We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

#0134* - Nick HOGAN Publican - Has Sadly Had A Stroke TOO YOUNG!

#0134* - Nick HOGAN Publican - Has Sadly Had A Stroke TOO YOUNG!

Sad news.

by Anna Raccoon on September 28, 2010
Nick Hogan
the publican jailed for allowing smoking on his premises, who was freed by the goodwill of the blogosphere, has just phoned me – with great difficulty.
He has suffered a stroke and has to retire from active politics – we were due to meet up again in Brussels next month at the European Commission.
His indefatigable energy and enthusiasm in highlighting the essential unfairness of the anti-smoking legislation will be much missed. As will his boundless enthusiasm for promoting the UKIP party. Nick and I could never agree on politics, and he never made any headway in seducing me to the cause of UKIP – but it didn’t stop him trying at every opportunity!
I am glad he has decided to put his health and his marriage to Denise first, and devote his time to recovering his health; that is as it should be. Politics is important, but not more important than health and family.
I wish him and Denise well, as I’m sure we all do, and hope that the many causes and people he has supported in the past will give him the space in which to recover and lick his wounds – rather than to be always on the end of a telephone willing to help anyone who asked.
Fortunately the Doctors seem to have treated him in time, and with peace and rest he should make a full recovery – he is still such a young man, I am sure he will do.
If anyone wants to pass on messages of good luck and goodwill, then e-mail me at and I will pass them onto Denise – Nick’s doughty gatekeeper, co-publican, friend and now nurse – as ever.

Read more: CLICK HERE
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


With Others Including Paul Nuttall, Dan Hannan, Roger Helmer,
The Better Off Out Group & Many More RIGHT ACROSS BRITAIN!


here is a video I found on YouTube of a radio interview of Nikki Sinclaire MEP doing the job UKIP MEPs were elected to do - she has just taken 30 residents of her constituency to the EU Parliament to protest for their Human Rights stolen by membership of The EU.

You will also hear details of The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum she has rolled out right across Britain already despite endless cowardly and dishonest attacks by the dog in the manger brigade masquerading as 'leadership' and its parasites in UKIP - ashamed at being exposed by her integrity that refused to collude with racists, extremists, thugs and anti Jewish political trash just to put money in a couple of peoples' pockets.

Nikki Sinclaire refused to sit with the corrupt EFD in the EU Parliament and for that she was lied to, lied about and betrayed by UKIP's leader and the nere do well garbage that has been placed on the party NEC.

Sinclaire not only stood her ground but left UKIP to mud wrestle in its gutter whilst she got on with the job she was elected to do.

If you are a Patriot and want more details, links and  ideas how YOU can actively campaign for these United Kingdoms CLICK HERE 

A fully fledged cross party initiative where already UKIP is fielding 3 MEPs one Independent, Where Tories, Trades Unions, Labour politicians and many organisations are co-operating for the sake of Democracy and the peoples of these United Kingdoms - You can help if you have a genuine Patriotic interest in Democracy.

All we ask is that you act like a mature adult and leave your tiny minded egos behind for the sake of Britain and our future.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Tuesday, 28 September 2010



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!


I note with interest that Godfrey Bloom was officially reported to Inquisitors or Questors or whatever the EU Gestapo are called along with the racist, anti Jewish, pro EU & Lisbon PR expert of The EFD who was with Nigel Farage at The Reinbeckhalle in Berlin promoting Pan EU co-operation The EFD Group Press Officer Hermann Kelly.

Hermann Kelly has, so I am informed, a tendency to bully his way into intimidating people by threatening them and reminding them of his close association with some of the more vile elements of the Irish criminal world who risibly pretend to be carrying out a political struggle as they murder, torture and rob their way to wealth and power - criminal gangs running protection rackets, benefits frauds, taxi companies and tender allocation when not merely carrying out robberies or being paid for assassinations!

Just the sort of associate UKIP so needs in view of its collusion with the racist, xenophobic, violent and anti Jewish EFD for provenance and details with sources and examples CLICK HERE

I gather Godfrey Bloom was reported to The President of the European parliament Jerzy Buzek for inapropriate behaviour and as he is a British MEP no doubt details will be with Macmillan-Scott.

Bloom may be a drinking chum of Farage's and may well have supporters amongst some of the young oik movement in UKIP where to see a figure of authority behaving like an out of control juvenile delinquent amuses fools is sadly all too common.

One need only look at the support letters on Farage's web site for leaderrship with the number of youngsters impressed with him and the dirth of adults - a man amongst boys and a boy amongst men. But performers so often are as they adopt a 'sympathuise with me' sales approach that cuts so little ice with grown ups!

Just how demeaned must UKIP be to take disciplinary action against the snivelling oiks like Bloom, McTrough, Agnew, Bannerman, Croucher, Denny, Reeve, Duffy, and the like? AND of course Farage despite his values as a performer, albeit an out of control performer who rates his personal performance above both the play, the theater and even the audience and sponsors!

Surely it is time to bring these ghastly people before disciplinary hearings as they so demean the party.

