Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
I was much amused to think that tonight as a result of this blog Pearson may fall upon his STAFFordshire, though the meeting has been rather overtaken by reality and it is only the fact that this blog explained and outlined the due process late in November.
Farage must think it is the 6th. May all over again as he stands there emasculated (As advertised in the National Press after his 'Balls-Up' of a General Election Launch 19-Mar-2010!) and spitting blood at Mike Nattrass' meeting tonight in Walsall tonight. For a copy of the eMail invitation:
Mike had best watch out for the slimes in the PR team crawling out of their gutter to attack him and don't forget the corrupt little slime Croucher was hired by Farage to trawl the sewers he inhabits for any bit of damaging dishonesty regarding people for Farage's 'control' files!
Remeber Croucher tried to make much of Sinclaire's bankruptcy overlooking the fact that it was common knowledge seemingly to all but 'the common man' and was legally long spent, irrelevant history and had been published in detail by me years earlier!
They tried it with me too but failed totally despite having unlawfully gained access to my CRB Data - there was absolutely not a single crime listed in it save almost 30 years ago when I accepted responsibility for an American girlfriend's firearm and ammo accidentally brought into Britain with household effects from Africa - the UKIP slime tried to make much of that!!
One wonder on the subject of criminality when UKIP will pay the £12,500 they are indebted to me for and when Croucher will pay me the £8,500 or whatever it was he was ordered to by the British Courts. We all appreciate the sole purpose of UKIP is to enrich a small number of middle aged and elderly useless individuals kept in place by salaried praise singers and sycophants paid from the public purse but to display such a total contempt for British values and so dishonourably show contempt for the BRITISH Courts tells you all you need to know about UKIP and its deceitfull and dishonourable leadership team. For more details CLICK HERE
and UKIP leadership, such as it is, is desparate to find a way of trying to prove us wrong and now that the Junius team are publishing in agreement UKIP look increasingly silly with their PR team desparately spinning and inventing statements Junius DID NOT say and I gather another vile little slime pit has opened up on the internet in the style of UKIP and Croucher.
They really do seem to be so incredibly incompetent that for such attacks coming from obvious official party sources does UKIP immense harm and ensure more people read this blog & Junius and the transparency of their distortiopns and lies just shows UKIP for the fools and low life they are just the same with that dishonest little liar Stuart Parr running UKIP's Official blog at Bloggers4Ukip - it shows again and again why even the British people could not be duped and they lost over £1/4Million squandered on lost deposits with a risible 3.08% of the vote after 17 years £Many manay Millions and a huge amount of publicity (agreed mostly crass, bad or light weight).
I was much amused by the letter below sent out for Lord Pearson, whilst he was sheltering on his moors in Perthsire to give time for UKIP to try to sort out the succession - I'll bet he hopes they can FIX their Coronation soon as he has done the job he was supposed to for the Tories in getting UKIP candidates to vote against UKIP to minimise the damage they might do.
Clearly they grossly over estimated the effect UKIP would have and with only 3.08% of the vote the only seats they seem to have effected at all were Heathcote Amery's seat and that of Annunciata Rees Mogg in Somerton & Frome and Stroud all three of which Pearson campaigned against UKIP resulting in a surge of votes FOR UKIP and costing Pearson's chosen candidates their seats!
It is near impossible with over £250,000 deposits lost to make even half a case for having effected the election in any way.
The consensus amongst all competent commentators was that it would be a hung parliament favouring David Cameron with no over all majority but willing to prostitute himself, his Party and the electorate to ANY grubby deal to gain power.
UKIP even contemplated trying to raise their power by offering Robin Tilbrook and the EDP a deal - not I think with a view to the EDP who have no real political relevance and as expected lost every deposit bar one. UKIP's deal was more likely in fear of Paul Judge's wallet and the damage The Jury Team Alliance might do UKIP! Had they read the ridiculous meaningless Manifesto they grandly produced they would have realised they were no threat to man or beast and on a par with UKIP in terms of relevance - just smaller!
Rigging the road ahead is proving difficult, particularly with Farage none too dapper after his plane flipping stunt - which surprisingly left him with no sympathy immediately he left hospital! Unkind really as for someone his age and state of health it indubitably takes its toll in terms of shock and undermining ones sense of infallibility. Farage is now of an age where he is aware of his mortality as with all of us we felt infallible right through our 30s.
