We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

#0574* - Gerard BATTEN's Views on Joining A PEPP

#0574* - Gerard BATTEN's Views on Joining A PEPP

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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UKIP's Gerard BATTEN MEP May Not Be The Brightest or Boldest but he has Views on Joining A PEPP!!
Gerard BATTEN's Views on Joining A PEPP
 Gerard BATTEN's Views on Joining A PEPP


although I know Gerard Batten is far from bright and also has little understanding of morality, ethics or Justice here are his views as a list MEP for UKIP regarding membership of a PEPP.

He does rather make a fool of himself in part when he claims he is a withdrawalist and would not wish to be associated with  a reformist PEPP.

After a couple of years as a member of the extremist, racist, anti homosexual, anti Jewish and pro EU membership Reformist EFD with no sign that he will ever develop a backbone of his own - One has to wonder why Gerard Batten introduces this outright dishonesty so undermining the rest of his opinions and claims.

I did however point out he really isn't very bright and when it comes to backbone he is indubitably a spineless coward.

Why I will be voting No to UKIP joining a European Political Party:
by: Gerald Batten MEP

I have taken a pragmatic approach to this issue and I base my decision to vote No in the internal ballot in September on the available information. In my view there are two main issues to be considered before making a decision. . 

Firstly, can UKIP MEPs or members join a European Political Party without compromising our withdrawalist principles? . 

Secondly, if the answer to the first question is ‘yes’, can the money or resources available be used to assist UKIP and our cause of British withdrawal from the EU? 

Would joining a European Political Party compromise UKIP’s withdrawalist principles? 

The honest answer to that we don’t know. 

We don’t know what it is we are being asked to join. We are being asked to sign a blank cheque and give blanket approval for UKIP MEPs and members to join an unknown quantity. What is the Constitution or ‘Statute’ of the party in question? Either we haven’t been told or it doesn’t yet exist. 

This ballot question should not even be posed at this time. It should wait until we can be presented with a specific European party constitution or statute that we can consider. 

If such a party were for example the ‘European Party of EU Withdrawlists’ specifically dedicated to nation states unilaterally leaving the EU then I might consider joining - but that is not what is on offer. 

The only statute that we have is that of the European Alliance for Freedom. The statute of this party is in the public domain and can be found on the internet. 

This includes the aim to: “campaign for a non-centralised, transparent, flexible and democratically controlled EU…” This is clearly not a withrawalist party but a reformist one. Do you want to reform the EU or to leave? I was a founder member of UKIP in September 1993 and it was I who proposed the name UK Independence Party. 

I am an unconditional withdrawalist and I would not join a reformist party. 

Can the money or resources available be used to assist our cause of British withdrawal from the EU? The basis on which European political parties will take part in the European elections in 2014 has not yet been decided by an EU Directive and transposed into national law. 

The practicalities of how a list of 25 or so candidates will campaign across the European Union has not been finalised and is causing some practical difficulties for those drafting the legislation. 

However one thing we know is that is that the list of candidates will fight under the name of their party, e.g. the ‘European Alliance for Freedom’ - not the UK Independence Party. 

The voters will most likely be presented with two ballot papers: one will bear UKIP’s name the other will not, it will bear the name of the European political parties. 

This will not directly help UKIP or our withdrawalist cause. 

The money available cannot be spent on UKIP. It can only be used on European political parties. The EU’s regulations clearly state the money cannot be spent on: 
Campaign costs for referenda and elections (except for European Elections for a European Party). 
Direct or indirect funding for national parties, election candidates and political foundations both at national and European level. . Debts and debt service charges 


European Political Foundations: 
Great play is being made of the money that could be used to set up a political foundation as a ‘think tank’ to assist our cause. But once again, who will determine what this think tank produces? A foundation will be affiliated to a European political party.

We have the same problem as in our first question: what will be its platform?Will it produce studies advocating EU withdrawal or just EU reform? We don’t know. 

Is this issue similar to the one UKIP faced in the 1990s concerning taking up seats in the European Parliament? No. In 1994, as UKIP’s European Election Organiser, I argued that UKIP should fight on the platform of not taking up our seats in the European Parliament. After some years of careful consideration I changed my view in 2001. 

I was able to change that view because taking up our seats did not compromise UKIP’s withdrawalist principles. UKIP fights European elections on our terms – not those of the European Union or foreigners influencing or determining our party constitution or manifesto. 

The Yes campaign website in this ballot have kindly referred to me as follows, “Nobody who has the privilege of working with Gerard would describe him for a second as an ‘integrationist’ or a ‘federalist’. But to his substantial credit, he remains fully and properly engaged with the enemy at the front”
I am grateful for their generosity in acknowledging my efforts. But because I am an uncompromising, unconditional withdrawalist. I will not vote Yes to UKIP members joining a European political party until I know what it is, what it stands for, and that it will campaign for outright withdrawal from the EU. 

