We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Sunday, 23 September 2012


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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Please HELP to keep the information flow running based on verifiable FACTS!


may I commend the Junius team yet again for raising the debate on UKIP issues beyond that of the corrupt leadership clique and their vile and cowardly claque.

For those who wish to understand UKIP issues; without the lies and corrupt self serving spin, of those seeking enrichment for themselves and a few chums may I suggest:
A thorough search of Junius blog and the various UKIP related blogs which I run.

Use of Junius's Right Sidebar and also the Right Sidebar of:
may well prove to be the best source of indisputable FACTS available.

I say indisputable FACTS for try as they might on a daily basis, to date, UKIP and its sycophants and lick spittles have failed in many 1,000s of postings to show a single solitary error of consequence in a single posting.

It has not been shown, despite the cowardly lies of the anonymous sock puppets or the blatant lies of UKIP NEC members and MEPs or salaried parasites that there has been a single solitary malicious, dishonest, corrupt or self serving posting made whether deliberately or accidentally that has NOT been true both in substance and detail.

AT ANY TIME anyone who spots an error of FACT whether they consider it to be accidental or intentional
or 'e'Mail me at:

I WILL make ANY correction required for ANYONE giving their proper name and an identifiable phone land line (IN CONFIDENCE, which weeds out the liars and political scum like Skeptyk, Independent UKIP, Gothmog and the like).
The serial lies and distortions of the likes of these are of little consequence as they carry zero credibility however often they may repeat their lies as over many 1,000s of blogs, eMails and forum postings despite their oft repeated lies that claim this blog is dishonest and lies they have NEVER ONCE provided an instance where these postings I have made have in ANY WAY been consequentially wrong or inaccurate - little wonder they are unwilling to put even their faux reputations to the test by putting their own name to their lies!

Sadly I find I need virus & spam filters to weed out the more obsessed liars and fantasists like Mick McGough (who sent my spam filter around 20,000 unpleasant & tasteless spam eMails - a measure of the caliber of UKIP is this vile little man is an NEC member and a UKIP candidate for the EU's London assembly having lied & cheated to become an MEP candidate in the past - CLICK HERE).

Douglas Denny has been another serial public nuisance with his delusional lies and fantasies.

BUT they are not alone amongst UKIP's leadership!
Little wonder that so many prominent activists have lest UKIP in disgust CLICK HERE

Any item posted that is shown to be an error WILL be corrected and the error highlighted.
I do NOT remove articles from my blogs and am all too willing to apologise for any error I need to correct.

Similarly I will pass on any correction to The Junius team and will try to do so withing 36 hours and WILL report back to the complainant with any relevant response.

I trust this helps members and the public - particularly regular readers from the media to learn and provide the TRUTH & the FACTS.

On my own behalf & I'm sure on Junius's behalf our thanks for the steady flow of leaked info. exposing UKIP and others (which we use or pass on to others to use).

Our thanks to the many who ensure we maintain the accuracy and veracity of our postings and have done so for several years & many 1,000s of postings both on our own blogs, YouTube, eMails & Forums.

01594-528 337

You will note I ONLY publish the facts which I am willing to put my name to, and I do NOT use obfuscating or deliberately misleading identities to make ANY Posting on the internet on ANY subject.
Please note that comments on my blogs are moderated to weed out abuse, foul language, spam and similar and the postings of those unwilling to put their identifiable name to their postings - If they do not have the courage of their convictions and integrity to consider their blogs worthy of their real name I see no reason why I should consider them of any relevance!
Comments mailed to this blog will be posted, whether they support my opinions and statements or not minded of P.S.2 above ;-)
Anyone wishing to comment with a valid reason for concealment of their identity (my discretion) may send a comment to me by 'e'Mail identifying themselves in confidence to me, with their verifiable identity and I will post their comment in anonymity where appropriate or mail them as to why it has been witheld, which response they may, if they wish, publish elsewhere.