Anyway I received several copies of this Pearson tosh, so I thought I'd better take a view!
Here it is intact but small - I'll comment in a legible size below!
21 May 2010
Dear Chairman,
I start by thanking you and your branch for all your hard work during the General Election campaign. Increasing our vote by 50% was no easy task.
We went into the campaign with two strategic aims: First to cause a hung Parliament, because it was unthinkable that Cameron should be free for five years to swallow European integration in the usual surreptitious Conservative way. This was achieved. It is estimated that we cost the Conservatives up to twenty essential seats.
Now we have to pursue our second objective: The realignment of British politics. For this to happen I believe we need to professionalise the Party. Here are some ideas for your thought and comment.
a) Set up a “command structure” with a full-time CEO in a fully staffed Westminster office, as do the bigger parties.
b) Ensure that UKIP Westminster, MEPs and Head Office work in tandem.
c) Set up a Fundraising Committee to coordinate all fundraising.
d) Review the current Party constitution to give more Regional representation at national level through the NEC.
e) Take local elections seriously and support the new UKIP Councillor’s Association.
f) Increase our research and communication capability to educate the British public on the daily horrors of the EU.
g) Train political agents and candidates for the next election.
h) Continue the development of Young Independence and start an “Independence Women’s” wing.
i) Set up “UKIP Abroad”
j) Increase the membership by 50% within 1 year and 100% within 2 years, and more beyond that.
This is an ambitious programme which will require considerable finance. I believe it can be raised if the Party is clearly united in its purpose, as the ‘only show in town.’ We will work with any group which shares our objectives, but only UKIP has the electoral teeth which the political establishment fear. We must make them razor sharp.
The above is more than just a list of aspirations; please treat it is a consultation document and let me have your ideas?
Yours sincerely
Malcolm Pearson
Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Dear Chairman,
I am undecided as to whether this went to all the Parties Pearson voted or campaigned for or just UKIP?
I start by thanking you and your branch for all your hard work during the General Election campaign.
Well that makes a pleasant change - Farage almost never thanks people for anything and if there is ANY glory or publicity going he grabs it!
Increasing our vote by 50% was no easy task.
True as twice nothing of consequence is the square root of rock all or over £1/4 Million squandered on deposits - so at a guess a cost for the election of a tad under £2Million and all to achieve nothing yet again!
We went into the campaign with two strategic aims:
I'll bet that was news to the troops! The meeting on the 19th. March seems largely to gave been to get publicity for Nigel's missing testicles and Lord Pearson's token black fella! Well that was all that was in the papers as I recall.
First to cause a hung Parliament, because it was unthinkable that Cameron should be free for five years to swallow European integration in the usual surreptitious Conservative way.
Well that, pardon the joke, was a balls up! UKIP lost the seats for the people it actively tried to help and did virtually nothing to effect the result anywhere else.
This was achieved. It is estimated that we cost the Conservatives up to twenty essential seats.
No its not - that is just foolish propaganda and if you believe that old sport no wonder UKIP felt so betrayed and leaderless!
Now we have to pursue our second objective:
This WILL BE news for the Chairmen - a secondary aim when they were completely out of kiltter at the thought they had an aim!
The realignment of British politics.
We just did - it was called an election you dozey twit!
For this to happen I believe we need to professionalise the Party.
Where have we heard that before - now he's stealing lines from history books - why not get Roger Helmer to give you something original like 'Straight Talking' it makes you so much more credible. Perhaps 'Get Britain Back' or 'Reclaim OUR Future' or some such!
Here are some ideas for your thought and comment.
A bit late now you're leaving and the Party may well opt for bankruptcy as it doesn't pay bills it just hides in the EU - seamingly defrauding the tax payers, to judge by the better class papers!
a) Set up a “command structure” with a full-time CEO in a fully staffed Westminster office, as do the bigger parties.
Yeah astonishing isn't it as that was suggested in 1999 and so was the suggestion to write up a professional pamphlet on 'What is UKIP's Exit and survival strategy and the benefits of leaving the EU' - still hasn't happenned.