I intend to vote No in this ballot, and I hope that a majority of my fellow UKIP members will do likewise. When we are presented with a specific statute for a European political party, and a proposal for the work of a Political Foundation we can make an informed decision. 

Not until then. 
The horse must come before the cart.
To view the original article CLICK HERE

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#0573* - Birmingham UKIP PEPP YES/NO DEBATE

#0573* - Birmingham UKIP PEPP YES/NO DEBATE

For more aggregated facts, rules, information, debate and opinion of PEPPs (Pan EUropean Political Parties CLICK HERE 

Already the EU seeks to remove the word 'Political' from the abbreviation to hide the integrationist aspect and inexorable efforts to eradicate National Politics - This is just another step in the destruction of liberty and denial of Democracy which The EU is seeking to impose by bribing OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN to adopt, with OUR money.

Little wonder we see proven liars & the untrustworthy lined up to promote this new hope of self enrichment!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!    
27-Jun-2011 - BIrmingham UKIP PEPP YES/NO DEBATE

Posting made to the blog 11:30hrs. 29-Jun-2011 

For a further report on this meeting see: CLICK HERE

Nigel Farage's Official salaried boot licker Michael Greaves stated:
'UKIP Members are to stupid & naive to understand the issues'
no doubt mimicking His Master's voice he continued:
'he knows understands the issues because he works in the EU parliament'.

It seems he has learned little and is very naive regarding communication skills as his presentation, like the liar & low life scum Mick McGough's was unconvincing, demeaning and dragged UKIP into the corrupt gutter they clearly share.

UKIP: Bloody nose for Yes Team and Farage at West Midland PEP Debate!

Farage’s plans for UKIP to join a PEP pan European party are being dealt severe blows in regional debates across the country where, so far, the reaction has been overwhelmingly a 90% No!We have been told, this was last night expressed more in the West Midlands than anywhere else - a region devastated by UKIPs national infighting and the de-selection of popular local MEP Nikki Sinclaire.

A packed room, we are told of 50-60 people heard from both sides. The 'No' campaign was represented by Trevor Colman MEP and Mike Smith. Mick 'Porky Pie' Mick 'Porky Pie' McGough and Michael 'who ate all the pies' Greaves represented the 'Yes' campaign.

The 'NO' side stole the show arguing on principle with passion (notably Mike Smith), that UKIP should stay true to its withdrawalist principles. This was greeted with constant cheering and clapping from the floor.

The 'Yes' argument, as always, centred around money, money and more money!

Unfortunately for Farage and his sycophants this wasn’t lost on the audience! McGough and Greaves were clearly out of favour with the audience. Indeed, they only received a polite clap from two or three people after delevering their ten minute pitch. We also note that their replies to questions from the audience were met in silence, in complete contrast to the response to the no side.

Michael Greaves even felt it necessary to claim angrily to a question from a member that they were too naive to understand the issues and that he knew best as he worked in the European Parliament! This drew hisses and shouts from the audience.

Michael then attacked were made on those MEPs that had left the EFD. This resulted in a passionate reply from Mike Smith.

We are pleased to note that this drew the biggest applause of the evening in responding. He stated that Trevor, Nikki and Mike were right to leave the EFD and that they had done so because of their principles. He also expressed anger that they were constantly being attacked in certain quarters for doing what every UKIP MEP should have done - leave the EFD! He then pointed out that they were all actively campaigning for the Euro-realist cause by producing literature, leaflets, websites and petitions.

How sad that Steve Crowther (chair) tried to silence Mike. And this was despite having just allowed criticism from the other side. You really couldn’t make it up!

We suspect the West Midlands might hold the biggest opposition to the EFD than anywhere else!

The yes side continued to lie in suggesting that the party would receive funding from 13 MEPs (as stated in March’s edition of Independence News). This was clearly a deliberate attempt to mislead UKIPPERS as only a maximum of 9 UKIP MEPs would join a PEP.

Let us not forget that Mike, Nikki and Trevor are adamant that they are not going join a PEP. And have they forgotten that Bannerman has now left UKIP for the Tories? Quoting figure after figure based on 13 MEPs (promising a third more funding than they would be entitled to) is yet again another example of the level of dishonesty that we have come to expect from the 'Yes' campaign!

We will leave you with some words from Farage - before he went native - which are now being repeated at regional meetings across the country.

