We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

#0084* - UKIP Leadership & Skeptyk LIVE DOWN TO EXPECTATION

#0084* - UKIP Leadership & Skeptyk LIVE DOWN TO EXPECTATION   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

UKIP Leadership & its parasites and paid praise singers like Skeptyk are so very stupid the repeatedly LIVE DOWN TO EXPECTATION!

-----Original Message-----

From: The Skeptyk []

Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:58 AM
Subject: Updated Skeptyk blog

I thought today's updated blog would be of interest to you.

Have a pleasant day

From: Greg Lance-Watkins
eMail: Greg_L-W (

Tel: UK: 01291 – 62 65 62


I’m sure your squalid little blog makes you feel important – frankly knowing how damaging you are to the prospect of Britain’s liberty and your track record of dishonesty and consistent cowardice – frankly I can’t be bothered looking at it.

Just consider the source!

Skeptyk by Name and Septyk by NATURE!

Why would I want to read your lies and self serving filth?

I have visited your squalid little blog once, when you were dishonestly making a tastless and cowardly attack on John West in the most vile and tasteless manner and I haven’t bothered since.

Why would anyone want to voluntarily enter a Skeptyk Tank!

You are too embarrassed by your sleeze to even put your name to it, you cowardly little excrecence.

If the anti UKIP shower of self enriching scheisters and liars were thrown out and their parasites dumped there MIGHT be some hope for UKIP but 3.1% vote after 17 years shows what contempt the public hold for the likes of you.

As I ALWAYS post in my own identifiable name, and so far in 64 years can think of not one thing I am ashamed of nor an instance or action in my life I am not happy for the public at large to know and am not asking for anyone’s vote, nor do I seek to represent ANYONE - save my honestly held beliefs, and having NEVER drawn one bean in benefit or claim, I have absolutely no interest in your lies and vile attacks on UKIP supporters, in defence of the corrupt leadership, who I hold in utter contempt to a man, I couldn’t give a damn what posturing you do, you irrelevant cowardly pea brained pervert.

Further since my friends know exactly who I am and anyone who follows your filth or believes anything you say is unlikely to be a friend of mine, if they are remotely interested in your childish behaviour or stupid enough to believe you, let me know as I would not even want them as friends.

Invent, distort and write what you like you pathetic little creep.

By the way anyone wanting to read this sad creep’s blog is welcome to defile their time The URL is apparently:

though I haven’t tested the link.

Your site is far more likely to say a great deal; much more accurately, about the cowardly poster; than it does about me and I care not what some sad troll writes on any subject – it is why I rarely visit Anthony Butchers sordid little forum which seems inhabited by the scum of the septic tank that is UKIP’s leadership endlessly attacking and abusing genuine decent UKIP supporters who patriotically have Britain’s good at heart not their bank accounts and status.

It is such a shame that UKIP is so defiled with this sort of filth acting on behalf of its leadership against its interests. Scouring the gutters of life looking for some morsal of filth to feed on.

No wonder out of about 19,000 electable seats in British Governance UKIP, with its present pond life of paid praise singers and other parasites like this anonymous coward, have less than 30, by election, I understand.

With filth and liars like Septyk, McTrough, Dippy Denny, David Bannerman, Godfrey Bloom, Peter Reeve, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Derek Clark, Stuart Gulleford and the rest of the Racist, anti Jewish, homophobic filth on their side there is little hope for the Party the members of which I have supported constantly in an effort to clean up the trash that pretend to lead.

Now run along and preen in your mirror because like the rest of UKIP’s leadership you offend common decency and drag the party into the gutter you inhabit.

Greg L-W.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future   
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future   


#0083* - IN SEARCH of a LEADER for UKIP - Steve HARRIS? That Plane Crash & Farage!

#0083* - IN SEARCH of a LEADER for UKIP - Steve HARRIS? That Plane Crash & Farage!  

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

IN SEARCH of a LEADER for UKIP - Steve HARRIS? That Plane Crash & Farage!!
Leadership Candidates CLICK HERE 
The Crash & More CLICK HERE


I was reminded of this Junius post some time ago when considering possible UKIP Leaders :
Calls from the press to UKIP’s Gawain Towler have confirmed that Farage is still confined to his bed following that plane crash.
In his dreams - had he thought of sharing a bath - NO not constantly thought about it but that MIGHT explain why UKIP's publicity is so contantly minimal or derogatory - what would one expect from a Part with Towler in charge of PR in Britain.

That slime Mark Croucher, hiding from his bills and seeking to cheat the British Justice system in the EU, directly working for Farage and utterly dependent on The EU for his income and protection from British Justice!

Then we have the darling of Fleet Street (NOT) Death Rowe working with the useless, hapless failed campaign manager James Pryor who was so useless in the General Election and had halved the vote each time he campaign managed in South Africa - Now I see they are seemingly working for Farage running a spoiler operation to try to damage Nikki Sinclaire's honourable efforts to build a cross party Petition for a Referendum.

Farage never has had any morality has he!
A vicious, vindictive, untrustworthy little man at heart. Absolutely no loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself!!

And for once Nigel is not sharing the duvet with one of his numerous mistresses!
Surely not Gawain Towler!
Farage’s injuries are far worse than originally thought. His spinal injury is of particular concern. He is also suffering from nightmares and flashbacks of the crash. See: LINK
This I understand to be true as you will see from my posting which I have started #0073* but I keep getting sidetracked there is just so much to report on UKIP and the leaderships utter betrayal of eachother and the members and thus of course the anti UKIP activity they generate amongst the leaderships parasites and supporters.
Certain UKIP MEPs are now talking about the possibility that Farage may be forced to retire from active politics.
No I doubt it not when one is in control of €76,000 a year per MEP unaccountable to anyone it seems - now you know the motivation for being in the EFD
 Fundamentally as pimp for UKIP he has made a prostitute of the party for what can only be seen as personal gain.

The claim is membership of a group means more money for the party - firstly it does NOT it means more money under the Chairman's control unaccountably. In UKIP's case that was €1.3Million a year on top of the £2M Farage admitted making for himself NOT ONE PENNY PIECE SHOWED UP AS DONATIONS TO UKIP, and I have looked, as that was over and above his legitimate expenses watch CLICK HERE with care where he admits to the scams but CLAIMS the money was spent on UKIP yet there is absolutely no supportive evidence or documentation and we know Nigel to be a liar.

All a bit like the scams surrounding the Ashford rip off run by Alan Bown, Nigel Farage, Terry Quarterman, John Moran, Graham Booth and others where less than 15% of the money donated to UKIP reached the party - the rest seemingly having been stolen as there was no clear accounting, money was even laundered through a hotel credit card machine! £250,000 vanished into a private bank account and at that time roughly Nigel Farage paid £250,000 into an off shore bank account called Farage Education Trust.

