We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Monday, 31 January 2011

#0269* - UKIP lodges appeal in MEP discrimination case brought by Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP

#0269* - UKIP lodges appeal in MEP discrimination case brought by Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP lodges appeal in MEP discrimination case brought by Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP!
A Product of UKIP Incompetence & prejudice!

UKIP lodges appeal in MEP discrimination case

By Martin Banks - 31st January 2011

A discrimination case brought against UKIP by British independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire is to be reheard, it has emerged.

Sinclaire brought a case of sexual orientation discrimination against the party after she had the whip removed by UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

The party made no defence when she lodged a discrimination suit against it and a default judgment was made in her favour.

But UKIP subsequently said it had failed to lodge a response because of an administrative error and that an application for the judgment to be set aside had been filed.

The date for the employment tribunal hearing, probably at Exeter, in south-west England, is yet to be fixed.

Sinclaire, who now sits as an independent in parliament, told this website she had "mixed feelings" about the initial tribunal ruling.

She said, "I was hoping the whole thing would be over by now but, clearly, it isn't. I was pleased the tribunal ruled in my favour, not least because it agreed that the allegations I made against UKIP were well-founded.

"However, UKIP has applied to have the ruling set aside and it just leaves me saddened by how all this has turned out.

"I have been trying to work for an out-of-court settlement but at no point did UKIP agree to this."

Sinclaire had the whip removed in January last year after she refused to sit with members of the far-right Italian party Lega Nord, claiming some of its members were homophobic.

Meanwhile, Sinclaire said she was still waiting to hear from parliament about her complaint that UKIP deputy Godfrey Bloom had verbally abused her.

She claims he called her a "queer" as he passed her in a corridor in the Strasbourg parliament.

To view the original article CLICK HERE
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Sunday, 30 January 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

I noted the attempt to promote The EFD by Marta Andreasen being alluded to on a Forum on the internet as follows:
A dutch auditor has followed in the footsteps of UKIP's Martha Andreason in Blowing the whistle on EU finances.Maarten Engwirda has blown the lid off the EU,s claims of transparency.
I felt it apposite to correct the illusion Marta Andreasen and the racist, xenophobic and anti Jewish EFD Group of which UKIP elected MEPs are members were clearly managing to dupe the more gullible into believing!


I believe you will find these articles:
rather more informative and considerably more accurate!

Bruno Waterfield's article:

Sadly comment on the issue by EFD members much demeans the issue as they are largely a claque of xenophobic, anti Jewish racists and to quote the utter fraud Marta Andreasen as some kind of valid individual utterly undermines the matter she was, as you are no doubt aware, one of the many bean counters in the EU but totally failed to acquit her duty in producing year end figured within the EU Transport Ministry where she was hired (based on her oen false CV which failed to point out she was suspended for irregularities with some wiff of racism by The OECD).

Her job was to take the department accounts and present them showing where they could be fiddled and present suggestions to The EU Commission as to how the loopholes could be sealed and a better more watertight accounts procedure implimented.

She failed totally to perform her job and after the third deadline had passed she was moved sideways to another post.

It was not until AFTER she had lost her Court Case that she reinvented herself as some sort of whistle blower - A PACK OF LIES as her trial showed, do read the Judge's Judgement summary CLICK HERE

If you wish to build an understanding of the endemic fraud and corruption within The EU may I suggest you read:
Maarten Engwirda's articles and comments without the corrupt and dishonest spin of UKIP & The EFD.

'The Rotten Heart of EUrope' by Bernard Connolly (Head of The EU Commission unit responsible for EMS & monetary policy)

'The Great Deception' and 'The Castle of Lies' both by Christopher Booker and Dr. Richard North

'The Economics of EUropean Integration' Willem Molle

'Vigilance - A defence of British Libert' by Ashley Mote

It is the enemy within we should most fear for the dangers and dishonesty were made clear, see:
Don't Say You Were Not Warned! Enoch POWELL WARNED US ALL!

