We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
To Get The Message Out To The People Of Britain - IS IT NOW TOO LATE?!

IF you have a copy of the text of this video in electronic form it would be appreciated.

This Video is a very helpful tool - Sadly it was produced by the utterly corrupt
racist, xenophobic, anti Jewish, violent holocaust deniers grouped as The EFD
In The EU - for more details of these vile people CLICK HERE

Perhaps YOU can help CLICK HERE

HELP Get Signatures for THE Petition Campaign for An IN/OUT Referendum on The EU.


HELP Get Pledges to The OUT/IN Referendum on The EU Campaign

TWO separate organisations working towards a common goal in different ways but in co-operation.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Sunday, 28 November 2010

#0200* - UKIP & FARAGE Praise Where It Is Due

#0200* - UKIP & FARAGE Praise Where It Is Due!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP & FARAGE Praise Where It Is Due!


FIRSTLY - IF YOU have an electronic text of this video it would be appreciated.

Praise where it is due - Nigel Farage made an excellent speech in The EU faux Parliament last Wednesday it was great to see him - as ever the performer - this time he actually managed to act like a grown up and avoid childish ad hominem ranting!

Praise where it is due - just imagine how much UKIP could have achieved by now if it had ever had a laeader o0f any merit and it had distanced itself from the scum and parasites that are now gathered around Farage.

There is no doubt that Farage at his best as a performer is on a par as a speaker with people like William Hague and even Dan Hannan but without a clear and conmmitted leader of competence his efforts are of no real consequence - negated by the scum around him his parasites and sychophants.

Well done Nigel - now all that UKIP needs to have some relevance is a thorough clean-up and the removal of the filth like Mark Croucher, Mick McTrough, Marta Anreasen, Douglas Denny, David Bannerman, and all the other placements and the parasites and the recruitment of a strong and competent leader.

I have appended the following comment on You Tube, and I will stand by it in any arena, as a supporter of UKIP for over 15 years - unlike the mouthy self seekers, self serving, self enriching crooks who have seized control and debased its incredible potential leading to the loss of virtually every honest and reliable activist and every single political visionary or competent thinker leaving the sweepings of what was potentially our lifeboat with sordid nere do wells, liars and thieves like Stuart Agnew, Mick McTrough, Marta Andreasen, Lord Pearson, Douglas Denny, Peter Reeve, Derek Clark, Mark Croucher, David Bannerman and the rest of the scum that have betrayed us all and our peoples and principles.

My congratulations to Nigel Farage for THE most prescient political speech since Dan Hannan exposed Gordon Brown for the charlatan he is and The Chilcott Enquiry exposed Tony Blair as a liar, a cheat and potentially a war criminal for his lies and crimes against humanity.

If only UKIP had a leader to harness the undoubted abilities of Farage & divest itself of its vile parasites and its equally odious EU partners - The day that happens Britain will leave The EU within 90 Days.

Better Off OUT!

Story Image
UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage

November 28,2010

By Ted Jeory
UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage has become a Europe-wide internet sensation again for another attack on Brussels bureaucrats.

His speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday has made him a cult hero across the continent.

Almost 200,000 people have watched different versions of it on YouTube and it has even been translated into German.

In the speech, he asked Brussels’ “very, very dangerous” officials: “Who the hell do you people think you are?”

Speaking directly to Belgium’s EU President Herman van Rompuy – the man he notoriously likened to a “damp rag” and a “low grade bank clerk” – he said: “You’ve been in office for one year and in that time the whole edifice is beginning to crumble, there’s chaos and the money’s running out.

“I should thank you. You should perhaps be the pin-up boy of the eurosceptic movement.”
He told fellow MEPs to scour the faces of their colleagues in the Strasbourg chamber .

“Look at the fear, look at the anger,” he said. “Poor old [European Commission president Jose Manuel] Barroso here looks like he’s seen a ghost.

“They’re beginning to understand that the game is up and yet in their desperation to preserve their dream they want to remove any remaining traces of democracy from the system.”

Earlier, Mr van Rompuy had claimed that the crisis-hit euro had brought stability to the EU, but Mr Farage dismissed the boast.

“I suppose I could applaud you for having a sense of humour but isn’t this really just the bunker “Your "Your fanaticism is out in the open. You talked about the fact that it was a lie to say that the nation state could exist in the 21st century globalised world.

“Well, that may well be true in the case of Belgium, which hasn’t had a government for six months but for the rest of us, right across every member state in this union, increasingly people are saying we don’t want that flag, we don’t want the anthem, we don’t want this political class – we want the whole thing consigned to the dustbin of history.”

The Ukip leader then criticised Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn, for suggesting last week that Ireland should delay a proposed general election until its budget had been approved.

“Just who the hell do you think you people are?” he said. “You are very, very dangerous people indeed. Your obsession with creating this Euro state means that you are happy to destroy democracy.

“You appear to be happy for millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be poor.
“Untold millions will continue to suffer so your euro dream can continue.”

He predicted that Spain and Portugal would soon need bailing out, but by that time, the pot of money would be exhausted.

“But it’s even more serious than economics,” he added, “because if you rob people of their identity, if you rob them of their democracy then all you are left with is nationalism and violence.

“I can only hope and pray that the euro project is destroyed by the markets before that really happens.”

Mr Farage’s previous outburst against Mr van Rompuy last February attracted by almost 600,000 views on YouTube and resulted in an official reprimand.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

#0199* ~~ HELLO! 28-Nov-2010

#0199* ~~ HELLO! 28-Nov-2010 
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
HELLO! 28-Nov-2010! It Has Been Veeeery Quiet!


I do apologise for a lack of information as I have been unable to keep myself or you up to date for a while!.

Late on Saturday 20th. or the early hours of Sunday 21st. both my BT Telephone and my BT Broadband line CRASHED, Vanished, ceased, failed and became what monty python would describe as 'A Non Connection'.

The Internet & phone vanishing at the same time proved a major inconvenience and living in Chepstow, where ALL mobile phone connection signals are poor to say the least and as our building has stone walls at least 3 foot thick our signal is such that we do not bother with mobiles. I have never seen myself as at the back and call of others anyway, so have little interest in mobiles!

Anyway - now I'm back on line I'll try to play catchup - although much is useless I still have to plough my way through the average 200+ eMails I get a day and must check across the many blogs I write or contribute to so I expect it to take the best part of a week to catch up.

