We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Sunday 16 January 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 



sorry I have been a tad remiss in keeping you up to date with UKIP events and the idiocy of those pretending to lead it and their parasites - it does take a fair amount longer to ensure the facts I provide are reliable than just scrawling any old defamatory statement as do the clearly anti homosexual and VERY Common man or the vituperative and dishonest Skeptyk. Even the fantasies of Douglas Denny are easy to write as it is just his imagination.

With a blog like this one it is important to strive to be honest and accurate and if for no other reason than I use my own name I must do my honest best to be accurate - hence NEVER have I been asked to make a major material correction on something I have written, nor have I ever had to apologise for getting anything of consequence wrong.

It is not easy to check many of the facts without revealing the many sources I have who supply information in the hope of cleaning-up UKIP to make it electable and to expose the dishonesty, corruption and incompetence of UKIP leadership and its self serving parasites. 

Fortunately to date I have NEVER got a fact of consequence wrong and this blog has proved 100% reliable. For all the lies and clamouring of the pond life and parasdites of UKIP leadership this blog and Caterpillars & Butterflies before it and the very many links and references in text and in the right sidebar have been an accurate source of information on UKIP over a number of years.

Hence I presume it is so consistently read for source material by the media and those who are serious about cleaning-up UKIP to make it electable.

We have all seen just how unelectable UKIP is under its present leadership as shown by the risible results at Oldham East & Saddleworth which was a complete and utter waste of political time and UKIP funding.

Output has been a bit down recently for which I apologise as health and computer have been playing up a bit and my Mother's sister is on the verge of death at 96 so my cousin is here from Germany etc. etc. Plus a friend has been having problems with a stalker called Peter Harris, from Wollaston, which I am helping to solve with the Police

Also the Hollie Greig case may well find the criminally irresponsible Robert Green in Court shortly despite the posturing and dishonesty of the idiotic Matt Quinn, David Icke, Brian Gerrish, Ian McFerron, George McKendrick and others.

It does look as if Justice in that case is gathering speed and all those who have been so clearly defamed by the low lifes in support of Green, regardless of the facts, in misguided protection of paedophelia at large, will be exhonorated when it is made clear in a Court that there is absolutely no admissible valid evidence to indicate Hollie Greig was EVER sexually abused in Aberdeen by those Robert Green & StuartUsher, Peter Eyer and others, still to this day name without any valid evidence.

Also you may be interested in the efforts of and the articles promised in next week and the week after's Sunday Press regarding corruption that I have been involved with and the continuing saga of the corrupt Courts and forced adoption as shown on: 

In passing Nikki Sinclaire was excellent on Radio 5 Live so I did a bit of digging today and I found she was the Key Note Speaker with Caroline Spellman in yesterdays major conference of Planning Law in Relation to Travellers. Nikki's points on there should be no discrimination be it positive or negative and that discrimination is wrong were very valid and in my opinion go way beyond planning!

I'll try to find more about this Official Conference and publish it later in the week if it will help. (any details would be appreciated).

Tycoon Wheeler may still vote Tory even after becoming Ukip treasurer

Stuart Wheeler
Gambling tycoon Stuart Wheeler says he may still vote Conservative despite becoming the new treasurer of the UK Independence Party.
The millionaire businessman, who lives at Chilham Castle, near Canterbury, was expelled by the Tories in 2009 for giving £100,000 to their Euro-sceptic opponents, who he now hopes to raise even more money for Ukip in an official capacity.
However, Mr Wheeler said he would only vote Conservative in future local and general elections if there were no Ukip candidates standing in his constituency.
His current political stance is far removed from his position of 11 years ago when he handed over £5 million to the William Hague-led Tories – the largest ever donation to a political party.
"I’ve always been very strongly opposed to our relationship with the EU," said Mr Wheeler. "And over the last year I’ve gradually come to realise that the EU is unreformable, and also the Conservative Party is going to do precious little about it.
"The right thing for the country to do is to leave Europe, and that is the main aim of Ukip. If you think like me then there’s no other party you can join, unless you’re a racist and want to sign up to the BNP.
"I’m now going to be very much a supporter and member of Ukip, and as long as Ukip candidates are standing in my area then I will vote for them.
"If they’re not then I’m more inclined to vote Conservative than anyone else, but I’m still unhappy with the party and its stance on the EU in particular."
Mr Wheeler made his first donation to Ukip in March, 2009, just months after Marta Andreasen – the controversial former chief accountant of the European Commission – was unveiled as the party’s new treasurer. However, she quit Ukip later that year, claiming she disagreed with how it was being managed at chairmanship level.
Mr Wheeler had also previously told KoS he did not want to join Ukip because there were "some internal rumblings there that I would not want to get involved in".
When asked about those comments this week, Mr Wheeler said he had put his previous concerns about the party behind him.
"As far as my job is concerned it doesn’t really matter what decisions were made in the past," he said. "People still say this, that and the other to me about the party, but part of the basis of my appointment was that I should be allowed to investigate any issues that may arise regarding its finances.
"The party is clear that everything should be more out in the open in future."
Mr Wheeler, who made his fortune as the founder of the IG Index spread-betting firm, launched his own party – Trust – and unsuccessfully ran for Parliament in Bexhill and Battle at the last general election.
He told KoS he would have discussions with the party’s supporters between now and March 1, when he officially joins Ukip, about what will happen to the organisation.
In the meantime Mr Wheeler is looking forward to teaming up with Ukip leader and fellow Kent resident Nigel Farage, who was born in Bromley but now lives in Westerham, near Sevenoaks.
"I get on extremely well with Nigel, as I do with executive chairman Steve Crowther, who will effectively run the party while Nigel is in Europe," he said.
"I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve seen so far."
To view the original article CLICK HERE

