We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Friday 10 June 2011

#0539* - Free of Constant petty Attacks of UKIP low lifes

#0539* - Free of Constant petty Attacks of UKIP low lifes
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Free of Constant petty Attacks of UKIP low lifes!

It is astonishing when you look at Nikki Sinclaire MEPs work load!

I gather also there is a letter in The Warwickshire papers and I'll try to dig that up later for you and add it and I gather from someone at the Shrewsbury event this morning she then had to dash off to her office and then ito Birmingham to do a TV 1/2hr. interview for next week - then back to the office.

It is quite astonishing the work load she seems capable of taking on now she is not constrained by the extremist and racist anti homosexual UKIP Group Farage heads up in The EU for UKIP as allied with the vile EFD Group and his odious associates and party funded parasites.

If any one had been suckered into believing there was a benefit for UKIP in membership of a Pan EU Political Party Grouping just a glance at The EFD would show that although it may put a £Million a year in Farage's pocket it gets no extra publicity or speaking time of any real significance!

Friday, 10 June 2011

In Shrewsbury with the Mobile Surgery

I spent a very busy morning in Shrewsbury meeting my constituents. A very refreshing experience after a week of bureaucrats and europhiles in Strasbourg. Many came to speak to me about problems such as the local authorities plans to cut back local bus services and also Spanish property problems. The vast majority of people signed my petition for a Referendum on our membership of the European Union. Thanks to all the well wishers, some who had made a special trip just to say hello.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Article in Todays Birmingham Post

Voting/Expenses Fraud by Green MEPs

A member of the Green group was caught also voting for his colleague in an electronic vote. German Member, Reinhard BÜTIKOFER was seen by fellow German EPP member, Langen Werner voting ironically on cheating in sport for his Luxemburg Green colleague,  Claude TURMES.

Not only could this alter a decision this also entitles the missing member to an extra €152 in daily allowances if  it is  part of a requisite 50% of  the recorded votes.

This is typical of the arrogance of the European Parliament and in particular the Green Group with the culprit BÜTIKOFER and his Group leader, Danny Cohen-Bendit laughing as if it was all a joke. How can we trust these people to make laws that have such a real affect on the United Kingdom?

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Scotch Whisky - under threat

I always enjoy meeting representatives of British industry in Strasbourg, and helping in any way that I can. I was therefore delighted when Mike Nattrass and I had the opportunity to meet with Nick Soper of the Scotch Whisky Association.
Whilst the EU is very precious about ensuring that continental brands are protected - Parma Ham must be from Parma, Cognac must be from Cognac, etc - Scotch Whisky suffers from the fact that the origin need not be shown clearly as part of the product name. If it says 'Scotch Whisky', it is of course from Scotland, but if it just says 'Whisky', then take care - it may be from Moldova, Brazil, or anywhere in between.

Hiding the costs!

A recurring and divisive theme in the European Parliament is the cost of relocating MEPs and staff to Strasbourg for 4 days every month.
On June 8th in Strasbourg, parliamentarians debated a report on the EU's finances. The report contained a reference to the savings that could be made to the taxpayer by ending the ludicrous practice of having two seats. An attempt was made to quietly delete this reference, and to keep the extravagance hushed up. No less than 282 MEPs voted for the cover-up, but it was defeated, and the waste remains exposed.
I was amused to note that three British Conservative MEPs voted for the cover-up, but then retrospectively changed their vote. This is an administrative excercise only - their original vote could have affected the outcome, changing it subsequently would have no effect. I often wonder exactly what the Tories are really up to in Europe...

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

EU tax - another attempt to grab our cash!

Many EU states operate a 'vignette' system of taxing vehicles. The system is likely to be rolled out across the EU, with member states being able to tax foreign HGVs using their roads, if they wish.
The European Parliament's Transport Committee has called for 15% of all revenue raised in this way to be handed over to the EU to help fund their own transport projects.
This is just one of a number of 'EU taxes' that are being discussed at the moment. I shall, of course, vote against every single one of these proposals.

Parliament asks for another €1.9 billion!

At a time of extreme austerity, the EU knows no cuts, and simply asks for more and more....
Galileo is the EU's global satellite navigation system. The project has been beset with problems, and appears to be floundering. Therefore, the taxpayer is expected to fork out an extra €1.9 billion in order to bring the project up to speed. Of course, I voted against this.
Galileo is 100% taxpayer funded, as attempts to attract foreign investment failed. At one point, China became involved, and there was discussion about allowing the Chinese to use Galileo as part of its missile targetting system. When common sense prevailed and this idea was jettisoned, the Chinese moved ahead with their own system - the Beidou/Compass satellites - which are already being deployed whilst the EU's project languishes in the bureaucratic doldrums.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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