To see Peter Reeve, Steve Crowther traipsing along with the ridiculous Malcolm Pearson to deliver Farage's blessings as emissaries to negotiate with The EDP, The Christian Party and others to do deals and form electoral pacts - no doubt similar to Croucher and Farage doing so much to raise the profile of The BNP such that The BNP managed to have 2 MEPs elected - but since when could anyone describe Mark Croucher as honourable as he has been consistent gutter sweepings demeaning UKIP yet with a hold over Farage that seems to give him imunity from morality, honour or ethics.

Now yet again we have the childish nay even senile Godfrey Bloom again bringing UKIP into disrepute with his behaviour!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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#0130* - ** THE PETITION & Nikki SINCLAIRE in The EVESHAM JOURNAL 26-Sep-2010

#0130* - ** THE PETITION & Nikki SINCLAIRE in The EVESHAM JOURNAL 26-Sep-2010


Residents can have their say when Battle bus arrives
9:00am Sunday 26th September 2010

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WEST Midlands’ MEP, Nikki Sinclaire, is bringing her ‘Have Your Say’ Battle Bus to Worcester on Friday, October 1.

Her aim is to get 100,000 signatures for her petition to demand a referendum which would give British people the chance to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to being part of the European Union. She plans to visit 50 locations across the West Midlands by the end of February 2011 to rally support.

Anyone under the age of 53 has never had the chance to vote on this issue, which Nikki believes is wrong. The last time the UK held a referendum on the Common Market, at it was then known, was in 1975.

Despite the fact that, if successful, the campaign outcome could put her out of a job, Nikki thinks people should decide whether it is right that: The UK contributes £45 million a day to the EU – that’s £16,425,000,000 each year 75% of our UK laws are decided by the EU yet the UK has only 72 of the 736 MEPs in the EU Parliament Each day we buy £5 million more from EU countries then they buy from us Nikki Sinclaire and her Battle Bus will be at Tesco’s in St Peter’s Drive, Worcester from 10am to 3pm on Friday, October 1. As well as encouraging people to sign the petition, she’ll also be on hand to listen to people’s concerns, answer their questions and encourage them to take back control of their own country.

Nikki said: “I was elected to say NO to the EU and now I am giving the electorate a chance to have their say. This argument has gone on far too long - for the sake of our country, we need this issue settled once and for all”.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

What many people have not yet realised is that due to cereful negotiation AND ENTHUSIASM for the concept TESCO have given THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM free use of their car parks to distribute leaflets for THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM well done and Thank You TESCO.
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 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Monday, 27 September 2010

#0129* - UKIP + EFD = Fully Funded EUthenasia for UKIP. EUkip REBORN!

#0129* - UKIP + EFD = Fully Funded EUthenasia for UKIP. EUkip REBORN!

Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

UKIP + EFD = Fully Funded EUthenasia for UKIP. 


Recently you will have seen cautionary information regarding UKIP being duped regarding Pan EU Political Parties and selling out their principles and Steve Allison whom this blog cautioned against as Farage's man in disguise re. the NEC Election as with Mick McTrough, Elizabeth Burton and others whose presence on the NEC as puppets and muppets brings UKIP into disrepute.

We also cautioned regarding Steve Allison as inappropriate as Campaign Manager for Tim Congdon's leadership bid.

Older, Wiser, Sadder
Position in UKIP: NEC member 2010 - 2013
UKIP Branch: Sedgefield
Full Name: Steve Allison
Posts: 252
How very apposite - I wonder howmany other people will be Older, Wiser & Sadder having permitted people like McTrough, Duffy, Denny, Allison, Williams, Curtis, Clark, Burton, Batten, Smith, Croucher, Wood (Malcol), Andreasen seize control to ensure it remains the Farage Fan Club at the cost of UKIP Principles, values, manners and ethics.

For those who wish to know the facts and avoid the spin you may care to commence, before reading on, to CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE and HERE and also HERE 

I am heavily reliant for quotes below on Wikipedia which I show in Green, for Barbara Booker aka Barboo which I show in blue, any comments by UKIP members I show in purple - I hope this makes the post easier to follow.

In consideration of UKIP forming a Pan EU Political Party as The EFD or similar - which, particularly in the light of Derek Clark's betrayal of Britain and Andreasen's disinterest in Britain working for Spain and herself and Farage's speech in Berlin at the Reinbeckhalle on Saturday (for details CLICK HERE).
With comprehensive details and text + Pictures CLICK HERE

So let us consider the difficulties which for starters include the concept that to gain back Tax Payers' money from The EU any elected Party MUST decide to form a Pan EU Political Party - Thus not just strengthening The very enemy they seek to dismantle but in democratic terms fore-swearing their rights of free speech and self determination as they MUST - having first jumped through the malign EU Hoop next accept INSTRUCTION on how they may spend the money!


Europarty funding goes to Europarties and stays with Europarties: the funding cannot be used for the funding of other political parties and in particular national political parties.[8] National political parties disinclined from joining Europarties are thereby disadvantaged.[18] 25 Members of the European Parliament petitioned the European Court of Justice, arguing that this contravened the EU's stated values of pluralism and democracy. The case was rejected after eighteen months.[19][20] A closely related case fought by the French Front National, the Italian Lega Nord, and the Belgian Vlaams Blok (now Vlaams Belang) was appealed[21] and rejected.[22]
Clearly there are many reasons to fore-swear the malign diktat of the central dictator committee's bribes - that they are bribes would of course be reason enough to the principled and reject the entire concept for honourable men and women, but they are bribes and we are talking about self serving politicians!