Or consider the whistleblowing of Paul von Buitenen who brought the commission down in 1998 who did considerable work with Christopher Story and Ashley Mote at a later stage.

Similarly you may care to follow the case of Hans Martin Tillack as something of a whistle blower! CLICK HERE

I am surprised it took you so long to put out the EFD spin and the attempt by the fraud, fake and untrustworthy liar Marta Andreasen to try to be associated with whistle blowing - You should read her 'Novella'!

I trust this helps.


YOU may also wish to follow the corruption in The EU Finances from The Report of The Court of Auditors to The EU at:

Court of Auditors report

The way in which the EU spends its budget has been criticised by the Court of Auditors for the 16th year in a row.
Presenting his annual report to the European Parliament on 11 November 2010, the president of the Court Vitor Caldeira said there were "material levels of error", particular in the fields of agriculture and the cohesion funds.
The European Court of Auditors was established in 1975, and audits the accounts of EU institutions.
In its most recent report it has found that over a third of the €35.5bn allocated by the EU for regional funding was affected by errors, either unintentional or possibly fraud.
The Audit and Anti-Fraud Commissioner Algirdas Semeta said the Commission would "follow up on all recommendations" but said the report was a "positive sign that efforts to improve budgetary control are having an impact".
He pointed to the fact that the auditors found that 95% of payments were free from errors, however Polish conservative MEP Ryszard Czarnecki said voters would "focus on the remaining 5%".
Strong criticism came from UKIP MEP Marta Andreasen, a former Chief Accountant at the European Commission, who said that if similar problems were revealed in the private sector, "the company would be closed down and the directors fired".

It was unfortunate that the Spanish MEP Marta Andreasen of the EFD Group spoke to the subject as her testimony can not be held in ANY regard in view of her track record of dishonesty.

That Marta Andreasen still presents herself as at one time EU Chief Accountant when she was nothing of the sort - merely one of the huge number of EU bean counters shuffling paper and largely colluding in one of the largest frauds in the history of man.

Marta Andreasen was a 'Chef' and NOT a 'Chief' accountant, one of many.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Saturday, 29 January 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
I Gather he is making a steady recovery!!


an unequivocal good luck to John Bufton in his recovery from his recent stroke which precluded him attending Strasburgh a couple of weeks ago.

At under 50 (John was born in 1963) a stroke so young is far from good news, though a full recovery is likely at this age but without care it can be the first signs of a series of related health issues to follow.

It is understood that John had a minor stroke that went largely un-noticed before Christmas merely effecting his speech and hand writing, which would indicate a left side of the brain indicating a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) in such a slight stroke that it was, I understand, only diagnosed on 24-Jan-2011.

An issue pointed out to me having made this posting - do look at the picture above, the date of which I do not know, and cover first the right and then the left side of the face and  note their dissimilarity, which is not as clear in other earlier pictures - could this possibly be NOT the first TIA? Merely the first to give notable symptoms?

This IS a life threatening vascular disorder and can also lead to Dimentia however with age and time on his side a full recovery is probable but life comes with no guarantees!

May I remind John that life is what gets in the way of your plans (ambitions) and the cemetries are full of young men who would not heed the warnings!

Although John Bufton is an ambitious chap if too weak to stand on his own feet, hence his participation in the sordid support of racism, xenophobia, anti Judaism and sexual intollerance that his membership of Farage's vile EFD Group denotes - One need only look back on his CV to realise he has never seemingly had a consequential job with a high stress level, and as something of an habitual worrier buckling to the bullying of Farage and fear of the claque of parasites that are Farage's praise singers and sycophants it is probable his position has been a contributory factor in his stroke(s).

The life style of an MEP is utterly stupid and when you think I have had a tail on one MEP recently who has slept in 6 different places in 7 days as a part of his job, moving from home to EU, London to constituency etc.

John has virtually relocated from his home and do be minded he uses homes in mid Wales, Weston and on the south coast not to mention Strasbourg and Brussels. Not a sensible life for anyone with common sense, which may explain the low caliber of politicians!