My identity and contact data are readily available:
if you require more details do either seek them out at:
IF you are interested in Health data see:

IF this still leaves you with reasonable details unanswered please feel free to contact me and ask directly for as long as you are prepared to do so, politely in an adult manner, use your real name and provide a correct land line telephone number (in confidence). 
. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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To Spread The Facts World Wide of OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN & To Leave-The-EU 

Friday, 21 September 2012

MERCHANT, Piers 21-Sept-2009 - IN MEMORIAM



Piers Merchant

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Piers Rolf Garfield Merchant
(born: 2 January 1951) & (died: 21 September 2009)
aged 58

Piers Merchant was a politician in the United Kingdom

He was Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) for Beckenham, but resigned in October 1997.

Before he became an MP he was a journalist and marketing officer. 

Merchant was educated at Nottingham High School and the University of Durham where he was Senior Man of University College's JCR. He was first elected to the House of Commons at the 1983 general election, for the Newcastle Central constituency, he lost the seat at the June 1987 general election. He stood for Beckenham at the 1992 general election and won.

MPs cannot technically resign; instead he took the offices of Steward of the Manor of Northstead, which automatically led to his disqualification.

In the 2004 European Parliament election, Merchant stood for the UK Independence Party in the North East England constituency, at the top of their party list. He was not elected.

Piers Merchant worked for some years, in various capacities, for UKIP, having been at one time political advisor to Roger Knapman the UKIP leader during their sucessful 2004 election and also for a short time acted as UKIP General Secretary until a suitable individual could be found full time.

In 2005, Merchant relocated to Great Torrington in North Devon. Merchant is also a member of Mensa.


It is with regret that I inform you that in early July 2009 Piers was diagnosed as having advanced multi site metastatic cancer, the prognosis being bleak. His wife Helen supported by their two children is with him at this time. (07-Jul-09)

It is with regret that I inform you that on 21-Sep-2009 Piers Merchant died after a short terminal illness. The cause of death was multi site metastatic cancer.

Piers Merchant leaves his wife Helen and their daughter and teenage son. Piers had faced his illness with courage, supported by his family, and leaves many friends and colleagues, Piers' brother will find it particularly hard as their Mother had died only a matter of a few months ago after a brief terminal illness, though at a much more acceptable age.

The EUroRealist movement has lost an indefatiguable campaigner and a well informed advocate, whose contribution in UKIP has been immense. He will be remembered with affection by his many colleagues in UKIP and before that from his days as a Conservative MP and before.

My personal condolences to their children Alethea and Rolf and to his widow Helen Merchant (nee Burrlock) whom he married in 1977. Helen loyally stood by Piers throughout the visicitudes of a colourfull and productive life, whilst maintaining a high powered career in her own right.

Much of Piers' life was was spent in service to British liberty and democracy, though he will be remembered by many for his colourfull private life - a life too soon lost!

Further details of his life can be found in The Telegraph if you CLICK HERE

In accord with Piers' view of The EU -
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
Gregg Beaman's Blog said...
It is terribly sad. Piers will be greatly missed by all who had the good fortune to know him, to whatever degree. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

GOURIER, John Prendergast 04-Sep-2010 - IN MEMORIAM

#0127b* - John Prendergast GOURIER 01-Jun-1935 - 04-Sep-2010 Age 75.
. . .

John Prendergast GOURIET

Died TWO Years Ago Today.

John Gouriet, who died on 04-Sept-2010 aged 75, was a pioneering campaigner in the 1970s against the abuse of power by Britain's trade unions; the lawsuits he brought paved the way for Margaret Thatcher to clip their wings.

John Gouriet
Gouriet, a former Army officer, was a Thatcherite before Thatcherism. He worked to halt the advance of "communo-socialism" in Britain; campaigned against Soviet "oppression"; fought sanctions against South Africa; and latterly was preparing to challenge the legality of Britain's membership of the EU.
Though Gouriet campaigned throughout his entire post-military life, he was at his most effective as director of the National Association for Freedom (Naff), which he founded with Norris McWhirter after the IRA's assassination in November 1975 of McWhirter's twin brother, Ross.
His signal achievement was to persuade the Court of Appeal to allow him to launch legal action against Post Office unions blocking phone calls and mail to South Africa – despite attempts by Labour Attorney General, Sam Silkin, to prevent such an injunction. 