As of 1 November 2008, the regulation governing Europarties is Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003,[8] as later amended[9] under codecision (see above). According to that regulation's European Commission factsheet,[10] for a party to become a Europarty it must meet the following criteria:
  • it must have legal personality in the Member State in which its seat is located.
  • it must observe the founding principles of the European Union, namely the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.
  • it must have participated, or intend to participate, in elections to the European Parliament.
  • it must have in at least one quarter of the Member States, one or both of the following:
  • either it must have received at least 3% of the votes cast in each of those Member States at the most recent European Parliament elections.
  • or it must already be represented by Members, whether Members of the European Parliament for those states, or Members of the national Parliaments of those states, or Members of the regional Parliaments of those states, or Members of the regional Assemblies of those states.
  • it must publish its revenue and expenditure annually.
  • it must publish a statement of its assets and liabilities annually.
  • it must provide a list of its donors and their donations exceeding €500.
  • it must not accept anonymous donations.
  • it must not accept donations exceeding €12,000 per year and per donor.
  • it must not accept donations from the budgets of political groups of the European Parliament.
  • it must not accept more than 40% of a national political party's annual budget.
  • it must not accept donations from any company over which the public authorities may exercise a dominant influence, either by virtue of their ownership of it, or by their financial participation therein.
  • it must get at least 25% of its budget from sources other than its European Union funding.
  • it must submit its application by the 15 November before the financial year that it wants funding for.
All that boils down in real terms to - YOU WILL comply with OUR TERMS that we have decided to IMPOSE and if you decline:

Firstly you will miss out on a relatively unaccountable free handout of other peoples' money for YOU to feather YOUR nest and in so doing strengthen the corrupt aims of The Malign and malevolent EU.

Secondly if you do NOT do as we tell you we will imply that you opposed these basic terms:
it must observe the founding principles of the European Union, namely the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.
Right lets look at this cleverly worded blackmail by The EU!
The EU dishonestly claims:
it observe the founding principles of the European Union,
It does NOT they are merely flowery words that The EU completely ignores!
namely the principles of liberty,
Even Prisons offer periods of Free Association - there are no fundamental Freedoms on offer in this EU Political Prison - The Gulag is set up to ensure The State functions as a supra National Empirate enforced upon the largely opposed people - due to standards of education and a propaganda budget of £2.4Billion stolen from the prisoners annually - the balance of the population are so ignorant they have no understanding of the evil being done to them or they are on the Political Gravy Train enjoying the bribe culture and are bought and paid for.
The EU pretends it has a Democratic deficit when in fact it has made it abundantly clear it has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of the basic tenets of democracy!
respect for human rights
This of course is a bare faced lie as even The United Nations, for which I have almost as little respect as I have for The EU or the rest of the New World, Globalist dissorder being managed to control through chaos - The UN clearly states in its Foundation Charter that a fundamental human right is the right of self determination.

There is absolutely no right of Self Determination in The EU where as you know The French, The Dutch & The Irish ALL voted and rejected membership of The EU and engagement with the New Constitution Lisbon Treaty to the horror of the Dictator Committee of apparatchicks and their vassals - such that they blocked other Countries having the opportunity of Self Determination and lied to achieve their corrupt outcome.

They have no respect for Human Rights - one need only study the new codex of law 'Corpus Juris' based upon the laws of The Emperor Justinius with an overlay of code Napoleon to produce a 'better fairer system of REPRESSION' I quote 'CORPUS JURIS - Mireille Delmas-Marty EU Publication for DrG Finance ISBN 2-7178-3344-7 end of para 3 page 40
and fundamental freedoms,
What fundamental Freedoms do we enjoy that we did not enjoy or more to the point wished for as British citizens that are in some way granted that were precluded under British law had we wished for them and enjoyed our fundamental human right of SELF DETERMINATION.
and the rule of law.
The EU has no legitimate Laws as it has enacted a huge series of diktats and due to the total lack of democratic input and the fact that only a minority are in favour of membership they have no validity.

Further when edward Heath negotiated and led these United Kingdoms backwards into this arcane concept he has admitted both on TV in an interview with David Frost and subsequently repeated on the floor of The House of Commons and thus on record in Hansard that he and his Cabinet deliberately lied to Parliament and the peoples and also it seems The Monarch when he stated that 'This will lead to no essential loss of Sovereignty' - he has confirmed that he lied because he believed that the people would vote NO in the referendum if they knew the truth.

Many people believe the people voted NO anyway, despite his criminal deception and thus at the time TREASON. Many believe it was by lumping of Constituencies to fudge a result!

Under UK Law at the time which was upheld by The Treaty of Vienna on International Treaties it clearly states that should one party mislead another to obtain their agreement, acquiescence or compliance to a contract or agreement said contract or agreement shall be deemed null and void.

