment through the bribes of The EU.

With clear leadership, and let us face it there was no one else of note in The Referendum Party - it was the clear leadership of Sir James Goldsmith that forced the hand of Government and ensured Britain could not glibly be betrayed by entering the EUro with its totally predictable pending failure we see with the Default of Greece and for all its dishonest language Greece HAS defaulted!

The EU in a desperate move to try to deny its abject failure may call it 'Restructuring' or is the buzz word 'Rescheduling' - but I put it to you that if you had £100,000 on deposit with your bank and it blithely told you it had restructured its payments to you so that it would only pay you £50,000 and would need you to deposit more for them to pay you interest and they intended to print more cash thus devaluing the money to half its value and it would start repaying if it could at some time in the future after devaluation and you MIGHT get £25,000 in value eventually - I just have this feeling you would call that default - if not outright theft NOT 'restructuring'.

Inventing words to dishonestly misrepresent situations is an old and rather sordid trick - consider homosexuals who instead of admitting they are perverts insist on normal heterosexuals calling them 'gay' - What dishonest balderdash!

Just as calling the DEFAULT of Greece 'restructuring' - with an obscenely bloated public sector, a bit of tourism and absolutely no exports of consequence (well Feta Cheese and bulk olive oil for bottling overseas) Greece is BUST and has no choice but Default with absolutely no chance of survival within the EUro as with Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Spain and Ireland - their only hope is charity and the only country able to provide that charity over the next 20 years, and it will take at least 20 years IF it works, is Germany.

The downside is clear - money that would have advanced the EU scam and might have helped towards growth will now be squandered on demeaning the default countries as they emerge to follow Greece.

The size of the debt and the piddly amount now on the table for the bail out is like the drunk peeing on a burning building to put out the fire - as the dawn rises over the ashes and the truth comes to light the building WILL have burned down but only dawn will show if the drunk fell in the fire and was consumed as the little hiss of steam as he urinated will be long forgotten.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Thursday, 29 September 2011

#0665* - UKIP - Will They Be Visible @ Their Own Funeral?

#0665* - UKIP - Will They Be Visible @ Their Own Funeral?

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP - Will They Be Visible @ Their Own Funeral?!
One wonders as they have had absolutely no impact on politics IN BRitain nor to Leave-The-EU!

another contribution from a forum to which I post regularly:

UKIP - Will They Be Visible @ Their Own Funeral?


having listened to the communistesque State of The Union speech of the odious Jose Manuel Barroso in drag he would be so very like Polly Toynbe - far from attractive and like mindedly batty as a box of frogs.

I believe we can safely say that had Arnold Toynbee and the Fabian movement been killed off the world would in many ways be a better place.

I know that had that happened to the Communist student leader in Portugal the same would be true but as to whether his vile and arcane concepts are hereditary I can not say.

What is true is that many of Nigel Farage's faults would seem to be hereditary on his father Guy's side - unreliable, gambler, womaniser and drunk - so very similar and no doubt where Farage inheritted his insecurity and scheming manner as an amoral self serving insecure loner.

That UKIP has achieved absolutely nothing in moving these United Kingdoms one inch towards the aim of Leave-The-EU in 20 years is indisputable as even now out of 19,500 available seats UKIP only has less than 30 and no one of any merit or stature in British politics.

I have seen no broadcast by eMail, radio or TV exposing the comments of the idiot Barosso - yet we see Farage's chum who has even gone so far as to deliberately lie on Farage's account in the past, Peter Oborne, on Newsnight vigerously promoting his latest pamphlet through The Institute for Policy Studies - when in 20 years UKIP has never even published a pamphlet, unless you count Batten's rehash of the Government Pink Book.

Where was UKIP holding forth on the Barroso State of the Union bid to destroy London as a financial center?

In fact consider these 3 titles alone:
EC president Barroso urges deeper economic integration
September 28 2011 | Bruno Waterfield | Finance

The EU faces the “biggest crisis in its history” as it struggles to hold the eurozone together amid the sovereign debt crisis, Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president has admitted.

MEPs to spend £26m on bigger offices... to be used one day a week ...
September 27 2011 | Bruno Waterfield | News

MEPs are planning to spend £26million on bigger offices that will only be used an average of one day a week in the EU assembly's Strasbourg seat.

