We have TRIED to link as much as possible to help YOU discover & Verify THE FACTS for yourself.


All we can do is provide access to the documents and Facts - also highlight EVIDENCE brought to our attention by a network of UKIP Supporters, who desperately want to see the Party CLEANED-UP, by having corrupt & untrustworthy self seeking parasites like Douglas Denny, Mick McGough, Marta Andreasen, David Bannerman, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Stuart Agnew, Annabell Fuller and similar damaging individuals removed from befouling UKIP.

UKIP CAN NOT expect to be electable to a British Public for as long as it keeps liars, cheats and parasites on its staff and management and associates and supports racist, xenophobes, anti Jewish & violent anti homosexual 'chums' in The UKIP EFD Group - Currently taking a further lurch to extremism to maintain its numbers, by courting extremist Austrian politicians - hence less than 30 seats out of 19,500 available in Britain are UKIP seats - after 18 years!

What is and where can ANYONE find UKIP's Vision, Strategy, Tactics?

After 18 Years UKIP has zero Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms.

UKIP seemingly seeks only personal gain for a small claque, forgetting to educate the peoples how Britain will be Better Off Out - We all know what is BAD about The EU and endless as it is why not act like Patriots & explain what is BETTER OUT!

The EU an Evil Union

These United Kingdoms are now, largely against the will of the informed peoples and by the betrayal of our own Politicians and Snivil Cervants a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, broken into emasculated Regions under a Common Purpose, ruled by a corrupt post democratic unelected Dictator Committee of a supra National supreme government in Brussels. We owe this undemocratic malign self serving foreign and very allien government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not lawfully our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy and part of the greater enemy The New World Order.

Thursday 9 September 2010

#0104* - ex EFD thus ex UKIP MEP Mike NATTRASS To Be Congratulated

#0104* - ex EFD thus ex UKIP MEP Mike NATTRASS To Be Congratulated

Clean EUkip up NOW  make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,   
their anti UKIP claque in POWER the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  

ex EFD thus ex UKIP MEP Mike NATTRASS To Be Congratulated!
Both on his eventual display of morality & his Speech!


Firstly now that he is back from his prolongues holiday and the pleasures of Portugal congratulations to Mike Nattrass for being the second UKIP MEP to display some integrity and loyalty to the members of the Party rather than sychophancy or is it fear of their leader as we all know just how disloyal, vile, duplicitous and underhand Nigel Farage can be.

At the moment, although Nattrass has followed Nikki Sinclaire's ethical lead in moving away from UKIP leadership and its corrupt and dishonest association with The EFD which many will realise Nigel Farage chairs and which is a group of Racists, violent Xenophobes, pro Lisbon Treaty, anti Jewish, pro EU membership, holocaust deniers, convicted criminals and sexually intollerant MEPs and extremist parties in the EU's pretend Parliament.

We fully appreciate seeing these sacks of money being carted off from his personal income stream of the €76,000 per member of seemingly unaccountable 4000 account money for each MEP - the very reason why this group runs on a very skeletal staff in Strasbourg as this 4000 account funds the staff travel!

We note to try and intimidate other MEPs to stay put Farage bullies and slanders and uses the parasites who gather around him as his funded praise singers from the odious nebish Mark Kroucher to the extremist IRA sympathiser Hermann Kelley who was overheard by an associate of this blog abusing and threatening Garry Cartwright on Nikki Sinclaire's staff. We understand that Garry was dishonestly accused of being Junius and making an accurate report on this latest of Farage's bovver boys.

I understand Junius has written more about this odious paparatzzi pimp and extremist so willing to abuse and bully as with the EFD whose members have convictions for assaulting children - Farage with his ever clean hands using his errand boys as front for his fundamentally criminal behaviour and seemingly for the £Millions he has neatly trousered - not just the £2Million he boasted of to The Press Association lunch.

Farage you will remember was the newly elected UKIP MEP in 1999 who PROMISED openness, transparency and published accounts from all UKIP MEPs and that no MEP would employ family.

You will note Nikki Sinclaire is the ONLY UKIP MEP ever to publish her full accounts in 11 years - like the EU UKIP has no MEPs whose auditors have signed their books and published, is this not the eternal cry of UKIP?

We well remember an entire EEC Commission falling to shrieks from Farage of corruption yet Edith Cresson may well have paid her dentist however Nigel Farage pays his wife £30K a year without telling his own party admitting to it only when exposed by the Sunday Times! Then it becomes apparent his chum Godfrey Bloom is paying family members also!