Thus Ipso Facto Britain's signature to The Treaty of Rome is by any stretch of the imagination NULL & VOID.

Thus since every single EU encroachment since that unlawfull document is merely an ammendment founded upon the pre supposition that the foundation document was sound there is no stronger argument against Britain's membership of the centralised alien and malign committee dictatorship of The EU than the simple fact that there is prima facie evidence that our entire participation is Ultra Vires.


Now consider the excellent fisking of Steve Allison's confused statement lifted earlier from The UKIP members' forum - the site where those too timerous to discuss their views and promote and defend them crano rectally retentatively navel gaze from the inside! An incestuous and heavily moderated site for those of little political nouse and less competence to impress eachother in a vacuum!

Steve Allison on pan-EU parties

Junius has posted comments said to have been made by Steve Allison on the UKIP members' forum, following an NEC meeting at which a presentation on forming a pan-European party to access additional EU funding was discussed.
The Euro-sceptic Parties, like UKIP, tend to shy away from forming organisations that are seen as taking them deeper into the system. As illustrated by the almost frenzied rush by some sections of UKIP to ensure our party is not contaminated by receipt of such money! This means Euro-sceptic groups don't access the funding that is available and leave the field clear for the pro-EU organisations to grab all the cash.

UKIP Members seem to fixate on the requirement that to draw down such funds the party must “observe the founding principles of the European Union”.

However, those ‘founding principles’ are the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.

Which of those principles does UKIP Object to? Obviously we have a different interpretation of them from other parties and nations, and we understand and practise them in a very different way from Continental Europeans. But we, as a party do support these principles. There is no requirement for example to support any other aims of the EU, there is no requirement to support political union or greater integration. The irony is that UKIP could take EU Money and use it to fight political union and further integration in the name of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.

So it's not that such funding isn't available to Euro sceptic groups. It is just that such groups chose to not access the funding due to some mistaken idea of ideological purity.

The phrase "Cutting off one's own nose to spite one's face" comes to mind here.

Paid by whom and with what?
One of the carrots of accepting membership of a pan-European political party would be funding for a "think tank" to develop policy. This would probably be based in the UK with a big slice of 1,300,000 Euro Budget. This money could be used to research positions, produce policies, print and distribute booklets, etc. It could also be used to fund conferences and meetings. Yes I know its a buy off (or a sell out?) but its a lot of money that UKIP could use to fight the EU with.

I rather like the irony of using the EU's money to fight against it. At least we'd be getting some of our own money back.

If you think about it UKIP does only exist because of the EU! At the risk of breaking NEC Confidentiality I will say there was extensive discussion about this at the NEC and a lot more information is still outstanding. I went into the meeting pre-disposed to fight the "Pan European Party" to my last breath, but I listened to the presentation, I asked questions and received answers and I agreed at NEC that the party should investigate the outstanding issues and the NEC receive another report.

The proposal was then to present this report at a special meeting open to all UKIP Members in London on October 9th. The morning session could have been an official Leadership Hustings and an afternoon session on the pan European party proposal. This would have allowed three or even four hours of informed discussion rather than just the very brief debate and prepared speeches to the motion at conference.

Unfortunately I understand the amendment to the motion was defeated and so the Special General Meeting will now not take place. I think this is a real shame as it would have allowed informed decision making and not knee jerk responses

I have not agreed to the proposal but what I have said is that it doesn’t need to be rejected out of hand without some really serious consideration. There is some serious money on the table and UKIP needs every penny it can get. The key question I asked, and received assurances to, was that being in such a party would in no way mean the end of UKIP, we would still be UKIP and would continue to campaign and stand in elections as UKIP.

The whole thing is by no means a done deal but there are some very attractive carrots on offer and I for one find the irony very attractive in taking EU Money to spend fighting the EU.
Assuming the comments are genuine and accurately reported, they are worth considering in detail as the subject is fundamental to UKIP's future. The essential points made by Steve Allison are:

quote (Steve Allison)

UKIP Members seem to fixate on the requirement that to draw down such funds the party must “observe the founding principles of the European Union”. However, those ‘founding principles’ are the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law. Which of those principles does UKIP Object to? . . . . we, as a party do support these principles. There is no requirement for example to support any other aims of the EU, there is no requirement to support political union or greater integration.


Steve Allison would appear to be remarkably poorly informed here. If UKIP members are indeed fixated as he suggests it is because they have heard their MEPs, particularly Nigel Farage, say over and again that the party rejects the state funding of pan-EU political parties precisely because qualification requirements conflict with UKIP aims and principles. Is SA not aware that in 2004 MEPs Farage, Titford and Booth even took the European parliament and Council of Ministers to the European Court in an attempt to kill off the funding legislation? You can't spend years saying something is dangerous and unacceptable, then suddenly present it as an attractive carrot and expect to carry the membership with you. See the following:

Press release from Jeffrey Titford MEP, 26.7.00:
"The European Union plans to fund only those parties which "support the principle of European integration".

UKIP and EDD press release 18.2.03: The European proposals would require parties in receipt of funding to accept both the primacy of European Union law, and the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. Jeffrey Titford said,
"It can hardly be considered democratic to require parties to accept a certain political position, in this case acceptance of the supremacy of the European Union and its bodies, in order to secure funding".