Interesting on the same day this was published one of UKIP's knee jerk fans who have done such harm to UKIP over the years came out with this comment about UKIP viz a viz Stuart Wheeler:

Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Lotsov View Post
Now Stuart Wheeler is in charge of the money it will mean a big step jump in probity as far as finances are concerned.
An apposite riposte might have been that of another poster in the style of 'Mrs. Merton':
And what part of his wealth was it that convinced you he was a good friend'?
A comment largely apposite because you will by now have noted somewhere, if not his comment in the press above:
"I’m now going to be very much a supporter and member of Ukip, and as long as Ukip candidates are standing in my area then I will vote for them.
"If they’re not then I’m more inclined to vote Conservative than anyone else, but I’m still unhappy with the party and its stance on the EU in particular."
One wonders if he will, like his Old Etonian chum The Lunchtime Lord Malcolm Pearson, be out campaigning for The Tories in elections, in totally unprincipled betrayal of UKIP members but no doubt based on an in depthy contempt for the sqabbling MEPs, leadership and parasites and their racist, anti Jewish and sexually intollerant behaviour.

However in Pearson's case the racism rides high it would seem to judge by the articles regarding him and his status as a racist in his own right supporting Zionism with its anti Palestinian stance and criminal behaviour through Mossad and its support for the terrorist forces of The IDF and the international criminality of their attitude to Nuclear Arms agreement!

Barbara Booker has as ever made a most prescient remark! Relative to the UKIP supporting village idiot Baron von Lotsov (quoted above) whose mantras, jingo and naiivity all too readily explain why he is ashamed to put his real name to his comments just as Skeptyk due to a clearly vile and untrustworthy personality and being the dishonest mouthpiece of others is too ashamed to put their name to comments!

Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Lotsov View Post
Now Stuart Wheeler is in charge of the money it will mean a big step jump in probity as far as finances are concerned.
Barbara Booker's comment was:
That's what we were told when Marta Andreasen became treasurer. UKIP statement, 8 October 2007:

Mr Farage said he was "delighted" that Mrs Andreasen had taken up the position. "I hope her appointment will restore faith in the financial security and propriety of the party, which due to recent circumstances has not been as good as it could have been," he said.

If Nigel Farage's hope then had been realised, there would not now be any need to brush aside the current treasurer in order to bring in another outsider. Stuart Wheeler's comment on the crucial nature of the party's financial management would have been superfluous.

As it is, the impression has been created that a wealthy donor has so little faith in UKIP's financial management that he insists on controlling the party purse strings before untying his own again. It is, after all, more usual to join a party first as an ordinary member before being promoted to a position of responsibility. Not come straight in as treasurer when there is no vacancy for that position.

Baron von Lotsov apparently shares this concern, since he sees room for "a big step jump" in financial probity.

Is it that you consider probity to have plunged under Mark Wadsworth's treasurership, Baron?

Or just that with Nigel Farage as leader again you think probity could do with all the help it can get?
Possibly the most apposite part of the comment relative to probity was:
Mr Farage said he was "delighted" that Mrs Andreasen had taken up the position. "I hope her appointment will restore faith in the financial security and propriety of the party, which due to recent circumstances has not been as good as it could have been," he said.
It is entirely reasonable to ask whether Nigel Farage appointed this utterly dishonest and untrustworthy woman out of stupidity or out of incompetence - One need only realise that she was happy to be dependent on corruption to gain her place on the two MEP selection lists, as shown in detailed facts if you CLICK HERE and that she is without morality, probity or ethics when one reads her dishonest track record for instance CLICK HERE or HERE

One will note Andreasen, having through dishonesty achieved her aim of a highly paid non job in The EU as an MEP wasted no time in quitting any responsible position in UKIP and seems since to have spent much time publishing and promoting her self serving novella with visits to her home in Barcelona as a Spanish citizen and with little command of British matters as she openly campaigns in favour of EU membership and change when the electorate of UKIP, who were dishonestly duped to vote for her, actively sought to leave the EU.

As a very long term supporter of UKIP I am forced to wonder if UKIP has any real future or is it forever to be the enrichment vehicle of low lifes and chavs and the plaything of one rich gambler after another.