David Cameron 'betrayed' MEPs on Strasbourg
September 26 2011 | Bruno Waterfield | News

Senior Tories have accused David Cameron of caving in to Foreign Office pressure to appease the French by abandoning a key Coalition promise to reform the EU.

Whilst you are in contemplative mood you may care to go through this check list at:
& tick off ANY where UKIP brought the issues to the public conscience when they pertained to the simple concept of Leave-The-EU

Do not forget howmany £Millions have been garnered from the public purse and also how much the public have been defrauded by UKIP MEPs.

Since when was stealing £30,000+ in fiddled expenses and embezelling it to buy a car and over 1,000 bottles of wine 'using the devils money to do gods work' as Stuart Agnew so colourfully and duplicitously put it!

UKIP leadership to a man are the dregs of politics with an abysmal record on fraud, bad publicity, self enrichment, childish stunts and corruption even backing the support of Anders Breivick and now supporting The True Finns with a comment about Greek protesters being crushed by tanks and a Military Junta!

As a supporter of UKIP I am pleased to say I have not succumbed to their lack of ethics and their moral standards of the gutter, which their leadership bring to politics - nor of course would I claim they were the only ones to do so, but the difference is they lied to ME and let ME down, The LibLabCon did not as I knew they were trash and they made no effort to convince me otherwise.

Clearly economists at the hands of these rascalls we have as politicians, in their efforts to solve the economic problems are like poker pl;ayers, who when matched against the cards can be expected to win on a fair and equitable table based on their skills.

Here we have the economists (poker players) trying to double guess which cards the dealer and his cronies (the politicians) have removed from the decks!

There is absolutely no doubt that Greece will and in fact has defaulted on its debts - let us see just how crass the economic solution devised by the corrupt politicians of The EU will be so that these idiots can lie to eachother and the public using false argument and inventive language in the hope of duping the peoples they are expressly trying to con - THE PUBLIC!

It is hard to find any informed person who holds politicians and their parasites feeding on the corpse of The EU in any greater regard than petty thieves at best and paedophiles with absolutely no consideration, regard or empathy for their victims as one moves closer to the center of The EU and those who still support it.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

#0664* - SHOOT TO KILL GREEK PROTESTERS advocated by UKIP Partners

#0664* - SHOOT TO KILL GREEK PROTESTERS advocated by UKIP Partners

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!    
advocated by UKIP Partners In Farage's extremist, violent, racist anti Jewish EFD Group

this article on one of the Forums I post on may interest you!


advocated by UKIP Partners 
In Farage's extremist, violent, racist anti Jewish EFD Group!


UKIP's extremist and racist partners  in their sordid Pan EU Political group The EFD The True Finns have really sunk to the bottom in support of a Police State and the killing of protesters in Greece

'True Finns' MP, Jussi Halla-aho - chairman of the Administration Committee of the Finnish Government - recently made this comment on the Greek protests:

"What Greece needs at this particular time is a 'Military Junta' that would not have to worry about its popularity and could use tanks to enforce some order among strikers and rioters".[/quote]

The comments were originally made on the MP's Facebook page and soon caused outrage in Finland and Greece.

In a face-saving exercise in Finland, he was later suspended from his party for a whole two weeks!!

So I guess by invoking military rule and the use of tanks the MP supports a 'shoot to kill' policy in Greece!!

We note that as leader of The EFD Group Farage seemingly endorses these comments?

After all, Nigel happily sits with the True Finns in The EFD group and has chosen to remain silent when it comes to the MP and his sordid views.

Let us not forget that the Leader of The EFD is Nigel Farage and he has made no comment let alone denunciation of this odious little True Finn's comment.

Then again who listens to Nigel Farage anyway?

You may recal recently he announced that he would withdraw UKIP from The EFD unless Mario Borghezio was removed - The Italians - who outnumber UKIP - merely ignored Farage and Farage lacked the basic integrity to withdraw UKIP from the group (There is little doubt he would have stayed in the group as if he withdrew UKIP he would personally lose his chauffeur, his office, some of his staff and not just personal money but a large amount of unaccountable income).

One need only look at the donations made by Nigel Farage over the last 20 years made to UKIP and the huge amount of money UKIP has earned him - members even pay for him to be chauffeured around in this Country!

He has proudly boasted of making over £2Million over and above his actual costs and income!