Nikki Sinclaire has been barred from standing in elections for her integrity and has been lied about and villified by Farage's evil little machine - now we see she has been set up by John Ison who has sought to shift the blame for what seems to be deliberate book keeping dishonesty on his part in January that he has mysteriously remembered fro Farage's fan club conference. We wonder what other time bombs he has planted in Sinclaire's accounts to aid Farage and buy favour?

Although Nattrass has had the integrity to disassociate himself from The EFD at long last and presumably Farage has not set his lice on Nattrass yet in the hope of hanging onto the 4000 account money - give it a few days now that Farage knows Nattrass will NOT return to his squalid claque we can expect Farage to start to set his slime on Nattrass to attack and denigrate him too as now having lost his only two MEPs with any moral compass whatever there is a risk the rest may develope spines and evolve into humans rather than Farage's spineless parasites.

I note Sinclaire and Nattrass have had a brilliant week in Strasburgh and as you will see from the video clips Sinclaire received ovation on from the Parliament twice in one day whilst refusing to compromise her principles and in addition there was her intervention which exposed the utter corruption of The EPP Portuguese MEP seeking to have the EU shield him from his constituents!

Then there is Mike Nattrass' excellent speech in defence of the name and honour of our brave Bomber Command who brought a swifter end to the War forced on the world by Germany by bombing Dresden which mercifully shortened the war and its attrition and meant that less Germans would fall into the hands of Russia and or die of starvation.
The Germans were so very carefull bombing civilians
London 07-Sep-2010
It will be remembered that from June to December 1940 Germany slaughtered 25,000 innocent civilians in the South of England alone flattened Swansea destroyed Milford Haven and 30,000,000 gallons of fuel fire bombed Bristol, attacked Pourtsmouth night after night and 70 years ago this week commenced 1,000 bomber raids nightly of London with the express intention of slaughtering the innocent.
1,000 German Bombers Raided London Last Night
I'm sure they were very careful to avoid civilians.
The morning of 07-Sep-2010
This was Germany's war of aggression and expansion of power and as Mike rightly quotes
Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur Travers Harris, 1st Baronet GCB OBE AFC (13 April 1892 – 5 April 1984)

Perhaps in their shame at the memory of the aggressive expansionism and obscene brutality and degredation of thei Country by their cowardly forebears the Germans may not wish to be reminded that for total war that they were willing to wage on civilians to bring an end to the suffering they had caused around the world briefly we bombed the munitions production and armament capital of central German - further bombing of the edges with the Rhine and Hamburgh had not brought an end to the war as Hitler and his brave high command cowared in their bunkers leaving their people to suffer.

It will be well remembered the battle at Iwo Jima to bring an end to war where over 20,000 Japanese died and 1,800 survived yet the idiotic strutting little Emperor would not surrender and to save the obscene attrition of capturing Japan paddy field by paddy field to defeat a fanatical religious cult The Winnonna Gay dropped Fat Boy and killed 120,000 with one bomb.

Perhaps had we done the same in Germany we could have ended the war earlier and saved the lives of the innocent - I do feel it would probably have saved us all the obscenity of a EUropean Union 60 years on that seeks to determine that we should not build a memorial to the sacrifice of bomber command.

Perhaps we should build a huge memorial to Dowding in Berlin and perhaps as a memorial to the bravery of Germany a Holocaust Memorial on 6,000,000 street corners in Germany that should be polished daily.
Germany Must Be So Proud Of I.G. Faben's Workers Village
So very like Cadbury Village?
The Gates of Hell - Auschwitz
& I'm Proud We Stopped The Germans
May I commend Mike's speech he is more diplomatic than I but perhaps when you have read that you might care to CLICK HERE

German opposition to Bomber Command memorial an insult


UKIP MEP Mike Nattrass has expressed his anger over a German bid to scrap a memorial to Bomber Command and the tens of thousands that lost their lives fighting for King and country.

The West Midlands MEP, whose father was an RAF WWII Lancaster pilot, says efforts by German politicians to stop a memorial being erected in central London are an insult to the brave 55,000 bomber aircrew killed in World War Two.
& Those Nice German Visitors Left This in Bristol
Veterans have this week expressed their disgust over the stance of the Bild newspaper which has ran with an headline in English staying ‘Please Say No’ and efforts in Germany to stop the installation of the monument in London’s Green Park.