Daily Telegraph 20.2.03:
"Mr Farage said he was proud to be disqualified from receiving such funding. "I most certainly don't respect the primacy of EU law and I think the charter (of Fundamental Rights) is downright dangerous"

Nigel Farage to CIB Liberty News, Spring 2003:
"in order for a political party to be registered it must ensure that the statute and activities of the European political party respect the basic purposes of the Union with regard to freedom, democracy, human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law".

"This immediately presents difficulties for parties that disagree with the objectives of the European Union . . . the UK Independence Party would immediately fall foul of the Commission because one of its aims is British withdrawal from the Union. It also disagrees with the principles of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and does not recognise the supremacy of EU laws over those of Great Britain, making it a complete non-starter under the new rules!"

Europarl verbatim report of proceedings 18.6.03, Statute and financing of European political parties:
"Booth (EDD) - Two recent opinion polls in the UK gave figures of 92% and 96% as wanting to leave the European Union, and yet this proposal would deny funding to any party who should dare to represent the views of that very large proportion of its citizens".

BBC Radio 4 'World at One' 27.6.03: Nigel Farage is an MEP for the UK Independence Party. As a member of a party who wouldn't receive any of the new money he's furious about the proposals: (Farage)
"If you support the political union, if you support the European project you'll get money, if you don't you won't get money".

UKIP press release, 28.1.04 'UKIP MEPs take Euro Parliament to court over state funding of parties' - UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage said,
"We are opposed on principle to the idea of state funding of political parties, either nationally or at a European level. It is not an appropriate use of tax-payers money. As if that was not bad enough, the legislation adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers will discriminate against certain political parties. It requires the recipients of European funding to subscribe to pre-set political ideals, such as agreement with greater European integration".

Europarl verbatim report of proceedings 8.3.04, Statute and financing of political parties at European level:
"Farage (EDD) I do not think there is any evidence that suggests that the voters in my country or in any other country are happy for their money directly to finance political parties at a European level. I have also felt, ever since Nice and Article 191, that this idea that you qualify if you conform to the democratic principles of the Union is potentially a dangerous one. I have some difficulty with the issue of the rule of law. It seems to me that, post-Constitution, some in this place - and I am one of them - will not recognise that new rule of law because we will only be able to leave the EU on terms of the EU".

UKIP Letter from Strasbourg 22.11.05:
"Pan EU Political Parties. Within the Independence and Democracy Group, two parties have emerged. However, UKIP joined neither of them, because there are no other moderate parties in the parliament that want to leave the EU and also, because UKIP disapproves of state funding for parties, which is to be made available to these new combinations".

UKIP press release 3.2.06:
"Snouts deeper in the trough - the European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee last night rubber-stamped a massive 19% hike in taxpayers' money to be gifted to 'European Political Parties'. Tom Wise MEP (UKIP) denounced the decision. The concept of European Political parties is itself a travesty designed mainly to raise more cash for pro-European political forces. To qualify, parties represented in the European Parliament from at least 7 different countries have to subscribe to a single political platform. This naturally discriminates against those parties that believe in national self-determination".

* * *

A question that could be put to Nigel Farage at the leadership hustings is, were he and UKIP's other MEPs lying over that five year period when they kept saying UKIP would be denied funding because of its stance on EU integration, or did they just not understand the funding criteria? And whichever it was, how are members to know they're not lying / misunderstanding now in their presentation to the NEC?

* * *

quote (Steve Allison)

One of the carrots of accepting membership of a pan-European political party would be funding for a "think tank" to develop policy. This would probably be based in the UK with a big slice of 1,300,000 Euro Budget. This money could be used to research positions, produce policies, print and distribute booklets, etc. It could also be used to fund conferences and meetings. Yes I know its a buy off (or a sell out?) but its a lot of money that UKIP could use to fight the EU with.


No, UKIP most definitely could not use the money to fight the EU! The regulations governing the funding of political parties at European level (pan-EU parties) and their associated political foundation 'think tanks' specifically rule out the money being used by national political parties. To form a pan-EU party UKIP would have to agree a common political programme with parties from six other member states, and the funds could only be used to further objectives set out in that programme. 'Withdrawal' would not feature in it since no other EFD members want to leave the EU, and the research, policies, booklets, meetings, conferences, etc, would all have to promote the new party's aims of 'improving' the EU.

quote (Steve Allison)

The key question I asked, and received assurances to, was that being in such a party would in no way mean the end of UKIP, we would still be UKIP and would continue to campaign and stand in elections as UKIP.


This is only partially true. Legislation currently being steered through the EP's Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) by the LibDem MEP Andrew Duff includes a draft proposal for 25 seats at the 2014 Euro-elections to be contested by pan-European parties on an EU wide basis. If by then UKIP is in a pan-European party it will not be able to contest these seats as UKIP. Furthermore, although European Party funding cannot be used for campaigning by national parties the reverse does not apply, and UKIP funds can and no doubt will be used for the new European Party's campaign. Obviously, 25 seats will be just the thin end of the wedge, and at future EU elections UKIP members can expect to see ever more of their party's funds diverted into the election campaigns of EFD (or whatever they call themselves) MEPs.