All rather similar to the last time Farage orchestrated a so called petition where £250,000 of tax payers money was given by the EU donations were solicited and given and one of the most shambolic scams of all time took place under the guidance of David Lott, Nigel Farage, Mark Croucher and others - The petition was NEVER carried out - branch chairmen were told to dump such paperwork as they had securely in land fill and no petition was ever delivered even though the paperwork was unlawfull.

Shortly after that rip off David Lott moved to a property on The Romsey Marshes with land for his wife's horses and despite perpetual claims of being broke Croucher bought the licenses on two pubs which he managed to destroy within a year or so clearly due to his incompetence but blaming everyone but himself as dishonest little oiks who fail always do.

OK so that may be a bit harsh to call Nigel a liar as I have above but listen closely to his own words in the recording and you will hear he PROMISES full accounting and transparency for ALL UKIP MEPs from the election onwards! To date only ONE UKIP MEP has provided a full accounting and that is Nikki Sinclaire - her first auditted accounts went up in draft in December and were fully audited by about March as I recall. NO OTHER UKIP MEP has provided auditted accounts.

Now that Mike Nattrass has followed Sinclaire's lead in refusing to remain with Farage in the squalid EFD he too is presenting accounts.

I understand Sinclaire's next period of accounts are about due but are slightly delayed by her Political Activities in America during her summer holiday and also by the work and commitment to The Petition.

Listen closely to the broadcast where Farage claims Marta Andreasen will ensure EVERY UKIP MEP produces completely transparent accounting - firtsly, to date, NO UKIP MEP who is a member of the EFD scam has produced valid, transparent auditted accounts. Further Nigel Farage has been leader of UKIP and has nor produced an accounting of the 4000 account which is the €1.3Million he receives as UKIP leader in the EFD - we also wonder if his EFD partners know about this scam!

IF Farage as chairman of the EFD claims for the group he is 'acquiring' €76,000 per MEP and at the moment that seems to be 28 so that is €2,128,000 a year seemingly unaccounted!

No wonder Farage has a hissy fit every time an MEP leaves.

Could this be why Nigel Farage was happy to keep the fraudster and liar Tom Wise as a member of UKIP for as long as he could and encouraged Tom Wise to remain in the EFD Group he previously chaired - to retain Tom Wise's €76,000 a year?

Might it be why, in apparent denial of the truth, Farage claimed Roger Knapman was still in the group - did Roger know?

You will also hear Farage claim that Marta Andreasen was the EU accountant and whistleblower. Interestingly Marta Andreasen was merely one of many EU bean counters NOT THE EU Chief Accountant as she has frequently and publicly claimed 'Chef de Comptable' is a SENIOR accountant NOT THE Chief accountant. As with 'Chef de Bureau' is merely an Office Manager.

Further Farage described her as 'whistle blower' - there was not so much as a peeeeep of a whistle when she defaulted on her job, failed to fulfil the job she was hired for, was found to have lied on her CV was suspended for a period and then fired EVEN then not a peeeeep from the famous whistle!

It was not until she was exposed as a liar and lost her case in court that she started whistling - shortly after that she started whistling the British National Anthem and worked her way around the various parties looking for another over paid EU job. She started at the top but The Tories did not want her, eventually she tried to get into the Christian something or other party in Scotland but they rejected her it seems it was either The BNP or UKIP and she happened to try UKIP first,

You will note Farage promised she would ENSURE the accounts were produced!

Perhaps Farage would care to lie his way out of that situation or perhaps we could have the lies of Marta Andreasen as well!

It was with this thought in mind that I started looking around for possible leaders as I was far too bored to go into the details of the D'Hont points that UKIP were entitled to that were used to buy loyalty (well bribe others to join the EFD it seems) but they too are seemingly unaccountable - more of that scam prostituting UIKIP as a party another day!

Well what about Steve I thought - he has been around for a long time and although he may have eaten all the pies on offer in the US Navy and he may well have chronic diabetes having dug his way to the destruction of his health and a probable early grave with his teath but he has been around a while and he is next on the MEP list if Andreasen is sacked for her dishonesty or Farage uses his intelligence and retires on full salary and full pension rights based upon sickness from his accident.

At least unlike most of the list members for MEP Steve Harris would seem to have won his position as number two honestly and it was only the undeniable corruption of the process by Farage that placed the clearly inelligible Andreasen woman in his position - consider the lies and outright dishonesty - not least of that filth McTrough or Bannerman and the manner in which Gerard Batten, Farage, Trevor Colman, Godfrey Bloom, Derek Clark and others colluded CLICK HERE

As I said I was looking for someone honest to promote as the potential leader, someone with experience of the party.

It was then I had actually remembered The Junius blog on Steve:
This news is music to the ears of Steve ‘Billy Bunter’ Harris in the South East.

Steve was UKIP’s third MEP candidate in the South East. He would replace Farage if the former leader stood down as an MEP.

Harris joined UKIP in 2001 and is currently the South East’s extremely chubby regional organiser. Don't tell OLAF!

Steve is now positively salivating at the thought that Nigel may be forced to retire. He once said that he ‘would do anything to become an MEP’. He even claims that a fortune teller once told him that he would ‘become an MEP by default’.

But Mr Harris’ desperation to unseat Farage and become an MEP is sadly not motivated by patriotism and a desire to serve the people of the South East. He is motivated by greed, ego and a desire to get his snout firmly in the EU trough. Now who does that remind you of?

Alan Clark once said there were no real friends in politics, only sharks.

Farage has learnt to his cost that his 'loyal supporters' are nothing of the sort. They are as two-faced as their boss!

Such is life! 

I'm afraid he just about scuppered it for me when I was able to confirm he HAD consulted a clairvoyant - now I have some sympathy with poor old Paul Wessons about his views on masturbation and consorting with prostitutes and his, to me, utterly contemptible efforts to justify the possibility a leading multi Millionaire titled UKIP MEP who despite his favoured position was seemingly director of a sizeable company making pornography that had defaulted on its payment of staff.

Whatever William Earl of Dartmouth's position is that Paul and others in UKIP seek to justify the debasement of society by pandering to its more obscene and perverted tastes and believes this acceptable in UKIP speaks volumes of UKIP and even louder of them.