Though the ruling was overturned by the House of Lords, it humiliated Silkin and caught the imagination of Mrs Thatcher, then leader of the Opposition, who attended Naff's victory banquet. Handing down the decision, Lord Denning memorably declared: "Be you ever so high, the law is above you. The Attorney General has no prerogative to dispense with or suspend the law of England." 

John Prendergast Gouriet was born in London on June 1 1935, the only son of a survivor of the Somme who went on to fly fighters in combat; John's mother was the daughter of an eminent Winchester Cathedral organist. 

Educated at Charterhouse, where he was an all-round sportsman, he was commissioned from Sandhurst into the 15th/19th King's Royal Hussars at the end of 1955, joining his regiment on active service in Malaya. For a year until their disbandment in 1960, he was second-in-command of a company of the Somaliland Scouts; during this period he raised an orphaned cheetah cub in his bedroom. 

Gouriet was adjutant of the Trucial Oman Scouts until 1963, then served as GSO3 Intelligence to the director of operations in Borneo. After Staff College he passed up promotion from major to become a squadron leader with his old regiment in Germany. He retired from the Army in 1973 when deputy assistant adjutant and quartermaster-general at the MoD.
He then joined the merchant bank Rea Brothers as assistant to Sir Walter Salomon. On a grouse-shooting trip as Britain's economic and union problems intensified, he told his fellow guns: "It's no use complaining, then doing nothing" – and there and then decided to "take up the cudgels". 

His first – non-political – venture was Young Enterprise. Gouriet set up companies with a nine-month life cycle, during which young people were taught the basic principles of business from flotation to liquidation. 

Gouriet consulted Ralph Harris (later Lord Harris of High Cross) at the Institute of Economic Affairs about a coordinated opposition to the erosion of personal liberties. Harris introduced him to Ross McWhirter; at the 1975 Conservative Party conference Gouriet and McWhirter leafleted every seat. 

He launched his first legal challenge when P&O ferry workers, sacked on returning to Southampton, stranded passengers' cars on board. Gouriet persuaded a publican whose car was at the very back of the queue to launch a test case; before it came to court P&O struck a deal with the union. 

Next Gouriet tried to persuade the Home Secretary, Roy Jenkins, to offer a £50,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of IRA terrorists. When Jenkins refused, McWhirter launched the appeal himself – only to be killed on his doorstep by the IRA. 

A week later, on December 2 1975, Naff was launched at the Savoy, with Gouriet as campaign director and Norris McWhirter as vice-chairman. Its first act was to pay for six parents of children in Tameside, Greater Manchester, to intervene against a move by the Education Secretary to force the borough's schools to go comprehensive. 

With the Labour government spurning the unveiling of a memorial in London to Polish victims of the wartime Katyn massacre for fear of offending the Kremlin, Naff formed the unofficial British party; Gouriet was decorated by the Polish government-in-exile. 

Most of Naff's campaigning revolved around the Post Office. At Christmas 1976 it supported a Broadstairs woman who set up her own delivery service, challenging the Royal Mail's monopoly. 

Weeks later, Post Office unions decided to block all communications to and from South Africa as a protest against apartheid. Gouriet sought an injunction under the Post Office Act, which made it an offence to tamper with the mail. Silkin refused his consent and Gouriet challenged this in the High Court, losing but on appeal being granted a temporary injunction by Lord Denning. 

Silkin told the Court of Appeal that it had no power to examine his reasons for refusing Gouriet consent. Lord Justice Lawton said: "All we are concerned about is whether Mr Gouriet has a right to stop himself being interfered with by what on the face of it appears to be plainly political conduct." After a four-day hearing the court ruled for Gouriet. Naff's membership shot up overnight; Silkin was greeted in the Commons by shouts of "Resign!" 

The Lords reversed the decision, and Naff was left with costs totalling £90,857; the money was raised after Gouriet warned that failure to pay would "spell the end of Naff and probably any organised resistance to the advance of communo-socialism in Britain". 