I do hope you all saw the article I put at CLICK HERE
Also worth noting was CLICK HERE
& TODAY I have added CLICK HERE

In brief - now that I have the phone & broadband back I'll be up and running properly soon and will aim - as ever - to supply the VERRIFIABLE, CHECKABLE, FACT BASED NEWS about EUkip and the idiocy and incompetence of its self serving leadership and their parasites - who have done so much to undermine the EUroRealuist movement with their self enriching self serving antics as they squabble like ferrets in a sack!

NEVER FORGET that in approaching 2,000 postings on the internet about UKIP - Never ONCE has it been shown that I have done or written a single solitary posting that was not in support of the aims of the genuine members of UKIP or the principles on which it was founded - furthermore never once have I been asked to make a correction of any substance by any individual as EVERY posting I have made has been shown to be materially accurate and factually correct.

There would be no point in this blog if the media and members who read it could not count on the reliability of the FACTS which I have provided.

Unlike the filth published by pond life and sluts like Annabelle Fuller, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough, Stuart Parr and their ilk I have derived absolutely zero personal or financial gain by publishing my blogs - Further I have made a point of publishing the TRUTH and have NEVER set out to cheat or defraud people by publishing outright lies unlike Lord Pearson, Douglas Denny, Mark Croucher, Stuart Agnew, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen etc.

IF I have EVER published an item you may count on its accuracy (but not the spelling ;-) - ANYONE who notes an error or verrifiable inaccuracy in ANYTHING I publish PLEASE contact me so that I can make the relevant correction.

Thanks - Sorry about the missing week - I'll try to infil;l iover the next few days!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, 19 November 2010

#0196* - Nigel FARNDALE Writes 3,200+ Words On Nigel FARAGE's UKIP: Floccipaucinihilipilification

#0196* - Nigel FARNDALE Writes 3,200+ Words On Nigel FARAGE's UKIP: Floccipaucinihilipilification!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Nigel FARNDALE Writes 3,200+ Words On Nigel FARAGE's UKIP Floccipaucinihilipilification!
The study of nothingness proves an irrelevancy!



It is quite astonishing that a consumate journalist like Nigel Fandale can write an essay of over 3,200 words about ANY individual and display just how clearly he perceives the subject of his essay as vacuous, and of no gravitas or visible competence beyond that of a self centered, self serving, dishonourable empty vessel.

To be fair Farndale does find Farage sociable - going on to portray him as little but a fool.

In an essay of this length in a broadsheet one would expect some revelation of values, vision, aim - even perhaps some thanks or inclusion of praise of his team - it is necessary to keep reminding oneself that the essay is about a supposedly leading politician on an income or at very least cost to the tax payer of over £1Million a year - yet the article portrays nigel Farage as of no greater worth to his party, our Country or the body politic than some footballer's WAG.

Do read the article for yourself and draw your own conclusions:

Nigel Farage: born to rant

He's compared a fellow politician to a 'damp rag', had an extra-marital fling - and survived a plane crash. How facing death has softened the UKIP leader - a little...

Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage, photographed in 2010 Photo: Spencer Murphy
Even Nigel Farage’s enemies, of which he has an impressive collection, would have to admit that he has the recognition factor. Whether he is appearing on Have I Got News For You or becoming a YouTube hit after abusing the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, telling him that he has ‘the charisma of a damp rag’, among other ripe comments, the 46-year-old UK Independence Party MEP knows how to get noticed.
Farage being pulled from the wreckage  by UKIP PR man Duncan Barkes and a passerby
Nigel Farage being pulled from the wreckage by UKIP PR man Duncan Barkes and a passerby

Sometimes it’s for the wrong reasons, such as when he had an extramarital fling, or claimed £2million worth of EU expenses over 10 years ‘to prove a point’, but he seems to take the Wildean view that, for a politician at least, there is only one thing worse than being talked about…

Today he stands out because he is the only man in this country pub in Kent, his local, wearing a silk-lined suit and tie and, generally, looking like a commodity broker, which is what he used to be. (Tin and cocoa.) He has lived here, not far from the Battle of Britain airfield Biggin Hill, all his life.
‘I was christened in that church,’ he says gesturing at the spire outside. ‘You can be rooted, have a sense of where you come from and what your values are, without being parochial.’

His recognisability is one of the reasons why, when Lord Pearson resigned as leader of Ukip in August, all eyes turned to Farage. He had done the job before, resigning last year so that he could concentrate on trying to win a seat in Westminster. Ignoring the convention that the Speaker is normally returned unopposed, Farage stood against John Bercow and lost.
‘The one thing I couldn’t know was whether Cameron would endorse him,’ he says with elongated vowels that are a little like those of Frankie Howerd. ‘I thought he wouldn’t. I was wrong. I take chances. I rush into things. But I don’t regret things.’
Last week Farage was re-elected as leader of Ukip. His message to his troops, he says, is that they need to be more disciplined and better funded. Intriguingly, he compares Ukip to the Tea Party. ‘We’re not religious like they are and we’re not affiliated to the equivalent of the Republican Party, but in terms of the howls we hear from people who feel outraged that their voice is not being heard in Westminster, there is a comparison.’

Though Farage can rarely be accused of avoiding confrontation, he did brood long and hard over whether or not to stand as leader. ‘The internal squabbling can be very tiresome,’ he says. ‘But so many young people have told me I was the reason they joined the party that I feel it is my duty. But the main consideration, the reason I hesitated, was that I am still recovering from a pretty major accident.’

The qualifying ‘pretty’ doesn’t give quite the whole picture. On the day of the General Election in May, Farage even managed to upstage David Cameron when the two-seater plane he was flying in got tangled in the Ukip banner it was trailing and crashed shortly after take-off from an airfield in Northamptonshire.

Does he get flashbacks? ‘Sometimes.’ Trouble sleeping? ‘Never slept before, so that’s OK. It does come back to me occasionally. It wasn’t a good position to be in.’ He had a relatively long time to contemplate his fate that day. ‘I had about four or five minutes of staring death in the face. You almost adopt the 1916 subaltern mentality: if it’s going to happen, let’s get it over with quickly.