‘’We are opposed on principle to the idea of state funding of political parties, either nationally or at a European level. It is not an appropriate use of tax-payers’ money”.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

For Details of Pan EU Political Parties in The EU CLICK HERE

& for aggregation of articles & comments on PEPPs CLICK HERE

For details of One of The PEPPs Godfrey Bloom has joined CLICK HERE

For details of the vile extremist & racist Group Farage & UKIP are in CLICK HERE
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#0572* - Noted That Lies of Mick McGough are Officially Edited

#0572* - Noted That Lies of Mick McGough are Officially Edited

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The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
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~Noted That Lies of Mick McGough are Officially Edited!!

I note the lies and distortions presented so dishonestly by The Essex Oik and habitual liar Mick McGough have had to be edited out of the dishonest pro PEPP video seeking to con UKIP members into supporting his lies.

Nothing new there then!

Interestingly the PEPP presentation debate in Birmingham on Monday night led to a very clear rejection of Mick McGough's sales patter but it was almost amusing for the audience of around 60 to have the smug, arrogant and oleagenous Michael Greaves there trying and in his obvious incompetence almost succeeding to make even Mick McGough seem intelligent!

As Mick McGough has been proven to be a liar, a low life and completely untrustworthy in that not content with his childish attempts at bullying he has even leaked UKIP confidential material to try to seem important.

The extent of his sycophancy is understandable as his insecurity would lead him to cross the country for the opening of an envelope if he thought he would have an opportunmity to bore people with his mumbled and self congratulatory behaviour.

What astonishes me is that otherwise well meaning if somewhat meaningless organisations like The CIB are prepared to be associated with this egregious piece of filth.

Yet more astonishing is that The Freedom Association, debased as it is since the death of Norris McWhirter its founder, has felt it apposite to surrender its accounts to a treasurer with a track record of dishonesty, corruption and lies.

It is however good to see that Steve Allison did manage to force the pro PEPP group of scoundrels to remove the lies and distortions by Mick McGough from their video presentation.

It was interesting to note having blown any chance of being taken seriously ever again little John Ison sat furtively considering whose boots to lick next but with no opinion of his own - perhaps the police have finally got around to feeling his collar over the thefts from Nikki Sinclaire and the false accusations he made based it seems on 'ajustments' he deliberately made to the record and material he boasted of having stolen - No wonder little Guy Basnett would not publish his fantasies and the Times used allegedly more than any other word portraying Ison as untrustworthy - how right they were!

It is a tragedy that after 18 years in the political field that UKIP are unable to field anyone of probity and charisma to sell its views even internally manfully as Mike Smith tried, particularly in defence of the drab and tedious Trevor Colman - however much Mick Nattrass yodelled his support from the back ;-)

I think it is fair to say that UKIP would, without the efforts of Mike Nattrass' firplace chappy Derek Bennett, have probably not managed to raise an audience of more than a dozen or two but Derek's efforts did up the crowd somewhat.

Interestingly in direct opposition to Stuart Agnew who has openly stated he will consider joining a PEPP for his direct gain (no doubt under instruction from his masters The NFU) he has stated regardless of the vote he will join a PEPP (See Tavistock meeting video on CLICK HERE)

Under direct questioning when asked if the vote had any meaning and was it binding on the MEPs/Party as a closing question many will remember Steve Crowthers reply in which he gave assurances that it would be binding.

This may well prove to be Steve Crowther's swan song having laid his neck on the block and the details which came to me this afternoon are now published at CLICK HERE

Should anyone wish to read the rules for PEPPs they can be found at CLICK HERE

For Details of Pan EU Political Parties in The EU CLICK HERE

& for aggregation of articles & comments on PEPPs CLICK HERE

For details of One of The PEPPs Godfrey Bloom has joined CLICK HERE

For details of the vile extremist & racist Group Farage & UKIP are in CLICK HERE
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Monday, 27 June 2011

#0571* - UKIP, Annabelle FULLER & Back To The Gutter!

#0571* - UKIP, Annabelle FULLER & Back To The Gutter!

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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
UKIP association with the lies of Annabelle FULLER & Back To The Gutter!

reading the many accounts and minded that the primary claim would seem that the building security were called - just how long is police response time in London - and Fuller was still on the premises!

I understand that in most of Britain she would still be waiting!

Playing the coquette will I believe fail this duplicitous liar in the not too distant future as her plausibility stretches ever thinner and her attention seeking as an inadequate become more visible even to the gullible.

It was clear from the tenor of The Mirror article that even there the journalist found her story stretched credibility - but when would you expect a journalist to turn down a cheap shot!

It does read all to easily that security were called after an MP's House of Commons Pass, a confidential letter and a Blackberry had been stolen from a flat by some drunken bimbette - leaving a trusting if rather wiser MP with his reputation unsullied and a Civil Servant as witness.