There are many activities in life that may not be unlawfull but there is no justification for such behaviour any more than there was justification for the multi millionaire Scot Hamish Grossart, nephew of Sir Angus Grossart and like his uncle another apparent narcissist with strange interests and also a member of The Spec. a director of Cairns Internationalto throw his wife down the stairs in front of his daughter who she raised - thereby inducing a miscarriage as we heard in the Scottish Courts on Friday nor to beat her to the ground and then urinate on her - it would seem both actions are acceptable as without direct intervention the police and the law show marked indifference in Scotland - can we expect reams of letters and postings from UKIP's apologists implying such cowardly and abusive behaviour would be acceptable for an MEP as it is legal - in that he was never prosecuted!

Perhaps this dishonourable and narcissistic behaviour is indeed acceptable amongst UKIP leadership and its parasites, as we see no signs of loyalty from the top in fact we see the brutal eviceration of anyone who does not worship at his master's feet and slavishly carry the holy chamber pot and accept responsibility for the ordure found therein. Hence we note the retinue of parasitic low lifes and salaried praise singers acting as Farage's body guard.

Farage may be determined to exclude Harris as an MEP come what may but for me the fact that Harris actually consulted a clairvoiant precludes him for a fair run at leadership of the party for me. Gravitas he may not have but despite his ludicrous bulk he seems not to have his feet upon the ground!

So who COULD stand for leadership?

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
LEAVE-THE-EU to Reclaim YOUR Future 

Monday, 30 August 2010

#0082* - UKIP Leadership Seemingly Does Itself NO Favours!..................AGAIN!

#0082* - UKIP Leadership Seemingly Does Itself NO Favours!..................AGAIN!

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

UKIP Leadership Seemingly Does Itself NO Favours!..................AGAIN!
They Endlessly Befoul UKIP with ill mannered chavery and idiotic STUNTS!


You will remember prior to the last EU election when UKIP did so well as the dustbin for people who had been duped, primarily by The Telegraph, relative to the average £700 or so overclaim by MPs over 5 years on their secondary allowances - you will recall because a few had trousered inordinate claims there was an outcry against the 3 political parties.

The most clearly guilty man in Westminster was ennobled to the House of Horrors where Gorbles Mick now sits with such trash as Niel Kinnock, Britton, Patten, Alibi Brown, Lord Back Alley, Glynys, Melvyn Braggart and yet more garbage booted out of the way for political expedience!

UKIP became the dustbin for the protest vote, helped by the BNP who Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher had put a lot of effort into helping by raising their profile at almost every opportunity.

This led to UKIP getting 13 MEPs and the BNP 2 - seeming to show a hard core racist, Islamaphobic, anti Jewish core to the British electorate with 15 MEPs.

This of course was a misrepresentation as without the help from Farage and Croucher in raising the BNP profile, their 2 seats were unlikely, the BNP was on the verge of self destruction. Had there been responsible reporting by The Telegraph explaining what they branded 'The Westminster expenses Scandal' The BNP were on route for oblivion and UKIP was expected AND expecting 3 to 5 MEPs if it was lucky.

UKIP's real support was shown in the General Election when they obtained a mere 3.1% of the vote.

In fact even those figures misrepresent the actual 'cause'. UKIP could well be sitting, even with a First Past The Post (FPTP) voting system with possibly 20 - 60 MPs at Westminster now or even perhaps more.

UKIP has an incredibly popular message, and STATED core values, aims and principles - in fact the aim to leave the Political EUropean Union and the catastrophic and dishonest Monetary Union, which Britain squanders £45,000,000 per DAY on proping up as a nett, nett contributor, whilst deriving absolutely no benefit - is it any wonder that the majority of British voters want these obscene and unaccounted excesses curtailed.

Just how many Doctors & Nurses could we train and pay, how many Hospitals and New Schools could we build, how much of our road network could we improve and how many of our Police and Courts could be retrained to do the job they are paid for, how many newly built prisons might we have and we could look after our injured soldiers with honour and dignity all with £45,000,000 a day invested not squandered.

Consider how we could support rebuilding our industrial manufacturing base destroyed by membership of the EU and 13 unlucky years of economic illiteracy and political self enrichment by a gang of neo communist parasites.

Every one of these voters could reasonably have been expected to vote UKIP.

Why did they not?

The core value of UKIP as a brand name in terms of voter recognition is at about £17M. so the Organ itself is shiny, popular, looks good and is widely recognised - the tune is incredibly popular and populist and a majority of the British people know it and sing it.

Ipso facto the crowds gather and vote for UKIP returning a substantial number of MPs at Westminster!

Well actually NO.

So why is this when UKIP is so clearly so popular?

I believe that UKIP initially interests that majority, but then they see the lack of an organ grinder so the tune is at all the wrong speeds and keeps introducing misplaced bits of melody and there is a performing monkey in a little pin striped suit which has quite a good act but keeps stealing from the crowd and loves fermented fruit and makes a fool of itself on a regular basis. The party monkey dancing on the organ top is surrounded with useless chattering little monkeys that spend their time squabbling and brawling and the pasrasites on these monkeys keep leaping off them towards the crowd and defacating on and biting the crowd.

There is even one of the monkeys with the biggest bag of nuts and the largest bunch of bananas doling out the occasional nut to any of the monkeys to have sex and perform un-natural acts to entertain the scum of the crowd, it seems - there is another that climbs on top of the cars and performs and copulates indiscriminately but not one seems to do what it is meant to for lack of an organ grinder!

Most of the monkeys have ganged up with a marauding gang of the vilest monkeys in the political zoo and attack and beat up or at very least throw taunts and insults if not stones at any monkeys from outside the zoo or who follow different leadership.

One of the monkeys had to locked in a cage for stealing all the bananas and clearly they are an embarrassing troup that performs as it wants to regardless of its masters and the lead howler monkey has made a complete ass of itself with the other monkets and apes in the zoo with its utterly pointless screeching as they try to gather as many nuts as possible as quietly as possible and hide them so they can return to their nests as soon as possible with a supply of nuts for life just by stealing them.

That sadly is the story of UKIP and why they only get 3.1% of the public to vote for them and why out of 19,000 electable offices they only hold less than 30, by election!

UKIP monkeys even make themselves violently unpopular with other teams of similar monkeys both the howler monkeys, the chattering monkeys and the big apes for instance they will spike their guns and steal their nuts as they did with Declan Ganley's half baked Libertas micro monkeys - it does seem as if that is the primary task of Bridget Rowe one of UKIP's monkey's parasites (as reveilled in Fleet Street!) who has now teamed up with the hapless and hopeless James Pryor  that was attracted by UKIP's monkey, another parasite. One of the omni present monkeys that makes a living over many years from adequate protest, but not too much, in the monkey temple - but little effort to climb out and seek independence as protest gives a comfortable supply of nuts as long as it doesn't make too much noise!