‘When the pilot said to me: “Nigel, this is an emergency”, I knew exactly what that meant. I could see the sweat on his temples and I could see him fighting to keep control. He said to me a couple of weeks afterwards that I had been very calm, but what else was I supposed to do? I reasoned that he didn’t want to die any more than I did, so if I was panicking or making calls on my mobile that would just make the difficult job the pilot had harder.’

If he had called someone it would have been his wife presumably? ‘Presumably, yes,’ he says with a laugh.
For all his epic rudeness on the political stage, Farage, in person, is a cheerful soul who laughs a lot and has a toothy cartoonish smile. He has something that he claims Van Rompuy lacks: charisma. But he seems to have no self-pity.
He remembers tightening his seat belt as the plane went into a dive. ‘The slowest bit was the time between the nose hitting and the plane rolling over, it must have taken three quarters of a second, yet I remember it vividly, that feeling of time slowing down. I can still hear that noise.

‘Bang! And as we were going over there was a flash of light and I remember thinking with shock: “My God! I’m still alive!”’ Then he realised he was trapped upside down in the wreckage. ‘Horribly disorientating. I could feel my chest was smashed in.’ (Later it emerged that his sternum and ribs were broken, and his lung punctured.) ‘Then I thought, I’m going to burn to death because I was covered in petrol, in my hair, everywhere and that was pretty scary I tell you. When the rescuers came and asked me calmly if I was all right they got an earful of Anglo Saxon!’

A photograph of Farage trapped in the wreckage, and another of him looking bloodied and dazed as he stood up for the first time soon swept the internet. Simon Pegg, star of the spoof zombie movie Shaun of the Dead, was joking, within hours, that there had been a swing to the Zombie Party.

Did that upset Farage? ‘No. I wasn’t bothered about it. Those photos capture the feeling of being smashed. They were quite intrusive though and if I had died there would have been a hell of a row. If I’d snuffed it in the ambulance. But I didn’t die, so there you are.’

Does he feel almost invincible now? ‘Well, I’ve had testicular cancer and been in a big car crash before but that was when I was younger. Look.’ He rolls up his trousers and points to a bulge of bone under the skin on his leg. ‘It was easier to bounce back from that.’ As for the cancer, which led to one of his testicles being removed, he says he doesn't find it uncomfortable to talk about.

‘In fact, I think the more men avoid talking about it the more dangerous it is. But this plane crash was different. I have to be realistic. The back is really not good. It is hard getting through a long day. I look all right. I’ve lost weight. Got a bit of a suntan, but when I wake up in the morning and try and put my socks on, I am quickly reminded of what happened.’

He says his approach, now that he has been re-elected as leader of Ukip, will be that of the older boxer. ‘I won’t be as fast but I will be able to box cleverer. Mentally, I feel fine, though I dare say there are those who would question what my mental health was like before the accident!’ The raucous laugh again.

One way in which the accident changed him, he says, is that he thinks he is less impulsive now, less bullish. ‘And less ebullient. That has been tempered. I have been thinking about that because I have always been the most ridiculous optimist. When I was in the City I always thought the next trade would be the big one.’

Did he take stock of his life in those four minutes? He nods thoughtfully. ‘I did think, why is this happening to me? Have I been that awful?’

And did he conclude that he has led a good life? He thinks long and hard before answering, which is not typical. He is never normally lost for words, as those who have been on the receiving end of his articulate and often amusing tirades in Brussels know well.

‘I’ve never really set out to hurt anybody either physically or mentally,’ he says eventually. ‘Not really. Never stolen anything. I think I’ve been reasonably honest. Is that leading a good life? You can regret you didn’t do more for your children but, on balance, I think I’ve tried to do what I thought was right. I don’t feel ashamed of the life I have led.’

Broadsheet readers may have missed reading about it, but in 2006, Farage, who has been married twice and has four children, became the target of a tabloid kiss-and-tell when a woman from Latvia claimed she met him in a pub in Biggin Hill and then ended up back at her place having sex ‘at least seven times’.

The revelation led to the joke ‘Ukip if you want to’. So. The extramarital affair?

‘Well, we’re all human. There is a big difference between that sort of thing and being really bad.’ And the expenses scandal? ‘Well, that was nonsense. I was trying to make a point about the Brussels gravy train, but it didn’t work. None of it went to me. Most of it went on my staff, on administration.’

And the accusations of racism? I remind him of David Cameron’s dismissal of Ukip as ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’. ‘Yeah we constantly have to fight against that prejudice. It was a bloody stupid thing for him to say and he’s never repeated it.
‘What he was doing was insulting his own party because most of his members broadly agree with what we are saying about Europe, people like Norman Tebbit, who is very popular within the Tory Party.’

Has Farage ever used the N-word? ‘Not since I was 15, a kid in the playground at school when you were all roundly abusing one another. No, that was a myth put about by Dr Sked [disenchanted Ukip founder Alan Sked].’

The mainstream parties may unite in their attacks on Ukip, ‘the BNP in Blazers’ is one of the insults, but, as Farage notes, much of the abuse directed at the party comes from within. The most spectacular bit of in-fighting was started by Robert Kilroy-Silk after he attempted a coup and then left Ukip in a huff to set up his own party, Veritas.

Kilroy-Silk described Ukip as ‘Right-wing fascist nutters’. Farage, in turn, dismissed Kilroy-Silk as a vain, orange buffoon and a ‘monster’.

At this point in the interview, Farage asks me: ‘We are the same age, how did you find growing up in the Seventies with the initials NF?’ It is my turn to laugh. Yes, I agree, they were unfortunate initials, but growing up in rural Yorkshire they probably didn’t hold as much significance as they would have done for him growing up in south London.

‘Yes, I was very aware of them because I was at school not far from Brixton. [At Dulwich.] During the Brixton Riots the police used our school as their headquarters.’

But let us return to the question about his leading a good life. He has an unusually laddish reputation for a politician. Does he feel this compromises him politically? What, for example, about his professed penchant for lap dancing clubs?
‘Lap dancing? Don’t have the time these days, but I used to go to them. Like it or not, they are a fact of life. You are talking about normal behaviour there. Everyone does it.’

Do they? I never have. ‘Why not?’ Because it’s exploitative, demeaning for both parties and tantamount to prostitution.
‘Prostitution and lap dancing are not the same thing, they can be but not usually.’ But aren’t conservative-minded politicians like him supposed to believe in family values?