One is tempted to ask, as a result of her track record of proven dishonesty, if she had indeed stolen the items and was seeking information on which she could capitalise.

This would not be the first time she had set out to scam someone on sexual allegations and there is even talk thaty she claimed to Nigel Farage she had been offered £50K to sell the story of their relationship - bunkum as it so happens, it was a mere tentative offer of £15K from the Sun I understand and she would have been damned lucky to see any money. The NoTW had offered nothing, they have assured me.

Farage however could hardly take the risk and it may well explain why the foolish chap has her befouling UKIP yet again having failed to learn his lesson previously but sadly it is the members who end up paying and not him!

Were this the case could the claims and allegations she made be to cover her theft? We read much of the importance to the press in certain less trustworthy areas of information garnered by phone tapping and the like.

An MP's Blackberry could well contain a great deal of material readily saleable to this woman's media or even what political contacts she still has stupid enough to still trust her.

None of the press coverage she has garnered would seem to have portrayed support for her story and clearly the Police did not rate it just as the unfortunate Andrew Bridgen did not.

It is a matter of record that Annabelle Fuller is a liar and will lie to get what she wants, it is also a matter of record that she is a self publicist and attention seeker.

Are we now to add to her foul language inappropriate drinking habits, corruption and lack of moral compass the label thief?

Were these utterly false allegations conjured up to try to cover-up a theft?

Perhaps we will never know but we are unfortunately all too well aware of the damage done to UKIP by association with this unpleasant inadequate.

Woman who accused Tory MP of sexual assault claims her life has been "destroyed"

The woman who accused Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen of sexual assault yesterday waived her right to anonymity to declare that the incident had “destroyed her life”.

Sex assault claims against Tory MP dropped
Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen pictured with his wife Jackie Photo: CATERS

Annabelle Fuller, 29, insisted that she had never wanted to press charges and that it was a security guard at Mr Bridgen’s Westminster block of flats who had called the police as she tried to flee.
But although the case was eventually dropped, it was the MP’s “vicious” response, in which he vowed to take legal action against those responsible for “making and publicising these falsehoods”, that had left her suicidal, she claimed.
Mr Bridgen, 46, who represents North West Leicestershire, was arrested in the early hours of June 9. He had met Miss Fuller in a pub near the Houses of Parliament the previous evening and the pair got chatting about her work as a campaigner for the Royal British Legion and the Soldiers' Charity, she said.
They were later joined by Edward Green, a civil servant, and when the pub closed, Mr Bridgen, a married father-of-two, invited them both back to his flat.
Miss Fuller said that she began to feel confused and uncomfortable as she had no idea where she was. She claimed that she did not realise he an MP until she saw a letter on the table.
She said that Mr Bridgen invited her to join him on the balcony but to get there, she had to walk through his bedroom.
As she did so, the MP pointed out how "big and comfy" his bed was, she alleged. She said that he then reached up her skirt and touched her bottom and her leg.
Miss Fuller made an excuse and then dashed from the flat bare foot, grabbing the MP’s Westminster pass, his BlackBerry and a letter to prove where she had been, she told a Sunday newspaper.
She said that unbeknown to her, the security guard called 999 and that when the officers arrived she was told she had to give a statement at a police station.
"I told the police, 'I just want this all to go away," she said. "But the police told me, 'Unfortunately that can't happen, Mr Bridgen has been arrested.'"
The case was dropped on June 16 after Miss Fuller conceded that her behaviour could have been construed as flirting and withdrew her allegation.
Mr Bridgen strenuously denied the claims, which he said were “without foundation, demonstrably and provably false” and insisted that he had never been alone in his flat with Miss Fuller, who now works for UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage.
He said in a statement: "Naturally, I remain hurt and angry that such a ludicrous, false and unsubstantiated allegation should have been given the attention it has.
"The allegation was unfair and hurtful not just to myself but to my wife and children, who bore the brunt of huge and unwarranted media intrusion.”
To view the original of this article CLICK HERE
The story title would seem to rather beg the question of 'Tory MP whose reputation has been damage by what would seem to be yet another fabrication in the fancifull self serving life of Annabelle Fuller - Let us face it this man is an MP with children and a reputation worth defending but Fuller is just A.N. Other woman seeking fame and fortune working the corridors of power, a proven liar, a known fantasist, a foul mouthed blogger, a drunk and a drama Queen with her idiotic and implausible stories.

What reputation had Annabelle Fuller to defend, unless of course her intent had been theft and this entire debacle is nothing more than an ill conceived alibi - We note she has gone abroad, I would hazard a guess not far enough to suit the wishes of many but it is to be hoped she will not be returning in a hurry - but what of her sick pussy alluded to in some reports, surely any sympathy should lie with Andrew Bridgen, his family and the cat!

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