#0676* - UKIP In Trouble Over
Racism it Seems!
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UKIP In Trouble Over Racism it Seems!
Though it would seem that now this stone has been lifted in The Courts there may well be a great deal more in establishing Justice and ensuring that it is seen to be done than in the clear racism of a UKIP MEP as observed and condoned by UKIP and now exposed in detail the the BRITISH Courts - though one can expect UKIP to seek shelter in the skirts of the corrupt EU and its unjustly imposed Diktats has UKIP has done before for its own gain!!
UKIP In Trouble Over Racism it Seems!
I wonder just howmuch damage the outcome of the further hearings under the aegis of The East London
Employment Tribunal case which seemingly had a prelim. hearing on the 6th, October.It does look all too like the little chocolate Button could melt on this one.
The documentation and the recordings that are likely to prove more than a tad embarrassing for the odious little man whose racial and extreme views on various subjects are clearly nurtured in the gutter from whence he came.
Gerard Batten was selected as a candidate for UKIP surely against the better judgement of every idiot and his uncle in the Party - he presents clearly as xenophobic with his endless comments demeaning The Angles and The Saxons as if he could trace his blood line for more that about 2 generations on the paternal side!
It is interesting that the details I had established by wndering the internet and had confirmed from another source on this very day a few minutes into 14th. October 2011 on the anniversary of the death of
King Harold at the hands of a random shaft from an unknown bowman when facing the challenge to the throne by
William The Bastard and his Army landed from Normandy.
Meanwhile for all his duplicitous stupidity, fundamental ignorance of truth justice and
British values we find Gerard Batten's hypocracy beggars belief with his hysterical and crass attacks on particularly Islam pitting his choice of invented Gods against those invented by someone else!
One wonders if his Phillipino bride and her children are in fact followers of Dr. Sin as good Catholics and hence Gerard Batten is in fact acting, not in the interests of these United kingdoms as a petty and crass Nationalist but for and on behalf of Catholicism in a Phillipino context!
One need only listen to the tedious drone of this odious little man to realise that he has not come far from his roots intellectually and despite his huge income still thinks as a BT shop assistant with all the prejudices of the Bromley, Lewisham style BNPesque low lifes.
That he is funding his brother's print business and Harold Batten allegedly does much very very profitable work on EU expenses via a company called Roundel is likely to cause some embarrassment to UKIP - who have never had open and transparent accounts or an interest in probity and integrity.
Perhaps The Tribunal in exposing the overt racism of Gerard Batten's membership of various shadowy bodies and his espousal of such debunked and odious documents as
The Protocols of The Elders of Zion - s frsudulrnt snti Jewish propaganda tract seeking to claim a global Zionist consipacy with which to berate The
No doubt we can expect a joint UKIP, EDL, EFD Group publication on a Global Jewish Conspiracy cloaked in a clear misunderstanding of
The Bilderbergers - Will Harold Batten be buying more presses and costly kit on his nepotistic acquisitions?
I wonder what other material may surface and to what extent it will embroil others in UKIP and amongst their associates in the extremist, Racist, anti Jewish anti homosexual EFD Group with its very Catholic rooting as a pro EU reformist Group - strange bedfellows for UKIP but it is clear many of its leadership will pay good money to sleep with anything with a pulse! One was even observed copulating with a coloured prostitute on the bonnet of a car in Brusells but no charges were brought when he claimed 'Diplomatic Immunity'asa representative of Her Britanick Majesty being a UKIP MEP!
I wonder if the talk given by Godfrey Bloom to the extreme brakaway group of The Swinton Circle will become a matter of evidence or the fact that Farage as leader of The EFD has made only noises when his coLeader and one of the members of the group saw fit to praise the views of Anders Breivick.
Also do be minded that although it was the shambolic British Zionist Malcolm Pearson who made a large play of how Muslim women where greatly outbreeding non Muslim British and was host to
Geert Wilders in a particularly clear form of racial incitement - a function it seems Gerard Batten aimed to repeat later on during this year!
It is also widely rumoured that The EFD Group Leader Nigel Farage has tried to enveigel The Dutch racists into The EFD to ensure his income - aided of course by Gerard Batten it would seem, to judge by much of his vile output.
Well let us see what further information is exposed at the further hearings against Gerard Batten!
Greg_L-W. . .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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