We expect Malcolm Pearson (yet another that has hopped off) to arrive and front them soon!

Seemingly with the childish and irritating aim of aiding the big apes in the EU by trying to spike Nikki Sinclaire's cross party petition for a referendum details of which can be found if you CLICK HERE
If you just wish to sign the petition CLICK HERE
or if you want a general look at the petition and how you can help CLICK HERE
It really is a case of the higher up the tree the monkey climbs the more you see its Rs and a monkey in pinstripe is a monkey no less.

I hope this helps people to understand why UKIP as a party is so catastrophic with only 3.1% of the electorate prepared to vote for them despite a huge majority liking both the organ and its tune.


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future   


#0081* - Measure The depth of FILTH IN The Anti UKIP MOVEMENT!

#0081* - Measure The depth of FILTH IN  The Anti UKIP MOVEMENT!   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 

Measure The depth of FILTH IN  The Anti UKIP MOVEMENT! 
FILTH LIKE Skeptyk, Mark CROUCHER, Douglas DENNY etc! 


It was an interesting coincidence that I had just written roughly this text on the blog pages of a few of the more damaging liars and anti UKIP trash  that are members of the leadership team of UKIP, their parasites and supporters

I rarely read the drivel from UKIP's spin machine as I find it is so dishonest and distatefull - packed with lies and distracting fantasies.

The Leadership of UKIP and their parasites would seem to be so stupid that they do not realise the supporters of UKIP are those who seek to get rid of them, clean up UKIP and make it electable NOT those seeking status and enrichment!

I decided against the prize as it was too subjective as so many in UKIP's leadership believe attacking and defaming their critics is defending UKIP when in fact attacking the messenger and unable to address the criticism is a mark of dishonesty and incompetence on the part of the name caller - so very UKIP!

We watch Croucher, Denny, Skeptyk, McTrough and others perpetually making fools of themselves and then believing repetition of their dishonesty and misrepresentation in some way makes it true - they are that stupid! - it is in fact a measure of their stupidity as they overlook the FACT that individuals like my self are not seeking votes or power nor to feed from the public purse.

Douglas Denny for instance is ONLY of ANY significance BECAUSE he seeks aggrandisement, authority and influence representing others as do Croucher, McTrough and others and as are those seeking to destroy UKIP by upholding corruption like Skeptyk and others of the anti UKIP faction.

That I am attacked, lied about defamed and libeled on the internet is hardly surprising as I spend almost all my time rooting out corruption, seeking out and exposing the Snake Oil Salesmen who feed on the underbelly of life, the weak, the gullible and the ill informed - people just like Skeptyk who set up web sites, blogs and forums in desperate attempts to defame me as do the Politicians and paedophiles all seeking to denigrate me to try to pretend that in attacking the messenger they are in some way adding credibility to their own status.

Indeed people like Skeptyk are that stupid! Repeating the libels and fantasies of each other these low lifes seek to dupe people - who I am is utterly irrelevant - I am merely the messenger, hence so few of the scum contact me to verify anything and so many of the decent folk pass on or seek out the facts.

Then whilst answering a few questions on the phone, for one of UKIP's more dedicated members, to help them, I clicked onto Anthony Butcher's corrupt and squalid forum - to find Skeptyk was performing almost to order, just as had the corrupt idiots Douglas Denny and Mick McTrough.

SCUM is very predictable in a septic tank - it floats to the top!

Skeptyk has provided a perfect example of this - so lets look at their self destructive maunderings:

But as we are getting so moralistic over the profiting of such 'exploitative' behaviour,
A comment on the apparent morality of one of UKIP's more self serving excrecences - the multi Millionaire Willian Earl of Dartmouth whose latest wife has just sold a flat in Australia for 11Million - we note Dartmouth has never featured as a donor ! We also note he, like the rest of UKIP's MEPs has never produced and presented accounts but the media have exposed him as a pornographer of some note being a Director of one of Hanson's companies and profitting from the debasement of society as a pornographer.

Hardly in keeping with the principles and family values of UKIP but all too normal for the anti UKIP leadership and its parasites.
I would like to ask Tim, our resident spambot/guardian of morals,
An individual who does not use his full name for understandable reasons with filth like Skeptyk all too ready to attack the man not the message in as vile and cowardly way as they can.
what he thinks of the inescapable fact that one of the sponsored links (ie one that makes money) on a website belonging to his hero GLW is to a website that makes light of rape and child abuse
Skeptyk is a LIAR - that they repeats the lies of someone else does not in ANY way exonerate their dishonesty.

Please identify the web site I supposedly own and the link claimed.

Please be so good as to show that in any way by any means I profit from any use of the internet - save by vending legitimate goods from time to time via eBay (historic or my now defunct GlanceBack web site selling stamps, coins, medals etc.)
A site from which I am blocked as they find it expedient to lie and defame me behind my back- in fact this is the link that comes up when as claimed by Skeptyc I click on his link
 exactly the sort of behaviour I would expect of Skeptyc - but in fact more likely in this instance to be the gutter broadcaster in America Paul Drockton, who is deriving cash per click out of posting defamatory and sick sites all over the internet and aiding paedophiles and pederasts, abusers and exploiters by providing a platform and support for a collection of utterly corrupt con artists including Robert Green, Brian Gerrish, David Icke, Belinda McKenzie, Matt Quinn and others.

May I also point out that the other damaging piece of anti UKIP Filth Douglas Denny is also a supporter and correspondent of Paul Drockton's for proof and details CLICK HERE

Skeptyc may also be interested in Paul Drockton's opinions on other matters or his vile and debased attack on his own son, since they are obviously devotees who are happy to quote his efforts without any sense of integrity, decency or morality CLICK HERE
Or here is another piece of filth that would be abot the standard of the anti UKIP brigade of Skeptyc, Denny, McTrough and their ilk CLICK HERE
As Tim has a finely tuned antenna for what he views as immoral behaviour, I fully expect that he will be offering us all very stern criticism of his leader GLW’s antics (which are made even more grotesque by the fact that GLW claims to be a defender of those who were abused).
I think it is very clear that yet again the only grotesque behaviour here is that of the likes of Skeptyk, Croucher, McTrough, Denny and those who do such harm to UKIP by refusing to permit it being cleaned up and endlessly dragging it into the gutter where they live to aid corruption and sabotage the EUroRealist movement, on which many of them are dependent for a living - heaven forefend the EU might be dismantled or Britain might escape its malign clutch for where would these filth derive their status and in many cases income!
Or will Tim do what he normally does – run away when he doesn’t like the quest
Perhaps this piece of dishonest filth Skeptyk could identify one phrase of veracity that is of ANY consequence in his endless slime filled cowardly attacks on such UKIP supporters as Tim, Niall Warry, Dr. Abbott, Piers Merchant, Marcus Stead, Richard Suchorzewski, John Pratt, myself, Geoffrey Collier, John West, Petrina Holdsworth, Marilyn Swain, Peter Baker, Simon Muir, Dr. Eric Edmond, and their like - dedicated over many years to seeking a way out of The EU, resolute and determined - in fact hard working supporters of UKIP and the cause its members of principle support.