John may have the sense to stand down and nurture his health and go back to the more simple life he led seeking to be all men to all people! However false optimism is likely to preclude such sense! All too often warnings are not heeded and a return to the stress level life of on and off of planes and as has been said in the past of John that Anger Management might help - just as withdrawing from trying to keep pace with the hard drinking and over indulgence of the life of many MEPs would be wise - though unlikely.

All too often people think that strokes are a result of a poor diet and in many instances they are! A bad diet may well be too many lobsters in cream sauce washed down with expensive wine - an EU diet for an MEP funded on the public purse!! 

Let us hope John takes the advice of his doctors and has the maturity to withdraw from the needles stress and foolish life style of his pointless existence in The EU when he could do so much more, so much more effectively seeking to get Britain out of the EU by spreading the word IN BRITAIN as a UKIP MEP rather than a member of the vile EFD posing and posturing in The EU, a pointless existence and a betrayal of britain and UKIP electorate.

It is entirely upto John Bufton whether he chooses to live or is bullied into following down the slippery slope to his early demise.

The choice is yours John - but do take care of yourself as I can imagine nothing more catastrophic for UKIP supporters than your having to stand down on health grounds or worse there is just no one in Farage's party in Wales who would be other than utter disaster as a replacement - they have made absolutely no valid impact in Wales and are without gravitas, competence or ability able only to abuse and insult as a defence of their utter incompetence.

To be fair John was completely out of his depth but sadly he is head and shoulders above the chiff chaff & trash that are UKIP in Wales.

I would hazard a guess that John's son is now about 14, so let us hope John takes care of himself, both for his family and for UKIP supporters like myself.

Good luck John but the choice is yours.


I was reading John Bufton's web site with some interest - here he is addressing the colleagues in The EU Parliament:
seemingly his close colleagues were enthralled!

But taking a wider view of the matter:
No one seems much interested in what he has to say, but then again consider the subject matter which is so pertinent to his remit to campaign to Leave-The-EU - and at the end of the day what on earth is he wittering on this subject about when did he gain knowledge of this was it as a local councillor? 
Perhaps whilst managing a council care home for the elderly 
as a debt collector harassing people who had not paid their TV Licenses!

Is it any wonder no one is listening to his views on The Western Sahara!

When one spots such obvious stupidities from a man costing 100s of £1,000s a year to get Britain to Leave-The-EU, yet fiddling his expenses, as shown by The Daily Mail and Dispatches, making ZERO donations of any consequence to the cause, out carousing as Jack the lad in Brussels and Strasbourg, when clearly he should be in Wales promoting the cause not idiotically show boating in The EU, where he is a complete and utter irrelevance!

It is then when already irritated by the stupidity that one notices details that normally don't matter such as on a salary of around £80K a year he presents with just the one tie and a single suit on each video on his front page.

One feels a need to pick him up and shake him to see if, besides his gabble, he is in fact awake!

It is then that I noticed:
Perhaps someone could wake him up!

King George VI died 06-Feb-1952 aged 56 having been born in 1896 - were he alive today he would be 115.

Minded that John Bufton is a Politician and law maker in place to defend The British Constitution, and regain our Sovereign Independence it surely is incumbent on him since the King died 11 before he was born to not still be seeking donations under The King's Crown!

Yes indeed a detail but just the sort of detail to which our politicians should pay attention long prior to spouting about The Western Sahara, about which I doubt he knows a single thing of consequence!


INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  


much has been made on a couple of political forums of one of the blogs on The Telegraph web site and its reportage masquerading as predicion as with this discussion I am involved in at:


Re: Record UKIP poll ratings

Quote Originally Posted by Streetwalker View Post
After all the recent downers on UKIP here is something to cheer up the faithfull.
Record UKIP poll ratings – only a matter of time before they overtake the Lib Dems – Telegraph Blogs


yes the private blog you quoted was a very good bit of spin.

The LibDim support has rightly collapsed and was doing so at the General Election but they were brought into the boy kings ridiculous coalescence of oil and water, which has clearly produced little more than froth.