I do not for a moment deny Nigel Farage is UKIP's greatest asset but it is clear that due to his utter incompetence as a leader he is also UKIP's greatest liability, self seeking, self serving and self enriching - ensuring no one within the party receives training or support who might take the one role he has proved utterly incompetent to carry out, that of leader - he fails to honour his promises, he abuses his authority and his position, he hires staff on the basis of abilities far different from those which the party would wish to fund!

One need only watch Farage in the EU parliament on his many video clips to see how utterly irrelevant he is having turned UKIP into a predictable and easily ignored comic turn.

UKIP with its present structure - the filth that has risen to the top and the utter incompetence these trough feeders have displayed are clearly no longer fit for purpose.

Astonishing as it may seem - The whole of The UKIP structure under Nigel Farage has achieved less in 20 years to move UKIP and these United Kingdoms to Leave-The-EU than has Nikki Sinclaire despite being abused and attacked by the low lifes in UKIP who she has shown up - No wonder the insecure and clearly inadequate Nigel Farage hates her even to the extent of telling and engineering lies and twice being found Guilty when facing the courts relative to his treatment of Nikki Sinclaire who he personally forced out as a UKIP MEP, as her abilities and achievements showed Farage for what he clearly is - an old style failed Tory Yob!
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Sunday, 25 September 2011

#0663* - UKIP Policy on the hoof IS NOT PROFESSIONAL

#0663* - UKIP Policy on the hoof IS NOT PROFESSIONAL

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!    
UKIP Policy on the hoof IS NOT PROFESSIONAL!
Farage May be UKIP's Greatest Asset but clearly he is their greatest liability!

it is clear that without cleaning up UKIP with leadership of competence and some much needed gravitas UKIP looks all too likely to continue going nowhere!
Meanwhile, UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, who lives in Westerham, near Sevenoaks, and is also an MEP for the South East, said the need for an EU referendum was “absolutely urgent and vital”.
He added: “Those who want this to happen have overwhelming support in the country and it’s only our political leaders who are proving to be a road block.”
But this is totally in contradiction to his comment from his office:
This together with the many bitter, pety and insecure jibes he has made in efforts to hamper and sabotage Nikki Sinclaire's highly successful petition which left UKIP, The People's Pledge and its off shoot run by The Judas Goats of Tory, Labour & Union self seekers standing - even delivering where The Express Group failed.

It shows so clearly that UKIP is going nowhere with its odious extremist, racist, anti Jewish partners in The EU.

UKIP clearly lacks vital leadership and having an out of control one man band inventing contradictory policy on the hoof to suit that day's hangover and his own palpable insecurity covered up by braggadocio and sound bites and pandering to populism as represented by an inexperienced and self serving claque.
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

#0662* - Even A UKIP Devotee Can Make No Case for UKIP!

#0662* - Even A UKIP Devotee Can Make No Case for UKIP!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Even A UKIP Devotee Can Make No Case for UKIP!
Increasingly UKIP has no support or members of any gravitas, competence or integrity!!
I was challenged on one of the various political Forums to which I contribute by an emisary of UKIP too embarrassed to use his own name, which I guess is hardly surprising in the light of the consistent failure to put forward any sort of convincing argument and having to constantly depend on spin and well more spin as obviously he is bereft of facts to call upon!

Here is his rather lame attempt to promote UKIP as some sort of relevance and my response:

I disagree. For a young party of only 20 years, I believe UKIP have done great. Sure, it has its problems, but what party doesn't. Name one party, just one that you cannot find fault in one or more of its members. You can't. But the people can decide for themselves, and they can do it at the ballot box.


indeed were we a democracy - which we are no longer.

UKIP's progress has been nothing more than risible when you consider the fact that out of some 19,500 elected offices UKIP has had less than 30 people elected after 20 years and at a time when, as Nikki Sinclaire's You Gov. poll shows only 30% of the electorate would vote to remain in the EU 93% of the electorate would NOT vote for UKIP.

Effectively as a large surf came in UKIP were facing the wrong way squabbling over whose board it was and thenhaving stood on the board found itself in a pipeline totally sidelined and dumpped in a complete wipe out.

Just what has UKIP actually achieved that has moved UKIP one inch closer to Leave-The-EU?

You claim that incompetent or corrupt individuals can be found in any party - perhaps you would care to identify in percentage terms who you consider to be competent, honest, transparent, with vision, strategy, tactics or competence who has proved trustworthy within UKIP leadership team and its odious parasites and sycophants.