Mr Nattrass said: “As the MEP covering the Coventry area, which was devastated by German bombing, I am appalled that some German politicians and the Bild newspaper is actively campaigning and calling for the monument to be scrapped.

“How dare they. Many people in Bomber Command lost their lives to defend this country. At the end of the day they bombed us and we bombed them.

“To Quote Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris, who was in charge of RAF bomber command:

The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.”

“Indeed, the devastation of Coventry, within my constituency, led to the German’s creating the word ‘Coventrate’ meaning to devastate sections of a city by concentrated bombing. The Germans called for ‘Total War’ and they received the final dividend that is now history.

“It is nothing short of a national disgrace that there is no monument to Bomber Command and I join veterans in calling for this disgrace to end.

“Many brave airmen made the ultimate sacrifice to defend this country. It is also a fact that Bomber Harris was the only Chief of Staff not to get his honours at the end of the war. That was an insult to all who served in Bomber Command,” he added.
The mood at the time was do the infill they wanted war
But British Military Kept It To A Minimum Required To End The War.
A spokesman for the Bomber Command Memorial Appeal states on the appeal website: “The collective role of RAF Bomber Command in freeing Europe from Hitler’s tyrannical rule has never been publicly recognised.

“RAF Bomber Command suffered the greatest percentage of casualties, accounting for 10 per cent of all fatalities in WWII.

“The RAF Bomber Command Memorial will serve as a reminder of the lives that were lost, and as a place for family members to remember loved ones, some of whom have never had a formal place of rest.”

For further information call Craig Winyard, Media & Communications manager for Mike Nattrass MEP on 0121 333 7737 or 07881 660941.

Congratulations to Nikki Sinclaire whose intervention you can see here do watch Macmillan-Scott's expression:

With an attitude such as this odious indollent Portuguese MEP, is it any wonder that Portugal is seen as the paedophile capital of EUrope, poverty is rife, Communists like Barosso have emerged and Salazar's memory is held in high regard by many.

As is the memory of Franco in Spain!

These people have absolutely no understanding of democracy and it is all too clear that EU and the EFD has no moral compass and Farage's morality is that of his continental ancestors and his German family - is it any wonder he welcomes, nay breaks every moral code, to place an Argentinian born, Danish origin, Spanish citizen married to a Swede who lives in Barcelona in as an MEP in his own constituency - a woman, Marta Andreassen, who is a liar, a cheat and corrupt currently fighting for the land rights of Spainiards in Spain - frankly the land rights of Spaniards in Spain are absolutely no business of Britain's when we can not even sort out the land rights of our own people against a wave of ethnic aliens who endemically flout our values, principles and laws.

It is good to have two very effective politicians representing these United Kingdoms and genuine UKIP members, whilst UKIP's leadership line their pockets and stuff their faces.

I gather despite Farage's underhand attack on Sinclaire through a puppet at his Farage Feste I understand many of the MEPs in Strasburgh openly approached Sinclaire to defend her and state their realisation that she had been very clearly set up as a result of her trust in others and I gather none were in any doubt who was behind it and people wonder why Farage is all but ignored and seen as the clown of the Parliament, no more than comic relief with his schoolboy ad hominem attacks and inabitity to act with dignity and demolish the idea, concept or statement without personalising!

Let us hope for more details and good speeches from this pair - I understand from a source close to Sinclaire's office that she was in last Sunday seeking to limit the damage done to UKIP by its leadership and has called upon OLAF to investigate all of her staff and all of her accounts to ensure there are no more time bombs planted there.

It will of course be remembered that John Ison was removed from handling her accounts when she herself found discrepancies and after the General election information was handed to West Midland Police which I understand Sinclaire has asked should lie on file! I hear she has arranged a meeting with the payments office in Brusells for next week and has offered to refund the full claim of that weekend, none of which ever touched her bank account also I am reliably informed she may well claim for at least one flight to Strasburgh that she had not claimed (due to untidy book keeping) and also may well consider whether, having made two parliamentary comments since she was back for her Cuiban tri, some £2.5K unclaimed as with her £6000 MEP travel budget she has refused to claim - so that £8K may well now be claimed - I guess what goes around comes around.

One can understand Farage's ire at both Sinclaire AND Nattrass effectively leaving as a glance at the records shows them to be by far the largest donnors to UKIP of the MEPs.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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