As for the details quoted in the blog they are in fact wrong - do read the You Gov Poll itself and you will find the blogger misquotes it.

Almost 18 years since UKIP launched is it really considered an achievement of merit when out of some 19,500 varied seats to which politicians can be elected in these United Kingdoms UKIP has less than 30.

Including MEPs elected not on merit, not on ability, not on competence, not on integrity but by Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher promoting The BNP at every opportunity and capitalising of the grossly misleading media coverage of Westminster MPs' secondary allowances and a handfull of individuals abusing the trust.

The LibDims are indeed in collapse and UKIP may well capitalise on this but with not a single aspirant of any gravitas, competence or integrity in a party bereft of leadership, without vision, strategy or tactics and with a clear reputation of childish stunts, lack of structure and some of the most unpleasant liars, cheats and scheisters in British politics with no stable funding!

Then of course UKIP is held back by both its overt and its covert participation and support of racism, xenophobia, anti Judaism, sexual intollerance and criminal behaviour and violence.

Is it any wonder that UKIP are not within a sniff, let alone striking distance, of gaining the respect of the British electorate in a Westminster election with the hope of getting an MP elected.

Consider the last by election: UKIP dumped their local candidate and parachuted into a Manchester region constituency at Oldham & Saddlebrook a comic book clown from the pubs of Liverpool to mumble his way unintelligibly through his speech opportunities.

Paul Nuttall as Nigel Farage's placed puppet Chairman of UKIP or is it Farage's other puppet Steve Crowther who is chairman or the ridiculous Lisa Duffy (oh of course his puppet CEO!) - is it any reason that despite a spend of over £50K relative to a probable £1-2K in the GE yet his achievements were catastrophic at the cost.

You will have noted that Farage's party in the by election did not even aim for election, nor to make a step to Leave-The-EU and its most notable behaviour was a pub crawl with the aim of displacing The BNP as the stated aim!

As a long term UKIP supporter I find it sad that the blogger you quote was inventing his evidence and sadly was plain wrong, as is clear from the facts.

Unlike many of the parasites surrounding the Farage leadership I have a very clear vision, potential strategies and many tactics but Farage's antics will ensure UKIP is seen for what it is and the blogger quoted will never see their prediction come true.

Also unlike many of the salaried praise singers of Farage leadership I have no need to roll in the gutter with distortion and lies - nor ad hominem attacks of supporters, the facts of the message are much more consequential than the messengers.

How do YOU suggest UKIP is cleaned up to actually make it electable rather than just a minority default vote?


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

I gather from a contact in The EU parliament that Nikki Sinclaire has been approached and offered a huge honour as a first term MEP - she has I understand accepted.

In the light of this I thought it appropriate to see if I could check out why only one British MEP was approached.

I gather that one huge plus point was that Nikki Sinclaire had had the integrity and courage to take a firm stance against racism, anti Judaism and sexual intollerance. Her prodigious workload minded that it was she who has fronted the campaign against unlawful Gypsy settlement particularly in her constituency of Meridan - a campaign that was the primary reason she made a point of standing in the General Election where having been betrayed by the lies of Malcolm Pearson and the duplicity and bullying of Farage, who saw his income stream as under threat within his vile EFD Group.

It was essential for Nikki Sinclaire as an honourable member of UKIP to maintain her presence for her constituents as an MEP elected by her voters for her UKIP principles - that she had been betrayed by the duplicity and dishonesty of a member of staff who had seemingly not just mismanaged her accounts from a position of trust but had both stolen money and for all his tears was unconvincing.

That Jon Paul Ison quit her service under a cloud was of little help nor was the pile of missing documents he boasted of to a chum, who he later betrayed circulating unfounded phone messages and scurrilous 'e'Mails in return for which one can ponder which post he was seeking whether working with his close friend:
 He would have done well in Farage's Party Allcock however failed to campaign for Jon Ison and got nowhere as a PPC.