As I recall they paid that twit Arnott as CEO for a while, Piers Merchant turned it down on the grounds that with Farage around and other idiotic amateurs CEO would be a poison challis (no pun intended David!)
b) Ensure that UKIP Westminster, MEPs and Head Office work in tandem.
They DON'T work for starters and for second they couldn't work together on terra firma they would fall off a tandem squabbling as to who got the expenses money!
c) Set up a Fundraising Committee to coordinate all fundraising.
That was you old chap but seems Wheeler saw the light and legged it, leaving you with some bent banker in Switzerland with more money than sense - when you think Nikki Sinclaire was UKIP's third largest donnor in the last quarter last year and it was the stupidity and incompetence of Pearson and his dishonesty that lost her!
d) Review the current Party constitution to give more Regional representation at national level through the NEC.
They tried that but Nigel got that twit Paul Nuttall to rewrite it and then Zucherman lashed up a cobbled together re-write of the Petition Petrina Holdsworth wrote but he lacked the brains and it ended up shooting everyone in the foot - but what do you expect from a solicitor who tries to rip you off for £10,000 to form a Limited Company and doesn't know the diffirence between Civil and Criminal Law.
This list is just childish - who the hell wrote it! Surely Pearson can afford a better secretary than this!
e) Take local elections seriously and support the new UKIP Councillor’s Association.
Oh dear - A bit late there, that was mooted in the 1990s just after Farage came back having failed in his negotiations with The BNP as I recall.
Then David Samuel-Camps was charged with the job of putting a policy together and went all the way to London to an NEC meeting to present it but the NEC members were far too thick to understand and their attention and concentration span ran out after about 5 minutes. I must say, as I have a copy of it the concept was better than sound although I thought a few areas were a bit light - mostly in co-ordination, distribution of facts and training.
Then Jim Carver tried to nick the text to pretend it was his as I recall then the job went to Steve Allison and now the resident idiot in the Eastern Region is having a go - HOPELESS UKIP hasn't a clue and NEVER will because it has destroyed the bond of trust between the workers and the w*nkers on the leadership team.
People like Pearson who do a knife job on the party for their Tory Cronies and utterly bungle it!
f) Increase our research and communication capability to educate the British public on the daily horrors of the EU.
INCREASE - there is one!!! Twice Nothing is Nothing.
Same old cliche pitfall - we ALL know the downside and the public don't buy bad news - perhaps why Pearson AND Farage have been such hopeless hapless leaders - Produce a growing news letter twice weekly which gets collated per subject as pamphlets NOT of what is bad about The EU but how we would gain by leaving and show the USPs and FABs of leaving!
Re-jig and republish the Government Pink book to show Government expenditure on the EU - that is the one Gerard Battey publishes occassionally and is thus the ONLY UKIP MEP to publish ANYTHING of regular use!
UKIP has consistently proved year in year out they haven't a clue what they are doing and they have managed to allienate almost everyone who might have helped them because the oiks and low lifes Farage gathers around him at huge cost as praise singers are deliberately chosen as they are stupid and thus Farage looks clever - one drawback of having a barrow boy for a leader with no O.Q., probity, morality or gravitas.
It is so stunningly obvious that for 10 years now UKIP's only defence has been to oscillate between claiming they have been infiltrated by The BNP or MI5 - Get real WHY? UKIP will NEVER be a threat for as long as it functions without brains, leadership and training - with SOME understanding of strategy and tactics and a knowledge of the differentiation. You just can't run a party based on the sexual appetites and interests of one ill mannered chav!
g) Train political agents and candidates for the next election.
Train ANYONE that would be a starter! A major problem is the top 50 people in UKIP need to be fired because they are so stupid they think they know it all and from the present leadership there isn't a single individual who can differentaite between ambition and vision, strategy and greed, tactics and comfort.
You have no trainer and have never trained anyone in any way for 17 years for that very reason!
h) Continue the development of Young Independence
Continue!!! It was wrecked from day one - remember how Fuller sabotaged it and people like Alex McKie and Marcus Stead became so disilusioned they left the party. Then consider how Delboy Young was stabbed in the back. Farage's new white hope proved a disaster and then Scruffy Duffy was put in and she was the worste to date never returning calls, failing to answer eMails and running what was left of the costly web site and news magazine into the Ground.