‘Yes, but I am also a libertarian. I think prostitution, for instance, should be decriminalised and regulated. I feel that about drugs, too. I don’t do them myself but I think the war on drugs does more harm than the drugs themselves. I am opposed to the hunting ban and the smoking ban, too. What have they got to do with government? The one thing I cannot be accused of is hypocrisy.’

Even though his extreme libertarianism must have frightened the Tory horses, he was, nevertheless, once offered a safe Tory seat. ‘It wouldn’t have worked though, would it? I wouldn’t have lasted a fortnight before having the Tory whip removed. Besides, I think I’ve managed to do more outside the Tory Party than in.’

He did start out as a Tory though. Indeed, being an aspiring Thatcherite he chose not to go down the university route, preferring instead to follow his father into the City and make his fortune. He worked there for almost 20 years before having a political epiphany the night Britain joined the ERM in 1990.

‘I was convinced it was the wrong thing to do.’ Then came the overthrow of Margaret Thatcher. ‘The way those gutless, spineless people got rid of the woman they owed everything to made me so angry. I was a monster fan of Mrs Thatcher. Monster. Hers was the age of aspiration, it wasn’t about class.’

The final straw for him was Maastricht. ‘I really worried. And I realised the views I heard in here, in this pub, weren’t being represented in Westminster. That was when I thought it was time I should enter politics and try to do something about it.’

He insists, though, that he is not a little Englander who is against foreigners per se, not least because his second wife, Kirsten, is German and their two young children are, or will be, bilingual.

But for all that, he does represent a party in the European Parliament whose sole desire is to get Britain out of the EU. And they have had some modest success. In the last Euro elections they did take nine seats in Brussels, which meant they beat Labour and the Lib Dems.

But now that the single currency has come unstuck, I ask, isn’t the war over? ‘Well, thank God it has collapsed,’ he says. ‘I used to wear the pound sign in my lapel every day but now I don’t. But this isn’t about the single currency anymore. The debate has moved on. It’s about taking back control over your working lives from Brussels.

‘Every day ordinary life in this country is affected by our EU membership, ordinary trades, not just farmers and fishermen. Nearly all our laws and regulations are now made for us in Brussels. And not only that, our membership of the EU costs us £40million a day.’

It is time to reload, his expression for a refill. How much does he drink? ‘That’s been diminishing for 20 years. Attitudes have changed. Because I like a couple of drinks with my lunch I am considered strange.’ Has he ever worried about alcoholism? His father, after all, had a drinking problem. ‘I’m lucky. I’m one of those people who can take it or leave it,’ he says.

In the pub, the locals all seem to know him. We talk about the recognition factor again and note that, such is the level of public ignorance or indifference about politics and politicians in this country, surveys show that there are even some voters who cannot say who the prime minister is.

Farage says this does not surprise him. ‘I mean, who is Cameron? What does he stand for? He’s so bland.’ He’s laughing as he says it.

‘Actually, he and I get on OK. We joined parliament at the same time and were on the same South East news programmes circuit. He was always nicking cigarettes off me. And he was the first person to send me a note after my accident. Same day. I really appreciated that.’

This makes you wonder whether Farage’s accident has mellowed him. After all, calling Cameron bland hardly counts as an insult by his standards. Ask van Rompuy. He probably still wakes up in a cold sweat at three in the morning thinking about the abuse he received from Farage on the floor of the European Council.

Rumpy, as Farage calls him, looked stunned at the time. ‘I just wanted to ask him who he was?’ Farage now recalls. ‘Who voted for him? I don’t use a script and the line about him having the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk came to me while I was listening to his speech.’

He used to think he was wasting his time there, doing those speeches in a parliament no one covers. ‘But then the YouTube thing has given me a new lease of life. It reaches big audiences.’

It sure does. One of the sites showing that clip has received around half a million hits and a clip of Farage putting the boot into Gordon Brown, also at the European Parliament, has had a quarter of a million visits.

‘Oh yes, well, Brown,’ he says. ‘Good God. He has no social graces. A non-person.’ So if Cameron goes to speak at Brussels as Brown did, should he expect a Farage barrage? ‘Bloody right. That’s what I’m there for. That’s what they vote for me for, to provide some entertainment. With the European Parliament stuff, I have tried to make it entertaining.’

Intriguingly, if you look on European versions of YouTube you will see Farage is always given the title ‘Oppositionführer’. ‘I know, I know,’ he says. ‘Great fun. It just means leader of the opposition.’ Would the Oppositionführer say he is now more recognisable in Brussels than the Führer, van Rompuy? ‘I don’t know about that, but if I am recognisable it is only because the others are so bloody awful, not because I’m good.’

He can still dish it out, it seems, post accident, and when I ask whether he can still take it he laughs again. ‘Whatever Mickey-taking you get on programmes like Have I Got News For You it is as nothing compared to leaving public school and going to work on the London Metal Exchange. There it was vicious, all day every day.’

He doesn’t want to go back to that old life, he adds, even if his new life does sometimes bring him unwanted attention. ‘The recognition is great until you are on the last train home on a Friday night,’ he says. ‘It’s the classic ‘‘I know you” moment. And there’s nowhere to hide! Generally when people do the ‘‘good on ya mate’’ it’s from people you are happy to have it from, cab drivers and so on.

But on that train when people have had a few drinks…’ He drains his glass, slams it down on the table and laughs again. Bloodied but unbowed.

To view the original article CLICK HERE.

I do not decry Nigel Farage's abilities as a performer but I believe that Nigel Farndale has grasped the essence of the man as a politician, a leader or a man of gravitas and vision - Trying to fill his page clearly proved difficult and the flanneling has all the characteristics of a schoolboy punishment essay on the 'Contents of a Ping Pong Ball'.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

what a sad reflection on the filth that form UKIP's NEC under Farage - I note I am lied about and defamed by the proven liar, fraud and cheat Mick McTrough.
Rather similar to the wonderfull parliamentary soubriquette of being 'Savaged by a wet sheep'.

The responsible maturity of this egregious piece of filth Mick McTrough speaks volumes of UKIP and its position in the vangaurd of EUroScepticism - the few decent folk left in UKIP must be so ashamed of the obvious collapse of the party into such a lack of competence and integrity when all its vile executives can do is lie, defame and mount dishonest ad hominem attacks like spoilt children thwarted.