Meanwhile, Gouriet was taking a key role in the Grunwick dispute, over the refusal of a north-west London photo-processing firm to recognise a trade union. The ensuing strike brought violence on the picket line and entrenched attitudes on both sides, particularly when George Ward, Grunwick's owner, refused to accept a ruling by Acas and recognise the union. 

Advising Ward, Gouriet took legal action to stop the Post Office unions blacking mail for Grunwick. He then, in July 1977, orchestrated "Operation Pony Express". At 1am on a Saturday, two articulated lorries swept through the picket line to collect a backlog of 100,000 processed films. The packages were taken to a depot where stamps were stuck on them; 250 volunteers drove them to be posted at boxes throughout the country. 

Gouriet left Naff suddenly in June 1978, having fallen out with its chairman, Viscount de Lisle. It was renamed the Freedom Association that winter. He became chairman of Stevens-Lefield Foods, which made pouch meals for yachtsmen. From 1991 he was a director and consultant to General Portfolio. 

His campaigning continued unabated, though without an organisation behind him he achieved less. 

He pressed Mrs Thatcher to support Ian Smith's internal settlement for Rhodesia, and after Russia's invasion of Afghanistan co-founded the Campaign Against Soviet Oppression, lambasting "those manic geriatrics in the Kremlin". 

He demanded the full rigour of the law against whomever in the Libyan People's Bureau had shot and killed WPc Yvonne Fletcher. 

Gouriet twice threatened to stand against John Browne, his local Conservative MP. He urged Tories to rally behind Mrs Thatcher as the party's MPs moved to depose her, and as the rebellion grew against the Maastricht treaty, hailed the dissenters as "the real heart of the Tory party". 

In 1997 he stood for the Referendum Party in West Derbyshire, polling 2,499 votes. Two years later he ran the Earl of Burford's Kensington & Chelsea by-election campaign against Tony Blair's "treasonable" exclusion of most hereditary peers from the Lords. Gouriet tried to challenge Lords reform in the courts, and was left with a hefty legal bill. 

Gouriet joined forces with Norris McWhirter again in 2002, founding Defenders of the Realm. He chaired the group until his death, appealing for funds to mount a judicial review of EU membership for violating Magna Carta, the Declaration of Rights and the 1688 Coronation Oath Act. 

In 1981 he published a novel, Checkmate, Mr President!, emphasising the West's lack of strategic minerals. Hear, Hear! (2010) brought together more than 700 letters – many to The Daily Telegraph and articles he wrote during the Blair-Brown years. 

A bon vivant whose company was valued by both friend and foe, Gouriet also took a great interest in natural history, in particular ornithology, and in field sports. 

Gouriet survived heart attacks in 1993 and 2007; after open heart surgery he praised the care he received from the NHS.
He married, in 1963, Sarah Barnett, who survives him with their three sons.

To view the original obituary CLICK HERE

I first met John through Peter Watson & Harry Randall in the days of Sovereign Britain and also with Elizabeth Beckett who died in February 2009, also in association with other friends Idris Francis and Ashley Mote - I was interested to be asked by John to help with the setting up of The F&M Campaign with Salmons in Bristol and took that forward with Val Lusmore and Tony York, Cristopher Booker & Richard North, Mark Oliver and also Peter Troy and his relentless partner the inexhaustible Elaine, those who were involved might care to spare a thought for the sterling work and generosity of spirit of Val Sinclaire who achieved so much who has been cruelly zapped too young with a brain stem stroke from which she is fighting back as one would expect but hugely disadvantaged and with great loss of sight!

John and I had very different values, but perhaps they complimented each other!

John's, Memorial Service is at 12 noon Friday 22-Oct-2010
At: All Saints' Church, Westbury, BA13 3BT (

I have been asked to circulate the following:

Gouriet in 2010

You may be unaware of John Gouriet's sad and sudden death on Saturday 4th September 2010, as a result of heart failure.

Please, therefore, be advised that this email address will no longer be in operation and we would therefore be grateful if you would delete it from your mailing list with immediate effect.

Many thanks and kind regards

R Gouriet
. . .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
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