It is the likes of Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough,, Kevin Mahoney, George Thomas, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Paul Nuttall, Derek Clark, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Hugh Williams, Peter Reeve, George Curtis, Gulleford, Graham Booth, William Dartmouth, Malcolm Pearson, Malcolm Wood, and their ilk and cowardly filth and scum like Skeptyk in UKIP's leadership and its parasites that have ensured that in 17 years UKIP has only ever achieved a few stupid stunts and a top vote of 3.1% in a General Election and out of some 19,000 available electable seats less than 30.

They are the real anti UKIP trash, as proven again and again.

The decent moral patriotic members of UKIP must be so ashamed to be associated with these charlatans, low lifes and self serving trash - clearly the British public want nothing to do with them.

Look at UKIP's results with such trash in situ - it can not be the cause as the huge majority of Britain's peoples espouse the same cause as UKIP's members - it is the leadership and its vile parasites and paid praise singers.

Embarrassing as the logic may be it is clear and irrefutable.

I have this strange feeling that Skeptyk is unlikely to publish this blog by way of apology on Butcher's squalid Forum where Skeptyc is so at home with their vile attacks, lies and key board bragadoccio in cowardly anonymity!

PERHAPS THOSE WHO GENUINELY CARE ABOUT OTHERS Might care to consider assisting with one of my other projects which can best be understood if you Go To and follow some of the links. I have been involved in exposing paedophiles, campaigning for decriminalisation of homosexuality, exposing corruption on the public purse, opposing racism and the like for best part of half a Century now - perhaps you would care to consider your position and possibly help if you can.

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Sunday, 29 August 2010

#0080* - MORE LIES from UKIP's Douglas DENNY!

#0080* - MORE LIES from UKIP's Douglas DENNY!   

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

MORE LIES from UKIP's Self Serving Douglas DENNY!
These Clearly Anti UKIP Activities and Statements
of The Leadership Team - Are What Has Destroyed UKIP!

17 years & 3.1% Vote in The General Election

Out of about 19,000 electable seats UKIP holds less than 30 by election.

Clearly the utter corruption of the anti UKIP, Self Seeking & Corrupt
Leadership has hugely enriched a few but has destroyed UKIP.

For More Of Douglas Denny's Dishonesty see:
Other Articles where his probity, integrity, wit, charisma and charm have 
shone through (NOT) can be found at the end of the posting! CLICK HERE!


Here is a revisionist history from Douglas Denny for UKIP - which is a pack of lies, which will hardly surprise anyone!

Sadly one expects dishonesty, false claims and childish abuse from UKIP Leadership and their parasites who feed off them!

The self serving drivel from the idiotic Denny is in blue:

Petrina appeared in train with with GLW and others including Mariline Swaine and Peter Baker and others for a disciplinary committee meeting I chaired, which was to ascertain if there had been a serious breach of confidentiality of UKIP business by Peter Baker.
A misrepresentation in that material witnesses had been asked to arrive early as I for one had not met the players and Ms. Holdsworth wished to briefly run through her 'running order' having been asked to act with Peter Baker in his defence against the utterly dishonest and duplicitous behaviour of Derek Clark and his Kangaroo Court Show Trial - masquerading as a disciplinary hearing to seize control of The East Region Committee which Peter Baker had been elected to chair.
It was aborted when on the day at the meeting after about two hours into the proceedings,
A LIE - The proceedings never commenced as Douglas Denny proudly announced he was not prepared to hear various witnesses. After discussion with Petrina Holdsworth & Peter Baker, forced to be held on the pavement of a seedy Council housing estate by Douglas Denny as the offices to be used were Gerard Batten's.

Peter Baker, on advice from Holdsworth agreed to have a mediation meeting to set aside the matter. They then entered the building leaving the witnesses in the street, including 2 UKIP branch chairmen and the treasurer of the Eastern Regional Committee - courtesy and consideration of senior members of UKIP by its paid servants seems unheard of!
when the complainant, Derek Clarke, gave up on the proceedings, because the meeting was held in Gerard Batten's rooms on London and had been compromised.
A lie - it became clear to the sordid pair Douglas Denny & Derek Clark that they were not going to get away with their corrupt action and also they were unable to constitute a Disciplinary Hearing under even a parody of their own rules.
Compromised because he (Gerard Batten) had disallowed by telephone that morning the presence of GLW in his property,
Gerard Batten being fundamentally a dishonest little oik and having absolutely no understanding of British Justice nor his duties as an MEP and representative of others - The little man showed himself to be self important, unjust, corrupt and a fool, an opinion I had formed previously which he has repeatedly confirmed by his actions and utterances.
and would not allow GLW (a valid witness to the proceedings) - entry.
Of course NOT what Denny said at the time - propositioning me in public to take a witness statement in a public toilet! I declined his importuning!
Denny also tried to imply that I was NOT a valid witness at the time.
Whatever the corrupt Batten may understand of British law and whatever his fear of me is immaterial to Justice - had it occurred to him responsible men and women who oversee and dispense Justice, the length and breadth of Britain, may well not like those in their premises and before them - clearly this jumped up telephone salesman was too stupid and too ill educated to understand his duties on the public purse.