Don't say you haven't been warned!
May I take the liberty of reitterating Barbara Booker's excellent conclusion in my own name!

Don't say you haven't been warned!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)

to Reclaim YOUR Future 



Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

£17 YEARS & £Millions to get 3.1% in the General Election & Now Keep Coming STONE LAST!


just a few by election results - since it was announced that Nigel Farage was going to have another stab at leading the party and his plan to immediately resign once he has secured control of the gravy train and purse strings and then appoint someone else who he thinks is competent to run the party!

This from the cheeky chappie who thought Pearson was competent and who sanctioned an electoral pact with Tillbrook, Steve Uncles and the EDP and The Christian Democrats, and The Tories and one Labour without even asking the Party!!!

Anyway you decide how your leader is doing after 17 years and 3.1% of the vorte in the General Election!!

Bassetlaw District – Worksop South:
Lab 815, C 669,
Lib Dem 84.
(May 2010 – C 1823, Lab 1600).
Lab gain from C. Swing 7.9% C to Lab.

Cambridgeshire County – East Chesterton:
Lib Dem 832,
Lab 663,
C 334,
Green 117,
Cambridge Socialists 53,
Ukip 37.
(June 2009 – Lib Dem 807, C 559, Lab 339, Green 331, Ukip 220).
Lib Dem hold. Swing 6.2% Lib Dem to Lab.

Carlisle City – Stanwix Urban:
C 888,
Lab 488,
Green 96,
English Democrats 85.
(May 2010 – C 1935, Lab 1231, Green 452).
C hold. Swing 3.1% Lab to C.

Hackney London Borough – New River:
C 1567,
Lab 1007,
Green 77,
Lib Dem 61,
No description 26.
(May 2010 – Three seats Lab 1659, 1574, C 1489, Lab 1450, C 1380, 1353, Lib Dem 693, Green 584, Lib Dem 456).
C hold. Swing 12.0% Lab to C.

Kensington and Chelsea London Borough – Cremorne:
C 602,
Lab 583,
Lib Dem 180,
Green 51,
Ukip 46.
(May 2010 – Three seats C 1588, 1542, 1327, Lab 730, 728, Lib Dem 693. Lab 636, Lib Dem 620, 578, Ukip 155).
C hold. Swing 12.6% C to Lab.

Kensington and Chelsea London Borough – Earls Court:
Lib Dem 703,
C 594,
Lab 151,
Ind 49,
Ind 29,
Green 26,
Ukip 18.
(May 2010 – Three seats C 1358, 1262, 1150, Lib Dem 621, 578, Lab 569, Lib Dem 560, Lab 487, Green 302, Lab 179, Ind 174).
Lib Dem gain from C. Swing 15.8% C to Lib Dem.

Knowsley Borough – Park:
Lab 650,
Lib Dem 70,
C 36.
(May 2010 – Lab 2105, Lib Dem 529).
Lab hold. Swing 8.4% Lib Dem to Lab.

Nottinghamshire County – Worksop West:
Lab 1457,
C 755,
Lib Dem 88,
Ind 56,
Ind 13.
(June 2009 – C 1403, Lab 909, Lib Dem 449).
Lab gain from C. Swing 23.7% C to Lab.

Preston City – Cadley:
Lib Dem 721,
Lab 476,
C 465.
(May 2010 – Lib Dem 1270, C 901, Lab 549).
Lib Dem hold. Swing 5.8% Lib Dem to Lab.

Sourced from CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 

#0127* - John Prendergast GOURIER 01-Jun-1935 - 04-Sep-2010 Age 75.

#0127* - 

John Prendergast GOURIER 01-Jun-1935 - 04-Sep-2010 Age 75.

John Gouriet

John Gouriet, who died on September 4 aged 75, was a pioneering campaigner in the 1970s against the abuse of power by Britain's trade unions; the lawsuits he brought paved the way for Margaret Thatcher to clip their wings.

John Gouriet
Gouriet, a former Army officer, was a Thatcherite before Thatcherism. He worked to halt the advance of "communo-socialism" in Britain; campaigned against Soviet "oppression"; fought sanctions against South Africa; and latterly was preparing to challenge the legality of Britain's membership of the EU.
Though Gouriet campaigned throughout his entire post-military life, he was at his most effective as director of the National Association for Freedom (Naff), which he founded with Norris McWhirter after the IRA's assassination in November 1975 of McWhirter's twin brother, Ross.
His signal achievement was to persuade the Court of Appeal to allow him to launch legal action against Post Office unions blocking phone calls and mail to South Africa – despite attempts by Labour Attorney General, Sam Silkin, to prevent such an injunction. 

Though the ruling was overturned by the House of Lords, it humiliated Silkin and caught the imagination of Mrs Thatcher, then leader of the Opposition, who attended Naff's victory banquet. Handing down the decision, Lord Denning memorably declared: "Be you ever so high, the law is above you. The Attorney General has no prerogative to dispense with or suspend the law of England." 