Notably despite the betrayal of Nikki both by Malcom Pearson as titular leader and the abuse of the actual leader Farage and then having been betrayed by her own staff we note now that Jon Ison has licked adequate boots to be tolerated in Farage's party though I would doubt he would be welcome by honourable UKIP supporters like Mike Nattrass & Nikki Sinclaire who have ethics and refuse to associate and assist racists, anti Judaism and violence.

A measure of just how debased Farage's party is Jon Ison was appointed as a member of The Disciplinary Committee having not even applied - the position was it seems in the gift of Paul Nuttall - that is the degree to which Farage's party has become debased but then again with liars and frauds like Mick McGough on the NEC, liars and fantasists by the proven corrupt Douglas Denny still tollerated on the NEC and pond life like Gawain Towler and Mark Croucher befouling their media relations with I understand the odious foul mouthed slut Annabelle Fuller still hovering around on FaceBook and elsewhere for Farage.

Is there ANYONE in Farage's leadership and salaried claque of praise singers anyone in their right mind would want to employ? I can think of not one. The MEPs and NEC are without exception untrustworthy.

It would seem I am not alone in this belief in the light of the work load Sinclaire is getting relative to when she was in Farage's group!

As I said above I had someone check out what she had been upto this week - obviously being unable to ask her outright it was difficult and we may have missed out on some items.

Here are some of the work items she has done not neccessarity in order:

Fly to Brussels to attend a committee meeting

Fly back for a meeting with a national Asian newsagency

Meeting at The MMoD with General Sir David Richards for a detailed and confidential briefing relative to Afghanistan and military commitments.

Full afternoon meeting with her Solicitors and Barrister relative to the employment tribunal she won & High Court case.

Visit Constituency Office

Meeting re Petition for an EU Referendum

Return to Brussels and meet up with Major National journalist team.

Attend Human Rights meeting.

Publication of article in EU Reporter after research on Spanish CLICK HERE

Attend committee re Tunisia

Holocaust Day memorial service.

Further meetings with journalists.

Fly back to UK & drive to constituency.

Meeting with Amnesty Int. scheduled

Brief visit to Meriden re unlawful gypsy encampment laterly meeting the attention of Caroline Spellman with whom a week ago Sinclaire shared key note status at a conference.

I'm sure there was more but this is what I have tracked down!

The key note of the week in my opinion is the fact that Nikki Sinclaire has received the honour of being asked to attend and assist as a member of a 9 man mission to Tunisia on behalf of The EU.

Sinclaire was the only British MEP asked as a result of her work on the Human Rights Committee and her work with Women's groups and her increased credibility as an Independent UKIP MEP distanced from Farage and the extremist EFD he chairs.

I gather the advisory group will be in Tunisia from Thursday to Sunday this coming week where the aim is to meet the various parties and groups on all sides and report back to report on their observations ascertaining as much as possible with the support of the EU Secretariat. Sinclaire's role is particularly relevant in terms of human rights and reportage to journalists relevant to the journalists she is scheduled to meet in Tunis.

Sinclaire's particular relevance now that she is seen as an honest UKIP MEP is important having been invited as the EU will tend to seek to subsume Tunisia in embrouillment with The EU in the manner of its democracy - Sinclaire can do much to ensure that Tunisia is well aware that in adopting and nurturing democracy the only way it can make any sense of democracy is by vererating and respecting their own Sovereignty - a situation denied Britain.

Having taken part at this stage as an honoured guest there is every possibility that she can count on a key role in the supervision of the election and can show the obscene damage done to Britain by our being subsumed as vassals of The EU. We may thus derive benefit when the time comes for us to leave The EU as friends are always of value and the next potential friend is Egypt who will almost inevitably seek supervision to stabilise their volatile hoards.

Sinclaire's personal experience organising The Petition since she drew up the concept just after Easter last year will stand her in good stead in terms of organisational skills and structure.

As for knowledge of Tunisia perhaps she could approach Caroline Flint as you may remember that Caroline Flint married a Tunisian waiter whilst on holiday there some years later - I understand two children later Caroline Flint divorced her Tunisian husband and I'm sure her status as an MP and the fact she had moved in with another must surely have had no bearing on her ex husband's deportation!!