Is it any wonder it has no vision, no strategy, no tactics, no probity and no one trusts these spivs and clowns as shown by the catastrophic results in the last General election with 3.01% of the vote - a position clearly repeated in Oldham East & Saddleworth when despite fielding the deputy spiv. these know nothing fools only just pipped The BNP and with a mere 2 thousand votes it looks as if they achieved their aim with 50 votes more than The BNP at a cost of about £160 per vote!

UKIP members are desperate for good news and even clutch at the straws of a blog in the Telegraph!
A Journalist writes that The Tories fear UKIP at the next EU election - one can not for a moment think why as even if UKIP won every single UK seat in The EU it would make no more difference than the irrelevancy they have proved to date.

It sounds extreme but think for a moment what a main plank of UKIP belief is - There is no democracy in The EU, The EU Parliament is irrelevant, The EU should have no power.

Well UKIP has proved there is no democracy in the EU they can not even organise honest democratic internal elections and we now have the utterly shameful farce of 3 liars in the Eastern Region being the panel of probity to select candidates for UKIP. You couldn't make it up - there is Lisa Duffy taking a break from shelf stacking and raising several families who has a proven track record of dishonesty - You will note she was admonished for her implausible dishonesty in a British Court having lied under oath.
Then we have the crook and scoundrel Andrew Smith who failed woefully to keep competent accounts during his period as treasurer for UKIP and when confronted with a qualified accountant, qualified Banker and qualified Chartered Accountant fully qualified as a Financial Adviser he legged it at speed leaving Alan Bown to try to mount an appologia for the dishonest mess - You will recall it was Andrew Smith and his utter incompetence which led to UKIP being found guilty in the Courts when prosecuted by the Crown for breech of electoral Law, a charge and verdict which stand to this day!

Then we have the blustering ill mannered and bullying oaf the liar and cheat Mike McGough - who lied and cheated to try to gain personal advantage against his UKIP colleagues - the odious little creep who leaks confidential correspondence and would cross the Country to talk tediously about himself.

This is clearly the best UKIP can muster by way of probity yet they want voters to elect them!

UKIP is utterly dishonourable under its present leadership and however many £Millions Stuart Wheeler pours into the bucket it is a total waste as the bucket is riddled with holes.

If Stuart Wheeler wishes to achieve something with his money to improve UKIP he could start out by an apology to Nikki9 Sinclaire with a large amount of compensation on the understanding she would invest the money received in The Petition to have an EU Referendum and causes in her own constituency having been reinstated as an OFFICIAL Independent UKIP member and MEP.

Secondly start to remove the criminal element in UKIP - the liars, the cheats and the self enrichers.

Thirdly remove the likes of Douglas Denny, Mike McGough, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Malcolm Wood, Stuart Parr, Annabelle Fuller, Marta Andreasen, Stuart Agnew, David Bannerman and the other liars and low lifes who have defamed UKIP by their presence.

Fourthly withdraw from membership of the vile racist, anti Jewish EFD aned sit in dignity ONLY minded of research for membership distribution to raise the new Cleaned-up UKIP's profile to give just some sort of chance in UK elections.

Fifthly you might go some way to convince me if you were to settle the £12.1/2K bill UKIP is morally liable to me for having incurred me with their dishonesty & corruption as displayed by Mark Croucher in their employ and both Clive Page & Paul Nuttall who acted for him for the Courts and were found against.

Sixthly to convince others it would be wise to offer a reasonable sum and the right to rejoin UKIP to John West, by way of compensation for the vile behaviour, the lies and bullying he has received from filth like Mike McGough, Peter Reeve, The NEC, Annabelle Fuller, George Curtis, Stuart Gulleford, Jonathan Arnott and their odious ilk.

Seventhly issue an unequivocal apology from UKIP's leadership for their reprehensible actions in seeking to cover-up the criminality of Tom Wise including the lies and dishonesty of Nigel Farage, Douglas Denny, Trevor Colman and others with named apologies to all who can show they tried to enforce honesty on these corrupt individuals.

There are clearly other aspects that need addressing - as Stuart Wheeler himself has said:
Mr Wheeler had also previously told KoS he did not want to join Ukip because there were "some internal rumblings there that I would not want to get involved in".
When asked about those comments this week, Mr Wheeler said he had put his previous concerns about the party behind him.
"As far as my job is concerned it doesn’t really matter what decisions were made in the past," he said. "People still say this, that and the other to me about the party, but part of the basis of my appointment was that I should be allowed to investigate any issues that may arise regarding its finances.
"The party is clear that everything should be more out in the open in future."
Let us see if Stuarty Wheeler is an honest man and to be trusted as he has clearly implied here that he is aware of the corruption and can be counted on to provide a forensic accounting of the past in UKIP to ensure transparency and that those who have stolen money are brought to book - failure to do this, in the light of his words would indicate that although he is aware of the corruption he is quite happy to collude in it and cares not if his new plaything is built on failed foundations as he has no interest in integrity, ethics or morality - however don't be surprised if that is the case as he is after all an Old Etonian!!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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