How proud a party of their ilk must be to read the bile filled ranting of a deranged member of their executive!
Greasy Loony Big Girl's Ponytail Whatshefor wo is closely associated with the juniarse crowd is homophobic.He was so desperate to let me know that his 'partner' LEE was female he phoned me especially, which I found most touching.This contrasts with his grooming of young ex UKIP no marks such as book stamper TIM (nasty and dim).

ps whtever did happen to the sums collected by the Major in support of Tim's bus fares?.
Be minded that Mick McTrough has been proven beyond any shadow of doubt to be a liar, a bully, a cheat and without any understanding of morality or ethics.

I care not what the fools says about me as I am not in any way material - I merely act as a commentator - I do not seek either his praise or his vote - nor do I function on his largess nor money scrounged from a membership - this oik Mick McTrough is a liar and shows himself to be yet again - demeaning UKIP as ever!

Perhaps McTrough if he werte to lift his snout from the gains as a parasite of the gravy train might care to place in the public domain his provenance and recording of the phone call he claims I made for the sole purpose of establishing that my partner of 25 years standing was female. Mick McTrough is a liar as I couldn't care less what filth like he believe.

Ever the coward we note McTrough who even lied about being UKIP elected PPC for Harlow to con members of the party into voting for him in the corrupt and rigged selection process in his greed to become noticed on the ladder to the troughs for an MEP.

Mick McTrough's dishonesty was so notable the UKIP Officially appointed Returning Officer advocated a re-run of the selection and vote as he had so materially corrupted the process with others - To read the denouncement of McTrough CLICK HERE
For more details of this revolting little man CLICK HERE - Filth isn't he and he represents UKIP in much the same style of dishonesty and fancifull lies as Douglas Denny, also sadly befouling UKIP's NEC - A shamefull little liar and cheat who was so discreditted he was dumped by the majority of the UKIP NEC in a vote for his dishonesty and efforts to corrupt an internal election for Nigel Farage.

Perhaps this piece of filth Mick McTrough would care to show where I have EVER made a single statement or taken a single action that justifies his politically correct claims that I am in any way homophobic. I actively campaigned in the 1960s for the decriminalisation of the perversions of homosexuality witjhin the framework of law for their decency and protection.

I have NEVER opposed the legalisation and subsequent legality of the perversion of homosexuality protected within the framework of law, at any time in my life.

Mick McTrough is a liar but is unlikely to have sufficient self respect to withdraw his lies and apologise.

Let us conside what this offensive failed little man then goes on to demean UKIP by ionvolving them in as an executive of the Farage Fan Club - His side swipe at Tim - one wonders if Tim has ever asked him for anything that might justify his playground bullying.

This excrescence of humanity who quite typically has deliberately leaked confidential correspondence with Gerard Batten that he dishonestly accessed - to further demean UKIP now we note seeks to defame Major Warry who has done more for UKIP let alone our Country than filth like McTrough have ever or could ever do. As a point of interest perhaps he would define when Major warry ever collected money for Tim. If he is trying to conflate Tim with John West might it not be more apposite to show his provenance and have more integrity to state his claim.

The cowardly little filth opts for a schneid remark based upon no fact.

Had he stated he meant the monies raised to assist John West in his attempts to obtain justice - anyone who donated to that fund for Justice can most clearly hold their head up with dignity unlike filth like McTrough who were happy to see an individual lied about, defamed and abused and even in McTrough's case join in the bullying to buy favour with the filth that are the so called leadership of UKIP.

To that question had McTrough had the integrity and courage to ask it the answer seems simple - How much or what it was used for is absolutely none of your grubby cowardly business just as it is none of anyone elses business who gave money or how much. That John West won his case against UKIP in Court - that Peter Reeve & Jonathan Arnott were shown for the low life fools they are is sufficient provenance that the fund was well spent.

That UKIP was censured by the Information Commissioner under Data Protection Laws speaks volumes of how unfit UKIP and its leadership are for public office of ANY description.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

#0194* - Hardy vs Parkin & UKIP: UKIP BANG TO RIGHTS IN COURT - AGAIN!

#0194* - Hardy vs Parkin & UKIP: UKIP BANG TO RIGHTS IN COURT - AGAIN! !
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

Hardy V Parkin & UKIP: The Full Court Judgement

Why does The Spiv Farage still think that UKIP is above the law? 
We note from the OFFICIAL JUDGEMENT:
Therefore I conclude that the NEC did consider Mr Hardy’s individual case in March and decided that his former membership of the BNP was no obstacle to his membership of UKIP continuing. That is hardly surprising in view of the warmth with which Mr Hardy had been welcomed into the UKIP fold from the BNP not least from Mr Farage.
John West beat them in Court. 

Greg Lance-Watkins beat Mark Croucher, Paul Nuttall, Clive Page of UKIP in Court. 

Censure from The Information Commission who found against UKIP.

Nikki Sinclaire beat UKIP in Court & was reinstated & compensated!

Alan Sked was paid out in an out of Court settlement.

Michael Holmes was compensated & withdrew his money.

John Wittaker was defined as untrustworthy in Court by the Judge & lost the employment case.

UKIP lost in Court & were forced to forfeit for accepting illegal donations from Alan Bown. 

They treat Nikki Sinclaire like dirt, Lord Pearson lied about her, Christopher Gill instructed theft from her offices, John Ison seemingly planted material as 'time bombs' in her accounts and when he left mysteriously he did not seemingly leave empty handed! Sinclaire as an MEP having been lied about and defamed by these gutter slime they then seem surprised when she refuses to let them get away with it. 

Would you trust Farage's Fan Club to run the country when clearly his claque UKIP can't act honourably, settle their debts or even respect the laws of these United Kingdoms as they enrich themselves undermining British values and our Courts as they stuff their pockets and each other at the expense of Patriotism, the electorate and liberty?

We note they will assist any scum in EUrope as long as they personally make money out of it and angle and fiddle for positions in other parties risible as their overtures may be - who would want the sweepings of scum from Farage's UKIP?
Agnew, Bannerman, Clark as openly recorded theives are not alone. The treacherous pond life Tom Wise only half way through a 2 year jail sentence for his thefts from the public purse is now out on license.

Just read the judgement of His Honour Judge P Fox QC,The Recorder of Middlesbrough against Farage's UKIP where as you can see he clearly castigates Farage, The NEC, Lisa the Duff, the risible little Jonathan Arnott, the puppet & placeman Gordon Parkin & of course UKIP who lost the case YET AGAIN.