Batten was not elected for his ability, intelligence, competence or integrity - he was selected in a corrupt internal 'process' and elected based upon votes for UKIP on a corrupt EU PR system - that is how slime like he and Derek Clark get to hold their overpaid sinecures way beyond their ability, intellect or probity.
That was a crass decision by Batten
Interesting to see Denny changing his tune - no doubt to seek corruptly to advantage his master's chosen candidate for leadership by disadvantaging the corrupt Gerard Batten.
- I knew from that moment my meeting was a disaster.
It was Denny CLAIMS his meeting - yet if this were the case why is it clearly a fact that he lacked the integrity to cancel it forthwith nor did he voice his opinion that it was un Just and unfair and no more that a Kangaroo Court of no validity until years later - It will be noted that he did all he could to proceed with the case despite its corrupt circumstances and Denny has himself pronounced that it should have gone ahead and he would have won it!!! Denny was supposed to be a functionary in this event not a protagonist and it shows clearly by this statement alone how corrupt is UKIP's disciplinary process and particularly Douglas Denny.
He had made my job impossible.
NO - Had Denny had a shred of integrity or one wit of moral compass Gerard Batten's corruption had made Denny's job simple. Cancel or set aside the proceedings, apologise to all for their being inconvenienced, thank them for their commitment to justice and ensure that UKIP acted honourably and refunded their expenses.
I knew it but went ahead.
Clearly because Douglas Denny lacked morality or any ethical understanding of how to behave.
It scuppered the meeting's proceedings.
Douglas Denny permitted the proceedings to be scuppered by his incompetence and fundamental corruption.
Petrina made full use of that in her support of Peter Baker who she was acting as legal advocate
A measure of Douglas Denny's incompetence is that he doesn't even appreciate that is the duty of a legal advocate!!!
(in direct conflict of disciplinary proceedings protocol; and to which to my shame I allowed and should NOT have -
Are you seriously telling us that UKIP Disciplinary hearings dictate the manner in which defendents are permitted to defend themselves against corrupt individuals like Derek Clark who seek to hold Kangaroo Courts in the party name. Can it be that if it is a trial by UKIP rather than a hearing of two parties then UKIP will ham string the defendent and deny them a fair trial and select who may be witnesses and preclude the witnesses who show clearly that UKIP is in the wrong!!!

Next you will be telling us that UKIP should be elected to positions in Governance!!!
and should have slapped her down!).
What a foolish uppity little worm - since when is it the job of a clerical functionary - which was Denny's job at that stage to 'slap down' anyone under any circumstances as he was representing the interests of UKIP members at large. Might this be why UKIP is a risible disaster that after 17 years obtained 3.1% in a General Election and out of 19,000 electable seats they hold less than 30 by election!

Are not people of the calliber of Denny, Clark, Batten and the like the very reason for UKIP's abject failure in the light of the incredible popularity of the cause the members espouse.
I regret that: I did not. I should have - she was in contravention of the rules.
There are those of us who support UKIP who regret you have any part in it with almost if not all the leadership team and their parasites.

Petrina Holdsworth was not in contravention of the rules YOU were firstly as the rules are unlawfull being, as you have explained them, ultra vires to the basic tennets of Justice and it was YOUR duty to uphold such laws as were valid NOT Petrina Holdsworth's duty to teach you your responsibilities - at least be man enough to not try to blame the lady present!
Petrina although an ex-chairman of the party has consistently been an anti-UKIP advocate here on this forum.
Perhaps you could site a single example of her ever being anti UKIP - she has without fail upheld the aims and principles of UKIP which she has done calmly and with courtesy. I appreciate you and others have made fools of yourself in your childish and totally unfounded aspersions and name calling - it has clearly been yourself and others colluding in the corruption, dishonesty, fraud, theft, embezelling and contempt for British values who have been anti UKIP - UKIP's leadership has not for many years represented it members or the ethics of its members it has been scum like yourself who have lied, cheated, defamed and corrupted the party by your behaviour.

We all recall that Petrina Holdsw2orth resigned as Chairman as she was not prepared to collude in the corruption and lies of the leadership of UKIP which was anti UKIP and in complete betrayal of the principles and ethics of UKIP members.

We all remember also that even that usually corrupt UKIP body the NEC acted honestly, honourably and with integrity on one occasion and then by a majority of the vote, despite a corrupt and unlawfull attempt of John Wittacker to corrupt the process, they voted by majority to fire YOU Douglas Denny from the position you held for dishonesty, corruption and seeking to corrupt a leadership election on behalf of and on the instruction of Nigel Farage - however many revisionist histories and re-writes of the minutes you may commission, the truth is in the public domain and understood by the informed.
I leave you to make your own conclusions as to that fact - as I already have.
Oh but we have and that is why UKIP has to rig its internal elections and selections and why it obtained a mere 3.1% of the vote in the General election and less than 30 elected seats out of some 19,000.

UKIP's results are based on just such examples as led by the utterly dishonest, dishonorable and corrupt Douglas Denny and the other parasites and self seeking, self enriching crooks that have formed UKIP's leadership over many years.

So many in UKIP's leadership believe attacking and defaming their critics is defending UKIP - when in fact attacking the messenger and unable to address the criticism is a mark of dishonesty and incompetence on the part of the name caller - so very UKIP!

We watch Croucher, Denny, Skeptyk, McTrough and others perpetually making fools of themselves and then believing repetition of their dishonesty and misrepresentation in some way makes it true - it is in fact a measure of their stupidity as they overlook the FACT that individuals like my self are not seeking votes or power nor to feed from the public purse.

Douglas Denny for instance is ONLY of ANY significance BECAUSE he seeks aggrandisement, authority and influence representing others as do Croucher, McTrough and others and as are those seeking to destroy UKIP by upholding corruption like Skeptyk and others of the anti UKIP faction.

For More Of Douglas Denny's Dishonesty see:
Other Articles where his probity, integrity, wit, charisma and charm have 
shone through (NOT) can be found at the end of the posting! CLICK HERE!

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Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 



After making this statement of course it is incumbent on me to explain, so permit me to use a simple example, at least that way when McTrough reads it he may be able to find someone to explain it to him.

Here is an example of a posting made by the fool on 27-Aug-2010 after he was PUT on the NEC as someone who could be counted on for his dishonesty.

On Anthony Butcher's sordid public Forum Tim had not unreasonably asked the new NEC member:
The Battle of Britain was fought 70 years ago. I find it very offensive that McTrough thinks its funny to mock those men who fought in last war by using Glw's dad as his avatar pic. People like Glw's dad fought and died so McTrough could spout his rubbish on here. Under Hitler he would have found himself six feet under by now. What next? Photos of blitz victims to laugh at???????
I appreciate that McTrough's use of my now dead Father is tasteless in the extreme, and I thank Tim for the common sense and good manners to appreciate this, however firstly I am not remotely surprised that trash like McTrough would seek reflected glory. I am not remotely phased by McTrough's childish and tasteless action it is the standard one would expect from UKIP leadership when they are not dressing up as chickens, playing with scout cars and APCs and inflating rubber toys usually they are whoring or drinking or making porn movies it seems.

When the scum of the earth do something one should not be surprised if it is childish and tasteless.

Anyone wishing to see my Father's obituary, from which McTrough stole the picture can CLICK HERE
he is now dead but would have found it hugely amusing to be being bandied around in a medium he neverexperienced though knowing him he would have been disgusted at association with filth like McTrough, I am my Father's son and he also did not suffer fools!