I'm sure Ms. Flint could give many tips on Tunisian society and I have my doubts that Sinclaire would be likely to marry a waiter in the hotel! Marrying the waiter might have seemed unwise at the time but Anglo Tunisian relations can hardly be seen as helped when it transpired when Ms. Flint was a minister that the man she deported was the son of a Tunisian Minister!

I doubt Sinclaire would walk into such a honey trap!

CONGRATULATIONS Sinclaire that you were invited to such a position rather than put yourself forward - that you were selected speaks volumes of the status she can now build liberated from the racism, extremism, anti Judaism etc. that are endemic in Farage's party see CLICK HERE.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Friday, 28 January 2011

#0264* - UKIP MEP - In The Media - Spain Ordered To Recover Taxes

#0264* - UKIP MEP - In The Media - Spain Ordered To Recover Taxes!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP MEP Nikki SINCLAIRE - In The Media - The EUReporter:
Spain Ordered To Recover Taxes!!


Spain Ordered To Recover Taxes

Thursday 27 January 2011By Nikki Sinclaire MEP
Spain Ordered To Recover Taxes
The Commission has requested that Spain abolishes a 2002 provision in its corporate tax law that allows Spanish companies to amortise 'financial goodwill' following acquisitions of shareholdings in companies in third countries. 

The Spanish provision allows for the amortisation of the financial value of goodwill (the difference between the cost of the shares and the market value of the target company's assets) in the acquisition of shareholdings in foreign companies. This is a clear exception from the general Spanish tax legislation. The provision, which effectively amounts to state aid, is illegal under EU rules. It allows for the writing-off over a period of time of the financial value of goodwill: it is in effect the granting of state aid in order to assist Spanish companies to acquire assets outside of the EU. 

The Commission began its investigations into the matter in 2007, and in 2009 confirmed the illegality of the practice. Spain is now being asked not only to repeal the legislation, but also to recover the aid granted since 2007. Acquisitions in China and India will be excepted, as obstacles present in those countries do, Spain has successfully argued, justify aid. The question of state aid remains problematic, as some EU member states continue to seek loopholes whereby they give unfair advantages to their own industries.

To view the original article CLICK HERE
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Thursday, 27 January 2011

#0263* - UKIP - The Chingford POLE CAT Fingers Mytrle HANNAN & Rose CARSWELL

#0263* - The Chingford POLE CAT Fingers Mytrle HANNAN & Rose CARSWELL!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
The Chingford POLE CAT Fingers Mytrle HANNAN & Rose CARSWELL!
Were he so smart no Prince would he make!



25-Jan-2011 - The Chingford POLE CAT Fingers Mytrle HANNAN & Rose CARSWELL

or so it would very much seem - could they be so stupid in pursuit of their own inflated egos?

Surely neither Hannan nor Carswell would put their own egos before their Country but to be fair they do rather find themselves in political culdesacks in career terms. 

One has to wonder to what extent reinvention of himself as Myrtle may suit Hannan and might Carsdale be a foil in Britain wedded to the idea of Rose to Hannan's continental Myrtle - each in their own way trying to breath life into their stalled careers the one in Westminster whilst the other acts as the Judas Goat in Brussels alongside the likes of Farage and any other flotsam he can pick up for as you will recall David Bannerman was all too willing to prostitute himself to get back into bed with the Tories - well any Tory I hear.

I believe that you will find the balance of this article gets interestinger and intererstinger at:
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
& Clearly Farage is not without humour all be it he is without manners or leadership skills!



Such a pity that Nigel Farage leader of The EFD in The EU and UKIP when in Britain behaved like an ill mannered schoolboy in his speech attacking the whey faced non entity van Rumpoy that has gained such notoriety and for which he was rightly called to account.