I wonder if The Edisbury Constituency and the behaviour of UKIP there, the bullying & abuse of George Yoxall, will be next in the Courts as UKIP shuts and amalgamates branches as it collapses as a credible force in British politics.


CASE NOS. 9MB03865
AND 0MB00631










1. This is a consolidated action for damages and for a declaration that the Claimant’s purported expulsion from membership of the United Kingdom Independence Party is null and void.

2. As I shall explain, the narrative of the matter of complaint covers two episodes; hence two actions until they were consolidated by Order. The first episode concerns the actions of Mr Gordon Parkin who at all material times was, as he remains, Branch Chairman of the Stockton on Tees Branch of UKIP as I shall call the Party; the second episode concerns the actions by officers of the Party in their central organisation. Because the Claimant has at no time been represented by solicitor or counsel and because the point emerged only in the course of the Defendants’ counsel’s closing submissions I allow the Claimant to add as a defendant in the consolidated action Stockton on Tees Branch of UKIP. The reason for and significance of this will become apparent.

3. Essentially this is a hard fought political dispute in Stockton on Tees between Mr Hardy, supported by others some of whom have given evidence before me, and Mr Parkin the constitutionally elected Branch Chairman, no doubt with his supporters and apparently backed by the central organisation. In a nutshell Mr Hardy accuses Mr Parkin of being incompetent; dishonest and self seeking in his political ambitions so that the interests of UKIP are thereby ill served. Mr Parkin denies all this but accuses Mr Hardy of being so disruptive a member that it was impossible for the business of the branch to be done, as well as dishonesty in his attempts to unseat Mr Parkin from his position. Thankfully none of these matters is the concern of this Court which is able to determine the legal issues between the parties on a factual basis virtually of common ground, by which I mean an undisputed history of events and correspondence. I would add however, before turning to such uncontroversial territory, that having seen and heard Mr Hardy as his own advocate in these proceedings as well as a witness, and Mr Parkin as a witness, and given that the dispute between the two men is political, a subject invariably both powerful and sensitive in its nature, it is not difficult to see how temperamentally they could never work together in harmony. Mr Hardy is forceful of manner and frequently irrelevant in speech: Mr Parkin is quietly dogged and determined.

4. The following is, however, not in dispute and page numbering is with reference to the agreed trial bundle. For some time until he resigned in June 2005 Mr Hardy had been a member of the British National Party (BNP). In February 2007 his application to join UKIP was accepted. He became a member of the Stockton branch and was quickly active as such becoming its Press Officer as well as putting himself forward as a potential parliamentary candidate. Although unsuccessful in this latter ambition (Section 2 page 29) he received the commendation of UKIP’s head office in the former (Section 2, page 35). The significance of this factually is the actual knowledge which head office officials had of Mr Hardy’s former membership of the BNP, as also had Mr Nigel Farage MEP as may be seen from his correspondence with Mr Hardy (Section 2, page 26).

5. The date for membership renewal on payment of the appropriate subscription was 1st February each year. Mr Hardy’s membership was renewed in 2008 and 2009. Yet by this latter date all was not well within the Stockton branch. Indeed trouble had been brewing for some time. As early as 8th November 2007 Mr Hardy resigned his post as Press Officer and by letter of that date (Section 1, page 26.43) wrote to Mr Parkin that he would not serve “the branch in any post so long as you remain as chairman”. At some time during the winter of 2008/2009 a dispute arose as to whether Mr Parkin had distributed leaflets to each house or sufficiently on the Roseworth housing estate so that Mr Hardy and his supporter Mr Himmelblau conducted a partial enquiry door to door which in turn Mr Parkin dubbed inadequate and misleading. This issue led to cross accusations of lying.

6. On 8th January 2009 as Mr Himmelblau told me, and I accept, he and Mr Hardy met Mr Parkin by arrangement at the Central Library, Stockton and on grounds of incompetence and the fact that the membership was not increasing in size from a handful or so they asked Mr Parkin to stand down as branch chairman. He refused.

7. Branch meetings were approximately monthly. That for January 2009 was minuted (Section 1 page. 26.3) and held on 20th. That for February 2009 was held on 17th and as it was not minuted there is no record of the minutes for January being approved. There is only the notation (Section 1, page 26.7), “Minutes verified by GP before issue”. GP plainly refers to Mr Parkin and his perspective of that meeting and Mr Hardy’s part in it is clear. Worse was to follow because on 17th February the caretaker of the hall hired for the meeting of that date broke the meeting up and asked everyone present to leave the building on account of raised voices. Mr Hardy and Mr Parkin had each called the other a liar. The row was of such proportion that the building’s owners did not permit the Branch to return for a period of months.

8. On 10th March Mr Parkin wrote to all branch members (Section 1, page 26.20) that “Due to high campaign activity and the loss of our meeting venue we have decided that there will be no branch meeting this month……….. . Matters that were raised at our last meeting and are of concern to members are being dealt with and a report will be issued as soon as is practical”. Mr Parkin told me that “ we “ meant “I”.

9. From 29th March to 26th June Mr Hardy was in Saudi Arabia, teaching. Meanwhile, Mr Parkin having consulted a Mr Allison, UKIP’s regional organiser who had in turn passed the problem to Head Office, the Party Chairman Mr Paul Nuttall wrote to Mr Hardy on 30th March (Section 1, page 26.33) inviting him to meet the General Secretary, Mr Arnott, and himself on 14th April. Naturally Mr Hardy did not and could not either receive that letter in time or attend the meeting. Yet from his reply (Section 1, page 80A) it seems very doubtful that he would have gone if he could. Of significance however, in my view is the reply Mr Hardy received from Head Office (Section 2 page 33), “I have decided that this office had better things to do and henceforth will have no further dealings with you”.