John Prendergast Gouriet was born in London on June 1 1935, the only son of a survivor of the Somme who went on to fly fighters in combat; John's mother was the daughter of an eminent Winchester Cathedral organist. 

Educated at Charterhouse, where he was an all-round sportsman, he was commissioned from Sandhurst into the 15th/19th King's Royal Hussars at the end of 1955, joining his regiment on active service in Malaya. For a year until their disbandment in 1960, he was second-in-command of a company of the Somaliland Scouts; during this period he raised an orphaned cheetah cub in his bedroom. 

Gouriet was adjutant of the Trucial Oman Scouts until 1963, then served as GSO3 Intelligence to the director of operations in Borneo. After Staff College he passed up promotion from major to become a squadron leader with his old regiment in Germany. He retired from the Army in 1973 when deputy assistant adjutant and quartermaster-general at the MoD.
He then joined the merchant bank Rea Brothers as assistant to Sir Walter Salomon. On a grouse-shooting trip as Britain's economic and union problems intensified, he told his fellow guns: "It's no use complaining, then doing nothing" – and there and then decided to "take up the cudgels". 

His first – non-political – venture was Young Enterprise. Gouriet set up companies with a nine-month life cycle, during which young people were taught the basic principles of business from flotation to liquidation. 

Gouriet consulted Ralph Harris (later Lord Harris of High Cross) at the Institute of Economic Affairs about a coordinated opposition to the erosion of personal liberties. Harris introduced him to Ross McWhirter; at the 1975 Conservative Party conference Gouriet and McWhirter leafleted every seat. 

He launched his first legal challenge when P&O ferry workers, sacked on returning to Southampton, stranded passengers' cars on board. Gouriet persuaded a publican whose car was at the very back of the queue to launch a test case; before it came to court P&O struck a deal with the union. 

Next Gouriet tried to persuade the Home Secretary, Roy Jenkins, to offer a £50,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of IRA terrorists. When Jenkins refused, McWhirter launched the appeal himself – only to be killed on his doorstep by the IRA. 

A week later, on December 2 1975, Naff was launched at the Savoy, with Gouriet as campaign director and Norris McWhirter as vice-chairman. Its first act was to pay for six parents of children in Tameside, Greater Manchester, to intervene against a move by the Education Secretary to force the borough's schools to go comprehensive. 

With the Labour government spurning the unveiling of a memorial in London to Polish victims of the wartime Katyn massacre for fear of offending the Kremlin, Naff formed the unofficial British party; Gouriet was decorated by the Polish government-in-exile. 

Most of Naff's campaigning revolved around the Post Office. At Christmas 1976 it supported a Broadstairs woman who set up her own delivery service, challenging the Royal Mail's monopoly. 

Weeks later, Post Office unions decided to block all communications to and from South Africa as a protest against apartheid. Gouriet sought an injunction under the Post Office Act, which made it an offence to tamper with the mail. Silkin refused his consent and Gouriet challenged this in the High Court, losing but on appeal being granted a temporary injunction by Lord Denning. 

Silkin told the Court of Appeal that it had no power to examine his reasons for refusing Gouriet consent. Lord Justice Lawton said: "All we are concerned about is whether Mr Gouriet has a right to stop himself being interfered with by what on the face of it appears to be plainly political conduct." After a four-day hearing the court ruled for Gouriet. Naff's membership shot up overnight; Silkin was greeted in the Commons by shouts of "Resign!" 

The Lords reversed the decision, and Naff was left with costs totalling £90,857; the money was raised after Gouriet warned that failure to pay would "spell the end of Naff and probably any organised resistance to the advance of communo-socialism in Britain". 

Meanwhile, Gouriet was taking a key role in the Grunwick dispute, over the refusal of a north-west London photo-processing firm to recognise a trade union. The ensuing strike brought violence on the picket line and entrenched attitudes on both sides, particularly when George Ward, Grunwick's owner, refused to accept a ruling by Acas and recognise the union. 

Advising Ward, Gouriet took legal action to stop the Post Office unions blacking mail for Grunwick. He then, in July 1977, orchestrated "Operation Pony Express". At 1am on a Saturday, two articulated lorries swept through the picket line to collect a backlog of 100,000 processed films. The packages were taken to a depot where stamps were stuck on them; 250 volunteers drove them to be posted at boxes throughout the country. 

Gouriet left Naff suddenly in June 1978, having fallen out with its chairman, Viscount de Lisle. It was renamed the Freedom Association that winter. He became chairman of Stevens-Lefield Foods, which made pouch meals for yachtsmen. From 1991 he was a director and consultant to General Portfolio. 

His campaigning continued unabated, though without an organisation behind him he achieved less. 

He pressed Mrs Thatcher to support Ian Smith's internal settlement for Rhodesia, and after Russia's invasion of Afghanistan co-founded the Campaign Against Soviet Oppression, lambasting "those manic geriatrics in the Kremlin". 

He demanded the full rigour of the law against whomever in the Libyan People's Bureau had shot and killed WPc Yvonne Fletcher. 

Gouriet twice threatened to stand against John Browne, his local Conservative MP. He urged Tories to rally behind Mrs Thatcher as the party's MPs moved to depose her, and as the rebellion grew against the Maastricht treaty, hailed the dissenters as "the real heart of the Tory party". 