It is particularly sad that his words regarding von Rumpuy were so very true yet despite Farage's well displayed competence as a speaker and his obvious humour he so demeaned Britain by his behaviour at the time as do a number of his parasites in The EFD/UKIP on a regular basis with their outspoken support for racism, anti Judaism and sexual intollerance which they financially aid.

UKIP's associates in the EU in Farage's EFD make the posturings of The BNP (which seems on the verge of implosion despite UKIP help) seem pretty tame.

Here is Farage at his best in humour terms:
UKIP: Twit-twhoo are you, Mr van Rompuy?

From the official website:

Herman van Rompuy's Twitter efforts brought a wry smile to the face of UKIP Leader Nigel Farage.

The European Council president, tweeted a haiku:

"In the dead of night/an owl's hoot echoes in the void. / Hardly a soul listens.

Mr Farage said in response: "Hermann Van Rompuy has just tweeted the world's shortest autobiography.

"When I read it, I immediately thought, 'Just like you old boy'. Van Rompuy IS a hoot... and no-one listens.
His plans to save the Euro in its present form are like a hoot before the raging bull of the financial markets. Totally useless.

"I see that German support for the EU has fallen to an all-time low and only 4 per cent of Germans know who Herman Van Rompuy is.

"I am sure, if it had not been for my speech last year, only 2 per cent of the people would know of him. I did the man a huge favour... for which they fined me.

"Last February, I told van Rompuy 'No-one ever heard of you. Who are you?' It appears I was right."
Would that UKIP concentrated on the job for which they were elected eg. campaigning to get Britain out of The EU rather than making fools of themselves stuffing their pockets on the gravy train and supporting and other extremists.

It is astonishing that after 17 years UKIP has merely capitalised on the corruption of MPs as perceived - has only 2 MEPs left who reject extremism (Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki Sinclaire MEP) and has only 14 elected Councillors out of some 19,500 available elected seats!

As a long term supporter of UKIP I find this a tragic betrayal of the aims and principles of the members at large by the self serving leadership and its salaried praise singers.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Tuesday, 25 January 2011

#0261* - 25-Jan-2011 Roger HELMER MEP Stands Down as Chairman of TFA

#0000* - TITLE! .
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! .
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! .
Picture of Roger Helmer MEP, speaking at the M...Image via WikipediaRoger Helmer in BarsAlona!!! ~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~


for the record Roger HELMER MEP has stood down as Chairman of The Freedom to bring yourself up to date CLICK HERE 

May I add my congratulations to the new Chairman on his appointment - let us hope he can raise the stature of TFA to its former glory under Norris McWhirter 
I have a number of very fond memories of Norris having shared a platform with him on several occasions and I particularly remember phoning him to ask for help when I obtained a half hour slot on ITV and a day to film it in with a full crew. Without a murmur or condition Norris lept in his car and we spent the day together discussing how best I could get across opposition to membership of The EU and explaining the obscene costs (he was ever ready with a prompt, a nugget or hard facts).

Norris was a delight and declined the opportunity to 'take over'.

The TFA was then so sadly politicised after his death in April 2004 whilst playing tennis in his 79th. year - when the untrustworthy Christopher Gill was appointed and tried to make it a vehicle for UKIP which proved catastrophic.

I am sure the new Chairman, a man of honour and a commanding economic grasp of the damage done to Britain by membership of the EU, he will do much to raise the profile of this organisation and its magazine.

Well they are off to a relatively good start in broadening its horizons as the latest version of the magazine that is just out has the following article in it by Niall Warry, formerly Chairman of UKIP Wales and then UKIP Cheltenham Chairman but unable to see UKIP Cleaned-Up and chose to disassociate himself not wanting to have his name befouled by association with corruption - CLICK HERE

Here is Niall Warry's article:
To read the article try double clicking the pic above and with luck you can size it to read it.

Failing that I will put it on and I will try to put the text on the site under Niall Warry's section within the next few days.

Well done Niall this was a good piece of thinking outside the box and making clear the aims of
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance as registered with The Electoral Commission as an Alliance having stipulated it is NOT a party in the accepted application.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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