10. Upon his return from Saudi Arabia and on 4th July Mr Hardy e-mailed the new Branch Secretary, Dr. Goyns (Section 1, page 26.56) asking him to telephone him. On 8th July Dr Goyns replied (Section 1, page 26.57) that on Mr Parkin’s advice, “it would be inappropriate for me to meet with you”. On 24th August Mr Hardy was writing to Mr Parkin (Section 1, page 26.18). On 11th September Mr Parkin wrote to Mr Hardy (Section 1, page 79), “I feel it is time I must set this matter to rest…..I have decided on the following actions …. you will no longer be permitted to attend any branch meeting of which I am Chairman”. His reasons were that Mr Hardy had brought the January and February “meetings into disrepute”, that at the February meeting his “actions and outbursts created an embarrassing situation which led to the eviction from that venue and the prevention of our return “, that he and his “colleagues decided to withdraw your support from UKIP in January of this year at both local and national levels” and that in his, Mr Parkin’s, opinion that was disloyal. He concluded, “I strongly recommend that you withdraw from the membership of the party forthwith…… . I have advised the branch secretary not to enter into any further communications with you…… . Should you wish to take the matter further then your only option left is to go through head office”. When he wrote this letter Mr Parkin told me he was aware that Mr Hardy had by then returned from Saudi Arabia. From the e-mails between Mr Hardy and Dr. Goyns it seems to me that Mr Parkin must have known that from early July.

11. There the matter lay until membership renewal time came round. Mr Hardy was not sent a renewal form from Head Office as was usual. He wrote on 30th January 2010 and 11th February (Section 2, pages 7 and 8) sending his subscription. On 19th February Lisa Duffy, Party Director, replied (Section 2 page 16) that when Mr Hardy left the BNP “to rejoin UKIP the National Executive Committee was not informed – as it should have been – and it was therefore unable to consider your re-application. This was an administrative error …… . In the circumstances I feel that before your membership is renewed the NEC must be given a proper opportunity to fully consider the matter. I am therefore referring this to the next meeting of the NEC and in the meantime am returning your £10 membership renewal cheque”. On 23rd March Mrs Duffy wrote again (Section 2 page 17) that the NEC had considered the matter and “would have no objection to your membership should you choose to apply”.

12. This is at serious variance with the content of a memorandum dated 8th September (Section 2, page 54) from Mr Arnott, UKIP General Secretary, addressed “to whom it may concern”. Its first paragraph plainly refers to Mrs Duffy’s letter of 23rd March. It has not been suggested it refers to any other. Her letter makes no mention of internal disciplinary proceedings being commenced immediately upon Mr Hardy accepting her invitation to re-apply and I have received no evidence that he was so informed. The second paragraph about there being 3 months grace for renewal and that thereafter “Mr Hardy would be treated in the same way as a new membership application” appears again without there having been evidence of any general notice of such a rule or specific notice of it to Mr Hardy. It is to be noted this document is dated only weeks before this hearing. The third paragraph needs citing in full: “It is the policy of the UK Independence Party not to accept membership applications from former BNP members and activists; any new application for membership from Mr Hardy would therefore now be rejected on those grounds”. Mrs Duffy, whose evidence I find to be honest and accurate, tells me that the position is as follows. In November 2009 when she was a member of the NEC, which was until she assumed her present full time post as Party Director, that body made a policy decision that henceforth applications to join UKIP from people who had been members of the BNP should be referred “to the NEC for approval”. This was because there had been “infiltration” from a date in 2008. I infer she meant deliberate infiltration as fifth columnists in order to disrupt the work or besmirch the reputation of UKIP. This would be consistent with her letters to Mr Hardy in March the contents of which she tells me, and I accept, are true.
Therefore I conclude that the NEC did consider Mr Hardy’s individual case in March and decided that his former membership of the BNP was no obstacle to his membership of UKIP continuing. That is hardly surprising in view of the warmth with which Mr Hardy had been welcomed into the UKIP fold from the BNP not least from Mr Farage. There has, moreover been not the slightest suggestion made during this hearing that Mr Hardy has turned his political coat once again. I have no choice therefore but to hold Mr Arnott’s memorandum as a deliberate contrivance to exclude Mr Hardy from membership of UKIP and to do so on spurious grounds.

13. Moreover Mrs Duffy tells me, and I accept, that her second letter to Mr Hardy was badly worded and the meaning ordinarily to be attributed to her words does not reflect the true position which was not that Mr Hardy would need to re-apply for membership but that if he would send her back the cheque she wrongly returned to him his membership would continue seamlessly. I take it she now realises her words conveyed a different and adverse impression. Clearly they did in the mind of Mr Hardy and understandably so in the context of what had already passed. It was hardly to be relieved by Mr Arnott’s general communication.

14. Thus on these facts I have no hesitation in finding that in effect both Mr Parkin and UKIP purported to expel Mr Hardy from the membership of branch and party. Was either entitled in law so to do?

15. Although no reference was made to either document during the evidence, during his final submissions Mr Holland, counsel for both Mr Parkin and UKIP, and upon taking instructions, also for the Stockton Branch sought to rely upon UKIP’s written constitution and the Branch’s rules to be found at Section1 pages 66 and 71 respectively in the agreed bundle. No point was taken regarding this by Mr Hardy nor do I think could there be. The following points of fact emerge:
(1) That the party is authorised to raise funds, purchase property and invest
monies (clause 3) – it is therefore in law a proprietary club;

(2) that membership is open to people who are not members of any other
political party which the NEC has declared incompatible with membership
of UKIP (clause 4.1), that if such a member of UKIP subsequently joins
such a party his membership is automatically revoked (clause 4.2), that if
a UKIP member is a member of such a party such a person will be given
28 days to leave that other party (clause 4.3), that members must maintain
their subscriptions (clause 4.4.), that members shall accept the party’s
Constitution and rules and do nothing to undermine the party’s reputation
or bring it into disrepute, or act in a way intending to cause or causing damage
to the party’s interests (clause 4.5);

(3) that by clause 4.6 upon which Mr Holland places particular reliance,
where constituency associations are established membership shall be of that
association and by affiliation of the association then of the party – there is
no issue but that the Stockton Branch equates to a constituency association
for this purpose;

(4) that by clause 5.3 the constituency association has the responsibility
for administering its own financial and other affairs subject to the constituency
rule book approved by the NEC – Mr Holland here submits that the Branch
was and is for present purposes “autonomous” so that the party is absolved
from the potential liability in this matter of either the branch or its chairman – a submission I have difficulty in accepting; it is not in issue but that the branch was affiliated to the party. Branch membership must then be membership “of the party” as well as of the branch.

(5) that by clause 14 the party shall establish a discipline committee;

(6) that by clause 15 the NEC shall establish the rules governing
constituency associations, disciplinary procedures and all other rules and
procedures forming part of the formal management; conduct and
administration of the party.