Malcolm Pearson will remember how he personally destroyed the next initiative to build UKIP Yoooof when he lied to and about Nikki Sinclaire and then permitted the scum like Baron von Idiot, Septic, Croucher, AllCock, Ison and their ilk to defame her doing huge damage to UKIP moral.
and start an “Independence Women’s” wing.
How bloody demeaning - how about a wing for boring old farts who are completely out of touch with reality!
Did Mrs. Bandaranaika, Catherine The Great, Opra Winfrey, The Empress of All China, Baroness Thatcher, Mrs Indira Ghandi, Golda Meire, Angela Merkel or even Elish Angolini or their ilk need the patronisation of a Wiminz Wing.
The reason there are so few women in politics is they have more sense than to enter a childish dick measuring competition for people who have mostly failed in life and now want to damage lives of others!
Isn't there something you can go and shoot in Scotland where you will do less damage?
i) Set up “UKIP Abroad”
Idiot - UKIP is abroad - it only functions as a self enrichment scam in Brussels.
I don't suppose Pearson has had the smarts to think of setting up UKIP in Britain with working branches, sensible funding WORKING MEPs, training and information distribution and training.
Wake up Pearson you pampered fool.
j) Increase the membership by 50% within 1 year and 100% within 2 years, and more beyond that.
Rubbish - halve it to a realistic and manageable 7,000 get rid of the dead wood and then start motivating, training and arming your dedicated and committed few. Help them day and night to learn. teach them to talk, answer phones, sell, and build Give me the job, a sensible budget and absolute authority and I would grow you a party with 50,000 informed members to take forward inside 4 years.
This is an ambitious programme which will require considerable finance.
Pearson's drivel is neither a programme nor ambitious - clearly this is just a stop gap letter as he fumbles for the door handle to find his way out - there is neither passion nor plan, policy nor politics in his weak and worthless letter -First stop fire whoever wrote the letter and also whoever authorised it as it is nothing more than an embbarrassment.
I believe it can be raised
It is so weak, ill considered and inept it is clear the poor old soul would need a container load of viagra to raise anything interesting!
if the Party is clearly united in its purpose,
Which it clearly isn't and never will be until it is rid of the failed leadership. As
Richard Suchorzewski so appositely reminded UKIP UKIP like Fish has rotted from the head down!
as the ‘only show in town.’
Enough 'Show' enough 'Stunts' it is time UKIP either bucked down to do some work or was wound up as too corrupt and unfit for purpose as proven in the recent election.
We will work with any group which shares our objectives,
That is NOT leadership that is desparation.
but only UKIP has the electoral teeth
Yes but no brains and no balls as is self evident without Farage destroying the General Election launch telling everyone, with his idiotic Biggles stunt on Election Day - What on earth was the fool showing off for when there was work to do, troops to congratulate and assist - the man is a liability beyond his worth.
which the political establishment fear.
Don't be daft - who on earth told you that, in YOUR dreams - UKIP is a joke with 3.08% of the vote and a handful of elected individuals out of at least 20,000 elected Offices in Britain.
IF you believe your own propaganda you seriously need help!
We must make them razor sharp.
Do re-read that paragraph it is so shoddy it makes no sense - just what are you planning on sharpenning and YOU have the cheek to demand the Party professionalises!
The above is more than just a list of aspirations;
OK so what is it as it is reads like a confession of being completely out of touch and time filling!
please treat it is a consultation document
But it was only a couple of lines ago you said it was
'This is an ambitious programme' No wonder you were a hopeless leader you can't even make your own mind up! If the leader hasn't a clue what he is doing or why what hope has he of EVER gaining respect from his Party as clearly he will never have and does not deserve followers.
and let me have your ideas?
God knows you need them!
Here is one for starters GO AWAY and take the top 50 members of UKIP with you they have so befouled the Party it has become unworkable.
Yours sincerely
Malcolm Pearson
Lord Pearson of Rannoch
The days of the old fashioned 18th. Century Party Politics with their 19th. Century solutions and values are long gone - just look around you to see clearly how Party politics has so utterly betrayed these United Kingdoms
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future