He also keeps mocking Glw's girlfriend all the time and not a word from Mod Richard about that. I noticed he also insulted Brian Lee. Funny how Richard Allen doesnt have a problem with that either.
Yes another distastefull and cowardly action by McTrough - he is a typical playground bully with childishly arrested developement, it is astonishing how such fools progress in UKIP and speaks volumes of the party.

And I know others agree with me on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! McTrough, a fine addition to the Nec. I am being sarcastic. Gerard made a big mistake supporting this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I cant think what got into him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly one could hardly expect Gerard to do something intelligent as he has all the charisma of a woodlouse. It is interesting to see Denny attacking Gerard as clearly he fears him in the leadership bid!

Anyway the UKIP Village Idiot replied to Tim:
1)my father fought for six years in the Royal Fusiliers(City of London Regiment) losing his brother,my uncle,of the same regiment in Tunisia aged 17.
So what? OK your Father was a squaddie and you never met your uncle - what is the significance?

2)you and GLW like dishing it out but hate it when I RETURN FIRE.
I rarely see his drivel as I have NEVER seen a posting by him that was other than childish playfground posturing the man is clearly a fool. Perhaps he can show where he has said something honest and intelligent - I can not speak for others but I believe every word I have published about this sordid liar can be substantiated and it is he who is being commented on and his ONLY defence is to name call like some pre pubescent little girl.

I care not about nomark dimwits like you two but I'll not remain idle when attacked.
Then why is it your ONLY topic? I act in reportage based on facts as a supporter of UKIP seeking to clean up the party, expose its corruption and try to make it electable - foolishly this odious idiot McTrough drags UKIP into the gutter he inhabits with abuse and defamatory name calling that so damages UKIP. Who I am is ABSOLUTELY irrelevant - I merely report and comment on the facts.

3)KLW twice phoned me to try and establish any weakness and thought that my membership of a professional body was just that,it wasn't.
A lie - outright, I phoned to ensure accuracy of a statement I was reporting and also to see if I could establish some sort of way to stop McTrough making such a fool of himself and UKIP - I failed.

I did however establish that he was homophobic
Having been an active campaigner for the decriminalisation of homosexuality in my teens, and involved in organising the first homosexual pride events - that really is choice from this bufoon! McTrough will fail to find one single instance of anti homosexual activity or comment in my entire life - He however IS a liar.

and that when I referred to his partner he went to enormous lengths to advise me it was of the opposite sex.
Untrue when McTrough was fishing for info. he asked about Lee and I said no my partner was female despite the spelling of her name.

4)Brian Lee is like GLW;happy to mock voluntary professional treasurers as only having to know the price of a load of bread.Again I RETURN FIRE.
It is McTrough who lies to his colleagues and cheats the party for preferrment, it is McTrough with PERSONAL ambitions. I have NEVER wanted a political office to represent others.
IF YOU ,GLW AND BRIAN don't like being insulted,mocked and all else then it is up to you lot to be courteous and non insulting.
Perhaps McTrough would explain where I have unreasonably mocked or insulted him beyond exposing he is a worm of an individual dishonest, corrupt, unethical and a liar - a crashing bore who loves to turn up ANYWHERE to pose and posture McTrough by nature - an excrecence happy to bully and defame but without taste, style, intelligence or veracity. All he has EVER managed to identify about me is based on appearance - so what has he not grown out of such behaviour?

I have taken one of the more moderate of the idiots comments as an example - he is an excrecence with no understanding of the fact that by putting himself forward as of significance and telling lies TO the party he has made himself fair game for reportage based upon fact.

For more data on Mick McTrough CLICK HERE
Alternatively if you are looking for factual information and articles on individuals check the Indexed hot links in the Right SideBar - which will take you to this and other blogs - or use the SEARCH facility at the head of the Right SideBar.

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Saturday, 28 August 2010



Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!



today's Grauniad gives a fascinating insight into Wee Willie's priorities - this is the man who has been sited by The Telegraph as a pornographer being the director of a hard core porn film making company which exploits the sick, women, men and society with filmed perversion - yet seemingly fails to pay its wages bills!

As an elected MEP, even though the selection process in UKIP is and was undeniably utterly corrupt, William Earl of Dartmouth as a multi Millionaire would seem to be not just a pornographer but also seeks to try to justify his vile behaviour by admitting he is a useless Company Director and hadn't a clue what his co-director young Hanson was upto - surely an admission of utter irresponsibility and complete incompetence!

Hardly loyalty to his chum/co-director or the company of which he himself is a director - is it any wonder he is now advertising in the gutter of values for a Spin Doctor.

I wonder howmuch he pays his researchers and EU staff or his staff as a UKIP MEP and supporter of anti Judaism, racism, anti homosexuality and pro membership of the EU as a member of one of the more active groups that campaigned FOR The Lisbon Treaty as members of the largest sector of UKIP's Farage led EFD Group did.

Head of Press

  • Posted: 27 Aug 2010
  • Location: Central London
  • Industry: Media - Press
  • Contract: Contract
  • Hours: Full Time
  • Salary: £75,000 – £85,000
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#0077* - In UKIP Leadership The Filth Seek To JUSTIFY THE FILTH

#0077* - In UKIP Leadership The Filth Seek To JUSTIFY THE FILTH  

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

In UKIP Leadership The Filth Seek To JUSTIFY THE FILTH!
Douglas DENNY, Mick McTROUGH, & The Other Low Lifes


With Referrence to Pornography & The Earl of Dartmouth being exposed as a Pornographer:
Originally Posted by Anthony Butcher
So what? There's no suggestion that he has done anything illegal, merely that the company of which he is a board member owns a porn company.
Firstly we all know that Anthony Butcher has no visible morality, he is happy to host defamation, libel and lies on his Forum and makes absolutely no effort to prevent outright corruption - in fact he himself is clearly corrupt in that he willingly responds to lies and carries out actions based upon proven lies and provides a platform for the lies of UKIP's more revolting liars such as Douglas Denny, Skeptyk, Paul Nuttall, Mark Croucher, Mick McTrough and their ilk.

Clearly one would not include the idiotic 'Baron' who is so predictably stupid as to be no more than a figure of fun - the only intelligent action of 'Baron' is to obfuscate their identity out of embarrassment!

It is so sad to see the party which I have supported for so many years and which I have put in much effort - as at the moment it is STILL our only viable lifeboat, hijacked by thieves, fraudsters, ner do wells, liars, anti Jewish, cheats, sexually intollerant, drunks, racists, the libertine and criminal and now pornographers!

Their behaviour is utterly indefensible in public office and from the public purse - yet they can always find some filth within their ranks to lie, distort, dissenble and defame - Here is Douglas Denny, wrong on almost every point, he hasn't even managed to get one word of his 'time line' right as he sets out to destroy UKIP by upholding its squalid behaviour whilst seeking to defame/shoot the messengers.