(7) that the branch rules should be read in conjunction with the party constitution which shall take precedence;

(8) that all party members are members of the branch in which they live (rule 2.1) – Mr Hardy lives and has at all material times lived in

(9) that Rule 3 is entitled Branch Committees

(10) that “branches are responsible for their own actions “rule 3.1) - a provision further relied upon in support of the autonomy argument;

(11) that the chairman “has principal responsibility of the direction of the branch” (rule 3.8.1)

(12) that rule 7 is entitled “Disputes”;

(13) that by rule 7.1 “instances may arise when differences within a branch threatens its proper functioning. Every effort shall be made to resolve these at the local level, either by branch committee or at a full meeting of the Branch. If this does not succeed the dispute shall be referred to the regional organiser acting on behalf of the party chairman “- it is impossible to think of what transpired within the Stockton branch as other than a dispute but I have heard no evidence
from any member of the branch committee, directly or indirectly or of its involvement in this matter – likewise there has been no evidence of a full meeting or for that matter any meeting of the branch attempting to resolve this dispute;

(14) that by rule 7.2 if the dispute remains irreconcilable the party chairman may suspend or dissolve the committee or dissolve the Branch in its entirety.

16. Mr Holland submits that the law of contract is to be applied. With that I agree - next that as the constitution does not provide for expulsion the Branch rules are to be applied and where they are silent as to procedure the rules of natural justice and that of a fair trial are to be applied, and where this last applies the claimant needs to prove that his case was dealt with by a reasonable and proportionate response in all the circumstances of the case. Again I agree that the constitution does not provide for expulsion in the particular circumstances of this case although I find clause 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 are not without relevance when I come to consider Mr Arnott’s general memorandum of 10th September this year. In fact such reliance upon Mr Hardy’s former membership of the BNP is in the whole context of this case patently a fig leaf the removal of which discloses an urgent desire to expel Mr Hardy at any price. Clearly Mr Arnott had no regard for this clause had it been a real reason to expel. Save for this consideration which is not without its own significance overall I accept Mr Holland’s argument so far.

17. So he contends Mr Parkin’s banning letter of 11th September 2009 was an action he was authorised by rule 3.1 to take particularly when regard is had to his “principal responsibility for the direction of the branch” under rule 3.8.1. Thus the argument runs Mr Parkin had legitimate power so to regulate branch meetings and in doing so what he did was within a reasonable and proportionate range of actions open to him. It is not for this Court, he submits, to prefer an alternative, particularly with the advantage of hindsight which is within such a range. With this last proposition I entirely concur.

18. Yet applying these principles of law as well as the ordinary meaning to be attached to rules 3.1, 3.8.1 and rule 7 (disputes) it seems to me that Mr Parkin did not have the power to act as he did and wholly failed to invoke rule 7. I do not underestimate the real difficulty of chairing a meeting attended by such a strong opponent as Mr Hardy and he could not in my judgment have been criticised for suspending one or any number of meetings summarily, nor for invoking the rule 7 disputes procedure with regard to all or any of Mr Hardy’s complaints. But instead he appears to me to have acted autocratically, taking sole not principal responsibility even if, which I doubt, the proper meaning of the phrase “direction of the branch” includes doing what he did by his letter of 11th September 2009. That speaks for itself and Mr Parkin has not suggested any alternative construction. It was his decision and his alone to banish Mr Hardy from branch meetings. That act effectively at least suspended Mr Hardy’s membership and although a less stringent test is applicable in law compared with expulsion the principles are the same and in my judgment even suspension in such terms, being for at least as long as Mr Parkin remained branch chairman, was for the same reasons as I have already provided in the context of expulsion, without authority, unreasonable and disproportionate. There is no evidence whatever of his having convened a meeting of either the branch committee or of the whole branch to consider the question of Mr Hardy’s suspension or expulsion. Plainly in March he involved Head Office but by July they seem to have left him high and dry. By September he was on his own. The letter of 11th was his and his alone, without further consultation and without giving Mr Hardy a reasonable opportunity to put forward any case of his own as to why he should not be suspended or expelled. He appears to have been both prosecutor and judge in his own cause.

19. The effect of such an act is compounded by the impression unwittingly given by Mrs Duffy but unambiguously pronounced by Mr Arnott by his general message of 10th September. The only inference sensibly to be drawn is that the senior party officers were backing and reinforcing Mr Parkin’s act and were not having Mr Hardy back.

20. Part of the “factual matrix”, as Mr Holland puts it, in my consideration of this matter is he concedes that unlike other kinds of proprietary clubs such as an allotment association or a tennis club the UKIP party is the only political party available to Mr Hardy, given his particular political views and allegiance, that the Stockton branch is the only branch to which by reason of his place of abode he could belong, and further unlike other activities of a sporting or other recreational type, political activity so long as it is conducted within a democratic framework carries its own special importance. Such considerations are in my view germane not only to the question of compensation but also to that of being treated fairly, reasonably, proportionately and in accordance with the branch rules. In each respect I find Mr Parkin, UKIP and the Stockton Branch on whose behalf to the last Mr Parkin has, through Mr Holland, maintained he exercised lawful authority, to have failed so to do. Each party is therefore in breach of his and its contractual duty to Mr Hardy.

21. I therefore hold that their purported expulsion of Mr Hardy to have been null and void and upon his payment of his £10 membership subscription for the current year his membership of the party and the branch continues uninterrupted both to the present day, and until either by lawful means he is expelled or otherwise resigns or retires.

22. Before turning to the matter of compensation and for the sake of completeness I hold that Mr Hardy has not been excluded from any public meeting as he once maintained, neither has he a valid cause of action under the Human Right’s Act as he also contended.

23. With regard to damages Mr Holland submits they should be nominal but I disagree. In effect Mr Hardy has for almost exactly 12 months been deprived of the enjoyment and satisfaction of pursuing his political aims and activity to which he has plainly been deeply committed. He would not however have held any office during that time nor I think been elected to either local or central government notwithstanding his clear ambitions. Neither do I find he is entitled to punitive damages in this case because I judge the unlawfulness of the defendants to stem from ill judgment and inattention to their own rules rather than bad faith. I therefore assess damages in the sum of £750.

His Honour Judge P Fox QC
The Recorder of Middlesbrough

Permission to publish this Judgement has been granted and you will find a copy at Junius also CLICK HERE
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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