Can you name ANY?

I profoundly disagree with your fantasy summary and the apologia you glibly proffer - somewhat like America claim that their oldest tradition is their youth! UKIP is all too fast finding its only competence is its amateur ineptitude and its youth!

As you say the people can show their opprobrium for UKIP at the ballot box as they have so consistently done for 20 years - hence only a handful of elected people out of 19,500.

Little wonder so few in UKIP understand their abject failure - could that be deliberate and a part of the reason UKIP has NEVER had a training program yet squanders members' money on providing a chauffeur for Farage who has proudly boasted of making £Millions over and above the bribes/salary and expenses the tax payers already fund him by.

Perhaps you could locate his open and transparent accounts as promised in 1999 and at every subsequent election and the details of the professionalising he has so serially promised you can then highlight out of the many £Millions he has made what exact donations he has made to forward the aims of UKIP members to Leave-The-EU.

Perhaps you could show, relative to the over generous income and expenses received by MEPs a single one in UKIP who has made a contribution of any consequence to the party other than in self interest whereby it is often stated that 80% of the efforts of politicians and investment is expended on their own re-election. It is clearly true of UKIP.

Perhaps whilst checking you might explain why UKIP sees itself as being a part of a racist, anti Jewish, anti homosexual, corrupt and violent pro EU membership group in the EU containing members who have expressed support for Anders Breivik and Holocaust denial. The EFD comprises amongst its ranks the vile Italian racist group the Lega Nord whose members have openly advocated dressing homosexuals as rabbits and hunting and shooting them also advocated bombing boats with Africa refugees on.

You may have sufficient experience/knowledge of UKIP to recall the EFD was thrown out of UKIP's previous group as too vile for more honourable members to associate with, who rightly and honourably threatened to leave if lega Nord remained.

You may also be unaware that in an attempt to defend the indefensible UKIP leadership invented the excuse that they had not debarred Mike Nattrass nor Trevor Colman as UKIP MEPs when they prorogued themselves from the sordid EFD Group yet de-barred Nikki Sinclaire when she did - The dishonourable and dishonest de-barring based upon lies also invented the excuse that she has historically for a brief period been bankrupt - This is of course in breech of British Law as the case is spent.

However let us accept their duplicity in distortion of the law about which they seemingly have a very scant understanding with a long list of costly court cases that have found against them funded by the members!

IF it were acceptable to de-bar a member on the grounds of bankruptcy perhaps you can explain how exactly Neil Hamilton can be so proudly presented after 6 years as a member of UKIP as some sort of 'new out of the box' virgin and hope for the future.

I appreciate he has all the qualifications Farage seems to seek failure in the Tories, a seedy reputation and a sycophantic adulation of the hand he hopes will feed him but I assure you Farage can not credibly deny his awareness that Neil Hamilton was a bankrupt.

Small as this detail may seem when Neil Hamilton openly states at the conference that he expects to assume an MEP seat in The South West EU Region replacing no doubt Trevor Colman and to that end without due process he is PLACED as a committee member in Wiltshire. Also is promoted as a candidate for UKIP NEC.

Acting with integrity is clearly not within the remit of UKIP yet they aspire to both represent and govern!

The most important factor of this incredible hubris is not in the arrogance and hubris itself but clearly that it has utterly undermined any attempt at defence UKIP may pretend to if Nikki Sinclaire decides to progress her case to The High Courts where there is little or no doubt she would again win and UKIP would be faced not only with huge costs but with a potential for massive damages and loss of income claims by Nikki Sinclaire and subsequently by many of her staff!

In boasting of how well UKIP has done in ONLY 20 years perhaps you can now see that UKIP has taken great hope and potential and due to venal self interest have become a part of the problem with no obvious part in the solution particularly having done all they could to act as Judas Goats to damage the one successfull Petition for an In/Out EU Referendum which fortunately Nikki Sinclaire had the competence and determination to 'deliver' something which UKIP has patently failed to do to date having 'delivered' nothing of consequence towards the aim to Leave-The-EU.

After 20 years I am also looking forward to UKIP showing it has some vision adequate to provide a sound Exit & Survival Strategy for when these United Kingdoms Leave-The-EU - it seems UKIP will, on present track record have no part in the Leave-The-EU movement being members of an EU Reformist Group The EFD.

I look forward to your providing some facts rather than puerile and unsound spin.

Greg_L-W.. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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