Let us look at his first comment as an example, where he says:
I have watched this thread and note it is just part of yet another classic black propaganda exercise - started by the Torygraph; further promoted by the 'Junius' idiot, and promoted to blazes here by the usual agents provocateurs: and so far (28th of Aug) has another sticking-in of her oar with her ha'pennyworth by Petrina which all goes towards confirming my suspicions about her and her links with GLW.
What a revolting little toe rag Douglas Denny is, an excrecence of a man willing to invent anything and maliciously lie at any opportunity!
I have watched this thread and note it is just part of yet another classic black propaganda exercise
WRONG - there is absolutely no sign of 'black propaganda and since I know those who have commented on Butchers grubby little forum, I know Tim, I know the Junius people, and I know my motivation - Denny could not (as usual) be more wrong.
- started by the Torygraph;
WRONG - as far as UKIP are concerned it was started by fiddling the MEP selection lists and by failing competently to vet APPLICANTS desperate for a job, UKIP being childishly impressed by a title, not monitoring the inactivity of the scum and freeloaders of UKIP in the EU and winding up with a pornographer as a UKIP MEP!
further promoted by the 'Junius' idiot,
Junius knowing The Telegraph or having a contact in The Telegraph who had got hold of this story passed it to me as already they had a story for the day and as you may have noticed Junius tends to stick to ONE story a day - whereas I pass on whatever facts I may find that make my point, which is clearly stated at the head of my every blog on this blog site.

As idiots go perhaps the clear and proven idiot, liar, cheat, fantasist and all round prat Douglas Denny could explain in what way he claims Junius to be idiots as to my knowledge, like myself, we merely REPORT the FACTS seeking to be as accurate as possible and to date I am unaware of either Junius or myself EVER deliberately publishing something of consequence that was untrue.
and promoted to blazes here by the usual agents provocateurs:
WRONG - It was hardly promoted on the forum - after I had published an article on this piece of factual news I had conversation with Tim who put the news on Butcher's squalid forum. I note the subject took off after the obscene declaration of Anthony Butchers lack of moral standards, which of course should surprise no one as he is openly stated not to have standards EXCEPT his own standards of dishonesty, corruption and 'double standards' we also note his tollerance of the exploitation of both men and women and support for the degredation of society with the acceptance of perverse pornography.

A circle he must find hard to square with his judgemental incadecence at infidelity!!!!!! Work that one out!

I wonder what his cohabitee Hollie Giler thinks of such libertine lack of standards and contradictory morality - or more to the point what the parents of the children she teaches or her board of governers would think of such a sordid, duplicitous and dishonest attitude to life and social values!
and so far (28th of Aug) has another sticking-in of her oar with her ha'pennyworth by Petrina
WRONG - Petrina Holdsworth the ex Chairman of UKIP who resigned based on her unwillingness to collude in the corruption of The NEC & Leadership of UKIP - has, as is her right as an ex member of UKIP disgusted at their leadership team commented on their latest crass stupidity.
which all goes towards confirming my suspicions about her and her links with GLW.
WRONG - Perhaps the odious Denny would care to define his attempt to mislead people. That Petrina Holdsworth may share a number of my opinions of UKIP Leadership should hardly come as a surprise - just look at UKIP and what a sordid, corrupt, unpleasant, dishonest, dishonourable bunch of scum their leadership are - why would you be surprised if decent honest folk with inside knowledge of the party have a commonality of disgust?

What EXACTLY are these idiotic suspicions Mr. Denny and can you in any way uphold them or are they just more of your lies?

Douglas Denny's idiocy and defamatory lies follow below for your amusement - be minded this is the ghastly little oik who was deselected as PPC in his own branch gaining only ONE VOTE other than that of himself and his wife! He was also fired by his own NEC as a member of that NEC - his peers found him to be dishonest, a liar and corrupt having sought whilst returning officer for an election to personally corrupt the electoral process in favour of and with the collusion of Nigel Farage!

He has consistently lied about this fact regularly making attempts to rewrite the facts to dupe the gullible and naiive. Douglas Denny is an habitual liar.
Quite so !

Let's get right back to square one - as above - and try to eliminate all the trash and cr@p in this thread which has followed from your first statement on this issue as above Tony..........


I have watched this thread and note it is just part of yet another classic black propaganda exercise - started by the Torygraph; further promoted by the 'Junius' idiot, and promoted to blazes here by the usual agents provocateurs: and so far (28th of Aug) has another sticking-in of her oar with her ha'pennyworth by Petrina which all goes towards confirming my suspicions about her and her links with GLW.

Look at the progression:

Anti-UKIP newspaper tries to dig dirt with dodgy mud-slinging article of no worth. Idiot anti-UKIP agent provoc 'Junius' takes it up on internet. BDF agent provoc 'Tim' promotes it on here with this thread; then other agents provocs carry on with the rubbish and nonsense to keep the pot boiling.

Classic propaganda! Goebbels would be proud of them.

Method: promote a dodgy fact of a quite insignificant link between a UKIP higher official who has absolutely no knowledge of the fact and blow it up into a grand inquisition event.

The Earl Of Dartmouth has business connections with various companies - all the aristocs do, as do many non-aristocs too ..... so what? One of the other members of one of the companies has a link to a porno company producing "interesting" material ....... so what?

I do not think it beyond the bounds of possibility that these kind of anti-UKIP attacks are co-ordinated, and I believe that the BDF is now a fully integrated part of this kind of anti-UKIP exercise, completely manipulated by the agents provocateurs. All the real UKIP people have left the BDF - there are only one or two left here like me who challenge them.

And just because GLW does not grace us with his evil smelly presence in person with his monicker on postings here does not mean he is not fully manipulative of this forum with his clone acolytes.
It really is rather embarrassingly childish isn't it - sort of W.E.Johns meets The Sunday Sport!

If You wish to study the details of the idiot Dartmouth's apologia with links to the meeeeja articles that followed our publication scoop CLICK HERE you may also be aware of Hanson's earlier relationship with the young model and her becoming addicted to drugs with tragic consequences!

More on the squalid behaviour can be found if you CLICK HERE and also CLICK HERE

We note that within minutes of receiving instruction from a UKIP placeman on UKIP's NEC, the odious Mick McTrough, and after a series of juvenile postings by him name calling and insulting all and sundry to detract from the facts on the thread Anthony Butcher or his obedient gofers locked the thread to comply with McTrough's instruction. No doubt embarrassment on his part when he re-read just how childish and foolish he had been as a representative of UKIP leadership.

They really are the barrel scrapings aren't they!

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