In 1997 he stood for the Referendum Party in West Derbyshire, polling 2,499 votes. Two years later he ran the Earl of Burford's Kensington & Chelsea by-election campaign against Tony Blair's "treasonable" exclusion of most hereditary peers from the Lords. Gouriet tried to challenge Lords reform in the courts, and was left with a hefty legal bill. 

Gouriet joined forces with Norris McWhirter again in 2002, founding Defenders of the Realm. He chaired the group until his death, appealing for funds to mount a judicial review of EU membership for violating Magna Carta, the Declaration of Rights and the 1688 Coronation Oath Act. 

In 1981 he published a novel, Checkmate, Mr President!, emphasising the West's lack of strategic minerals. Hear, Hear! (2010) brought together more than 700 letters – many to The Daily Telegraph and articles he wrote during the Blair-Brown years. 

A bon vivant whose company was valued by both friend and foe, Gouriet also took a great interest in natural history, in particular ornithology, and in field sports. 

Gouriet survived heart attacks in 1993 and 2007; after open heart surgery he praised the care he received from the NHS.
He married, in 1963, Sarah Barnett, who survives him with their three sons.

To view the original obituary CLICK HERE

I first met John through Peter Watson & Harry Randall in the days of Sovereign Britain and also with Elizabeth Beckett who died in February 2009, also in association with other friends Idris Francis and Ashley Mote - I was interested to be asked by John to help with the setting up of The F&M Campaign with Salmons in Bristol and took that forward with Val Lusmore and Tony York, Cristopher Booker & Richard North, Mark Oliver and also Peter Troy and his relentless partner the inexhaustible Elaine, those who were involved might care to spare a thought for the sterling work and generosity of spirit of Val Sinclaire who achieved so much who has been cruelly zapped too young with a brain stem stroke from which she is fighting back as one would expect but hugely disadvantaged and with great loss of sight!

John and I had very different values, but perhaps they complimented each other!

John's, Memorial Service is at 12 noon Friday 22-Oct-2010
At: All Saints' Church, Westbury, BA13 3BT (

I have been asked to circulate the following:

Gouriet in 2010

You may be unaware of John Gouriet's sad and sudden death on Saturday 4th September 2010, as a result of heart failure.

Please, therefore, be advised that this email address will no longer be in operation and we would therefore be grateful if you would delete it from your mailing list with immediate effect.

Many thanks and kind regards

R Gouriet

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Sunday, 26 September 2010


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
 their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!




The Keynote Guests at The English Democrats' AGM were on The Saturday John Gaunt of radio celeb status, an avowed and OUT EUrosceptic and James Pryor and Bridget Rowe were there to meet and greet old friends and new in promoting their EU Referendum Campaign - complimentary, as you can see if you CLICK HERE to the Key Note speakers on The Sunday who were Nikki Sinclaire & Mike Nattrass promoting THE Petition Campaign for A Referendum.

Here is Sinclaire's blog entry just now:

Speaking at the English Democrats

 I along with fellow West Midlands MEP, Mike Nattrass was pleased to have the opportunity to speak at the English Democrat AGM in Nottingham today having had a very successful business breakfast meeting with their leadership team.
We spoke individually and then took questions about the European Union, being an MEP, and the Campaign for a Referendum. It was an enjoyable and interesting experience exchanging views and developing an understanding of each other’s perspective.
It is these cross party initiative that are so important if we are going to win the day. 
I look forward to further dialogue.
Ps.  I was quite surprised to learn during our breakfast meeting the overtures made by Malcolm Pearson towards an electoral pact during the general election.
Pearson supported by Steve Crowther and Peter Reeeve met with the English Democrat leadership, with the blessing of Nigel Farage
Constituencies where UKIP would not stand were agreed however, as with so much else Pearson undertakes, he reneged on this undertaking costing UKIP considerable support in the areas that they had agreed.
Local Council Byelections 16th Sept 2010


Gerard Neil HARGREAVES (Conservative Party Candidate) 602
Mabel Ellen MCKEOWN (The Labour Party Candidate) 583
Peter KOSTA (Liberal Democrats) 180
Julia STEPHENSON (Green Party) 51
David Adam COBURN (UK Independence Party (UKIP)) 46


Linda WADE (Liberal Democrats) 703
Malcolm David SPALDING (Conservative Party Candidate) 594
Joel Alexander Muir BISHOP (The Labour Party Candidate) 151
Elizabeth ARBUTHNOT (Independent) 49
Jack BOVILL (Independent) 29
Michael John ENRIGHT (Green Party) 26
Antony LITTLE (United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)) 18

After 17 Years that is the best UKIP can do and all because no one trusts their leadership - the message is popular, the members still try but again and again they are let down by their leadership team!

Betrayed, lied to, robbed, cheated, conned and debased whether by MEPs copulating in the streets of Belgium, defrauding the tax payers, behaving like children in The Parliament, having temper tantrums, sending childish obscene Twitters, urinating in flower pots in hotels, defaulting on debts, outright lies, plotting AGAINST the members - Rationally one is surprised they do so well!!

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